List of Earth-like worlds, v3

Thanks for maintaining the ELW-list, marx.

Here's a little batch from a far eastern expedition. Nothing much out of the ordinary here, except for perhaps one. I'm holding back on sharing two sweet pearls for a possible mapping expedition after 3.3.

System namePlanet IDDist. from Sol (ly)First discovered byContributed bySystem star(s) typeRinged EL?MoonsScreenshot URLNotesXYZ
Graea Eoq RJ-X d2-21A 49985ROLLO RHADIUMF8 VB, M4 VAFALSE0−314.25.003177.15.00
Graea Eoq RT-Q e5-7B 410843ROLLO RHADIUMA1 VAB, K3 VABFALSE0−143.05.003768
Plae Ain VS-U d2-9422048ROLLO RHADIUMA8 VIFALSE0−163.15.0010936.25.00
Plae Ain VS-U d2-9522048ROLLO RHADIUMA8 VIFALSE0−163.15.0010936.25.00
Oofairg BV-Y d7723204ROLLO RHADIUMA8 VIFALSE1 has a landable moon20816.15.0023810567.15.00
Oofairg JD-I c23-23423958ROLLO RHADIUMK7 VAFALSE0
Rhadia KI-R d5-1A 224254ROLLO RHADIUMA7 VI, F6 VBTRUE0−527.05.0012301.25.00
Rhadia EX-K d8-5624122ROLLO RHADIUMF0 VIFALSE0−1520.55.0012937.45.00
Rhadia SZ-N d7-13724438ROLLO RHADIUMA6 VIFALSE0−460.55.0013677.05.00
Oodgonns GI-B d13-0430536RENDERERROLLO RHADIUMF0 VBFALSE0−28.25.0011941.35.00
Iowroft LW-C c29-0A 132041ROLLO RHADIUMK5 VA, M1 VAFALSE0−924.15.0010571.15.00
Blaei Phlue UK-F d11-2537079ROLLO RHADIUMF5 VBFALSE0
Swaunds GS-K c8-0A 138280ROLLO RHADIUMK4 VA, M1 VAFALSE0
Blea Airgh EP-R d4-04 a39756ROLLO RHADIUMF2 VBFALSE0 is a moon of a planet(HMCP)36939.25.001194.35.0015398.05.00
Blea Airgh TQ-F c11-0B 339860ROLLO RHADIUMG2 VAB, K9 VAFALSE0
Chanaae YM-H d11-0BC 444275ROLLO RHADIUMF1 VB, K1 VAB, M0 VAFALSE0−965.15.0019150.05.00
Ood Flaae HR-N d6-2541337ROLLO RHADIUMA8 VIFALSE1 has a terraformable moon38762.05.00−20.05.0018466.35.00
Groa Eaeb VF-L d9-3640175ROLLO RHADIUMF8 VABFALSE0−161.45.0017214.15.00
Swaupy DQ-G d10-1B 536852ROLLO RHADIUMA8 VI, A9 VIFALSE1 has a landable moon34273.15.0056.05.0015544.35.00
Preou Aip XM-W d1-0A 632378JACKIE SILVERROLLO RHADIUMF8 VB, K2 VABFALSE0−1000.35.0010630.15.00
Skaufio EY-F d12-1AB 326926ROLLO RHADIUMA9 VI, K8 VA, M0 VAFALSE0−548.45.0010317.45.00
Proo Phio AR-K d9-37AB 125181ROLLO RHADIUMF2 VB, M4 VA, F3 VBFALSE0−1630.05.0011266.5
Proo Phio GY-G d11-8325008ROLLO RHADIUMF2 VBFALSE0−373.15.0012133.05.00
Rhadaea QY-Y d1-37AB 323121ROLLO RHADIUMA7 VI, K7 VAFALSE0−1253.35.0013520.35.00
Rhadeae XZ-W d2-13121093ROLLO RHADIUMF5 VABFALSE0−1517.55.0012001.25.00
Rhado DA-X d2-3620437ROLLO RHADIUMA9 VBFALSE0−282.15.0012104.05.00
Rhado RE-X d2-2319845ROLLO RHADIUMF9 VBFALSE0−322.55.0013655.35.00
Rhado VF-V d3-4419717ROLLO RHADIUMF8 VBFALSE0−1733.15.0012912.15.00
Rhadau UK-E d12-3B 719468ROLLO RHADIUMA6 VI, K1 VAFALSE0−1410.05.0012908.35.00
Rhadau TV-C d13-3A 319363ROLLO RHADIUMF0 VB, K8 VAFALSE0−806.15.0012875.35.00
Eiforks BO-F d12-0717235ROLLO RHADIUMF2 VBFALSE1 has a landable moon12829.05.00−259.25.0012601.45.00
Skaudia PO-F d12-5315338ROLLO RHADIUMF6 VABFALSE1−411.15.0010238
Skaudia CR-K d9-27515015ROLLO RHADIUMF5 VABFALSE0−1603.05.0010614.55.00
Skaudia FX-R d5-37A 514481ROLLO RHADIUMA8 VI, M1 VAFALSE0−1199.35.0010670.35.00
Skaudia PE-X d2-43514122ROLLO RHADIUMF6 VBFALSE0−1029.15.0010981.25.00
Pyroifoi UD-Z d1-11577380ROLLO RHADIUMA9 VBFALSE0−329.15.005544.15.00
Swoilz QM-D c28-631665ACADEMICSHARK01ROLLO RHADIUMK4 VAFALSE0−399.05.001444.15.00
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Another bunch from Autumn Odyssey.

