The FFED3D Thread

Is a new relase in planing or on work?

As far as FFED3D is concerned, there's a new rumoured new version in the works, but I'd be pleasantly surprised if it actually materialises after all this time :(

And obviously we're not talking about Elite IV club ;)
on the ffe3d version, what do you do if the shift buttons don't work so you can't manually slow the ship down??

also on the 3d posted, the stardreamer auto pilot bug doesn't work but the guide says you should use it

it does work on the origonal if you use dosbox
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on the ffe3d version, what do you do if the shift buttons don't work so you can't manually slow the ship down??
You might want to search the Elite/Frontier forum with "shift" keyword. We've had at least two such threads although I don't think we've ever found a solution. I think it might be a Vista/W7 related problem.

If all else fails you may consider not using set speed mode altogether, just autopilot and full manual via numpad (Jordanian controls).

also on the 3d posted, the stardreamer auto pilot bug doesn't work but the guide says you should use it
I'd consider it a good thing. You don't need to cheat by exploiting a bug to play the game, you know.

it does work on the origonal if you use dosbox
Original FFE, even patched was among the buggiest games ever, modified versions are far more polished.
I try to replace the font in FFE D3D. Not this from the Reclame-Bords! I mean this font there displyes star and shipnames. ther is too fat. how kan i replace ist ?????? :S

needs to hack FFED3D
open .exe in hex editor
search for string arial
replace with font name of your choice
but start at right point and don't use more letters as there is free space (0x00)
i have posted that somewhere here before man
but you can still ask me a hundred times
i wouldn't mind

but size won't change a lot i guess, since it is floating somewhat
but try yourself, i did that often
most craziest is to use a klingon or try the font from babylon5's horlon (is that right?)


and oh, make a nice little crumbled up ball of vista/7 and throw it out of your window
don't forget to kick the dev behind that :p


sorry for beeing sometimes so angry
it's only when i'm sober
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special offer! :D

tell me which font you like to have in FFED3D
i will fix up a .exe for you

morse alphabet would be a idea to ;)

now tell didn't looks that crazy?

btw, vorlon, not horlon, sorry

man, and running dm pugachevs "gelios" when playing FFED3D, that's divine!
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Ah, yes i mean ffed3d. rumors of a new relase sounds good so far. i hope, and pray, and all the thinx i cant translate, that the map is replaced to the frontier elite 2 map. why? simply: when you make a miss jump, your ship is far in the outer rim (yes nearly unpossible) but when, you build a colony and give the coordinates over the interference web to the starmaps. naturly you do that for the possibl to get rescued. :eek: ...ok its not a part of the playable game but a good declairing for far off colonys.
hmm..and hello

Hello, i am a newcomer here, from CZ.I played a LOT all the elite games, especially FFE in the uniform of JJFFE (John Jordan's).I've read about this Russian remake.. and well.. could anyone of you here be so nice to explain me how it is about, and if there have been news since 2008?
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