I can understand how it might appear so; but this is par for the course stuff. It's just that, usually, games are finished when they are released. Doing what Frontier did, it's just become very apparent that development is incredibly slow.You paint a bleak picture...
I get the same expectation from time to time; but I remind myself that Frontier are working to their own release schedule and not mine. For example, if I were in charge, I'd have released an early version of Elite-Feet probably in the same year the game was released.. with things like "Ok, so for now, you can move about your ship and parts of the station." I would have taken a completely different route.And i get what you're saying. I just feel that after five years out in the wind so to speak, that there would be more added by now, as per the developer discussions before release and during the kickstarter period.
The ideas that were implemented by FD, most work but i wish some hadn't been added but that's more personal choice than anything.
CQC for example, I would have done that completely differently .. not the least of which being that CQC would be available in the main game with a queuing system which people could join and continue to play the game whilst they wait. Similar to BattleGrounds in WoW for example.
That needs an overhaul - but I have no idea how to go about improving it.Powerplay is a disaster, idea was fine, but too many issues with it.
A form of "end game" content, if you'll excuse the term. Something players with established ships, experience and money will spend their time on. Similar to people running high level raids in MMO's.Engineering, haha, how to unbalance the game totally.
Side note: I would also have done something completely different when it comes to engineering Link: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/bolt-on-feature-part-suggestion-part-fun.335644/
IMHO, Frontier should have provided two modes: OpenPvP and OpenPvE. I don't see the point of Solo myself.Knock on effect of completely separating open and solo players forever.
This is likely to happen in any game where PvP and PvE mix though. As above, maybe just two modes, two Cmdrs. One Cmdr per mode. You can't switch between them.The old argument of git gud with this simply alienates players from those that do embrace engineering to those that don't, thereby creating a massive imbalance due to the insane time sink that engineering has become.
Lots of room. Everything just takes time.Wings is hit and miss again due to connection issues most off the time. Missions, buggy as hell for the most part. CQC i'd still enjoy if there were others of a similar mindset. And lastly Community goals, which have simply become the new seal clubbing extravaganza. Room for improvement if you ask me.
One thing I would like to see, is the ED team getting much bigger and being able to push out large amounts of content quickly because I feel, right now, there's just too much that needs doing.