The Galactic Mapping Project & Historical Archive of Exploration

Green system

POI Name: Tired Smuggler
POI Type: jumponium "green" system
Game map search ref.: PUWEE RY-S d3-5
- 1 (HMC) (0.7g) - Vanadium, Cadmium
- 5a (Icy) (0.05g) - Arsenic, Cadmium
- 5b (Icy) (0.09g) - Yttrium, Niobium
- 5c (Icy) (0.1g) - Germanium
- 6a (Icy) (0.06g) - Polonium, Niobium, Vanadium
- 6b (Icy) (0.06g) - Niobium, Arsenic
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Safe travels, CMDR! :D

What are those waypoints you selected? Anything particular or just "every 5k ly" or so?

Thanks Andrew!
The map is mostly illustrative of the route. Although I do have some waypoints that are locked down, and others I have candidates for but haven't finalised them just yet.
big green system

POI Name: "Smuggler's Buffet"
POI Type: jumponium "green" system
Game map search ref.: PUWEE AL-P c5-0
- 1 (HMC) (1.57g) - Polonium, Cadmium, Germanium
- 2a (rocky) (0.1g) - Niobium, Germanium
- 2b (rocky) (0.1g) - Niobium, Vanadium
- 2c (rocky) (0.08g) - Niobium, Arsenic, Vanadium
- 2f (rocky) (0.09g) - Niobium, Germanium
- 3a (icy) (0.05g) - Yttrium, Niobium, Cadmium, Germanium
- 3c (icy) (0.05g) - Niobium, Arsenic, Germanium
- 5a (icy) (0.04g) - Yttrium, Niobium
- 5b (icy) (0.05g) - Niobium, Cadmium, Vanadium
- 5d (icy) (0.05g) - Niobium, Cadmium, Arsenic, Vanadium
- 5e (icy) (0.04g) - Cadmium, Arsenic, Vanadium
- 5g (icy) (0.05g) - Niobium, Cadmium, Germanium
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POI Name: Tired Smuggler
POI Type: jumponium "green" system
Game map search ref.: PUWEE RY-S d3-5
- 1 (HMC) (0.7g) - Vanadium, Cadmium
- 5a (Icy) (0.05g) - Arsenic, Cadmium
- 5b (Icy) (0.09g) - Yttrium, Niobium
- 5c (Icy) (0.1g) - Germanium
- 6a (Icy) (0.06g) - Polonium, Niobium, Vanadium
- 6b (Icy) (0.06g) - Niobium, Arsenic

In order to avoid cluttering the map, I have collected all your information on Green systems along the Smugglers Path into a single entry titled "The Smuggler Depots".
New route information to Ishum's reach, OEVASY SG-Y D0

During the SHEPARD expedition, at least two of us - me and CMDR EtherealCereal - found and verified that the EDSM info an how to reach this system (requiring one jump of 99 ly) is not correct - we did it with 82.68 ly being our longest jump. Here is our route, starting with the last system that our ~50ly-range ships could reach without injection:

MYEIA THAA QI-B D13-0 => MYEIA THAA UO-Z D13-0 (58.25LY)
MYEIA THAA UO-Z D13-0 => CEECKAEA QK-C D14-0 (56.10LY)

So, it can be done easier then so far reported ("Beacons" tab in the EDSM Galaxy map)

CMDR David Bowman, SHEPARD Expedition
I´ve made a few additions and updates to existing entries on real life astronomical objects
Many of these where lacking text and/or images, so I did some research and also went back to some of my earliest travels to dig out some old images.

This is how the entries look now:

POI Name: Hind Nebula (T Tauri)
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Game map search ref.: T Tauri
Description: NGC 1555, sometimes known as Hind's Variable Nebula, is a variable nebula, illuminated by the star T Tauri, located in the constellation Taurus. The nebula was discovered on October 11, 1852 by John Russell Hind. It is a yellowish/orange nebula and when viewed from within the T Tauri system, part of the nebula resembles the shape of a bird in flight.

T Tauri itself is a very young pre-main-sequence star in the process of contracting to the main sequence. It is the prototype of the T Tauri stars. These young stars have surface temperatures similar to those of main-sequence stars of the same mass, but they are significantly more luminous because their radii are larger. Their central temperatures are too low for hydrogen fusion. Instead, they are powered by gravitational energy released as the stars contract, while moving towards the main sequence, which they reach after about 100 million years. [Note: In Elite Dangerous T-Tauri is depicted as a G-class main sequence star. It is unkown why this is so.]

The Hind Nebula was the destination of one of the early research voyages organized by the First Great Expedition - making it one of the first nebulae to be surveyed by group exploration.


