The Galactic Mapping Project & Historical Archive of Exploration

Game map search ref: Chua Dryoae LZ-M d8-4
Description:On his return trip from the Distant Worlds 2 expedition, CMDR Grue2u jumped into this system while travelling down the Saggitarius-Carina arm. As he dutifully scanned this system his FSS display continued to light up with terraformable worlds until he'd discovered a total of 7 terraformable high metal content worlds and 2 terraformable water worlds between the system's two class A stars. With no Thargoids reported this far away from the bubble, and realizing the population this system could maintain should humanity ever need to retreat from the conflict, he named the system "Sanctuary".
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Wow! Thank you @malenfant. I have no idea how that correction got in there. I even proof read before posting,but I still hit some odd autocorrect. Going to edit the original now, but for those that want to see the original, it somehow autocorrected my description to: "As he dutifully scanned this system his what are you doing display continued to light up with terraformable worlds" :LOL:

Edit: Ahhh.. I see it now. I'd typed F-F-S, which could be an abbreviation for something not very the thread made my post more palatable to all.
Yeah, it's not notable for WW for sure @Vovva The Bluehaired , but having scanned thousands of systems at this point I can say it's notable for the large number of terraformables and it's distance from the bubble. I figured I'd submit it with a decent story and see where it went. No complaints from me if the cartographers find it unsuitable.
The top of the thread still holds this info but is being rapidly outdated by EDSM's built-in expedition feature:

That's the best way to update expedition information, as we're so behind on GMP posts that I can't guarantee expedition information sent to this thread will get handled.

Edit: I realize that this is probably a change that could have been better announced, so I'm not trying to discourage anyone. It's just, like, a lot of work to keep up on this thing.
Edit 2: This is mostly my opinion because we haven't officially changed anything. With DW2 winding down I'm hoping the rest of the GMP team will be able to lend a hand here again.

Thank you for holding the fort!
Negative. There are approximately 3700 known systems with 7 terraformables. The currently record holder is 15.

Right...but this system has 9 terraformables (the water worlds are also terraformable). I'm assuming that number is smaller. You guys get to moderate this, so you get to make the final choice. I just want to make sure it's made with the correct information.
Lyaisae PJ-Y c14-472 is listed as a planetary nebula, but that's only a nearby system, the actual nebula is Lyaisae SY-S e3-581. Lasoae BF-A f810 is the same, with the nebula being Lasoae AP-A e6892 instead. In the latter case though, the description is more for some nice views than for the nebula itself, but it's still under the planetary nebula tag.

Also, a reminder to those who post nebulae here: the Catalogue of Galactic Nebulae is open for submissions! As long as it's a nebula, it'll be included there, there is no notability criteria.
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Scheau Byoe AF-P d6-482 (Fire Cloud Nebula)

Still nice view but no lava spouts. The closest one is on -63.55 127.10 coords (geological signal 11)


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Is there some kind of knack for finding G and H systems that actually have anything interesting in them? Most of the ones I go to are just the stars and that's it (no planets, companions etc).
Is there some kind of knack for finding G and H systems that actually have anything interesting in them? Most of the ones I go to are just the stars and that's it (no planets, companions etc).

Where are you doing those searches? Just curious, because I suspect the way in which the heavier mass-code systems are populated changes with area. I've noticed that in the core regions, they tend to be less interesting, at least when I've looked.

The abundance is certainly affected, as the "suppression bars" are visible in maps:

(click for bigger view)
Name:Sheol (or "Stellar Necropolis" if that's taken)
Game map search ref:NYEAKUE AA-A H31
Description:This system (discovered by CMDR #G#) is full of death - stellar death, to be exact. A septuple system of 4 neutron stars and 3 black holes, with a 17 solar mass BH primary (A, with planets!) orbited by a binary BH/NS (BC), a trinary (NS/BH)+NS (DE+F), and another NS (G), with a landable planet orbiting the binary+trinary (too far for a decent view though)! The companion sextuple set is about 370,000ls from the primary BH though so be prepared for a long trip!

The BC binary BH/NS (4 MS/1.8MS) orbit eachother very closely, with only a 0.4 day orbital period which makes for interesting views - interestingly the BH actually does block the view of the NS behind it if they are aligned. The other DE NS/BH pair are more widely separated with an orbital period of 3.4 days, though the NS jets can be seen from the first binary about 1678 ls away! F orbits the DE pair at a distance of around 240 ls, and G orbits them all another 56,000 ls away.
Screenshot reference:System map:

Black hole B eclipsing the Neutron Star C:

Black hole B out of alignment with Neutron Star C, revealing the NS:

Cockpit view showing the jets of Neutron Star D (the BH E companion is close to it but invisible from here), with Neutron Star F above it. Neutron star G is another 54,000ls beyond the BCDEF set.

Black hole E eclipsing Neutron star D, with the jets of C visible in the distance on the right.

Neutron star F, with the D/E pair about 240ls in the background

The view from the foggy world of BCDEF 1, about 5000 ls (10 AU) from the quintuple set (the NS are visible as bright stars here, BH distortions also visible)
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Game map search ref:Praea Aoscs DN-B d13-583
Description:A Neutron and a K class star of almost identical mass in a remarkably close orbit of 0.2 days. Their orbital velocity is high enough that you can watch them spiral around each other.
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