As described by the old woman, this is a line through the galaxy map from Reorte to Riedquat heading away from the bubble towards the area of the Formidine Rift:
Reorte (75.75 : 48.75 : 75.15)
Riedquat (68.84 : 48.75 : 69.75)
Using some math we can figure out how far off any system is from the ‘RR line’:
Z = 0.782805x + 15.85874
X = (z - 15.85874) / 0.782805
Tachyondecay put together some tools that can work this out for us:
Interesting links and clues:
A summary of clues from Drew can be found here and here
Cyalope has put a spreadsheet together here of findings to date
Primary clues (reliable):
Formadine means “fear” in latin
Virgil uses 'Formidine' to describe the gateway to hell in Orpheus
The Kahina name etymology: Berber queen (soothsayer/priestess). Berbers were called "white Aethiopians" at Greek times => Cassiopeia link
Salomé name: link with the dance of the seven veils, there is the 'biblical' version and the Oscar Wilde play, and another link with Ishtar/Inanna and the seven gates of the underworld
The name of the ship, "Seven Veils": links with Salomé, could refer to a star discarding stuff, or crossing seven "gates" to reach the destination
One needs to “plot a way” through the rift
Finding it depends on who goes looking: Could the use of a ship with a certain range narrow down the search area?
We should consider the "core" of the problem: look at the galactic core, look for a stellar core, visit the core worlds or reconsider what is the central issue of the puzzle
Future hints will make things less "nebulous”: potential link with a nebula or dark clouds? Or should we stop looking at nebulas? Or it simply means that things should become clearer as time progresses?
Primary clues (may be unreliable/deliberately misleading):
Rift is along the RR line. (There has been some debate as to the reliability of this clue in the forum thread.)
We need to "keep going" - in which direction?
Secondary clues (maybe clues, or not):
Kahina tours the outer gas giants in Sol: potential pointer to Greek myths, in particular Neptune+Triton+Nereids => Cassiopeia
Kahina goes to London and Cambridge on the vernal equinox: Cambridge is close to the Greenwich meridian, the Cambridge radio-source catalogue (3C catalogue) is there
Cassiopeia A was discovered at Cambridge Observatory in 1948
The Prism system and link to Greek myths: all names revolve around Autolycus (Drew has also told us he named the planets as an homage to Ulysses 31)
Sol visit was most enlightening: could refer to a bright light source (radio, visible or X-ray) => Supernova, Cassiopeia A again perhaps?
Kahina leaves her tiara along with the Dark Wheel Salomé medallion (links here again to ‘stripping’ of items – Ishtar/Inanna/Salomé – removal of garments + the ship ‘Seven Veils’ being stripped in Achenar.)
Tinfoil clues:
At some point, Drew made a puzzle around eb, P => ro, C via Rot13, hinted by a sequence of dots read in unary (1,26,13)
It has been surmised that the dots and commas in “Good luck, and ... right on, Commander.” somehow point to x & z coordinates due to the ,...,. (3,1) structure.
In Reclamation, coordinates are supposed to be at the end of the message, but there are none. Message ends with "Good luck, and ... right on, Commander." which could be seen as three coordinates separated by commas. Using unary format as in the "eb, P => ro, C" puzzle from Drew (simply counting characters) it gives: 44, 3352, 10
Further thoughts on this can be found here
There is something interesting about ‘three dots’. This has appeared several times in the text, and various logos of the Dark Wheel and Children of Raxxla. It has been posited that this could be an ‘asterism’ that we need to look out for.
The naming of the ship 'Seven Veils' could be significant considering Salomé named it this after learning about the Formidine Rift. In fact ‘7’ lines up around a few things we have learned to date:
A Prism (As in the Prism system – Kahina’s home world) has seven colours
Violet, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, Magenta
Seven veils/Seven gates of the underworld can be represented by colours of ‘Chakras’
Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red
The galaxy map has seven scoopable stars (OBAFGKM) that can be removed or revealed
Blue/White, Blue/White, Blue/White, White, White/Yellow, Yellow/Orange, Red
A star will discard seven layers of nuclear fuel leaving behind the core (after supernova, a neutron star or a black hole depending on the mass)
The ‘Magnificent seven’ family (?) of neutron stars: