Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Ah, but Zyloh has taken to Twitter to claim great success!

I think Chris is wasting his time selling jpegs and con tickets, he should follow another genius at marketing to the gullible and sell digital trading cards. And bibles.

They would FLY off the virtual non-existent shelf.



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No, that was in response to this:

Oh I see. I hope this part made it clearer:

Just to be clear I am not suggesting Mike uses it. No idea. But view bots are a thing indeed, Twitch rules or not. And I suspect there are significant chances CIG uses them directly or through 3rd parties. There has been significant signs CIG’s pulse doesn’t falter when it comes to artificially support SC content creators financially, Rexzilla / Redbull etc. I would not put it pass CIG to consider view botting for SC streamers or other forms of direct or indirect support for content creators to easily inflate viewership stats etc.

If that was the case, Mike (among others) could be indeed benefitting from CIG´s "marketing money well spent".
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