The Galactic Mapping Project & Historical Archive of Exploration

Name: Izanami's Wolves
Game map search ref: HYPIO GREE AA-A H505
Description: A rare star cluster of Wolf-Rayet stars, over 200 in the IZANAMI region just across RYKER'S HOPE. The cluster of them stretches about 3,000ly in every direction from the reference system. With one super dense area within the 3,000ly being the reference system where there are over 50 of them within 500ly of each other. It might be the most dense area of Wolf-Rayet stars out there to date. I came across this undiscovered patch of Wolf-Rayets during the DW2 expedition. Note that many of these Wolf-Rayet systems have multiple Wolfs within them. A rare star with this many of them in an area must be a cluster haha. If you want a Wolf star you should definitely visit this unique cluster of them and surrounding areas.


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Name: Siberian Wolf
Game map search ref: HYPIO GREE AA-A H159
Description: The new coldest surface temp ever recorded for a Wolf-Rayet NC star, at just 6,224K!!! Because of the cool temp it gives the star the appearance of a G star. Discovered in the Izanami's Wolves cluster during DW2.


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Name:Charon's Gaze
Game map search ref:Noiji EL-Y f829
Description:In Ryker's Hope you can find this black hole with two close stars. One T Tauri is only 4 ls away and one B star 22 ls away. The black hole will distort the backdrop stars but not the Tauri star itself. Be cautious when getting close to it since heat will build up fast.
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Name:Hamill's Rock
Game map search ref:JUENAE PH-V C5-2272 AB 1
Description:This high metal content world orbits these binary stars. When aligned right you can see this wonderful couple pair up. There are also several geological formations on the planet.
Screenshot reference:


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Name:Davis' Beacon
Game map search ref:NOIJI JW-W E1-41 Nebula
Description:A soft blue light spreads throughout this small nebula that only consists of one neutron star.
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Name:Hewish's and Burnell's Retreat
Game map search ref:Croomoi DA-A d3436 3
Description:A ringed heavy gravity planet, almost twice of Earth, with several geological areas. Most striking is however one area filled with green sinuous tubers in a desert like surrounding
Screenshot reference:
Name:Rings of Völund
Game map search ref:PHUA AUB NT-X C15-6887 13
Description:The outermost planet in the system is well worth a visit for it's almost disappearingly thin rings. The inner most can only barely be seen when getting close to the planet. Filled with diamonds, opals, alexandrite and bromelite it's also worth a visit for long distance miners. Named after the smith Völund from norse mythology.
Screenshot reference:

Name:Terra's Litter & Runt
Game map search ref:Athaip MY-H d10-7815
Description:About 24,000 Ls from the main Neutron star is an M-class red dwarf star with 9 celestial bodies orbiting around it. 7 of the 9 bodies are candidates for terraforming, even the moons orbiting planet B 5 and B 6 respecively. Planet 3, nicknamed "Runt" is a non-terraformable high metal content world that is orbited by an Earth-like world that is tidally locked to its parent body.
Screenshot reference:

Name:Hermes' Halo
Game map search ref:Kyloaln AA-A h627 AB 5
Description:A black hole and neutron star form the core of this system. Orbiting these and of special interest is a second neutron star, ringed, whose massive cerulean blue outer ring has a radius of just over 2.9 million kilometers. This ringed neutron star is itself orbited by a class M star. It is tempting and possible to map the neutron star's rings to better mine their bounty, however, one must approach perilously close to the neutron star's exclusion zone in order to do so. This system was discovered during the 3306 Distant Screws expedition to Colonia and Sagittarius A*.
Screenshot reference:
Kyloaln AA-A h627 AB 5 ringed neutron star wide shot.jpg
Kyloaln AA-A h627 system map Roy Cookson discoverer.jpg
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Name: GAIA

Game map search ref: Stuemeae KU-C c1-45

Description: Planetary features

Incredible discovery for its similarity to planet Earth and its position in the galaxy.

At 967.1 light years above Sagittarius A * in the center of the galaxy, he discovered an Earth-like planet with a breathable atmosphere and incredibly similar indigenous life forms to our Earth. It has a radius of 5,412Km, only 15% less than our Earth, but with a gravity almost similar to 0.95G, an atmospheric pressure of 1.04 on its surface and an average temperature of 273 kelvin (287.2 Earth), it is ideal for life based on water. The atmospheric composition is 84.7% nitrogen and 15.1% oxygen (78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen in the earth). The orbital period to its star (the system has three) is 258.3 days and its rotation period is 2.8 days.

Also, it has a moon very similar to ours!

In the second star there are 2 candidate planets to be terraformed.

It is still significant to discover a planet so similar and at the same time singular where it would be possible and at the same time strategic to establish human life.

