Thargoid invasion - Next target systems?

Completely? Like the pictures in the opening post?
It said in grey letters that control was prevented and recovery would start in 5 days and the purple bar had stopped. But reopening the gmap and it went back to saying the invasion was active and the arrows were moving to the right again so going to pick up another load and keep running wounded. To answer your question yes it displayed the victory screen from the first post but a moment later reverted might have been a server glitch I dunno.


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Yes, indeed—victory in Obamumbo! HIP 20527 (46%) and HIP 29596 (36%) are next. Many systems join the fight, including Vasupari, Bi Dhorora, Luggerates, Tougeir and Gliese 9035.

From the Imperial Navy mathematics department, the absolute genius that is @CMDR Vulkarius has automated a progress check of all the affected systems. I will keep watch of a sample of what it claims is the case, but otherwise this and future updates will be following what should be a full sweep of every war-involved system.

Top targets at 21:20 23rd December 3308:
HIP 20527 Invasion + 5 ports – 46%
HIP 29596 Invasion + 5 ports – 36%
HIP 8525 Invasion + 1 port – 16%
Liu Huang Invasion + 0 ports – 16%
Nu Guang Invasion + 5 ports – 14%
Muchihiks Invasion + 1 port – 12%
Obassi Osaw Invasion + 0 ports – 8%
HIP 20890 Invasion + 2 ports – 6%
HR 1737 Controlled – 6%
Sounds great I'm at Wundt ring in hip 20527 only seeing reg wounded missions atm. Cant remember if ports under attack have the critically ill gonna go check if so it's worth the 5k ls walk to the planetary bases.
Are you sure it's not just pulling from the API (which is powered by user-submitted screenshots on discord).

It is much better than having to post and read images manually—running it will use an open Galaxy map to check through every single listed system, and it reports all of the states and percentages. Right now, the DCOH list reports 14 non-complete, non-Recovery systems, whereas our list from over two hours ago has 18 of those. For example, DCOH is showing no progress in Gliese 9035, when actually it has 2%.

I answer with a question; would DCOH like to be relieved of having to update systems that way?
Are you sure it's not just pulling from the API (which is powered by user-submitted screenshots on discord).

Hah, no!
It does what you're doing, but with a machine instead.
As Aleksandra says, you give it an open galaxy map and a system list and it runs a search-capture-parse loop to give you the numbers.

If I give it a fast mode switch to check only systems with progress, one box running Elite could keep the top activity systems updated every 5 minutes with a full scan every hour or 2.
Full scans will take longer if thargoids take more systems, around 10 minutes at the moment.
I can get that down some but full scaling would need multiple boxes eventually.

I'm going to try using the list as an input and see if I can make it post progress updates.
Just as a test, I'll house it somewhere on when it's ready.
The moon in HIP 20527 has 2 bases under attack. The advantage is that when one instance bugs out, you can just hop over to the other and see how things are going there.

Now ofc, tonight one instance was broken and didn't spawn Ceptors - the other spawned hella lotta Ceptors but didn't advance the progress bar. :p Anyway the system is at around 66% now so I expect it to be done by tomorrow noon at the latest.
The moon in HIP 20527 has 2 bases under attack. The advantage is that when one instance bugs out, you can just hop over to the other and see how things are going there.

Now ofc, tonight one instance was broken and didn't spawn Ceptors - the other spawned hella lotta Ceptors but didn't advance the progress bar. :p Anyway the system is at around 66% now so I expect it to be done by tomorrow noon at the latest.

Close! HIP 20527 (64%) is moving nicely, and those top Invasion systems in general are giving us around 300% total completion at the moment. Christmas notwithstanding, that gives me an early projection of a bit over 1400% this cycle, from which one might expect 12, maybe 13 systems. HIP 7338 joins the fight!

DCOH has done an absolutely great job; my only comment regarding the presentation is that the Progress column should be even more prominent and sorted that way by default. Recovery systems permitting, doing that to the DCOH list produces exactly what I had in mind when I started cataloguing progressed systems.

@Ned Flandalorian – That means of updating it really needs automating, and it sounds like V has a plan there. At this time, DCOH shows 23 systems with progress where our scan shows 30, including Recovery. It is missing Lahua, Vasupari, HIP 7338, Bi Dhorora, Luggerates, Gliese 9035, and the automatic 100% Recovery in Muruidooges.

Top targets at 00:50 24th December 3308:
HIP 20527 Invasion + 5 ports – 64%
HIP 29596 Invasion + 5 ports – 42%
Liu Huang Invasion + 0 ports – 28%
HIP 8525 Invasion + 1 port – 20%
Nu Guang Invasion + 5 ports – 18%
Muchihiks Invasion + 1 port – 14%
Got interdicted and smashed by cmdr [bad person's name] in Tarach Tor while delivering refugees. Griefers gonna grief, I know, but gamewise that is just stupid killing of 160 people just for the thrill of it, and I wonder: does anyone make some sort of sanitary to eliminate this pests in rescue systems, at least?
Note names in your contacts and block accordingly. Note that there might be more than one of them as a wing so if you don't block all of them you might still see the griefer later. Also, please edit your post and block out the name of the commander - name/shame is not allowed in the forums.

