Interesting, that's almost the same mission string I received from TDW in SD from "Ariel".

I have the logs, the first was an Elite mission I couldn't accept. Then received a black box, and assassination (deserter though) mission.

I have a screen shot of his chat comments as I thought they were interesting.

Something like "I was once like you, but I won't kill for them any more" or.something to that effect.

I'm on my phone so will have to dredge up the screen shot for accuracy later.


Very interesting.

So in my case I was in the Atum-system and I was traveling towards the nearest star (some LFT-??? system) which is just 0.22 Ly away.
I think I was around 400,000 Ls away, when I got the "Mission Objective"-message. So I found the Degraded Emission and got my mission from the "Mafia of Atum". That's a faction I didn't do anything for at that time.
So I completed my mission and then I noticed that I was very close to Shinrarta Dezhra.
So I currently assume it was a TDW "initiation" mission.

The second new type of mission I got was a courier mission, where I had to follow an NPC's low wake drop where he gave me another mission (but it was a generic NPC name, not Ariel or something notable).
Funny thing is that I got the mission from the "Marquis du Ma'a"-faction; I was investigating the Ma'a-system because I assume it relates to the Egyptian Ma'at.
I was a little surprised that I was already at Cordial with the "Marquis du Ma'a", but they I looked in my journals and that was because I visited the Azaleach-system. Yes, the system where the Starship One-accident happened, that one that was all over GalNet recently.

I am investigating the "Marquis Du ???"-factions because "Marquis" basically translates to "boundary". The concept of boundary is very prominent in the Isis-system (Schwarzschild and Heaviside).

I also got very very interesting results yesterday with regards to Ququve; the systems around Terra Mater are very interesting, for example "Tomas". Tomas, Isis and Set are related; Tomas has a very light F-class star, Isis has a very light K-class star, Set has an extremly heavy L-type brown dwarf. The Set-brown dwarf has >0.7 solar mass which is very implausible. The Tomas-system has a planet called "Doubt"; coupled with the mass of its star that's a clear hint.

I also forgot one more interesting observation which leads me back to the Ega-system and Wreaken Corp.
Osiris, Ega and Lave are roughly in the same neighborhood. In Osiris you find the German word "Besonders" which is special because it literally means "special". Close to Ega you find the Wille-system which is the German word for "will". Now "will" can have two meanings: "Where there's a will, there's a way" and of course "the last will" relating to death (and therefore connecting to Osiris).
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Green dot in background, might be Raxxla?
No clues I think, don’t see enough stars to draw any conclusions as to location!

But a nice observation nonetheless!

Edit: actually on closer inspection there are a few more stars than I saw at first glance. Anybody want to try enhancing it? I’m on iPad with limited photo editing at the moment. If I increase brightness and contrast there are a fair few stars and a lot of nebulosity/dust cloud visible to the left
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Green dot in background, might be Raxxla?
No clues I think, don’t see enough stars to draw any conclusions as to location!

But a nice observation nonetheless!

Edit: actually on closer inspection there are a few more stars than I saw at first glance. Anybody want to try enhancing it?

Yeah just noticed the green star however may be just a light point for the letter I to glow, the stars in the background move while that doesnt so doubt you could line it up with anywhere. Below i have atatched a snip of the stars and circled the one closest to the glow
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Ok, this answers my question I had a few pages back. Seems that I'm coming to very similar conclusions/suspicions as you, independently.

Follow-up question: Did you get a mission in a Degraded Emission, where you had to scoop a black box and then got an assassination-mission (kill a religious leader)?

Personally I never bothered with the Mystery missions. Some other CMDRs did in IRH but as far as they can tell, it leads nowhere and the investigation was shut down. Afaik I remember the missions can be triggered easily enough, although I don't remember the exact circumstances.

Anyway to me, its more like a signboard that you are generally on the right track about what the whole Mystery is about i.e. we know you know and if you recognize us, come find us.
Green dot in background, might be Raxxla?
No clues I think, don’t see enough stars to draw any conclusions as to location!

But a nice observation nonetheless!

Edit: actually on closer inspection there are a few more stars than I saw at first glance. Anybody want to try enhancing it? I’m on iPad with limited photo editing at the moment. If I increase brightness and contrast there are a fair few stars and a lot of nebulosity/dust cloud visible to the left

This last screen seems to have been blurred a bit.
But the interesting part, to me at least, is that the other parts of the video - where the call to action is shown - seems to be rendered inside the game.
The green glowing in the bottom seems to be a star, due to the god rays, and that may be a POV of the location.

