ANNOUNCEMENT Lavecon 2019 Content Reveal

You paint a bleak picture...
I can understand how it might appear so; but this is par for the course stuff. It's just that, usually, games are finished when they are released. Doing what Frontier did, it's just become very apparent that development is incredibly slow.

And i get what you're saying. I just feel that after five years out in the wind so to speak, that there would be more added by now, as per the developer discussions before release and during the kickstarter period.

The ideas that were implemented by FD, most work but i wish some hadn't been added but that's more personal choice than anything.
I get the same expectation from time to time; but I remind myself that Frontier are working to their own release schedule and not mine. For example, if I were in charge, I'd have released an early version of Elite-Feet probably in the same year the game was released.. with things like "Ok, so for now, you can move about your ship and parts of the station." I would have taken a completely different route. :)

CQC for example, I would have done that completely differently .. not the least of which being that CQC would be available in the main game with a queuing system which people could join and continue to play the game whilst they wait. Similar to BattleGrounds in WoW for example.

Powerplay is a disaster, idea was fine, but too many issues with it.
That needs an overhaul - but I have no idea how to go about improving it.

Engineering, haha, how to unbalance the game totally.
A form of "end game" content, if you'll excuse the term. Something players with established ships, experience and money will spend their time on. Similar to people running high level raids in MMO's.
Side note: I would also have done something completely different when it comes to engineering Link:

Knock on effect of completely separating open and solo players forever.
IMHO, Frontier should have provided two modes: OpenPvP and OpenPvE. I don't see the point of Solo myself.

The old argument of git gud with this simply alienates players from those that do embrace engineering to those that don't, thereby creating a massive imbalance due to the insane time sink that engineering has become.
This is likely to happen in any game where PvP and PvE mix though. As above, maybe just two modes, two Cmdrs. One Cmdr per mode. You can't switch between them.

Wings is hit and miss again due to connection issues most off the time. Missions, buggy as hell for the most part. CQC i'd still enjoy if there were others of a similar mindset. And lastly Community goals, which have simply become the new seal clubbing extravaganza. Room for improvement if you ask me.
Lots of room. Everything just takes time.
One thing I would like to see, is the ED team getting much bigger and being able to push out large amounts of content quickly because I feel, right now, there's just too much that needs doing.
Here's an example: So our applications are much smaller than Elite: Dangerous. We have about 100 bugs that need addressing on one project; we have 4 projects; and I'm the only developer on that project. Some of those bugs date back to 2017. I don't get to them because I don't have time. What I do do however, is try to fix some bugs with each update; which is what Frontier do; but with a game as big and as complicated as that, they likely have a deep backlog of issues to fix. Each of those issues needs to be prioritised, investigated, possibly groomed and specced if the bug is sufficiently complicated to fix, and then implement and test. All of this takes time and resources which would other wise going to, frankly, more important things (new content etc).

This is not due to developer incompetence, this is a reality of software development. You fix something and something else will inevitably break.

Let's review:

1) Carriers announced for release 13 Months away.
2) 10 Months later Carriers get rescheduled indefinitely.
3) 10 Months after postponement Carriers gets a delivery date ANOTHER 6 months out, completely skipping the next major release (Sept).

I absolutely have respect for the development process and the people that craft games, but you want to characterize this as them moving backwards because they've creating more bugs than they're squashing for AT LEAST 23 months straight (NOT including how long Carriers were in development before they thought the Carriers were ONLY 13 months from release)

If we spent all our time chasing bugs, we'd never get any new content out. :(

The irony here being that bug squashing is about all that's being delivered from Frontier anymore, and even that's debatable judging from the FrontierHelp twitter.
To clarify, i never actually said 'There must'. A number of features have been discussed for years that have never actually materialised. Landing on Earth like planets for one. The September update from what i've been reading is basically ARX and Fleet carriers. And for solo players? Not seeing anything of note. An upgrade to the icy planets was promised but never delivered.

As to bugs, this game has more than an insect house at the zoo. I'm all for new content, whatever that is, but surely after all these years, some of the gargantuan list of bugs really need fixing. That's what i'd like more than content to be fair, as many bugs fixed as possible.

The updates for this year were stated back at the start of the year to be relatively minor and focussed on QOL and new starters. Fleet carriers are a slightly surprising addition for December not September.

The next major update was promised for the end of next year which is the earliest we will be likely to see landing on any planet with an atmosphere, the postponement of the ice planet update was announced at the same time as the one for fleet carriers and I believe it has been said that it will happen after (or in) the next major update.

