The Galactic Mapping Project & Historical Archive of Exploration

Name:Hidden in the Veils
Game map search ref:GRIE FLYI HD-H D11-16
Description:In a region of space with a lack of notable features, this system has the rare combination of a terraformable rocky body orbiting a earth-like world. Both moon and planet could be colonized. There are also 2 other terraformable high metal content planets in this system.
Screenshot reference:
Name:Diamond Necklace
Game map search ref:Eord Flyuae VP-W d2-2699
Description:Not far off of the Colonia connection highway, the fifth body of this septuple system wears an ornate and valuable necklace. On the necklace are two white pearls (Class II Giants), a navy blue sapphire (WWTFC), and two gorgeous diamonds (ELW's).

Found using data from
Screenshot reference: Source:
Map updated: Post 4300 to 4364

  • Phoebe's Eye
  • The Impossable Quintet
  • Dryao Phyloea Oddity
  • Neon Beacon
  • Diamond Necklace
  • Ultima Centauri -> Added video and additional description
  • Erebus 34 -> Added images
  • The Grie Hypai Anomaly -> Added image
  • Murphy's Paradox -> Removed wrong image
  • GU Muscae -> Added image
  • NGC 3199 -> Updated description
  • Seven Sapphires Cluser -> Added image and additional description
  • OGLE-TR-182 -> Added image
  • Eta Carina Nebula -> Added image and additional description
  • Trumpler 16 Cluster -> Added image
  • IC 2944 -> Added image
  • Frontier Crater -> Added coordinates
  • Three Lives in the Dark -> name corrected
Not Added:
  • The String <- In this heavily-explored region of space POIs have to exceptionally exceptional in order to be added...
  • Trinity <- Lacks screenshot and description.
  • Between a hot and a gassy place <- Might have been added if it was a record breaker by being closest of its type to the star
  • Sun resorts of Myoidee <- Might have been added if it was a record breaker by being closest of its type to the star
  • Post 4316 <- Many NS are not unusual close to the core
  • Carina-Saggitarius Peduncle Gardens
  • Hidden in the Veils
  • Tiny Blue <- a single ELW moon is not in itself unique enough for inclusion. Had it been orbiting another ELW or something more interesting than an HMCW...
  • Treasure Chest <- not added since the core galactic core is allready ripe with POIs. Had it been in a region with fewer POIs...
Moved to GMP archive:
  • Sapphire Dancers
Retrieved from GMP archive:
  • Gaseous Roulette
Want to know more about the GMP archive and how you can help us out?
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Just found a 'gold' system with lots of useful materials:


Not massively exciting apart from its usefulness, though there is a water world.

EDIT : Just found a second 'gold' system nearby, at OOSCS AOC TS-K D8-0

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POIs discovered during my Dreamwalk Expedition:

[ ] nS[↑↓]


Flyai Eaec MD-Z c1-3 A 8

A ringed ammonia world with 2 binary moons in close proximity. Both of them have volcanism presented by fumaroles, which adds to the view while being on the surface. The name is a reference to electrons on the atomic orbitals.

Brothers And Sisters Of The Void


Thuechoea ZE-A G0

In outer Scutum-Centaurus Arm, not far from the galactic edge, there are two interesting pairs of B + He\Be stars in close proximity. They are located 10 000 light seconds from the entry point and can form various spectacular sceneries.

Beetwen The Rings


Aiphaisty QC-P B47-3

Planet 5 is a gas giant with 2 sets of rings and all its "children" moons between them. The 5 F moon seems to be a previously rouge planet caught by the planet's gravity. Because of that it is angled to the main plane of the rings and can create nice sceneries of the gas giant with all its moons inside the rings like little light sources.

Carpet Poles


praea chroa ck-b b16-0

2 B seems to be an ordinary canyon planet at the first glance, and it actually is, except one thing. The poles' surfaces are an odd patterned mix of rock and ice which looks like old Earth ancient carpets.

Deja Vu


Footie VO-A D0

The system provides a nubmer of facilities for explorers of this distant region. First of all is an earth-like world where pilots can rest in the human-suitable atmosphere. In addition, planet C 12 B has some tellurium crystal shards for restoring AFMU capacity. On top of that, the
Bio 10 signal (-5. 64; -70.31) on the same planet is a great place for practising SRV drifting with a relative even surface and nice position of crystals. The name is a reference to the good old song for drifting.

Video of the drifting:
Lewin's Pair


Eock Prau EG-Y g0

On the Saggitarius-Carina route not far from Eock Prau Nebula situated an interesting pair of a black hole and B class star in close proximity (about 10 light seconds), plus another B star 350 light seconds away orbiting them. Though black holes orbiting with B stars are not unsual, the fact that black hole hasnt still devoured star and the system itself is relatively far from the bubble raises some questions.

