This is also why the game is procedurally generated. At one point during the conversation, an odd, exciting question is raised: is No Man’s Sky the first game without a skybox? If you’re standing on a planet’s surface and look up, every single dot in the sky is an actual star you can go visit. If you see a tree three miles away, you can walk to it and find out what’s underneath it......
....Even other space games don’t necessarily sit well with Murray as direct comparisons. EVE Online is the only one mentioned during the interview, although he’s still as keen to stress the differences as much as the similarities.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but our background is as console developers, and I think everything about the game bears hallmarks of that,” says Murray. “In terms of your controls, in terms of the fluidity of the game, this is not a quirky, hard-to-decipher experience.”