Odyssey - Optimisation/Performance and UI (Galaxy & System Map) Feedback

If you have feedback on the Galaxy and System Map in Odyssey, please leave it below in a reply using the following format:

Overall thoughts – please keep this brief (one or two sentences)

Specific Issues – clear and concise (bullet points are ideal)
  • Reduce the number of clicks / button presses (D-pad or HOTAS hat) to the smallest possible number, prioritizing frequently used features, like accessing the system map from galaxy map, first.
  • Restore information that is plainly and easily available in Horizons UI but is now either hidden or totally removed in Odyssey.
  • Restore functionality in Horizons UI that has been removed from Odyssey.
  • Enforce consistency across entire UI - for example, the "back" and "exit" buttons.
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UI Feedback

Overall thoughts
In general common stuff seems to take way more clicks than previously.

Specific Issues
  • Route plotting in galaxy map is harder with a mouse. Now that you need to hold down the mouse for a bit, it's easy to accidentally nudge it, resetting the hold. Compared to the previous single click.
  • Bookmarks - there's a button to quickly add a bookmark, but removing it seems to require opening the bookmark manager, finding the correct bookmark by scanning the list and then I think it was even clicking edit and then remove. Previously removing this was done clicking the "add bookmark" button again. I like to add a temporary bookmarks while exploring, to see different places, and that really gets tedious when removing them is such a hassle. (And related, why still no freely placeable surface bookmarks?)
  • The body information on system map is spread over too many panels. For exploring and deciding where to go, I find I need to switch between the 1st and 3rd buttons on the right side to get all the information.
  • When navigating the system map with a hotas, getting back from the panels takes multiple back click and there's no clear feedback when you're back on the body selection mode.

Suggested Fixes for the Issues
  • Clicking the bookmark button in galaxy map again should remove the existing bookmark
  • Not spreading body information over multiple panels
A proposal:

Ask for volunteers that record their gaming sessions, especially trade, material gathering and exploration.

Record keystrokes, context switches between input devices and the screen contents.

Then see what is done a lot, and make that easier by adding keybinds and collecting the right information in the right place.

Then make the changes and perform the same tasks again on a mockup and see how that feels.
Overall thoughts – The new UI has a bit of a learning curve but putting that aside as a person that has been out exploring for over 2 years (last time I saw another CMDR was Jan 2019 and I was already almost a year into exploring at that point) now I find the new Map UI a clear downgrade. There are a number of very simple QOL things that have been removed with the switch to Odyssey which makes Exploration that effectively double the amount of time it takes for an Explorer to make decisions about their destination in or outside the system map.

Specific Issues
    No more Mouse-Over summary. Previously you could mouse over a planet and it would pop-up a summary which included 2 priority pieces of information: Have you scanned/mapped a planet, does it have any geological POI. Now you have to click on a specific planet then got to 2 different right-hand menus to discover that information. It also hides the Gravity of a planet which I have in the past needed to quickly check if the shine from a sun is blanking out the Orange UI.
    Previously with the left-hand option selections while on the Galaxy map you could very easily select a setting such as a Star Type Filter or a Economy State and then move your selection tool around to find a place you are after. Now, you can either make a selection on the new menues such as selecting to show all systems at War but the moment you move the map tool (Zoom/Pan etc) the side-menu closes down. This is fine for when you are selecting one specific filter to use, but if you are trying to select multiple states, you no longer have a quick reference for the things you have chosen which is very annoying when your trying to remember the distinction between a Cyan, Blue or Turquoise marker

    Suggested Fixes for the Issues
  • System Map Solution:
    Restore the ability to just mouse over a planet and display the most immediate and applicable information. Mapped/Not-Mapped, Gravity, Presence of POI (Biological and Geological or other). Or recombine Description and Planetary Information tabs into one and allow us to pin open that display and again make it on mouse/cursor-over to any target so we can quickly cycle through targets.
  • Galaxy map Solution:
    Add the ability to pin open any left-hand menu so we can use the filters we select as a Map Key so we can then pan the map around AND have a reference for our choices.
I would really like to see the pop up menu when you select a bookmark for a station that would allow you to plot it right away. I find that the new UI only takes you to the system, you then open the system and finally you set your target. The new UI means that you now need to make multiple clicks when you only need 1 click to do it before.
Overall thoughts: As with any UI update it's taking some getting used to. I really like the new searchbar in the galaxy map, being able to find the locations of my specific ships with a button and being able to click and hold to plot a route. There are a couple of issues I would like to highlight as specific issues though.