POI Name: Barnard's Loop (Orion Molecular Complex)
POI Type: Beacon
Game map search ref.: Trapezium Sector AF-Z c0
Description: The Orion Molecular Complex is a region of visually stunning nebulae, all within a few hundred light years radius of each other. Barnard's Loop is the most prominent in this region and acts as a navigational aid to travelers as far afield as the Sagittarius Gap far rim. Deep Space explorers returning from the depths of the galactic core regions know home is ever closer once the tiny but welcoming distant red haze of Barnard's Loop becomes visible through their canopy window.

The loop takes the form of a large arc, more than 300 LY across, and centered approximately on the Orion Nebula. The stars within the Orion Nebula are believed to be responsible for ionizing the loop.

Barnard's Loop is thought to have originated in a supernova explosion about 2 million years ago, which may have also created several known runaway stars, including AE Aurigae, Mu Columbae and 53 Arietis, which are believed to have been part of a multiple star system in which one component exploded as a supernova.

Although this faint nebula was certainly observed by earlier astronomers, it is named after the pioneering astrophotographer E. E. Barnard who photographed it and published a description in 1894.


POI Name: The Horsehead Nebula
POI Type: Nebula
Game map search ref.: Horsehead Dark Region IR-V c2-0
Description: The Horsehead Nebula is a dark nebula in the constellation Orion. When viewed from Earth the nebula is located just to the south of the star Alnitak, which is farthest east on Orion's Belt. It was first recorded in 1888 by Scottish astronomer Williamina Fleming.

The Horsehead Nebula is approximately 1500 light years from Earth. It is one of the most identifiable nebulae because of the shape of its swirling cloud of dark dust and gases, which bears some resemblance to a horse's head when viewed from Earth. The heavy concentrations of dust in the Horsehead Nebula region is highly localized, resulting in alternating sections of nearly complete opacity and transparency. The red or pinkish glow originates from hydrogen gas ionized by the nearby stars.

Exlorers travelling this region has reported on mysterious fluctuating behavior from their nav-computers, at times restricting entry into several systems within the nebula but at other times allowing it. This was first reported as early as november 3300 (Source).


POI Name: The Orion Nebula
POI Type: Nebula
Game map search ref.: HD 36917
Description: The Orion Nebula (also known as Messier 42, M42, or NGC 1976) is a diffuse nebula situated in the Milky Way, being south of Orion's Belt in the constellation of Orion. It is one of the brightest nebulae, and is visible to the naked eye in the night sky on Earth.

The Orion Nebula contains a very young open cluster, an association of about 2,800 stars within an ellipsoid with a diameter of 20 light years. This stellar nursery, as it is known, contains over 100 known kinds of organic and inorganic gases as well as dust; some of the latter is made up of large and complex organic molecules. In this region is also several notable stars including the white supergiant EZ Orionis.

Observers have long noted a distinctive greenish tint to the nebula, in addition to regions of red and of blue-violet. The red hue is an emmision from ionized hydrogen gases, while the blue-violet coloration is the reflected radiation from the massive O-class stars at the core of the nebula.

The green hue was a puzzle for astronomers in the early part of the 20th century because none of the known spectral lines at that time could explain it. There was some speculation that the lines were caused by a new element, and the name nebulium was coined for this mysterious material. With better understanding of atomic physics, however, it was later determined that the green spectrum was caused by a low-probability electron transition in doubly ionized oxygen, a so-called "forbidden transition". This radiation was all but impossible to reproduce in the laboratory at the time, because it depended on the quiescent and nearly collision-free environment found in the high vacuum of deep space.

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Another batch of submissions from the Sagittarius-Carina Mission
Date submitted:
October 16th 3302
CMDR: Herzbube
POI Name: Eiselbar
POI Type: Planetary Features
Game map search ref.: Pryia Eurl GL-P D5-0
Description: A rich G-class system with beautiful twin Earth-like worlds and 3 terraformable high metal content worlds. Prospecting: The system is almost green, only Polonium is missing (but can be obtained from planet A 2 in the neighbouring system Pyria Eurl QR-C B26-0).
Screenshot Ref.:,

Unfortunately I made a typo with the system name - the correct name is Pyria Eurl GL-P D5-0. Sorry for the mess :eek:. I have already corrected the typo in the Google Docs mission spreadsheet, but the system is still wrong in EDSM. I also noticed that the the second screenshot URL is incorrect here in the Galactic Mapping thread and in EDSM - the correct URL is

Unfortunately I made a typo with the system name - the correct name is Pyria Eurl GL-P D5-0. Sorry for the mess :eek:. I have already corrected the typo in the Google Docs mission spreadsheet, but the system is still wrong in EDSM. I also noticed that the the second screenshot URL is incorrect here in the Galactic Mapping thread and in EDSM - the correct URL is

Should be fixed now.
highest visited system (hopefully)

Name : eminentem sidus (latin for lofty star)
POI type: Major POI
System ref.: Syroomeou FG-Y g10

Description: Syroomeou FG-Y g10 is a system that i managed to reach with a single jumponium jump in my 53Ly asp. it isd situated at 2872 above the galactic plane, this is, as far as i know the highest system above teh galactic plane that has been reached the previous record i believe to be 2854. The system itself cannot be reached without prior use of Jumponium. the system was reached from the nearest i could find and was 76.74Ly away.