I think they are fixing as many bugs as possible while not stopping development of the game, imagine just how much fun the game is doomed/in maintenance mode crowd would have trying to destroy our enthusiasm for the game if there was an announcement of nothing new till the bugs are fixed.
Apt name :D

They add a way to earn cosmetics in-game for free, you decry it as a cash grab :D

They add noob onboarding. (Because they'd like them to stick around and buy the 2020 DLC. Which would also help keep the game alive for us vets). You see it all as a waste of resources...

I'll take that punt by the way :)

Exactly. I’m usually the first to jump down a company’s throat, but this announcement is a huge step forward. I bought elite in 2016 but after a few days of playing I quit the game out of pure frustration. I’m a seasoned space sim player, from eve online to the x series. I’m 40 and have been playing flight/space sims since I was about 8 and have seen almost every space sim never make it to its full potential because of the learning curve for new players. Complexity is good, realism is the goal, however like having $ex for the first time, it’s best to start off slow or she’s in for a disappointment.

I came back to elite a month ago and was hooked. The changes already made since 2016 helped but I think the new player experience they will add is a huge plus for new players. If you like elite you want more people playing, because if they aren’t the game will die. Why anyone would see this as a bad move is beyond me and just stupidly selfish. It’s like shooting ones self in the foot. Elitist players usually are the ones to cause a game to be shut down. They drive new players out and the player pool dries up.

As for the micro transactions, I hate them, but they are making them optional by allowing people to earn them in game for free. Most companies force you to buy cosmetics, with no option to earn them free at all. This is garbage. In fact, as it stands currently this is how elite works with cosmetics. You have to buy them with no way to earn them. This new update will change that, why anyone is complaining about now being able to earn them by playing the game too, is beyond me. Elitist jerks with way too much money.

I buy dlc addons. I buy games. I don’t buy micro transactions and I don’t play free to play junk as it’s always laden with micro transactions. I welcome the change they announced to allow us to earn cosmetics in game by playing. I have no idea why people are complaining.

This is all great news. Now all we need is landing on atmospheric planets, and hopefully being able to get out of our ships and walk around planets/stations. If there is a FPS component with that, even better. Eve online promised walking in stations but it never happened due to elitist players being giant babies. Because they caused the devs to abandon walking in stations, half the players (myself included) left and stopped playing. Elitists ruin games, just like they ruin everything else in life. And for the record, I’m the complete opposite of a safe spacer. I’m a libertarian (ie conservative). I don’t have any trigger words and think “those” people are the drudge of the world. I know full well life is about grabbing your ankles, I unfortunately have to live it every day, but it’s 2019 and at the very least the pounding should come with some lube. If the “elitists” both in game and in life figured this out, a lot more people would be playing “the game” instead of rebelling.

This is a great update and good news, keep up the great work devs!
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I'm sure Elite is only being kept going because it's a 'Here, we developed this thing'. I think they make more money bringing out new sims like Jurassic Park and Zoo and roller coaster world.
My money is on 'Game Reserve World' next or 'Ocean Word' or 'Some Sim World'. All they have to do is bring out something new every two years to get the cash in. Elite Dangerous does not make a lot of money. Aquarium Sim would probably make a tonne of cash as it can be used as a screen saver. I think that is where Frontier are at right now. I think Arx currency will eventually be used to pay for game server time. It'll be free to play for those who put the hours in. The rest will have to buy Arx they don't have to rent the game time with real currency. Pay to pay rather than pay to win.
The only thing we space sim pilots have to look forward to is Star Citizen and that leaves a sour taste. One sim that will never reach release and one sim that reached final version on the day it was launched. What irony.
New content, fleet carriers, arx... this all might be nice to some players, but what the game really needs, right now, is bugfixing.
The DSS bug is a terrible thing for explorers and I am waiting since April for a bugfix. No announcement of patches on the way to change that.
If you look into the issue tracker bug reporting system you see a lot of more bugs which should be fixed.
The terrible thing is you have to vote for bugs beeing fixed ... sometimes. So I vote for bugs need to be fixed and wait week for week.

Some are cosmetical but there are others impacting gameplay.

Explorers please vote for:
There are a lot of similiar issues which describe the same problem.
Lets see if we can bring this patch to live.

Thanks to all commanders


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Discovery Scanner Special with Dav Stott - Lavecon Special!

Dav, Lead Server Developer, started the presentation by hosting his very own episode of Discovery Scanner, detailing some of the work made when we introduced Background Simulation faction changes in Beyond - Chapter Four. Rest assured, if you weren't able to attend, we'll be bringing back the episode in a future livestream!

Hi Paige. Is there any ETA for that Livestream? Extremely interested in it! :)
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