The Galactic Mapping Project & Historical Archive of Exploration

DSSA Entry for Smilers Observatory DSSA #142

Carrier’s Insignia:​
Smilers Observatory Live.png
Carrier Name:​
Carrier Class:​
Nautilus Class​
Designated Region:​
Phleedgoe MY-G d11-275​
Commission Date (date signed up to the DSSA):​
September 24th 3306​
Carrier Construction Date:​
June 9th 3306​
Construction Location:​
Shifnalport, Diso​
Maiden Jump(s):​
TEORGE – Home system (June 9th 3306)
COLONIA for maiden voyage (June 9th 3306)​
In-service Date (date the vessel began its DSSA service):​
October 14th 3306​
Services Available:​
Repair, Refuel, Armory, Universal Cartographics​
Tariff % Set:​
Commodities Bought/Sold on Carrier:​
Nearest Tritium Hotspot:​
Phleedgoe EL-Y B46-9 A 1 - 11.23LY - Tritium Overlap​
Carrier Info (optional):​
Smilers Observatory – to explore deep space and the study of A class stars.

Smilers Observatory has been deployed to the Izanami Region for a minimum of 2 years as part of the DSSA Initiative to provide support for Explorers in the region.

Secondary Role:
To carry out research into the strong hydrogen lines in A class star's to attempt to make improvements to the efficiency and design of fuel scoop technology by optimizing the hydrogen capture process.​
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Carrier’s Insignia:


Carrier Name:DSSA Hope Dempsey
Carrier Class:Victory Class
Designated Region:THE VOID
System:Hypuae Bra RX-L d7-2
Commission Date (date signed up to the DSSA):April 3306
Carrier Construction Date:August 1st 3306
Construction Location:Lan Tzak - Jacobi Platform
Maiden Jump(s):to Barnard's Star
In-service Date (date the vessel began its DSSA service):19/10/3306
Services Available:Refuel, Repair, Armoury, Redemption Office, Shipyard, Outfitting, UC
Tariff % Set:0%
Commodities Bought/Sold on Carrier:Tritium sold for 85,228t/cr
Nearest Tritium Hotspot:Hypuae Bra RX-L d7-2 9
Carrier Info (optional):DSSA Hope Dempsey was commissioned by The Order of the Path of the VOID's Promise to carry a colonial expedition to The Void region.
The Order agreed to continue to run the carrier as part of the DSSA inititive after they had establised a colony on the very edge of our Galaxy.
All sacrifices are accepted by the VOID.

Game map search ref:Floalk JH-Z c15-13 - Moon 4 a
Description:Moon orbits < 250 km from outer edge of planets' ring - discovered via 'Elite Observatory' message:
2020-10-19 11:47:34 - Floalk JH-Z c15-13 4 a - Landable - Close ring proximity - Orbit: 149,597km, Radius: 1834km, Distance from ring: 2,028km
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Entered orbital cruise - descended to @ 238 km altitude:

Pulled from SC by ring proximity...Did not 'instance' with ring (dark rocks moving past at high speed / green rocks [Night Vision for contrast] could never be approached -even after boosting towards them for several minutes:

Video of ring / asteroid movements post-SC drop:

Moon is tidally locked:

So if planetary bases are ever a thing - this is where I will place mine :cool:

Name:Thane's Landing
Game map search ref:Blo Thae UH-C C13-0
Description:Moon 1 of planet 6 contains ammonia magma vents, one of the rarest types of geological discoveries in the game.


