Spring dlc Speculation 2023

Let's make it part of the bet. In addition to theme bet on if it's an animal or scenery pack.
Islands, scenery pack - Kiwi as the KA (Thanks @DarthQuell for the phrase!). I know not everyone likes to discuss that, and that's fine if you don't, but I do. I have this gut feeling that if it is Islands, they'll use the Kiwi instead of the Tasmanian Devil. It's general knowledge, what looks really really different from what's in the game vs. what we're all really wanting. Watch a Kiwi not be in the pack at all (which would be sad but just for my prediction, funny).
What do I get outta it when I win? I'm already offering baked goodies...
(Of course, I'm not gonna win🤣)

I'd say scenery pack, if I'm honest
None of us are going to win since Frontier's probably going to pull some random but awesome theme like Hidden Wonders (animals that use camouflage) or Symbiosis (animals that form a symbiotic relationship with another animal) - actually that second sounds like a good name for a JPE pack/movie lol
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