Does the ED proton 4.2 version get rid of the problem of alt tabbing causing you to have your mouse move to short and alt basically stuck and needing to alt tab in and out of the game without letting go of alt and then pressing alt to get rid of the stuck alt key? I think the stuck alt key is caused by the alt tabbing back into the game without letting go of alt though somehow.(not physically stuck! ;p)
BTW, I was messing with ram timings and corrupted my os a little, reinstalled the boot and base partitions of the os, and finally got to try out those drivers that are now installable from the gui software manager for fedora. I used it to installed the proprietary nvidia drivers and magically my video card now never goes above like 27-33% usage(out i deep space) and is almost always near 90-100+ fsp. It on rare occasions drops back to like 44 fps. This was during a change of graphics settings to low from ultra. Even in ultra with all setting maxed except the 2.0 sampling something(including the max video card usage setting) its's still around and above 90 fps. I have a feeling that this is a glitch from the card not processing things like most games for me did in the past but it's really nice! In fact I'm going to put up that last setting to see what happens. Video ram usage is still high for me. Basically max. But it is a little lower. I'm using a 1060 3gb though so it's probably always going to be near max. 8)
This is compared to the normal install where you use the driver installer in a cl3 mode yourself. There seems to be some difference. Not sure what it is. But it's the same driver version as before atm. (418.56) Unless it used the driver I had isntalled somehow. But I formated the /boot drive so I don't know if that is the case. It may just be the up to date driver number.
My other persistant issue is that higher graphics setting make it more likely to crash after alt tabbing completely out of the program. The higher the settings the less alt tabs I can have. I can play the game nicely in max graphics but I can't actually alt tab to look at stuff unless I keep the graphics lower.
Just tried turning down the supersampling. I was looking at stuff where you can turn up the HMD and turn down super sampling to 0.75 to improve readability. Can we change HMD without an occulous? BTW, it still crashed on alt tabbing at 0.85 super sampling. It's much smoother though. I did not get it to crash at 0.75 yet. But I haven't tried much. It's hard to read though. Which is why it would be nice to do the HMD setting. If I can find a setting that gets rid of the lat tab crashing it would be nice. Has anyone been successful in this?
Is this not available for 1060 3gb cards?
I'm getting a feelng it has to do with my cards vram being at max. I think that increases the odds of crashing during alt tabbing. The lower it is the longer it takes to crash. I have super sampling back to 1.0 and the setting for making teh video card do extra work down to control the vram usage. That seems to help. I'm trying to see if i can make it crash to test it and playing with how much vram. need to find the max safe vram to avoid crashing.
I manage to make it so I can hover the mouse over stuff but it's wouldn't let me left click. Might be a one time thing though.
Edit: The crashing is definitely from vram. Can vram have a memory leak. I watched the nvidia tool this time and it slowly rose to 100% then chrashed when I tried to switch focus back to the game. This is why the crashes are happening. I had it set to
super sampling of .85 and
no, "
terrain work." It seemed to rapidly rise until actual 100% dedicated memory usage in the nvidia x server settings window. "GPU 0 - (GeForce GTX 1060 3gb)" screen. Right after total dedicated memory listing. This is with everything else at
max settings.
Did it again at 0.5 super sampling. It seems to bring this behavior out.
I put all the settings at their lowest possible in the quality section and it's stopping at around 85% vram usage. Is this just the game loading ram or is there something wrong with it maxing out and crashing without attempting to dump memory or something?
IP Protocol IPv4 Date & Time of Occurrence Multiple between update going live & 22/01/2019 Frequency 4 VR? None / N/A Location Omega Sector Ship/SRV? Ship Ship Type Krait MK II Commander Name Flyinspaghetti Description Game crashes happen randomly over time since last update 3.3.02...
Found that. Might be the same.
BTW, I'm just sitting in the station at soul nebula and it does this. Especially if you crank up the settings and have super sampling below 1.0. Is it having problems letting go of vram(for in game assets) or is it just slowly filling up to fill in the things in the area?
Even at 1.0 super sampling(changed at start but didn't load with it.) It still hits 100% vram usage and crashes upon alt tabbing in.
I do not have nor have I ever had any VR and have never had anything like it or a 3d monitor hooked to this computer if that helps.
IP Protocol IPv4 Date & Time of Occurrence Multiple between update going live & 22/01/2019 Frequency 4 VR? None / N/A Location Omega Sector Ship/SRV? Ship Ship Type Krait MK II Commander Name Flyinspaghetti Description Game crashes happen randomly over time since last update 3.3.02...
I have the same problem since.
Sometimes I can play the game for hours, log out and log back in to crash having a message of low VRAM. I have only 3Gb (GTX 780 Ti) so I was wondering if my card was just dying or it was something else.
It happened a few time where it crash to a full restart of my system. Kindda freaky.
I also have a 3gb card.(1060) I have had this problem along with weird sound anomolies on some system freezes on rarer occasions(Some freezes have no sound issues and just freeze the system. I thought it was my ram being timings being to low.). Most of the time it's a game crash and a report window comes up to send the data to Fdev. I always say don't send because I'm on linux. Should I be sending them to them?
I've confirmed it's also doing this at 1.25 super sampling. Must be a general thing. I'm specifically setting setting high and then watching the nvidia settings window. I don't know if it happens this fast in game. It probably does.