Specific Issues
  • When buttons are not applicable they are removed
  • When using the search in the galaxy map I can't type in an exact name then press enter to view it.
  • To view the powerplay 'bubble' view on the galaxy map a faction must be selected.
Suggested Fixes for the Issues
  • I would prefer that buttons were disabled rather than removed. For example in the galaxy map if the system map is not available for a system the system map button is removed. It can be frustrating to look for a button that isn't there. It would be better to show the button but greyed out, this communicates the option is not applicable. There are also non applicable options removed when viewing terminals or starport services. I'm suspect that this could cause accessibility issues for players who rely on voice command tools too.
  • typing in a search term and pressing enter should work the same way as the search function in horizons, it should not be necessary to chose an option from the dropdown list.
  • When clicking on the powerplay view button the first button in the list of buttons that appears could be pre-checked. Possibly not the best solution but the 'bubbles' should be shown when the powerplay view button is pressed.
If you have feedback on the Galaxy and System Map in Odyssey, please leave it below in a reply using the following format:

Overall thoughts – please keep this brief (one or two sentences)

Generally pants-on-head levels of awful. It's as though the UI Designer only ever uses a mouse, gave no thought at all to actually showing useful information, or accessibility.

Specific Issues – clear and concise (bullet points are ideal)

  • Most significantly: Using bookmarks is now a LOT more awkward
  • * Splitting bookmarks into categories makes things harder to use not easier.
  • * You can no longer navigate directly to a bookmark (which is useful for going to a starport in another system)

  • Cannot hover over planet to see details any more, have to click on icons to get panels up, which then makes plotting route via controller impossible (have to close panels before holding A)
  • The ONLY significant new detail that needed to be shown for Odyssey was first footfall, and thus far I can't figure out where that is supposed to be shown
  • The directory of what's in a system is useful, but really hard to browse through with a controller
  • Controller support in general is just awful

Suggested Fixes for the Issues – clear and concise, directly linked to the issues

For now, go back to the Horizons map system entirely. Also fire your UI people, and hire some UX people. 90% of the UI that was changed didn't need to be changed, and none of it was made better.

Overall thoughts: The new UI is cumbersome and slow on a controller requiring far too many inputs for simple tasks.

Specific issues:
  • Can't plot course to a bookmarks in system from the bookmark list.
  • Accessing the Show System Map(the most commonly used button on the Galaxy Map UI for me) now takes 10 button presses to accomplish where it used to at most take 3.

Suggested Fixes:
  • Allow for courses to be plotted to in system bookmarks from the bookmark menu itself.
  • Move the Show System Map button on the Galaxy Map up next to the bookmark button for faster navigation.
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Overall thoughts

The maps are ok, just need some polish and some of the removed functionality back

Specific Issues

  • Icons show inconsistently - e.g the 'missions' icon always shows (even with no missions), the sysmap icon only shows if you have map data. Pick one.
  • The galmap filters for economics / star type / system state used to allow swiping to multi-select, this has vanished - please bring it back (just go to horizons, press L-mouse and swipe over the options to see what it used to do)
  • Galmap shows all remote systems as being in the same state as your current system - this is not true
  • Bookmarks - at least give us a list with all of our bookmarks, I shouldn't have to memorise exactly what I bookmarked. And ideally allow us to plot a route to one.

  • POI list for Odyssey Settlements seems randomly ordered. The only time I care is when I have a name and want to find it. Alphabetic would be good, or distance, or something
  • Faction List in the sysmap shows 1 state per faction, even when the factions are in multiple states. It should show all the states.
  • Planet information in the sysmap should include distance from system entry

Bonus points
* No way of filtering out Fleet Carrier display (except my own). We never had it before either, but it would be supercool.
Overall Thoughts
  • The entire UI seems to have been designed to look good first with no thought given to how it functions in terms of flow.
  • Long press "Hold to select/whatever" is a mobile touchscreen interface convention - it has no place in a game where the controllers have more than one button.
  • How about an FSS zoom system, where you can zoom into a system from the GalMap, then zoom into a planetary map