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Name:Passion Nebula
Game map search ref:Dryo Aob VP-W b45-0
Description:A medium-sized nebula on the Orion-Cygnus Arm. Its fiery, red hues stick out against the dark, cosmic backdrop.
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DSSA entry for Ijon Tichy DSSA #129
Carrier’s Insignia:Coming later
Carrier Name:DSSA Ijon Tichy
Carrier Class:Nautilus Class
Designated Region:Vulcan Gate
System:Blie Phla GU-N b20-0 3
Commission Date (date signed up to the DSSA):August 3rd 3306
Carrier Construction Date:August 1th 3306
Construction Location:Kruger 60
Maiden Jump(s):Plejades (BGS Operation Ida), August 2th 3306
In-service Date (date the vessel began its DSSA service):November 2nd 3306
Services Available:Repair, Refuel, Armory, Shipyard, Outfitting, Universal Cartographics, Redemption Office
Tariff % Set:0%
Commodities Bought/Sold on Carrier:Will Sell Tritium at the Deep Space Market Prices
Will buy human salvage (escape pods etc.)
Nearest Tritium Hotspot:Trit 2 + LTD Blie Phla KA-M b21-1 11 in 10,8 ly
Trit 2 (enveloped and mapped ) Blie Phla LT-I c9-9 3 in 32,2 ly
Carrier Info (optional):Flying the Perseus Arm, you will surely not pass the Perseus Crags region, noted for his anemones and the Lonely Lantern - the westernmost nebula in the Galaxy. Another 1000 light years to the south-west from Lonely Lantern and you’ll reach the “Black Pearl” system – with a ringed black water world. Here stays DSSA Ijon Tichy* - the Gate to the South-West for all travelers from Colonia to the endless unexplored spaces of Errant Marches, the safe haven for all Galaxy circumnavigators and the welcoming base for exploration of this virgin region. Not far from here also lies the interarm Region Angustia, still waiting for his conquerors.
The DSSA Ijon Tichy has been set by the small group of truly explorers and miners, who have also established other DSSA-Carriers such as the DSSA Callisto (Arcadian Stream), DSSA Glomar Explorer (Norma Expanse), have taken an impressive part at fueling up of the whole Aphelion Expedition, made the invaluable mining researches and found countless Trit2 and several Trit3 hotspots in the Galaxy. Also, the Operation Ida Squadron made his small contribution too - by purchasing of the carrier.
Almost all services are on board; by request we can sell reasonable amounts of tritium for reasonable price. Besides that, please contact us if you have accidentally found on your way some human salvage (escape pods for example) – you can bring these survived NPCs to this DSSA-Carrier. (contact upon )
*Ijon Tichy is a character of several books and novels by Stanislav Lem (a Polish writer who is also the author of "Solaris" and many other books). Ijon Tichy is a space explorer who always has a great many adventures, which he describes with great humor and a little bit of sophistication.
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Name:Rana Niejta
Game map search ref:Eachaiv OO-X d2-503 C1
Description:This systems main star is a white dwarf with a L star binary companion. Around these orbits a M star which first planet is an earth like world. According to cartographers, researchers and scientists this belongs to one of the most rare finds you can encounter in the galaxy. The name derives from sami mythology where Rana Niejta is the godess of spring and fertility.
Screenshot reference:
Eachaiv OO-X d2-503 C1-1.jpg
Eachaiv OO-X d2-503 C1-2.jpg
DSSA 133 Mission Badge finally completed - therefore I humbly submit:

Insignia: (Mission Badge )
Carrier Name:[IGAU] Cygni-Vanguard
Registration:XZH-NXF (originally commisioned as V65-W7L)
Carrier Class:Nautilus Class
Designated Region:Orion-Cygnus Arm
System:Floalk QQ-Q c20-2 ('Gold' System: all surface materials present)
Commission Date (date signed up to the DSSA):July 31st 3306
Carrier Construction Date:June 9th 3306
Construction Location:Kepler Gateway, Kruger 60
Maiden Jump(s):HIP 21256 (June 9th 3306)
Nyeajaae UT-E c27 for maiden voyage (August 26th 3306)
In-service Date (date the vessel began its DSSA service):September 10th 3306
Services Available:Repair, Refuel, Armory, Shipyard, Outfitting, Universal Cartographics
Tariff % Set:0% for any FC Rearm / refuel / repair services (200% on all market goods)
Commodities Bought/Sold on Carrier:Will Buy Tritium at 128,000 CR/T (@ 300% GalPrice)
Will Sell Tritium at 85,000 CR/T (@ 200% GalPrice) - Other DSSA or Rescue FCs can purchase Tritium @ 60,000 CR/T
Nearest Tritium Hotspot:Floalk QQ-Q c20-2 / Planet 1 (Strong Tritium2 Overlap [6x Tritium total], 2x LTD, 1x Alexandrite)
Carrier / Deployment Info:[IGAU] Cygni-Vanguard is being deployed in association with IGAU (Intergalactic Astronomical Union) - whose members are collectively fielding at least six other DSSA FC spread around the galaxy - each with the goal of performing in-depth sector exploration and support for explorers in general. Intended as a personal FC initially - FC XZH-NXF was originally named the 'Eremita Carcinus' (Hermit Crab) - but was renamed for the role of being a launching point for exploring the Orion-Cygnus region.

The name of the deployment: "Deepness In the Sky" comes from the Hugo Award winning Vernor Vinge novel - and refers to a 'relatively dark' section of the Orion-Cygnus arm when viewed on the ED Astrometrics saturation density map.

The Floalk sector was selected as it is centrally located in the Orion-Cygnus region - and nearly equidistant to Colonia and 4-5 other DSSA FCs....It lies approximately halfway between the permit locked Froadik region and the Carnation Nebula (Boeppy NU-Q b8-2) - with a number of dark dust clouds silouetted against the backdrop of the central core of the Milky Way (Carnation Nebula visible through ring in top left of picture)

Follow updates at DSSA 133 / [IGAU] Cygni-Vanguard thread - for nearby POIs, Market Inventory and Outfitting options

Name: Odin's Treasure
Game map search ref: Myumboo AA-A h65 (Odin's Hold Region)
Description: A new collection of treasures containing 3 x Black Holes, a ringed Y, a ringed L, a ringed M and 3 ringed White Dwarves. Also 4 ringed gas giants and a ringed HMC. I think this is a rival to Skaude (Collection of Wonders), maybe even surpassing that as a point of interest. You can't imagine my excitement on discovering this system. It was a jaw dropping moment!
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Name:Scars of Ullar
Game map search ref:Hegeae WO-Z c16-0
Description:Ullar is the nordic God of winter and ice. He is supposed to be an old God. As he is also the God of the duel, this icy planet with its canyons perfectly resembles both of his domains: the cold of the winter and the scars from the duels.

