New Paintjobs

Some of these turned out to be great purchases. The Brass version of the Stygian paint job is a thing of beauty. Best of all, no wobbly lines or malformed shapes drawn by hull artists who apparently all have a terrible case of the spaceshakes.

Leap sale still lasts. I picked up a few regular colors for different ships, but raider kit for the Vette was my best in game purschase EVER. Absolute badassery that delivers visible statement when compared to regular ship kits. A few moments later I picked up the same kit for the Python. Love it.


She looks like Minmatar ship from EVE, great choice and pic.
Keelback "Predator"...G5 irony with eyebrow raised experimental.

The geometric Icarus suits the FAS (and I imagine all Fed angular beasts)

The Anaconda has a good flat surface for detail as seen in Overdrive so while not to my taste, it does display well.
Are flip flops included with that Conda paintjob? That Lako... whatever.
Bought that FAS jacket (y)
I thought the Keelback looks quite good... but then my T-6 looks like a wasp...

If I didn't dislike the 'conda so much that paintjob would be in my collection immediately, it looks good :)

The FAS looked good too, but I don't have any of the variants.
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