next stop
some random screenshots along the way

a very volcanic moon

a black hole trapped into the beautiful Southerner planetary nebula

found a star(gu)ardian ! (nah just kidding just a neutron star saw from the side but i liked the ressemblance 🤡 )

saying hi to the magnificient and dying Betelgeuse (burnt myself a bit outside)

and a possible last goodbye to home, the pale blue dot, before the arrival of the "flowers" 🌸
Screenshot_0097 earth sun.PNG
Delightful Views.jpg

"This is your captain. On today's cruise, we will have some delightful views. Our flight attendants will be standing by with further information."

Moths park different.jpg

"This is a Star Moth in its natural habitat. Notice how it prefers to land on inclines."

fascinating colour combo.jpg

"These colour combinations are stunning, aren't they?"


"Now, this ridge looks like a row of teeth. :unsure: Waitaminute...😯"


"Yikes. Almost crashed into this... What is it? No, it can't be a black hole... I think we found an entrance portal to the real void..."
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