I'm willing to check, but I have no idea yet of how to find a location using just the skybox.
I heard some have done this before.
This last screen seems to have been blurred a bit.
But the interesting part, to me at least, is that the other parts of the video - where the call to action is shown - seems to be rendered inside the game.
The green glowing in the bottom seems to be a star, due to the god rays, and that may be a POV of the location.

I'm willing to check, but I have no idea yet of how to find a location using just the skybox.
I heard some have done this before.
Finding a location using the skybox is trial and error - select a star in the map, is it the right direction? If yes, jump there. Is what you were looking at on the skybox still in front of you? Jump again. If not, turn around and repeat!
Great capture, this is the bg of "The Guardians". For those who over the video, take care to not confuse this with the bg for the ED intro, right after it.
This one feels like made by some designer. Either way, if there is a secret location, the asterism may be right.

But due to my belief, the game engine was used for the bg with the glow from the bottom.
I wonder if they could, somehow, underestimate a way to find it using the skybox.
Finding a location using the skybox is trial and error - select a star in the map, is it the right direction? If yes, jump there. Is what you were looking at on the skybox still in front of you? Jump again. If not, turn around and repeat!
Yeah, I think I'll do that. I just wanna have a first check on the asterisms, because maybe that helps.
In the video, it kinda looks to be near Aldebaran, maybe in Ophiuncus due to the shape around it.
But that is a very quick guess.
Green places have been pinching me due to the logo. Just started searching for them,
after having a check into polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (Coronene), searching for some nebulas, like Spirograph, and real-life novas.

One of these days, I saw a playlist of events... in the ED channel, and it starts with a talk about finding alien life.
The gentleman even speaks about the infrared but does not talk about the importance of PAHs, exactly on infrared.
And that got me thinking. Some videos after, there was this strange green glowing star behind "The Guardians".

This is the playlist
Anyone ever find LL Pegasi in game? Otherwise known as the Spiraling stars?
Most of the real life stars put in to Galmap is usually from either hipparchus (HIP), Henry Draper (HD), Yale Catalogue of Bright Stars (HR) or Bonner Durchmusterung (BD) star catalouges. Some famous stars are named as their arabic names, or if a member of a constellation, named with latin star num name. Ex: In ED given name, Ras Elased Australis is also known as Epsilon Leonis, 17 Leonis, HD 84441, HIP 47908 and HR 3873. If you type one of them to galmap, it will take you to the star most of the time. If you are not sure a star is in game or you want to see its othe catalouge names, there is a very useful website that has a lot of information on most stars and what i experienced, if a star is in that website, its also in Elite dangerous.
There is a magnifier right top and u can search stars from there.

Ps: Right now cant go online so i cant verify if LL pegasi is in game or not.
Most of the real life stars put in to Galmap is usually from either hipparchus (HIP), Henry Draper (HD), Yale Catalogue of Bright Stars (HR) or Bonner Durchmusterung (BD) star catalouges. Some famous stars are named as their arabic names, or if a member of a constellation, named with latin star num name. Ex: In ED given name, Ras Elased Australis is also known as Epsilon Leonis, 17 Leonis, HD 84441, HIP 47908 and HR 3873. If you type one of them to galmap, it will take you to the star most of the time. If you are not sure a star is in game or you want to see its othe catalouge names, there is a very useful website that has a lot of information on most stars and what i experienced, if a star is in that website, its also in Elite dangerous.
There is a magnifier right top and u can search stars from there.

Ps: Right now cant go online so i cant verify if LL pegasi is in game or not.

Yeah iv used most designations, now most other stars with the same classifications are infact ingame so...wierd
FFE starts in 3250. Which parts of the FFE history that has survived, is a bit hazy.
There are quite a few of the journal stories that have been confirmed by tourist beacons, in the Alioth region. The Antares story also starts in the journals.
Other parts have been completely abandoned. In FFE the federation had a huge population of sentient androids. The Empire used extensive cloning and genetic manipulation on their population.
The Thargoid part seem to be relatively intact, up to the point where the hand coded missions starts and the player makes choices that influences the overall events. The Journal extracts contains the stories for all the paths. It seems that in ED, not much happened after Mic Turner went missing. All we know is that Bill Turner has a Quest ship with Thargoid damage, in his workshop.

Ya I was just hoping that the signal the beacon was referencing, was some already known event... And what better signal event could there be :) But who knows ... maybe its referencing a wandering planet that sends out random whispers telling us to "kill them all"... and this is just another point along its trajectory...
Ya I was just hoping that the signal the beacon was referencing, was some already known event... And what better signal event could there be :) But who knows ... maybe its referencing a wandering planet that sends out random whispers telling us to "kill them all"... and this is just another point along its trajectory...

The entire Elite community once Raxxla is found...sound turned on for this one lol

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