The FFED3D Thread

That's not such a bad issue.

Frontier GL (FE2) has nasty bugs with the autopilot system still. Ahhhh well. I went back to the Amiga version of FE2 and everything is ok again..........well........there is atill the autopilot bug but it does not seem as bad as what it was on FE2 GL

Pity I can't play FE2D3D. :(
There are other minor issues:

  • Missing characters in in-game font.
  • Misaligned text. Some screens have the text overflow off the page.
  • In-game videos do not work on BBS boards.
  • Missing textures on planet rings.
  • Targetting tunnels have not yet been implemented.

None of these are show stoppers though. The only bug that really gets to me is the missing target on reconnaissance missions.
There are other minor issues:

  • Missing characters in in-game font.
  • Misaligned text. Some screens have the text overflow off the page.
  • In-game videos do not work on BBS boards.
  • Missing textures on planet rings.
  • Targetting tunnels have not yet been implemented.

None of these are show stoppers though. The only bug that really gets to me is the missing target on reconnaissance missions.

The show stopper for me is no icons on the panel whatsoever :) I dedicated an entire thread to my efforts there too.
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It's possible the textures are too big. Each texture is now 1024x1024 pixels (up from from 128x128), so requires *a lot* more graphics memory.

Here's a link to a 512x512 version of the pack:

And to a 256x256 version:

See if either of those are any better.
Yep, turned out the 1024 textures were too much for my poor old graphics card to handle. The 512 textures work perfectly :)

By the way, I noticed you changed tex64 to green grass. This unfortunately turns the ice world of Merlin in the Ross 154 system into a lush green paradise...

MerlinGreen.jpg I converted the texture to greyscale to look a bit more "icy" :cool:

Yep, turned out the 1024 textures were too much for my poor old graphics card to handle. The 512 textures work perfectly :)
Good to know. I'll reduce the texture sizes when I finalise the pack. There are a couple of textures I want to change anyway...

By the way, I noticed you changed tex64 to green grass. This unfortunately turns the ice world of Merlin in the Ross 154 system into a lush green paradise... I converted the texture to greyscale to look a bit more "icy" :cool:
Hmmm...that's frustrating. The original texture *was* greyscale, and it made Earth look like a brown mudball (instead of the lush green paraidse it's supposed to be).

I'm open to suggestions on this one. I can desaturate the green in the grass texture so that it will still retain some green (but with more variation) on any planet it appears on.

But it just feels wrong to have a brown planet Earth.

What do you think?
FFED3D: How to turn off the pirates using Buff?

Sometimes I just wanna fly around without being bothered. Is that possible using ship replacement feature in Buff?
It should be possible to un-check the hostility flag in Buffet. Once that's done, the ships simply go about their own business leaving you alone.
Hmm...I couldn't even get it to compile. I'm using VS2010 and get the following error when I try to build it:

error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 3.
If you can get a working version, I'd be interested to know the steps you took.

Hi nanite2000,

I've only just stumbled upon this FFED3D wrapper today (it's stunning isn't it) and was really keen to take a look at compiling it. :D

* I will warn you though - the current codebase appears to be extremely buggy! *

I'm using Visual C++ 2010 Express edition which for anyone else interested is freely available to download. And to grab the source, I used TortoiseSVN

You will need to grab NASM from I grabbed the stable 2.10.07 installer from within the win32 subdirectory.
This needed to be installed as Administrator (holding SHIFT key, right click on exe and choose that option) if you are installing into the path which the FFED3D solution expects: C:\Program Files (x86)\NASM

Secondly, you do also need the DirectX 9 SDK installed, this can be grabbed from Microsoft at (UK site)
Install this without Visual Studio running, I think it gave an error at the end but doesn't seem to matter.

I would comment that to have NASM compile correctly, ensure that your source is within a simple directory structure - i.e. no spaces or dashes in folder names. The project will also build to a path below your source by default, so I set up a C:\FFED3D folder with a "source" subfolder, and it will generate a 'build' folder within this location containing the final .exe file

You also need to update the solution as the DirectX9 SDK is a different version to that which it been configured for. So after loading up the solution in Studio/Visual C++ Express, right click on the 'ffed3d' entry in the Solution Explorer and bring up its properties. Select the "VC++ Directories" and the Include and Library directories will both need to be edited so that the SDK path says June instead of February.
If you installed NASM to somewhere other than C:\Program Files (x86)\NASM then the first 2 .asm entries at the bottom of the solution, also need the paths correcting for the 'Custom Build Tool'.