BTW, you can also switch to Solo.
Joining a ax focused pg might be a good idea for anyone looking to avoid gankers. Haven't looked into it but bet there are some big ones and there's always mobius.
HIP 20527 (70%) slowing down a bit, and rightfully so—as fun as Invasion systems can be, please remember to enjoy Christmas as well! Time zones exist, as do celebrations traditionally on the 24th or 25th for different people, so expect the weekend to be more festive than active!

The cycle is still on-course for twelve Invasion systems, and Kaurukat joins the fight. I would love very much for this new update process just to feed into the DCOH list; the latter is now another system behind, and does not appear to be getting updates for the top system as often as I thought would be the case.

Top targets at 02:50 24th December 3308:
HIP 20527 Invasion + 5 ports – 70%
HIP 29596 Invasion + 5 ports – 44%
Liu Huang Invasion + 0 ports – 36%
HIP 8525 Invasion + 1 port – 22%
HIP 20527 (88%) steady and nearly done, sharp surge at Liu Huang (58%), and Gaezatorix joins the fight!

Top targets at 10:00 24th December 3308:
HIP 20527 Invasion + 5 ports – 88%
Liu Huang Invasion + 0 ports – 58%
HIP 29596 Invasion + 5 ports – 52%
HIP 8525 Invasion + 1 port – 24%
Nu Guang Invasion + 5 ports – 22%
HIP 19198 joins the fight, and 70 Tauri is the first system this cycle to get a point of Alert progress!

You know this almost reminds me of how power play was supposed to work.

That is a quite good idea, and I can imagine the same Galaxy map feature being used for something exactly like that. More likely though, said feature could also apply to systems with Earth-like or terraformable worlds, to start a new colony!

Targets updated at 13:00 24th December 3308
HIP 20527 Invasion + 5 ports – 92%
Liu Huang Invasion + 0 ports – 66%
HIP 29596 Invasion + 5 ports – 56%
HIP 8525 Invasion + 1 port – 24%
Nu Guang Invasion + 5 ports – 22%
Unless the map is teasing me again Hip 20527 is won heading to Liu Huang. Careful around rescue ships Star Fox is out there in Tarach Tor trying to screw around and preaching about how much he loves goids or something may be other gankers around too
HIP 20527 is indeed a victory! Liu Huang (74%) to follow, HIP 20916 joins the fight, and I see one point towards the alert in HIP 21380!

Top targets at 16:50 24th December 3308:
Liu Huang Invasion + 0 ports – 74%
HIP 29596 Invasion + 5 ports – 62%
HIP 8525 Invasion + 1 port – 28%
Nu Guang Invasion + 5 ports – 26%
Muchihiks Invasion + 1 port – 20%
Ive gone completely the opposite direction and had great fun, couple of chumps killed me first couple of times in open so stuck with solo and all was fine. Since this war started I went to open just to try it again, been blown up by a couple of commanders, the same one twice, baaah, chumpety chump chump, fair play its open I lost a little chump change to chumps. To me everything feels better in open, seeing many commanders, the chatter, ganging up on an Interceptor, just seeing it all come together........shoulda done it sooner!
Credits are so easy to come by that the little inconvenience of losing a ship occasionally is outweighed heavily by just being there.

Unfortunately, I've reached a time in my life where two things really grind my gears. One, having my time wasted and, two, idiots. Playing this in Open just risks one happening because of the other, so it's not really a viable option for me personally.

Naturally, YMMV...and so on, etc.... ;)
We have Liu Huang (84%) closing soon, with steady progress in HIP 29596 (66%) making it the next ideal target. This new scan process is amazing; I left it to itself and it spotted Fotlandjera joining the fight!

Unfortunately, I've reached a time in my life where two things really grind my gears. One, having my time wasted and, two, idiots. Playing this in Open just risks one happening because of the other, so it's not really a viable option for me personally.

Naturally, YMMV...and so on, etc.... ;)

If there ever was a time to take advantage of switching between modes, surely it is now! I can confirm that a conflict zone brawl is fun to behold, though conversely it is absolutely the case that, for example, the notion of evacuation is not designed around being unable to get a landing pad at the megaship. Should you so choose, you have the options available to have it both ways!

Top targets at 20:00 24th December 3308:
Liu Huang Invasion + 0 ports – 84%
HIP 29596 Invasion + 5 ports – 66%
HIP 8525 Invasion + 1 port – 30%
Nu Guang Invasion + 5 ports – 28%
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