One aspect of ED's decision to keep the low mass hull for Only the Conda has always troubled me.
Given this game like all other space exploration games, is based on fantasy tempered with real world physics and engineering.
Correct me if I'm wrong but iirc, The concept of how the Conda got its low mass hull was because of long ago mysterious tech that came up with a low mass high strength material of construction that was locked away or lost, centuries before year 33??. Per Wiki, the Conda was first introduced by Faulcon deLacy in 2856.
So my mental conflict is how can technology become stagnant for one very specific material or subject, once the tech was locked away and could not be duplicated for other ships. However, since those early days Commanders can still buy Conda's that (I would think) are being manufactured years and years after the first experimental Condas were produced.
I would think in the year 33-something, engineers and scientist could Reverse Engineer the material and make it available for other ships. Even if Faulcon deLacy was holding the secrets in a vault, others could buy one, deconstruct it and re-engineer the materials for other ships.
This long dissertation leads me to think: Maybe the Mandalay is the first ship to incorporate the same hull technology the Conda has, thus an increase in jump range over any other ship excluding the Conda.
But, I'm sure I'm way off on this so just take this as my feeble mind's fantastical wanderings.
this has been a topic for many years but with the claim this new ship has jump range similar to the Conda, I pondered the topic and others did 7 years ago:
Have a nice day