System namePlanet IDDist. from Sol (ly)First discovered byContributed bySystem star(s) typeRinged EL?MoonsScreenshot URLComment
Byoi Ain QO-Z d13-2233517805.18foobaron76foobaron76F4 VIno0
Dryao Aoscs HD-I d10-5841A 319368.76foobaron76foobaron76F3 VAB, K5 VA, M9 VIno0
Ogaiws VD-A d1-756619760.60foobaron76foobaron76F3 VBno1
Shrogaei IO-X d2-170A 821081.48foobaron76foobaron76F6 VB, G0 VB, M3 VAno0
Shrogea LD-R d5-4576A 621258.88foobaron76foobaron76F5 VAB, K9 VAno0
Zuni OX-B d6138423281.90foobaron76foobaron76F8 VABno0
Screaki ZG-D d12-3223822125.19foobaron76foobaron76F1 VBno0
Kyloabs FO-O d7-5985621942.91foobaron76foobaron76F5 VBno1 has landable moon
Eoch Pruae XA-N d7-3432A 421921.79KERBSYfoobaron76NEUTRON STAR, M8 VAno0
One day I will be first to discover a set of barycentric ELW's...

System namePlanet IDDist. from Sol (ly)First discovered byContributed bySystem star(s) typeRinged EL?MoonsScreenshot URLComments
Wregoe RT-Q c18-201588.67DAVIDJWMuteCVK7 VANo0
Wregoe IS-H b37-71644.00CodcakesMuteCVM3 VANo0
Smoje DZ-A d5A13666.76JumarooMuteCVG1 VAB, M5 VA, M6 VANo0
Lysooh KH-M d7-037534.26MuteCVG5 VABNo0
Eoch Flyi JS-K d8-354B118638.05MuteCVNeutron Star, M9 VI, L8 VNo0
Dryoea Flyuae XC-U c3-137A119607.03MuteCVK2 VAB, L4 VNo0
Dryooe Prou CQ-F d11-1012A523565.73TonkeMuteCVF2 VB, K4 VANo0
Dryio Blou GQ-O d6-634330004.22MuteCVG3 VABNo1 Moon
Phroea Gree DA-P d6-618637191.14MuteCVA8 VINo0
Prua Pri YT-Z d32641700.77MuteCVF3 VBNo0
Cho Eurk DN-W c1-0260547.41EdgatasMuteCVG9 VABNo0
Syre Thua MM-L c21-0A463891.52JJ Smashing PumpkinsMuteCVG4 VAB, K9 VANo0 w/ HMC
Pyrie Euq QR-N d6-5A362299.06BypedMuteCVF1 VI, G9 VABNo0
Byeia Chrea IV-C c26-22A455125.89MuteCVG7 VAB, K8 VANo0
Phroea Bli IS-B d13-220A234812.83MuteCVNeutron Star, M3 VANo0
Phroea Bli YJ-R e4-364BCD 234504.13MuteCVNeutron Star, M0 VA, M8 VA, L3 VNo1 Moon
Scheau Blao JM-M d7-2024133226.55MuteCVNeutron StarNo0
Dryoi Ploe AG-O d6-57AB 620914.20MuteCVG4 VAB, M0 VA, M4 VA, L1 VNo1
Oochorrs BY-G d11-5ABC 21393.9MILKJMuteCVG5 VAB, K0 VAB, M4 VA, K3 VA, M0 VANo0
Running Man Sector DL-Y d2641283.39HissigMuteCVF7 VINo0
Running Man Sector DL-Y d2661283.39HissigMuteCVF7 VINo0 w/ WW
Phooe Aescs OI-K d8-16314889.98Kaptajn GrisebasseMuteCVF7 VABNo0
Phae Aewsy HN-B d13-4A815774.82MuteCVA8 VI, F4 VI, M0 VANo0
Ipotls QX-L d7-23522727.37MuteCVF0 VINo1
Kyloall BF-Z d2747A722466.38MuteCVF3 VB, M2 VA, M8 VANo1
Kyloarph DK-K c23-197122959.91MuteCVG7 VABNo0
Wepae jg-w d2-7317824150.55MuteCVA4 VINo0 w/ WW
Wepooe IK-J c24-279A124728.41MuteCVG8 VAB, K8 VANo1 Moon
Hypoe Pruae DX-S d4-4843325229.67MuteCVG5 VABNo0
Hypoe Pruae DC-K d9-4714A325599.04MuteCVF6 VAB, M2 VANo0
Dryaa Bluae CM-T d4-3616428789.65MuteCVG3 VABNo1 Moon
Scheau Blao TN-T c6-198B232756.6MuteCVG6 VAB, K7 VANo1 Moon
Hyuqu QF-L d9-1506A435776.22Guy JunsunMuteCVF6 VB, M2 VANo0
Hyuqu YR-H d11-5918435873.86Guy JunsunMuteCVF5 VBNo0 w/ ELW
Hyuqu YR-H d11-5918535873.86Guy JunsunMuteCVF5 VBNo0 w/ ELW
Qute from another thread:
@ Stulli: Oh, you finally found one? Congrats! I've also spent plenty of hours on Speccy's ELM's moon trying to find a site, but came up empty.

