Yes - please re-apply...if you have any more issues / questions - please stop by the #dssa-initiative-chat in the FleetComm Discord (Invite should be in 1st post of this DSSA thread)Should I re-apply then?

Yes - please re-apply...if you have any more issues / questions - please stop by the #dssa-initiative-chat in the FleetComm Discord (Invite should be in 1st post of this DSSA thread)Should I re-apply then?
I did re-apply and no, I'd never use my in-game name on this forum.@Triptych DId you reapply? I see another Cmdr added to the Reserve List on Mar 15th - but doesn't match your forum name here?
A big thank you to Cmdr Auxilium for hosting my alt on his carrier out in the Formorian Frontier. A safe haven, replenishment and a cold beer : \o/
Greetings and welcome back fellow pinniped!Greetings commanders,
Question for everyone. Getting back into the pilot's seat after a long hiatus.
I am the proud owner of DSSA Wanderer's Rest [NNT-W4Z] and feel it is time to refit her for exobiology, Pioneer Supplies, and naturally, a Bar after almost 3 years out here.
I almost have enough fuel for the 51 jumps back to Colonia and plan on purchasing enough fuel for the return trip to my station, Flyai Pre HR-V c2-1 in The Conduit.
The question is, where do I make the announcement that my carrier will be off station for the several day journey for 102 jumps? I was thinking here, naturally, and on the Fleet Carrier Discord, but not sure which channel to post it in. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
I plan on setting sail this Friday, about 11:00 in game time and seeing how far I get through the weekend. I am hoping to be back on station in about a week, give or take.
Fly straight and true,
CMDR Jaimes
Greetings from Glorious Dawn! It's been a while since Cmdr @Orvidius's last visit on the forum. I hope he's OK. Happy to say his carrier is doing fine, its services are still top notch and the view over NGC 7538 is as amazing as you can imagine. o7!Glorious Dawn has arrived in Temple, to fill in for Paradox Destiny. The latter is now heading back to the bubble for refit. I expect it'll be several days before it has returned to its post, but Glorious Dawn will remain here until then.
KBH-T2Z RR-DSSA Rocksteady | PROOE HYPUE FH-U E3-2 | Norma Expanse | CMDR Karaya | SQUADRON Rock Rats | Repair, Armoury, Universal Cartographics, Refuel, Shipyard, Outfitting, Vista Genomics (required for Odyssey CMDRs), Bar, Pioneer Services | June 12, 2020 until July 15, 2025 |
Thanks for the Report! Weāll update the tracker status andDSSA Manatee Eolls Graae TA-K c10-5 is in debt and all services are suspended
View attachment 400559
Does the DSSA FC owner get his/her percentage of money if I sell at his/her carrier? I'm at a station at Soul nebula but if I can help DSSA pay its upkeep, I'll sell my data there.
Yes - Universal Cartographics always takes a 25% cut of Exploration sold at FCs - but half (12.5%) is shared back with the FC Owner (DSSA or Independent)....Does the DSSA FC owner get his/her percentage of money if I sell exploration data at his/her carrier? I'm at a station at Soul nebula but if I can help DSSA pay its upkeep, I'll sell my data there.