A must for explorers visiting Sagittarius A *
GAIA 2.jpg
GAIA 1.jpg
GAIA 3.jpg
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Hi I have found a system with 13 Gas Giants. The EDSM Entry for Tr 24 Sector JH-K b38-0 shows it as being the current record holder according to the Galactic Mapping project. How would I find out if my system is a new record?
Name:The Pressure Pot
Game map search ref:HIP 42726 A 2
Description:A high metal content world with a stunning surface pressure of 18,534,168.00 atmosphere. It has a radius of over 14,000 km and 24 Earth masses of weight.
Screenshot reference:

Name:IC 2391 - Omicron Velorum Cluster
Game map search ref:Omicron Velorum
Description:An open cluster in the constellation Vela, about 500 ly from Sol; it is one of the most bright open cluster in the night sky from the Earth's south emisphere.
Screenshot reference:
IC 2391.jpg

In the image, taken from Synuefe Hi-W B49-10 system, the cluster is the group of 5 square shaped star (Omicron Velorum is the lowest right point) plus the other two bright star on the right and the more faint blue star in the middle of the image, symmetrical placed with respect of the main cluster.

The main cluster's star are (from lowest right in counterclock wise)
  • Omicron Velorum
  • HR 3448
  • HIP 42459
  • HIP 42726
  • HIP 42715
The faintest one is HR 3435 and the two upper right star are (from lowest) HIP 42504 and HR 3503
Name: Evelyn's Distant Sanctuary
Game map search ref: Myriesly MS-K c8-3756
Myriesly MS-K c8-3756
Description: A system with 2 K type stars that includes:
  • 3 Earth like worlds
  • 2 water worlds (1 terraformable)
  • 6 terraformable high metal content worlds
  • 1 terraformable rocky body
The system was discovered during the Distant Screws Expedition and is named for the fictional character in the Drew Wagar piece entitled Evelyn's Story found here:
Evelyn's Story
It is also named for a real life hero, Evelyn Faye Roy.
Screenshot reference:
Screenshot EDS 1.png

Screenshot EDS 2.png
Name: Evelyn's Distant Sanctuary
Game map search ref: Myriesly MS-K c8-3756
Myriesly MS-K c8-3756
Description: A system with 2 K type stars that includes:
  • 3 Earth like worlds
  • 2 water worlds (1 terraformable)
  • 6 terraformable high metal content worlds
  • 1 terraformable rocky body
The system was discovered during the Distant Screws Expedition and is named for the fictional character in the Drew Wagar piece entitled Evelyn's Story found here:
Evelyn's Story
It is also named for a real life hero, Evelyn Faye Roy.
Screenshot reference:
View attachment 167235

View attachment 167236

A few days ago I found a system extremely similar to that:
3 ELW (including a binary pair)
2 WW (both terraformable)
Multiple other terraformables. Binary star system.
GMP Update #4590-#4690

The "In Space Everyone Is Socially Isolated" edition

Commentary: Over time our criteria of what is notable has gotten tighter as more of the galaxy has been explored and rare things have become more common. If your submission has been rejected for notability, it is not a comment on it be interesting; it's just that we can't accept everything.


  • #4602 - Nimbostratus
  • #4606 - Star Dimmer (Organic POI)
  • #4614 - added as "Pizza Plates"
  • #4620 - Musica Universalis (nice submission!)
  • #4625 - Screeching Hot Metal
  • #4634 - Green Glory
  • #4635 - Little Inferno Nebula
  • #4651 - Waltz of Castor & Pollux
  • #4654 - Australis Ferris Wheel
  • #4659 - added as Knife's Edge, details corrected in description - the ring width is just 33 km!
  • #4660 - added as Red, White and Blue
  • #4677 - Trio in a Ring
  • #4685 - The Racetrack
  • #4686 - Close Shave
  • #4688 - as Liz's Ring
  • #4689 - R'Lyeh II

Not Added:

  • #4589 - name too generic, please update with new name and a longer description
  • #4618 - notability (we have systems with more terraformables)
  • #4621 - notability (despite some nice pictures)
  • #4623 - notability
  • #4628 - notability, though the roleplaying is greatly appreciated
  • #4638 - notability (these planets are not rare, as can be seen by similar ones found in the same video)
  • #4639 - it's hard to determine notability from these screenshots, if clearer pictures exist please resubmit
  • #4650 - system Hypuejio GT-F D12-175 does not exist in EDSM
  • #4656 - if you look hard enough, you'll find faces everywhere
  • #4669 - notability
  • #4675 - notability
  • #4676 - already exists as a POI
  • #4664 - these type planets have been seen before, ie see 'Fire and Ice' POI
  • #4680 - notability
  • #4681 - notability
  • #4690 - notability


* The Dark Fortress - correct coordinates updated


* Perseus Null Sector, The Dancing Dwarves

Photo update:

  • Tark (Cmdr Mike Rusted Bulk)
  • NGC 1999 (Cmdr Ligaratus)
  • Ring Mine (Cmdr Baxder)
  • The Orion Dark Region Nebula (Cmdr Ligaratus, description updated by Heavy Johnson)
  • HIP 104643 (Cmdr Romeo India Charlie)
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Stuelou AV-E c28-82
Moon 2A is located partially in the rings of its parent and is moving fast enough that you can only land on it by flying into its orbital path. Also has multiple geo sites.


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