The FFED3D Thread

got it now, yes you don't actually notice that, if you don't get a hint i guess
that fits to what i post on ssc once about latin letters.
cut off half, mirror them, blurr it, it's hard to destroy those characters and make them completely unreadable as long as there is a tiny bit of it to see.
those who created the latin letters had amazing powers, i think, knewing the power of our mind so well back then and how it completes unseen things.
further every typeface is almost unique and things are almost allways readable.
might somone has bad grammatics and a bad scripting, still readable.

further it is allowed in Lettering to do such (take a lowercase as upper), and i'm shure this Font has a name.
i have seen the typewriter of Herrmann Hesse, the name i forgot, BUT there was a big no.4 on it, and i have seen the typefaces also, very funny ones allmost irregular every typeface had it's own size and positioning, i knewed quickly, hey thats a artists typewriter from beginning 20th century, great! and further i'm almost shure the typeface will still exist and maybe copyrighted to.

and you might noticed it i use foremost lowercases, 1st i'm lazy, 2nd you can MARK something good without using a different FONTSTYLE.
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oh no, my hard searched deep space colonys are lost. :confused:

in frontier elite 2 i have found some sectors with exploored systems and any bases. Like:

Andgreen (-2042,-1579) in the centre of the galaxy

Andcaned (1536,-1) in the outer rim

in elite3 there not exist. :rolleyes: okay that are not so usefull, but a adventure to fly to it. :D

a question. i have used the search functon but no hits. how to enter polaris/thargoid bases?
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thargoid missions are very strange acting, i remember i can't get them to call me up, another time i was just loading it accidantially, then immidiatly called me, but din't ask me i havn't played then, i was only surprised and thought oh now it works?, i was after something else then.

you was there? i mean did you take a look for Andgreen, or just searching with sysmap? try to explore the surrounding sectors, where one of these abandoned systems is, are allways a few more with the same specs for the economy, strange hm. further i haven't found one with a breathable atmosphere and agronomical economy, only industrial or prospecting, and so on. it seems they only appear in clusters. i know some have vanished, i guess it's why the data tables have changed a bit compared to FE2 and some will have altered because of the "new" alliance system, you can't change or add a new hardcoded system without altering the rest of the galaxy, because they are related to them. but if you want to know more about how Frontiers Galaxy is generated, take a look into Theunis' site:

i'm by myself, some years ago, tried to move a sector/system in FE2, weird things was happening then to the sectors. one big difference of FE2 to FFE is allready all of the Hardcoded systemdata has been moved to tables, they was like a "common" object in FE2. all data for a hardcoded system was in one block, in FFE you can't find them in that way, they have been split and in the "block" is only a few data to find, such as the name of the central star and it's mass and type, the rest pionts to tables, if i remeber right.

further there exists tables of such systems, look also on jongware he's also giving am link somewhere to an older fan who collected such data by experience.

and if you have a little patience then i might offer somewhere my jumpdata table. it's very extended and give also wormhole jumppoints for such systems. plus additional data for all listed systems, such as alliance, economy, nr. of starports, range of system, and approx. distance of nearest starport from entry point, sometimes i also collected temperature of planets surface in unknown systems (using a mb4) or if they have a planet with oxygene atmosphere.
further i used a special system to show off what you will find, like S,P,P,A,P,G,G,G,G,P,P whitch represents sol i.e or something like S,Dpppgpp,G,P,P,P which would represent Ladaed 7,0 (Cap. for Planets belong to main sun or group, lcas. for Planets belonging to a second(third......) sun or dwarf non grouped, moons are not listed with the exception of such with a breatheable atmosphere. but i guess in most cases FFE StarSys is handier, but when i collected all these data i haven't had web and no idea about starsys. but i had a game genie, and i knew how to move my self to any point in the galaxy (like in new buffet2 you just have to jump then by the use of 1ton fuel), i've extendet theunis older frontierobjects.doc file somewhat by this, so i have a reference next time i liked to do that.
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i have visit the system. i think, maybe all far systems are "cloaked". but the voyage have killt my systems nearly, and without a dock to repair my exploration end. but, you mean there are far colonys between 500 - 49.000 ly with dock? i try the wormhole option in the editor.

"The So Incredibly Complete System List" i found, but:

"The mathematical error which produced far-off systems (as far as 49,000 ly) in Frontier has not been implemented..."

not so complete system list. :p

have anyone "far-off" or far coordinats? i must see it to belive ^^.
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i guess your'e right and i must say i wasn't aware of that i suggested they must have been the same, but i checked one system where i have a prepared savegame for FE2 and checked the surrounding sectors, none of the systems in the "cluster" are explored. then i flew there to check if it's not only data shown as unexplored no uninhabited, the one i was looking for has many starports but in FFE there is nothing even the planet (4th in system) with breatheable atmosphere has changed, else the system is build in the same way.

checked system Greanve -1483 -1359
in FE2 extensive mining and industrial development, 4th planet topaz, many starports and orbiters. all of the systems you can find in a close range who was inhabited are in FFE unexplored.

sadly they "fixed that" when they coded FFE, so something like my far out missions i did for FE2 are impossible in FFE. and are anyway impossible without the "wormhole bug", so only buffet2 would offer to go there or get home from there.

but you can still play good old FE2 and zip through the galaxy.
check my "beginners missions" (if you haven't already):
download from ssc: FE2 utilities bundle
thread with files listing and a short intro to the "missions": Frontier / elite2 thread
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it wars possible to reach a planet 1000 ly or more away. like the wormhole bug, in frontier 2 all many hundreds ly you can found bases to repair. so you can travel in the arms of the galaxy without wormholes from repairpoint to repairpoit.

