Frost Touch
fachiae tf-f d11-0
A fascinating place hiding under the galaxy in the middle of Newton's Vault: planet 1 H A has a lot of beautiful blue ravines of varios depths and widths, it goes around the farthers moon of the gas giant in quite close orbit and can provide you with wonderful planet rises. But that's far from all: the gas giant itself is not very far from the planet and you can also see in the sky with its other moons like small orbiting stars, because due to low position of the system, all distant planets seem to be the only light emmiters nearby, you can also usually see the whole galactic disc from the right landing spot. On top of that, the atmosphere of the place is enhanced by the pale light of a white dwarf. Plus, if you are especially lucky you can get gas giant, planetrise, galactic disc and white dwarf together in the sky, which should create just indescribible view.
Beacon For Intergalactic Travellers
hypuae bra xp-f d11-0
In the low density Void Sector not far from the galactic fringe situated a binary pair of K giant and G regular star. For now it is just a refernce point for explorers of this are but in the distant future can be a beacon for travellers from another galaxy approaching Milky Way through this sector.
Second Beacon (hypuae bra kc-c d13-0) - just a little farther in the galacic rim there is a second K giant, which, unlike the first one, has some landable planets for the visitors to rest.
POIs for known locations:
Caria Void Forest
Though Sagittarius-Carina Arm sector is sprawling with Penduncle Trees and their pods this is a relativly tight sector which contains all trees and pods species for tourists who dont want to spend their time on searching all of this themselves.
Phreia Byio KS-F C3
Hypao Broae CG-L C22-1
Hypao Broae MH-L D8-1
Assaizz YL-L C21-3
Assaizz UV-A B41-0
Deep Space Golden Fever
Ploea Brou TM-W D1-211
Planet 3 has a notable stellar phenomena with Flavum Ice Crystals and Flavum Silicate Crystals flying in the belt producing some yellow haze which creates interesting golden atmosphere in the place.
Erebus 43
Greou Phio AA-A h46
Located 8 000 light years away from original Erebus 34, this place has similar features. Despite having only 3 black holes, the system is much lower under the galactic plane in low density region and can provide visitors with great views of distorted galaxy. It also has 5 faint-atmosphere ice planets orbiting two paired black holes.
Flyeia Void Sea
In the middle of Formorian Frontier there is a cluster of systems containing Squid Molluscs lifeform, which seems to be unique for the galaxy. The cluster has several tens, if not hundreds, of systems, most of which are still undiscovered, so adventerous visitors can try to find all 5 species themselves, but for the hurrying tourists there is a seperate list of systems containing each type:
Note: Molluscs are completely harmless themselves but very small, so they can't be identified visually on the arrival to a phenomenon. The recommended way to find them in signals is the same as with anomalies: looking for signals on the radar which seem to come from empty space and head towards them.
Albulum Squid Mollusc - Flyeia Byoea GE-K c11-32
Caeruleum Squid Mollusc - Ploea Brou HP-G b24-14
Puniceum Squid Mollusc - Flyeia Byoea UK-Q b24-6
Rubeum Squid Mollusc - Flyeia Byoea KA-I c12-16
Roseum Squid Mollusc - Flyeia Byoea DC-S d5-13