Galaxy Map
  • In Horizons selecting a system gave you a small window and the options Select, Plot Route, Bookmark and System Map. Get rid of "Hold to plot route" and show a small window with these options instead.
  • When moving around with the grid disabled it's cursor it's next to impossible to select a system unless you use the mouse cursor. The targetting indicator (that circle with 4 arrows) should be there all the time ( or give it a seperate toggle)
  • Reorder both left and right icons so the most used ones are at the top .
  • Clicking a bookmark and then holding should plot the route to the bookmark, not just the system it's in.
  • When a bookmark is selected show four icons to the right (View, Target, Plot Route,Edit), then have Edit show the option to rename or delete the bookmark.
  • As above for entries in Your Fleet
  • The controls listed at the bottom of the screen should include the button to back out of the map.
  • The searchbox should have a binding to paste into it.
  • Can we have an indication somewhere if you are wanted in that system.
System Map
  • The control hints at the bottom should display the binding to return to the GalMap
  • The should be an Exit Map binding that takes you out of whatever map you are in back to the cockpit.
  • There is a lot of information in a planets Description that looks like it should be in Planetary Information.
    • Only gameplay information should be in Planetary Information, such as gravity, temperate, atmosphere
    • If you cannot disembark on a planet that should be indicated somewhere (Description or Planetary information). If it is already I cannot find it.
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It's all very well and dandy that you are gathering feedback on UI but why now?
Why didn't you listen during alpha?

I will just sum it up briefly:

  • The issue with UI is that it has less information and more clicking. In galaxy map, system map and outfitting.
  • Also, inconsistent or not working BACK buttons.
  • Buttons for confirming elevator destination even though there is only one place to go. If you plan more destinations in future that's great but until then you should get rid of excessive clicking.
  • If you insist on "HOLD DOWN TO TARGET" then please make sure that the Galaxy/System Map doesn't move while I am holding down the button.
  • Please fix the issue where scrolling through settlement list in System Map also simultaneously zooms the system map in/out.
But these are things that should have been spotted by FDev before releasing the game.

Sorry, but I don't think I will be suggesting anything because FDev should have people specifically responsible for coming up with a nice flow of UI.

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Galaxy & System maps: No longer possible to plot a route from a bookmark directly (we now have to select it and then click way down the right-hand column then open the system map and find/target the destination manually). The Galaxy map now seems to favour use of the mouse over controller.

Suggested fix is simply for an option to target the bookmark directly without having to also go into the System map.

That's the only thing that's bugging me about the maps, which I otherwise quite like.
Overall thoughts – New UI is somehow less controller friendly. Having buttons on two sides of the screen make navigating with a controller a pain and other features just don't work with controller although they say they should.

Specific Issues:
  • Holding [A] to plot a route, in galaxy or system map, doesn't work (atleast not for me) so i have to use the buttons on the right which takes more time.
  • Before the update you would type where you wanted to go then would just press: select, plot route etc. underneath the selected star but now, as a result of holding [A] not working, you have to do more button presses with the [d-pad] to plot a route using the new buttons on the right of the screen.
  • The naming of bookmarks for planets or stations doesn't work. You can type whatever you want in the naming box but it doesn't change from the planet / station name in the bookmark list.
  • The different map modes now need more button presses to see them. Before you could just switch between and it would remember your settings. Now, for example, everytime i want to look in powerplay mode i have to chose a power in a submenu.

Suggested Fixes for the Issues:
  • Fix the route plotting by holding a button for controller
  • Fix naming of bookmarks for planets / stations
  • Make it so the different map modes remember your settings to prevent the need for further button presses every time
  • Alternatively add a toggle to switch back to the old map view (and for the outfitting page?) as it seemed more controller friendly and veteran players wont have to re-learn the new UI with new icons if they dont want to
I undertand that optimising for controller would probably come closer to the console release but there are a lot of players, like me, who play with controller now that are inconvenienced by the recent UI change. I hope the outfitting screen will be addressed next because what has happened there is really a step in the wrong direction.
1. Bring back the old Lighting system, or is the current lighting, darkness a bug, a mistake? Horizons nailed the feel and look of space, now it's too dark and boring, without any depth and proper lighting from the Galaxy.
2. Planet terrain generating tech seems like an absolute step back and downgrade. Where are all the canyons, heights, hills, we need it back to what it was, just upgrade the visuals! No one wants to explore a planet which is flat and boring without any features.
When I am using my joystick button to navigate the Galaxy Map, it takes me many, many movements to get to various UI buttons. Even getting to the Exit button is awkward, I can't "zip" through the UI buttons by holding down the joystick button because the focus stops at the end of each section. Instead, I need to keep clicking the joystick button down and down and down and down until I reach the exit button.
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