This planet has 49 geological sites. But will you manage to land on it and defeat Ullar in a duel?
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DSSA Entry for Argonautica DSSA #40

Carrier’s Insignia:

Carrier Name:Argonautica
Carrier Class:Nautilus Class
Designated Region:Archilles's Alter
System:Fedgie FN-Q d6-45
Commission Date (date signed up to the DSSA):September 24th 3306
Carrier Construction Date:July 17th 3306
Construction Location:Shifnalport, Diso
Maiden Jump(s):VESPER-M4
In-service Date (date the vessel began its DSSA service):August 1st 3306
Services Available:Repair, Armoury, Shipyard, Outfitting, Universal Cartographics
Tariff % Set:
Commodities Bought/Sold on Carrier:None
Nearest Tritium Hotspot:FEDGIE KA-H C13-12 - 42.64LY - Tritium Overlap
Carrier Info (optional):
Name:The Swirling Lovers
Game map search ref:Systoadu JN-S e4-27
Description:System composed of two neutron stars, one white dwarf, and two red dwarfs.

The main neutron star is located particularly close to the white dwarf and its swirling cones seem to touch thoses of its mate.

I discovered this system on my first trip near the galactic center in late 3003.

I was wanted by the circle of pilots after an unfortunate accident during a community goal and I went into exile with adventurers in my cabins. My Python had a jump range of less than 23AL per jump during this long trip where I experienced my first jumps via neutron stars.

This system is located not far from the usual routes to Colonia and the galactic center, it is quickly reachable via the numerous neutron stars of the area.
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Name:NGC 6940 Cluster
Game map search ref:TYC 2169-976-1
Description:NGC 6940 is an open cluster in the constellation Vulpecula. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1784. The cluster is nearly a billion years old and it is located 2,500 light-years away. It is considered the finest open cluster in the constellation.
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I was unable to crop these photos to the size you asked for, apologies and I hope it doesn't cause too much trouble!
Name:Troubled Paradise
Game map search ref:Egnaix AA-A g51 B 17
Description:In the system lies an Earth-Like World in orbit around Herbig Star which itself is in a binary orbit with the primary O-class star. This is a rare and unlikely situation due to the general inhospitality of O class and Herbig Star systems making Earth-Like planets unlikely to form and is a planet therefore worthy of documentation. Within the system there is also a Water World, four terraformable High-Metal Content planets as well as various biological sites containing Prasinum Bioluminescent Anemone. Due to the instability and rapid expansion of both stars in this system, this paradise likely has a troubled future.
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Name:Loving Mother
Game map search ref:Dryi Aug BM-D d12-1103
Description:This system's star is a carbon star which is located high above the galactic plane. What makes it special is that it hosts an earthlike world orbiting this carbon star. As of 3306-11-22 the chance to find an earthlike world orbiting a carbon star directly is 0,096%. It is likely that this earthlike world wasn't an earthlike world until its parent star was supposed to go to sleep and reduce its temperature due to the lack of hydrogen fusion. With an age of almost 13 billion years, this system is one of the oldest of our galaxy.
This system would be a nice spot to establish a colony to investigate the surrounding neutron stars, white dwarfs and black holes that are all in close neighbourhood. On your way to Sag A* this could be a nice resting point to relax some time and gaze the oddities of space.
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First time posting so please let me know if any changes need to be made!
Game map search ref:Byua Euq JC-D d12-258 A 5
Description:An Earth-like world in a binary orbit around a terraforming candidate high metal content world both orbiting a Class F star. There are also two other high metal content worlds that are candidates for terraforming in the same system. All this in addition to multiple regular high metal content worlds and two gas giants with rocky and icy rings, this system has a great deal of potential if colonized in the future. Especially as the system is in between The Bubble and the galactic core.
The Earth-like world itself is quite tiny at 0.3779 Earth masses and having gravity at a comfortable 0.75G. While it is tidally locked, its rotation around its binary twin, plus another star far off in this system provides this planet with a suitable day-night cycle.
The commander that discovered this planet promised the love of his life back in The Bubble that on his journey to Sagitarius A* he would find an Earth-like world and name it after her, thus the name.
Screenshot reference:
Earth-like from system map.jpg

Binary twin from system map.jpg

Main star from system map.jpg

System from galaxy map.jpg



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    Pilot view of Earth-like planet.jpg
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