To a degree yes, but we may be setting ourselves up for disappointment if that's the expectation for all things "bird exhibit" wise. Which keep in mind, we haven't even gotten or been promised a single bird in the WTEs yet. Though I think it's likely.I expect exceptions
Hummingbirds, Lorikeets and Budgies should be easy enough to do multiples of. Macaws are probably the most important addition in terms of groups of birds (more on that in a second), and it's unfortunate they kind of fall in this whole "maybe" grey area. I'd love to get several Macaws personally.
Bald Eagles are without a doubt my most wanted flying animal. Maybe it's nationalism, but there we have it. I'd like to think we could get more than one Eagle....if we even get one (which we may not at all.) And then there's groups like Toucans, which are absolutely iconic birds, Cockatoos, Hornbills, Owls, Woodpeckers, Kingfishers...just to name a few.
Maybe what's a thought on those types of birds, is to get us to the point of having two each of them. It would get us more than one, but because there would be more work to be done per model, expecting five would be unrealistic. Honestly, if we got the Bald and Golden Eagle, I'd be 100% fine for Eagles. The Toco and Keel Billed Toucan, and so forth with other groups.
Sadly, I think regarding Macaws...if they do put them in a pack, we'll probably be wanting more. Macaws are the one type of bird that I'd love to have more than just two....five would be amazing but we'll probably not get that. Still, if they made it work for just one group of birds, to have more than two representatives, Macaws are hands down where they should put that effort, IMO anyways.