Back in September, they said ship interiors would not be part of Odyssey so they could focus on other things. With interiors, which I still believe is their future plans, entry and exit of ships would naturally, I assume, would be part of this. I am sure they want to make it as immersive as possible. I imagine you won't seamlessly walk up the ramp and into your ship, but walking up to a door and clicking on it to enter your ship interior isn't hard to imagine. I am betting the circles are a temporary thing, especially since they resemble the same mechanic that is in no mans sky. They will want to do something different than their competitor.
From the sounds of it, frontier are cool with it as is and do not intend to change it in the future. They didnt say ''we are focusing on other things and might come back to it later'' they activly defended the decision for the blue circle as though thats it. Good enough no changes needed. People will get bord of it any ways. I mean they kinda have a track record of just leveing things as good enough in this game.. make a noise if you want change! Stamp those feet cmdr or you will be beaming up like scotty for years to come, waiting in vain for the day you will WALK on to your ship in any way, be it fade to black at the top of the stairs or walking all the way to the cockpit krait advert style. Dont let them off so easy
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