I did not play ED for months, but now, in beta, it is simple to find them.

19 geological sites on "Earth-Like Dance With Giant" and 32 sites on EOCH PRI AC-B D1-18 6 D A (the one site which I have found manually is still in the same place in beta)

The new option (firing probes) to find the surface signals (geological sites) is amazing, but the new system of finding planets etc. is not good...

Don't know whether I continue playing, visiting known sites is okay, but to find new things is much more time-consuming...

Qute from another thread:

I did not play ED for months, but now, in beta, it is simple to find them.

19 geological sites on "Earth-Like Dance With Giant" and 32 sites on EOCH PRI AC-B D1-18 6 D A (the one site which I have found manually is still in the same place in beta)

The new option (firing probes) to find the surface signals (geological sites) is amazing, but the new system of finding planets etc. is not good...

Don't know whether I continue playing, visiting known sites is okay, but to find new things is much more time-consuming...
Yeah, there are some more geological sites on my ELM's moon in Eoch Pri!
@ Stulli: Oh, I didn't notice you posted more than one picture. Very nice shots!

Yeah, at least we can now find these. Good thing we knew them from before, since ELMs with moons took very long to find before, and will take much longer still to find now.
Here are a few more ELW's which I found on the LSE (Lightning Strike Expedition). One of those is a really special ELW.

System namePlanet IDDist. from Sol (ly)First discovered byContributed bySystem star(s) typeRinged ELWMoonsScreenshot URL
Ooscs Freau LP-E c25-664A322,791SteylaSteylaG8 VAB, M9 VINo0
Dryi Ausms EQ-W d2-175B822,145SteylaSteylaA8 VI, K1 VABNo0
Dryi Ausms AG-O d6-377422,560SteylaSteylaF1 VINo0
Dryi Ausms ZV-K d9-34A922,711SteylaSteylaA6 VAB, K4 VA, M1 VA, M7 VAYes4

A ringed ELW with 4 moons !


Fly/land safe.

CMDR Steyla
Really rare as in that's the first one. Didn't think an ELW could hold four. Right on, Commander!
I'll update the list today, but now I'll have to tweak rarity calculation to include the four moons category, and recalculating the scores will take some time.
All updated again then. 265 ELWs in this update, down from 320 of the previous one.
Congrats again to Steyla on a first find of its kind! That and the rings alone were enough to propel it to the #6 rarity score, with all of the higher ones being ELMs.
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Maybe my last submissions, maybe not. Who knows.

A couple of interesting ones in there.