It's quite difficult to depict both stars and black hole in one photo, but from the far angle it looks like one of the stars deflects the light and not a black hole. Also be aware that entry point can be dangerous because your ship can exit between two bodies.

The system is named after famous physicist, astronomer and university professor of the second half of 20th and early 21st century - Walter Lewin.

Long Way Home


Phrae Gria ZL-J C10-0

The system is located beyong Saggitarius A* below the galactic plane and has an earth-like world with a relativly close orbiting moon. The view of the surface of the latter one looks similar to photos of Apollo 11 expedition to the Moon and reminds about the home on the other side of the galaxy. Plus, you can also get the galactic disc in the sky which adds to the beauty of the place. This is a great spot for distant explorers to rest and remember the home they set off from. But even if you are not fan of long reflexions you can go to the opposite side of the planet and enjoy srv racing in winding canyon.



Ooscs Chruia KS-K D8-15

A water world with quirky ring pattern of 3 circles orbiting a IV-class gas giant, both creating a nice view. As a bonus, 11th gas giant has nice rings with a pretty color mix of brown, grey and white.

My Own Little Space Oddity


Vegnue XF-E D12-483

A quirky system near Veil Of Inanna nebula that has 3 outstanding features:

Wall Of Sumps - planet 6 A has a bizzare bio signal (Bio 1 / -42.50 -71.25) that has bark mounds colony growing on nearly 90 degrees slope.

Ocean Of The Giant - ringed water world orbiting ringed gas giant.

String - the same water world has extraordinary thin (about 300 km) outer ring.

Rings Of Miracles


Aiphaitt DO-A C14-165

The system is unusual by 3 parameters:

1) All 3 gas giants seem to be alien planets due to their highly angled orbits.
2) The first gas giant has nearly transparent brown rings.
3) The second gas giant has a quirky ring color pattern of pale blue, pink and violet.
Spheres In The Sky


syrivai br-d d12-61

A Y-class dwarf orbited by a high-metal content world and 3 gas giants, 2 of them ringed and one having a moon. Despite relativly small size and distance between the orbits, these bodies can still form nice sceneries, especially during passing-by.

Tales Of The Giant Spheres


Eorm Breae GR-W F1-245

Planet 4 of the system is a high-mass IV-class gas giant orbited by other 5 low-mass I-class gas giants and 2 ice worlds. All of the giants are quite large in size and have big rings, which forms just an indiscribable view. Two of the giants also have their own ice moons, both with some form of volcanism, which drives surface sceneries to the limits. The central body of the system is a black hole, so all of the bodies lurk in the darkness, illuminated only by stars of other systems, and this adds its own special tint and atmosphere to the place.

Tricks Of The Abyss


hyiechai sc-m d7-14

An earth-like world orbiting around neutron star? Not a very common thing you are gonna say. But what will you comment on an earth-like world orbiting high metal content world orbiting a neutron star? Impossible? Well, one more time the galaxy shows us that there is nothing impossible for it to create.!

Black UEO (Unidentified Earth-Like Object)


Prue Hypa AA-A H16

The central body of the system is a 25 solar masses black hole orbited by 3 stars. It could be a more or less usual system black hole system but the third star's farther moon is an earth-like world! Despite the presence itself the questions about its origins also arise: the orbit is a bit angled which can be a result of being a rogue planet in the past or a gravitational pull from other bodies of the system. Whatever the true reason is, both of these explanations show that the existence of such a body in this system is neraly on the line of impossibility.

Planet 1 A of the system is an earth like world orbiting a high metal one. On top of that the fartherst planet of the system is a water world in pair with another high metal content world. The question how these planet sustain in such harsh conditions of neutron coldness and radiation just blows your mind. It seems like the abbyss just plays tricks with the boundaries of possible.

Wisps Beyond The Veils


Preou Free AA-A F0

Deep in the middle of The Veils region hiding a system with 4 B stars. With their closeness and at the same time relative distance, they seem just like wisps dancing behind the veils of space. The main one also has a noticable violet tint in comparison with others.
Frost Touch



fachiae tf-f d11-0

A fascinating place hiding under the galaxy in the middle of Newton's Vault: planet 1 H A has a lot of beautiful blue ravines of varios depths and widths, it goes around the farthers moon of the gas giant in quite close orbit and can provide you with wonderful planet rises. But that's far from all: the gas giant itself is not very far from the planet and you can also see in the sky with its other moons like small orbiting stars, because due to low position of the system, all distant planets seem to be the only light emmiters nearby, you can also usually see the whole galactic disc from the right landing spot. On top of that, the atmosphere of the place is enhanced by the pale light of a white dwarf. Plus, if you are especially lucky you can get gas giant, planetrise, galactic disc and white dwarf together in the sky, which should create just indescribible view.

