If we look at this in terms of presentation compared to competitors "We added stuff to the gamestore" is a 1/10.
Other games dress up their stuff a bit nicer.
In elite terms it could be introducing a new engineer type guy/girl that does the prebuilds for you, they'd have a cool looking base in a cool system and going to pick up your new ship would feel like a bespoke experience.
All the ships would have unique descriptions of how the landing gear servos are lubricated with only the best proto squid juices from HIP 41181 and such to make things more palpable and interesting for people who might not be otherwise interested in those ships.
I avoid SC, but I know they've done off-brand Jeremy Clarkson thing with presenting their ships and probably a whole lot else since 90% of their effort seems to go to marketing.
I wonder if Elite will have any of that or if it's just "here's your ship, you have 5 seconds to leave before I shoot you for loitering".
We'd be better off if they sold us new ship design to shoot at as combat encounters instead or had tailored encounters designed to be done with those prebuilt ships.
Microtransactions and P2W stuff is still trash, but there's a high effort, high competency way of doing it and then there's the FDev way.