but another way to make that easyer is a eagle with "cheat cargo" fuelscoop and a hyperdrive 6, easy to replace, 566 ly per jump. :cool:

the new models are very cool!

have found a way to awake the last damed piece of rock in the outer rim to "alife" ^^. Take the Targoid mission but not finish it. (secure save before > Elite Rang competent, find the mission or use buffet for a interspecies translater and jump first zu pleone, then to polaris. Take the mission) Then you can wormhole to a 60kly system ... lock arround and have fun. Sure no bases, but more as the boring void. ^^

How 2 land without fighting? When the action gets freakout, Autopilot and hold down the stardreamer maximum to your landing destination If you attaket, back ti navigation autopilot and stardreamer(yes you becoms the "Doom Finger" arrivement for this. But this is the prise ^^. I have test it with a asp explorer, 6 shild, sol <-> Bernards star ~5 Minutes without a hole in the hull. Have you the feeling 90% of the Space of the System are overrum Jump any times to hang they up for a moment. ^^ You can blast with the energy bomb a hole in the swarm of THEM that gif you bliss to set a minig mashine or make it quite. Or land on a smal gas gigant and see with a smaler star dremer speed THEM raining to the "surface" like moskitos in a electric-insect-killer.

Ive make a "sound-patch" for a quiter elite, no chainsaw like noises by relasing a laser or melting hulls.
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short reply to the "N" issue

handscript? HeadHunter thinks it's "funny but common"

but anyway i never had a problem with that, it's "common" to me to alter typefaces of latin letters, in special cases
if you like to get it to the top something like this will be the result,

there IS something written in it. i wonder if you can read it?
(hint: the letters are painted inversive, the black background forms the letters then).
Any updates to FFE 3D?

I've been away from ELITE/FFE for a while, but am ready to return. I found the Russian site where they're working on a 3D mod, but haven't updated in a while. The latest one I have is ffed3d_patch_1.12b. Has there been anything newer than that released? Thanks
A 3D version? Great, I'll get me specs!

Actually, there haven't been any updates to the main program for a long time now.
A few models etc have popped up now and again, but v1.12 is the most recent version of the game.


The Moderator who shall not be Blamed....
Volunteer Moderator
Seems as it may have died. Real shame if it has, really looked good for a while.
If I read the translation right,I think they are trying to make the game more open souce?
Headhunter post on page 51 of the general discussion thread give six point about the project.

1. The project will continue its development on the basis of VS 2010 and DX SDK 2010.
2. The project will be transferred to the status of "open source".
3. Support files. Midi will be temporarily cut out, because absent in modern DX SDK.
4. Video unit will fully work through the shaders (shaders) (now it is an option).
5. Users should focus on the video card with PS 2.0 +.
6. Dates are not yet known.

This might all be connected with this Gmod.??
That sounds promising Spacegamer. Even though I have been mostly focused on Pioneer of late, I certainly would not like to see the demise of FFE3D as it has played it's part in keeping the dream alive during this very long wait for a proper sequel. Best wishes to the Russian guys! :)
just in case that i've forgot, check foremost allways the ffed3d f.a.q i've made once it's not updated to all known problems but still useful for newbe's and covers most of the repetive questions one can have.
FFED3D f.a.q

if you have allread fiddled around with the screen res. and can't get the icons to show,this hint:
check your directx installation, remove any except the latest download of the dx redistributable especially remove the directx sdk and it's possible updates, parallel installations are not welcome by FFED3D (even other games don't like the sdk). it might work with either one, but you can have the sdk parallel to the redist. which is not good! because sdk libraries are prefered by the system, to make them available anytime to the developer this can confuse some games (pioneer i.e.) or keep them from running (twpga08, i.e.).
check the installation in "software" on the control panel.
you can check dx install in systeminformations (help&support) usually
or open windows/system32 and look for "dxdiag.exe", if you start the D3D draw test that cube should spin so fast you can't see the "X" symbol clearly (on a recent machine) if it spins slow like a "windmill", then you've got the sdk installed for shure, or some drivers are not installed proper.

check also your graphic card driver and keep it updated, just in case.....(but do it before you (re)install dx, allways install directx as the last, to keep the files in it original, card drivers sometimes change them, in some weird cases you will have to use the directx that comes with your card, mainly for combinied 3D/TV cards, but they are outdated i guess)

check also the VB runtimes, and keep the installation cleen of duplicates.

after that the icons should appear in most resolutions windowed or fullscreen
it also depends somewhat on your screens native resolution of course, i.e. i can't use a lower or higher res as my screen supports natively or any unsupported screen ratio (even not windowed), but anything else between works fine (foremost this goes to modern monitors, on a old tube you can get any res. working, because the res. / ratio is not bound to the layout).
Hi folks

I have a problem: In Win7 my ffe d3d in full-screen have all buttons an the wrong position. exactly the buttons are 1 line under the text for it. is not in window mode but then the FPS hard down. I have made a new installation (other version), no fix. :S

Another think, can i easy install aonther font? In space are the letters of planet, ship and starnames to bold -for a cyber head up display. :D
Hi folks

I have a problem: In Win7 my ffe d3d in full-screen have all buttons an the wrong position. exactly the buttons are 1 line under the text for it. is not in window mode but then the FPS hard down. I have made a new installation (other version), no fix. :S
If I understand you correctly, this may be the solution.
Yes this is it! Thanx.

I hope the next relase is coming soon. my model of the imperial trader have a bug, the top pylon is missing ^^, have every one a update/mod for the modells?
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