Hows performance after patch 11 ?

~60 fps at the low end is where I start spending on eye-candy. The problem with Odyssey, beyond the relatively low performance overall, is that it it's so CPU limited that I can barely reach that target, which makes the graphics settings almost moot, aside from the jaggies everywhere. And fixing the antialiasing (without losing detail that is the price of multi-stage scaling/bluring) requires so much supersampling that no extant GPU can handle that either.
Depends on the type of game if 60 FPS is my minimum requirement, but with Horizons I was used to vsynced 120 FPS and it's a hard habit to break (especially since next to the poor AA, tearing is also pretty bad in this game).
Same eyes and brain though...
Yes, like with all the activities I do in my life. I can assure you, most of them cannot be compared to watching a movie.

If you can't see the difference in a game, between 24fps and 60, the issue is in your brain and/or eyes. Sorry. It's not a jab or anything, it's actual science.

Framerate perception vary greatly, mostly related to training (and age to a limited degree). Untrained average human usually can see the difference up to 60fps, then it's all the same. Trained people can see up to 200-230fps (for fighter jet pilots for example). Gamers are trained in a way, doubly so for esport people. So most of us can see more than 60fps. Personally I can see the difference up to 90-100fps roughly, everything above that is wasted. According to recent studies, up to 90fps is what most gamers can expect to see, so it fits.
Presumably you refuse to watch any films or television.

I can't tell what's actually going on in most action scenes in films or 24/30fps television (which is usually a good thing, because shoddily choreographed pantomime reinforced by questionable CG is better left to one's imagination), even if I have a good recording and can frame step it at will...the data often isn't there, it's a smeared mess. This is mostly fine for non-interactive media, where actually being able to see what's going on would do more to dispel the illusion than reinforce it.

Exactly the opposite is true with interactive media. I can't just imagine I know what's going on, I actually need to see it, and the more information I get, the clearer the picture of what's going on. Frame rate is, quite literally, temporal resolution (and this is easy to demonstrate with any of a number of simple tests). The more frames you have to compare, the more detail you have. The more detail you have, and the sooner you have it, the more rapid and precise your informed response can be, consciously or not.
I can't tell what's actually going on in most action scenes in films or 24/30fps television (which is usually a good thing, because shoddily choreographed pantomime reinforced by questionable CG is better left to one's imagination), even if I have a good recording and can frame step it at will...
That's down to rubbish editing and direction. Watch something from the 80s like Robin of Sherwood and it's totally clear what's happening in fights, even in group battles with background characters fighting. You'll find the commentaries on the DVDs, especially from experienced fight arrangers, are really down on modern crap cinema TV fights.
That's down to rubbish editing and direction. Watch something from the 80s like Robin of Sherwood and it's totally clear what's happening in fights, even in group battles with background characters fighting. You'll find the commentaries on the DVDs, especially from experienced fight arrangers, are really down on modern crap cinema TV fights.

"Shoddily choreographed pantomime reinforced by questionable CG", does imply rubbish editing and direction...which they can only get away with due to 24fps and tons of blur. If this stuff was filmed or rendered without motion blur at 60fps, or 120fps, or 1000fps, it would look terrible, because too much would be revealed. Revealing more of a better choreographed scene (such as Robin of Sherwood) is much less problematic...and higher frame rates with less blur do reveal more.

In an interactive scenario, no one is directing things for my benefit. Indeed, misdirection and obfuscation of one's actions to confound one's opponents are the rule. Encounters often happen in low light or otherwise poor visibility, and the entire point may be to catch someone before they can react, or be able to react fast enough so that someone cannot get the drop on you. Likewise, camera work and scenecuts aren't there to show me where I should focus my attention; every bit of detail, every extra frame from which to extrapolate patterns and motion vectors, is valuable. Low temporal resolution, latency, and motion blur are the enemies of gameplay, and the advantage goes to those who experience the least of them.

Without any blur, I need a lot more than 24fps for motion to feel smooth, especially if I cannot guarantee perfectly consistent frame intervals (if you have frame time jitter, you draw a line connecting the troughs to get effective frame rate, from the perspective of smoothness). Even once I have motion I feel is perceptibly smooth, that's not the limit of where I benefit from the extra information more frames provide. This is why people fuss over frame rate and why comparing film to video games is apples and oranges.
So I recently got back on Elite, and I've been averaging around 150-180fps in settlements, and around 200fps in space.
Also had a crash happening in the previous hotfix, but since update 11 I haven't had the issue.
No idea what FDev has been doing, but it just might be working.
No specific improvement on Patch 11.
I do not believe they will do any more optimisation as it's clear OD really broke Elite permanently.
I've been doing some ground CZs today and my impression is that there's a whole lot of hitching.

I don't remember it being this way. I remember I was enjoying foot CZs back then, and now it feels kind of annoying. The last time I did any ground CZs (or played at all really) was December last year, which was like.. U9? U8? I can't recall.
Even once I have motion I feel is perceptibly smooth, that's not the limit of where I benefit from the extra information more frames provide. This is why people fuss over frame rate and why comparing film to video games is apples and oranges.
Good points. As a friend of mine once told me (regarding bit rates on an over-compressed TV show DVD, but the same applies I think) "if you're worried about the rates then you've got no worries at all". These are First World Problems I suppose, though I get that it can be a hindrance.
The bit I find strange is
I can be in a station GPU is using 98%, I turn around on the spot its now using 70%

Both cases fps under 60 at 50 to 53 what I'm I pointing at which changes use of GPU
I've check hwinfo no single cores are being maxed out etc.