Beacon For Intergalactic Travellers


hypuae bra xp-f d11-0

In the low density Void Sector not far from the galactic fringe situated a binary pair of K giant and G regular star. For now it is just a refernce point for explorers of this are but in the distant future can be a beacon for travellers from another galaxy approaching Milky Way through this sector.

Second Beacon (hypuae bra kc-c d13-0) - just a little farther in the galacic rim there is a second K giant, which, unlike the first one, has some landable planets for the visitors to rest.

POIs for known locations:

Caria Void Forest


Though Sagittarius-Carina Arm sector is sprawling with Penduncle Trees and their pods this is a relativly tight sector which contains all trees and pods species for tourists who dont want to spend their time on searching all of this themselves.

Phreia Byio KS-F C3
Hypao Broae CG-L C22-1
Hypao Broae MH-L D8-1
Assaizz YL-L C21-3
Assaizz UV-A B41-0

Deep Space Golden Fever


Ploea Brou TM-W D1-211

Planet 3 has a notable stellar phenomena with Flavum Ice Crystals and Flavum Silicate Crystals flying in the belt producing some yellow haze which creates interesting golden atmosphere in the place.

Erebus 43


Greou Phio AA-A h46

Located 8 000 light years away from original Erebus 34, this place has similar features. Despite having only 3 black holes, the system is much lower under the galactic plane in low density region and can provide visitors with great views of distorted galaxy. It also has 5 faint-atmosphere ice planets orbiting two paired black holes.

Flyeia Void Sea


In the middle of Formorian Frontier there is a cluster of systems containing Squid Molluscs lifeform, which seems to be unique for the galaxy. The cluster has several tens, if not hundreds, of systems, most of which are still undiscovered, so adventerous visitors can try to find all 5 species themselves, but for the hurrying tourists there is a seperate list of systems containing each type:

Note: Molluscs are completely harmless themselves but very small, so they can't be identified visually on the arrival to a phenomenon. The recommended way to find them in signals is the same as with anomalies: looking for signals on the radar which seem to come from empty space and head towards them.

Albulum Squid Mollusc - Flyeia Byoea GE-K c11-32
Caeruleum Squid Mollusc - Ploea Brou HP-G b24-14
Puniceum Squid Mollusc - Flyeia Byoea UK-Q b24-6
Rubeum Squid Mollusc - Flyeia Byoea KA-I c12-16
Roseum Squid Mollusc - Flyeia Byoea DC-S d5-13
Resubmission of old POIs which were rejected due to lack of name\description\photo:

Times Are Good



A beautiful system with three neutron stars and one white dwarf - one pair of two neutrons and one pair of a neutron and a dwarf - 8 close jets in total, which seems to be a record for the August of 3305. The origin of the name is unknown but some speculate it is a hidden reference.

Phoenix Eye


Dryiquae PS-U f2-0

A black hole 300 ly away from Phoenix Nebula that can create nice distortions when approached at the right angle.

P.S. I have actually started to burn out in terms of names and descriptions because of so many POIs needing processing. So if you have some ideas like new name or more catching description - do not hesitate to suggest them.

P.S. Oh and if you find any typos or mistakes also do not hesitate to correct them.
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To be hones, I very seldomly saw a black-white striped gas-giant. Perhaps this could be a candidate for the GMP? I would be very happy about that :)
PS: I took the pictures a few month ago, but forgot them on my harddrive. Thats the reason why I post them here so late.

Description:A black-white striped class IV gas-giant with a zebra-like texture.
System:Screakue BV-Y f505

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To be hones, I very seldomly saw a black-white striped gas-giant. Perhaps this could be a candidate for the GMP? I would be very happy about that :)
PS: I took the pictures a few month ago, but forgot them on my harddrive. Thats the reason why I post them here so late.

Description:A black-white striped class IV gas-giant with a zebra-like texture.
System:Screakue BV-Y f505

Sorry if I ruin your GMP request, cmdr, but I don't think these "Zebra" giants are very rare. I came across a bunch of these during the DW2 expedition only.

Fly safe
Would a ringed ELW orbiting a triple star (i.e. around all three stars) be suitably rare for a POI?

EDIT: Also, an Ammonia world orbiting a quaternary system? (four stars, it's ABCD 1)
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