The game is not worth fixing

I don't play Star Citizen either, I guess my argument is that you aren't truly enjoying this gameplay, there's a shortsightedness on this forum that this is all you got so you'll enjoy it dammit... you could also be enjoying a much better version of this game that you aren't seeing because you've accepted what's put in front of you.
Wrong. Don't tell me what I do and don't enjoy. I've got 13,000 hours of gameplay in ED over many accounts. I've been playing videogames probably since before you were born. I also read extensively in many fantasy, thriller, crime and adventure genres as well as science (especially astronomy) and history for relaxation, and play TTRPGs like Traveller which the original Elite was heavily based on, which allow absolutely any player action in a detailed and varied universe of the far future. I also like other genres of game.

You can't know what I enjoy so don't project your prejudices onto me or try to "recruit" me into your non-playing minority on here. Go to forums for games you like, and leave us to play the games we like.
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What I am looking for is a different take on the game, it would take years to develop, as Odyssey did.
As star and executive producer Patrick McGoohan said to Michael Dann, CBS supremo, when the latter outlined all the ways The Prisoner (classic television series) should be improved during its making... "that sounds like a fine television series, Mr Dann. You should make it. In the meantime, I will continue to make mine".
At this point it's just putting lipstick on a pig.
I haven't played in a long time, no desire to play--I keep checking in to see what has changed, to my disappointment nothing has changed.
Why not just release a new ship or two we can fly around for a bit? That boggles my mind, it would have kept me in the game for a while longer anyway.
It sickens that they threw VR players under the busses to pursue CoD kiddies with a crumby capture the flag deathmatch shooter. Space legs should have been awesome, espesh afta three years on it, had it been an RPG type of game like Star Citizen / GTA-V / CP2077 but what we've got.... at best team death match capture the flag? Nah! And playing it on virtual flatscreen - FUGGEDDABOUTIT!
At this point it's just putting lipstick on a pig.
I haven't played in a long time, no desire to play--I keep checking in to see what has changed, to my disappointment nothing has changed.
Why not just release a new ship or two we can fly around for a bit? That boggles my mind, it would have kept me in the game for a while longer anyway.
Blablabla. Another guy trying to sound dramatic. If you don't play it anymore, fine, but why bother coming here to vomit? And why would actual players care about your opinion?
Because I thought I was enjoying myself until a stranger told me otherwise. It was on the internet, so it must be true 🤷‍♂️

I had forgotten the temperature of this thread was warm (not you goomba!) so I have decided to come back in and announce my presence to the participants.

You may ask why, forumites, but to you I say - let's have more pointless opinionated arguments over daft crap. Bring it on you angry basement boys!
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