I can move 3 step forward and get solid 60 fps and gpu is 97%

Only limiter active on gpu is power as usual. Dam you nvidia

I've check hwinfo no single cores are being maxed out etc.

HWiNFO's default polling rate is 2000ms, that is no where near fast enough. Try setting it to 50ms.

One sure way to detect a CPU limitation is to reduce the speed of the CPU. If frame rate suffers, you were CPU limited. This is best done with an uncapped frame rate and fixed GPU clock.

Only limiter active on gpu is power as usual. Dam you nvidia

This shouldn't change reported GPU utilization too much, if the CPU can keep up with the peak clocks, but will throttle the GPU. Can you increase the power limit or undervolt the part?
out of interest whats your rig , I get 40 fps to 50 fps in space , I have an onboard gpu amd athlon 3000g 8 gig ram , so even any gpu you would and should have better FPS .
things to try deleting graphics folder might help .
deleting the graphicsworktable .
rebuild gpu cache .
I do all these after each update , I've always gotten better fps , each update my fps has increased and I've slowly been upping the graphics overtime
I followed this and got a jump from a stuttery treacle experience of about 25fps even in space to getting on for a 90fps without breaking a sweat on a laptop. AMD rx560 gpu. 16gb RAM.
How do I rebuild the gpu cache and delete graphicsworktable and where is it?

I've tried deleting everything in the graphics folder, but that didn't seem to change much of anything.
How do I rebuild the gpu cache and delete graphicsworktable and where is it?

I've tried deleting everything in the graphics folder, but that didn't seem to change much of anything.
GpuWorkTable.xml is located in Elite Dangerous\Products\elite-dangerous-odyssey-64 and I believe the other one references the shader cache which is rebuilt automatically when you've installed new graphics drivers. Alternatively, you could go to Windows' "PC Settings", search for "Delete temporary files", select "Temporary files", make sure "DirectX Shader Cache" is checked and select "Remove files" (however this doesn't always seem to work since Odyssey, I'm not sure if that's due to the game or Windows though).

But, as ever, it's probably a good idea to page dr. @Morbad if these methods could theoretically make a difference.
GpuWorkTable.xml is located in Elite Dangerous\Products\elite-dangerous-odyssey-64 and I believe the other one references the shader cache which is rebuilt automatically when you've installed new graphics drivers. Alternatively, you could go to Windows' "PC Settings", search for "Delete temporary files", select "Temporary files", make sure "DirectX Shader Cache" is checked and select "Remove files" (however this doesn't always seem to work since Odyssey, I'm not sure if that's due to the game or Windows though).

But, as ever, it's probably a good idea to page dr. @Morbad if these methods could theoretically make a difference.
oop, yeah should mention I suppose = I didn't touch the GpuWorkTable, that's the one thing I didn't do. But did upgrade drivers and delete the contents of the graphics folder and also did the widnows deletey file things from the window$ clear delete tidy option thing.
GpuWorkTable.xml is located in Elite Dangerous\Products\elite-dangerous-odyssey-64 and I believe the other one references the shader cache which is rebuilt automatically when you've installed new graphics drivers. Alternatively, you could go to Windows' "PC Settings", search for "Delete temporary files", select "Temporary files", make sure "DirectX Shader Cache" is checked and select "Remove files" (however this doesn't always seem to work since Odyssey, I'm not sure if that's due to the game or Windows though).

But, as ever, it's probably a good idea to page dr. @Morbad if these methods could theoretically make a difference.
I usually clear my GPU cache from AMD's gpu driver but ill try this as well
Thanks v.much for the bios suggestion, I'd vaguely thought i had a memory/mb fault, turns out it just needed a bios update and another look at timings.

With my 3700x it's given me a free 15%+ fps boost around settlements.

Went from 3200 cl16, to 3600 cl16 (10-12%+) to 3766 cl16 with subtimings.

I'm sure it could be tuned further with some knowledge but I'm more than happy with that.
My 5800X3D gets here tomorrow. It will spend a few days in my test bench, but assuming it's not defective and that I don't kill it, I'll have some results in Odyssey by next week.

I have fairly high hopes, seeing how large the gains in 1% lows are proving for other memory performance limited titles.
Still going to be a while before I have an EDO comparison between the 5800X and 5800X3D, but so far, I'm liking the new chip. Firmware lockdowns on tuning are annoying; I've tried countless permutations of AGESA and microcode, and any firmware old enough to expose any meaningful tuning options outside of FCLK and memory also prevent boosting, which totally destroys performance. However, I can still apply an agressive f/v curve with software, which goes a long way to maximizing the multithreaded performance and power efficiency of the part.

Should provide a solid boost to most non-GPU limited gaming scenarios, without losing much performance elsewhere, at a solid 30-50 watts lower power consumption than my 5800X.
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