You should now be able to compile. :cool:

To try it out, maybe make a copy of your existing FFE D3D to play with.
Copy the .exe file that has been created in the 'build' folder over to this test folder, as well as the contents of the source 'resources' folder that contain new assets (including a simplified ship panel). NB - There are keybindings defined in this new ffewin.cfg file, so you might want to exclude that file and stick with your existing version.

The new .exe build contains the 'start' front end and the start-up hints are provided by a Lua script.
They also seem to be trying to implement procedural planet surfaces too, check out the bumpy planet in the intro! Unfortunately, when it comes to playing - trying to take off from planets seems to make you sink through them as well as other graphical issues with the planet/atmosphere. Loading a save game visiting the Thargons in Miackce led to an instant crash too!
But, the infamous game videos do tend to appear now (oh dear) and the ship panel now also displays in windowed mode on my pc, not just in fullscreen. (and this works with the more complex panel.X too so it's a coding not a model fix)

I guess with time, someone could try starting at the earliest revision of the source, hopefully that corresponds to the released build, and then perhaps try to reapply whatever was altered to fix the cockpit panel...
Nudging down the details helped for me as well.

Unfortunately, it seems that on Windows 8 it is impossible to Disable Visual Composition, or whatever fix is used for having to click UNDER the icons. Windows 8 simply doesn't have that option. The fix I found for this was to simply play in windows mode, and I could click on the icons themselves.

Just a fix for anyone who might have this error.

Also, I've said it once, and I'll say it again. I tried FFE on 4 different computers. All of which had Nvidia cards and I couldn't see any icons period. I moved to ATI with my newest computer, and BAM they appeared. Just in case one of you fine folks is having a similar issue.

IF you get FFED3D from the Elite Forever website, be prepared for a NEW error.

It basically keeps giving the 'no disk in CD drive' error constantly. Click 'CANCEL' instead of 'Continue' should take a few tries but it will eventually go away.:rolleyes:

FFED3D is the least stable program I have EVER used.

Its not a new error its been around a while....Just go to the options and turn off the Videos...Its looking for the cd to play them.....That will solve the issue ;)
How does that work? It seems to me that I can edit only ships that I add manually (not even sure how to do that), but when I right click anything in that window nothing happens (I think I should be able to edit properties like hostility, but it seems I can't).
I see what you mean. I get the same look for New York, and using the Earth fix which works for other versions of FFE has absolutely no effect in FFED3D :(

What to do? Personally I think it's more important that Sirocco Station looks icy than New York looks grassy (and there are other starports on Earth which look better).

Hey - quick question:

How did you get your in-game fonts to be so small? I can change the font, but seem unable to change the size.

Do you get any layout issues with it?
I simply changed the font that the program uses from Arial to Andalus. Only one very minor layout issue in the system info screen, other than that it works great :)
On page 2, under the ship list, you'll see the option to "select hostiles" down at the bottom right. This will highlight all the hostile ships in the system.

Rather than editing the ships to remove hostility, you can simply delete them for speed. Note that you'll likely need to do this every time you jump or there'll be hostile ships eventually.
I see what you mean. I get the same look for New York, and using the Earth fix which works for other versions of FFE has absolutely no effect in FFED3D :(

Did you load a saved game where you're already in the Sol system?
It seems that the planet types of the current system are being loaded from the save game. So if you've "fixed" the the exe but loaded a position already in Sol, it will seem that the change didn't work as Earth is still a mudball. But if you jump out to another system and then return, Earth will then pick up the new value.
Did you load a saved game where you're already in the Sol system?
It seems that the planet types of the current system are being loaded from the save game. So if you've "fixed" the the exe but loaded a position already in Sol, it will seem that the change didn't work as Earth is still a mudball. But if you jump out to another system and then return, Earth will then pick up the new value.
Ah, good call! That's exactly what's happening :)
New York looks a lot better now...

Ah, good call! That's exactly what's happening :)
New York looks a lot better now...

Ah - good call. I still need to modify some of my textures though. The water needs to be greyscale too, as does the mountain range. I'm working on them now.

Earth looks better when I change the final hex value to something other than 81, but virtually all the starports/cities are under water. No matter what I changed the hex value to, I couldn't get them to appear on land.

No other planet suffers from this issue.

Does anyone know if it's possible to change the planet layout too?
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