System namePlanet IDDist. from Sol (ly)First discovered byContributed bySystem star(s) typeRinged EL?MoonsScreenshot URLNotesXYZ
NGC 6546 Sector AL-X c1-1653011.78545046113MATT GRAHAMK1 VABFALSE0
Traikaae OX-L d7-21944818.00386611574KAYAHRMATT GRAHAMF1 VIFALSE0
Skaudoae JQ-U a57-23A 29925.67681128644MATT GRAHAML5 V, T7 VFALSE0
Ellairb WZ-F d11-108A 410329.3837582498MATT GRAHAMF7 VI, K7 VA, M7 VAFALSE0
Eodgorsts HC-A c28-28B 411763.6102622183MATT GRAHAMG6 VAB, K2 VAFALSE0
Blu Aescs QH-M d7-48A 512495.5024160649MATT GRAHAMF3 VI, M1 VAFALSE0
Graea Hypue OJ-Q d5-67B 413666.1128569947MATT GRAHAMF5 VB, G7 VABFALSE1 has a landable moon-1329.21875-883.4687513572.59375
Dryio Flyi GV-X d1-6242B 319150.2047382424MATT GRAHAMA7 VI, G6 VABFALSE0
Kyloarph GN-S d4-1923A 1122515.6384976321MATT GRAHAMF7 VAB, M3 VAFALSE0
Kyloall IC-K d9-2382A 1 a22997.5914991063MATT GRAHAMF6 VAB, M1 VA, L3 VFALSE0 is a moon of a planet(HMCP)-8009.84375-564.2187521550.25
Choomeou QJ-Q d5-121C 427513.0679136567MATT GRAHAMA8 VI, K4 VA, K3 VAFALSE0
Choomeou WP-G d10-1777B 527820.0188192516MATT GRAHAMF6 VB, F3 VIFALSE1 has a landable moon-11193.5-13.6562525468.78125
Choomeou SU-F d11-474827851.7244442171MATT GRAHAMA9 VIFALSE0
Choomeou BH-S d5-126B 627405.5087272899MATT GRAHAMF1 VI, K7 VAFALSE0
Pyraleau OC-T d4-45B 46430.8615276108BERANUMATT GRAHAMA7 VI, F7 VB, F9 VBFALSE0
Boelts GX-T d3-158C 417716.1527495975MATT GRAHAMA8 VB, F3 VB, M0 VAFALSE0
Pru Ain OD-T d3-618B 610898.7518233795MATT GRAHAMF5 VB, F3 VBFALSE0
Gria Hypue FT-G d11-342A 314036.7644483241MATT GRAHAMF2 VB, K6 VAFALSE0
Mylaifai UT-Q d5-6421318709.3898845617MATT GRAHAMG6 VABFALSE0
Choomeou AM-L d8-335427681.2649141449MATT GRAHAMF9 VBFALSE0
Choomeou TO-Q d5-1608C 127334.2948028148MATT GRAHAMG6 VAB, K9 VA, K8 VAFALSE0
Agnaiz MN-A d1-2793623704.7119968069MATT GRAHAMF0 VIFALSE0
Eoch Pruae MD-J d9-2399521948.0737519246MATT GRAHAMF5 VB, Y1 V, Y3 VTRUE0
Gru Hypue YP-V d3-447614098.7960948522MATT GRAHAMF3 VIFALSE0
Floalt FT-E c84B 515169.4496199908MATT GRAHAMK1 VAB, M5 VAFALSE0
Eord Flyuae VE-Y d1-4672118589.954180067MATT GRAHAMF3 VBFALSE1
Choomeou AW-K c9-323CD 227316.2842288852MATT GRAHAMK0 VAB, M4 VA, M2 VA, T5 VFALSE0
Phrae Flyou NB-E c28-249B 426678.2901208358MATT GRAHAMK2 VA, M9 VIFALSE0
Schee Flyuae YE-H d10-2637BC 523893.0626925899MATT GRAHAMCN5 IIIB, M2 VA, L0 VFALSE0
Kyloall IA-Z d2674622324.864730177GUY DE LOMBARDMATT GRAHAMA5 VIFALSE0
Kyloarph EW-W e1-271C 322440.5889288067MATT GRAHAMA0 VI, Y4 V, F9 VB, K6 VAFALSE1 has a landable moon-7635.28125-874.4062521083.59375
Kyloarph HN-S d4-1476A 122454.3836839703MATT GRAHAMF5 VI, G7 VAB, M4 VAFALSE0
Maybe my last submissions, maybe not. Who knows.
Yeah, I can certainly see why, and same here. Still, if nothing else, then back for an atmospheric flight expansion? For me, whether I'll put up with the new mechanics or not will depend on what new things there will be to find.
In any case, congrats on those finds! Some interesting ones indeed.
Congratulations for finding an ELW in every mass-code!

Hah, thanks, but possibly premature - I think I still need one in mass-code g. G for Grrrrrrr.

I quit finding one in A-mass, it was so boring.

Yeh. It was boring, but also sort-of therapeutic. Sort of.

How many systems did you scan to find this special ELW?

Oh my, soooo many systems. My quest for an ELW around an L-class predates the Journal, but a quick scan of the Journal suggests I've jumped to just shy of a 1000 systems with an L as main (it felt so many more!).

(It's kinda bugging me that it's not an ELW around a lone L-class. Will have to see which bugs me more - that, or 3.3...)
Hah, thanks, but possibly premature - I think I still need one in mass-code g. G for Grrrrrrr.
I got it somehow wrong. I thought that you were only missing mass-code A. That's what i am still missing and maybe will never find. Mass Code G was easy;). There I found two ELWs already...
I got it somehow wrong. I thought that you were only missing mass-code A. That's what i am still missing and maybe will never find. Mass Code G was easy;). There I found two ELWs already...

I've done hundreds of Gs and nothing to show for it! Perhaps I've time for one more mini-expedition...
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