Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Nice range of replies under Morph's vid...


How can S42 be in polishing when they still haven't finalised the ship to ship combat system yet. Are they set in different eras?

This just in: Early investors, during a recent board meeting, emphasized their development concerns by silently standing atop their office chairs.


There’s also the potential income from selling StarEngine licenses, so it’s not necessarily the games they need to release in ‘25 or ‘28.

To be clear: There are no Investors linked to the games star citizen or squadron 42. The investors bought shares of CIG as a company. In the worst case CIG would have to pour some backer money into dividends to keep the investors happy.

I think we're good and the little amount of incentive to deliver 95% soon with the option to deliver the remaining 5% over time rather than 100% in ten years from now is probably for the better.


If, after all these years, the game emerges as a rushed mess, the player base will have the incandescent fury of 1000 suns.

So... backers are investors of 2nd class?

What investors, when we "backers" paid almost a billion dollar? Aren't we the investors? If not and any Investors - who aren't backers - want their money back, then I want my money back first, because then they cheated on me!


That’s what I though awhile ago too. No one lends money without wanting it back in a reasonable time. Chris bent a knee. We have grounds to sue.

some words have been changed said:
CIG is famous for lying. You should absolutely be concerned, CIG messed up bringing in private investors when the the original point of the kickstarter was to NOT rely on private investments. They better finish this crap, or we are going to find and persecute the pee out of that idiot Chris

Dune: Sand Wurmies! Base Building! Meshing!

SC: It's Evo! Everything is broken!



  • Some of the apps are still in Flash
  • Starmap is not an enjoyable experience at all. Made him feel like Bone at Citcon. Feels a lot like the old Starmap.

And just a lot of stuff on most things either being too broken to test, or the patch being too unstable to allow testing ;)
It's cool that CIG have finally got an interaction system that mainly works for all their many interactible items.

It's still kinda notable that there's no real reason to interact with 99% of them though ;)

(Beyond 'make your own fun' / 'throw a Pico at each other' stuff. But it kinda feels like 'here's stuff to keep you and your processor busy' in lieu of the actual game stuff...)
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