I found this system while travelling between Colonia and Sagittarius A* traversing the ceiling i also found a star that is unreachable currently at 2915, but thats another story.

screenshots below.


In order to avoid cluttering the map, I have collected all your information on Green systems along the Smugglers Path into a single entry titled "The Smuggler Depots".

Sounds good. I never would have imagined to find so many green systems along the route.
Maybe later, when I fully prospected the route we can pick a couple of them in order to have a nicely spaced row of depots along the route.
Name: Cojiro's Egg
POI type: Planetary Nebula
Location: EOL PROU YU-x E1-100 (around 820ly from Colonia)
Description: Small but vivid blue nebula, formed around a neutron star (originally discovered by CMDR Guy de Lombard). An old earth legend speaks of a blue rooster named Cojiro, who would only crow when in the company of good people. This nebula resembles a blue egg of the sort that Cojiro might have hatched from. Visiting it is not exclusively for good guys but is sure to bring happiness.
After delivering some Travel Guides to Jaques I decided to take the opportunity to show my Distant Stars Asp, Eurydice, some of the galaxy before taking her to M67 and decided to pay a visit to the borders of the permit-locked Froadik Sector and see what I might find. In particular, I was looking for Earth-like and Ammonia Worlds and also 'green' systems with all the materials used for FSD boosts. I have reported my Earth-likes that I found in between Jaques and Froadik Sector in the list
Should I describe my other non-POI findings (inc. six green systems on the Froadik Sector border) elsewhere in a new thread? Here are the POIs I found on my journey, which ventured beyond Froadik Sector into the Perseus Crags before I set a course for the Formidine Rift and then home.
Name: FLOAGH AA-A H56 'Looking Glass Nebula'
Galaxy Map search ref: Floagh FI-B d13-1
Description: This vast nebula (140*150*150 LY) rests quietly about 1300 LY below the Galactic Plane barely 2500 LY away from the borders of the permit-locked Froadik Sector. It is a mystery itself, as it contains hardly any stars and the source of its illumination is hard to ascertain. It can only be reached through the use of premium FSD injections combined with optimised FSD technology: a jump of 104.13 LY is required to reach it. Like a mirror, what you see there is not so easy to touch...
screenshot ref:
notes: I did not take the risk of entering the nebula itself as I would have needed to a) jettison my cargo of rares from Jaques and b) burn up all my reserves of J3 boosts to get in and out and I need them for Distant Stars. Fortunately for future exploration, the jump-off system Floagh EY-Z d13-1 is 'green' (between worlds 1, 3, 12a and 12g). There is also a neutron star at Floagh HT-Z d13-0 from which a relatively easy exit from the nebula can be made. There are small clusters of two or three stars scattered about the nebula, some of which include white dwarf or neutron stars, but travellers to the nebula are advised to be well-stocked with premium FSD boost materials before entering. There are also stars much further below the nebula but reaching them may be beyond current technology.
Name: CROOKI AA-A H1 'Lonely Lantern Nebula'
Galaxy Map search ref: Crooki PX-V c17-5
Description: Illuminated only by the transient light of passing stars, this tiny nebula is one of the smallest non-planetary nebulae in the galaxy (8*8*8 LY) and is scarcely more than a dense knot of gas and dust, however at 700 LY above the Galactic Plane it commands a spectacular view across the Perseus Crags and into the core regions.
screenshot ref:
notes: There are a handful of different CMDR names in the surrounding systems but I could find no sign of it being reported, so apologies if I missed anything. There are currently no POIs in the Perseus Crags, so this will hopefully change that! The name is a reference to the Chronicles of Narnia, where a single, lonely lantern sits at the Western frontier of the fabled land of Narnia.
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Hey Zil Zalo,

the system was entered for trilateration in mid November but apparently has not had sufficient coordinate entries yet to validate its location. Hopefully we can get it up to date next year :D

See reference post
How many visits are required for validation? It's also possible that no one has yet reached the system at the heart of the 'Looking Glass', Floagh FI-B d13-1, in which case the system to use for validation perhaps should be switched to the jump-off point to the nebula that I did visit (and which had a couple of planets tagged by another cmdr, so I know I'm not the only one who has been that far) Floagh EY-Z d13-1.
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