Yeah, I've not actually seen that particular peculiarity for a while. What's more common is seeing the main star tagged, but not the rest of them, or the stars tagged by different players. Overall, I prefer things the way they are now, and I definitely don't miss the whole "face a body and wait ages for it to resolve" that came with the old mechanic. It does, however, slow my exploration down a little, as I rarely leave an untagged system without scanning it all now. Buckyballing is no longer a thing I can stand to do.
I see it with some frequency further out...especially if there is a WW or an ELW.

And like you, buckyballing is harder to do now. The FOMO is real.
The fact that those systems are vastly unexplored is actually a good sign. If Raxxla is hidden somewhere there, then it isn't surprising that nobody found it in 6/7 years.

And the fact that those systems have been explored with the "old sensors", gives somewhat credibility to the myth that "someone visited the system Raxxla was in, but didn't explore the system".

In other news, I could not get "veil north" working today, perhaps I missed a step I was doing last Thursday. I'll keep trying. This will be probably a long term project, where I got to wait for every Thursday and try again.
Maths Question:

If we are searching 400bn systems for something that is possibly in 1 of them. Randomly jumping, how many systems on average will we have to search until we find the right system? There must be a probability curve surely. Wild guesses appreciated.

Did you know that if 30 people are in a room its quite probable that someone shares a birthday with you? So it could be a lot less that I think, probably ;)

If there are 30 people in a room call the police! They’re breaking Covid restrictions!! 🙂
Im somewhat out past cave nebula/cresent nebula in the few NGC sectors and most if not all in the 300+ systems i have flown through are discovered at all and in chunks......big payday and named system list for me this week :) I would bring my fc out however ran out of tritium during my trip around the entire outer rim of the milky way so thats floating in the bubble for now, If anyone is in the bubble and wants my fc to jump out id gladly put in a tritium buy order its currently in LP 790-29 Odin's Hammer, it has enough for a 700+ly distance at the moment
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Im somewhat out past cave nebula/cresent nebula in the few NGC sectors and most if not all in the 300+ systems i have flown through are discovered at all and in chunks......big payday and named system list for me this week :) I would bring my fc out however ran out of tritium during my trip around the entire outer rim of the milky way so thats floating in the bubble for now, If anyone is in the bubble and wants my fc to jump out id gladly put in a tritium buy order its currently in LP 790-29 Odin's Hammer, it has enough for a 700+ly distance at the moment
Do you need help with tritium?
I dont want to come back to the bubble just yet due to the amount of non tagged systems im finding, iv just set a commodity order on the fc for 4k tritium at a little over market value, also if anyone finds a triple//double hotspot towards this way and posts it i can gladly also jump it there :)
Ight then ;)
I still have the notion that raxxla is ceres which should be in the game, they said is in the game along time ago but not targetable however but months of supercruise around the sol belt dropping over and over again between me and many other CMDR's led to space madness lol
I still have the notion that raxxla is ceres which should be in the game, they said is in the game along time ago but not targetable however but months of supercruise around the sol belt dropping over and over again between me and many other CMDR's led to space madness lol
belt cluster 2 was a little strange...

It used escape velocity and started at 1km/s
I still have the notion that raxxla is ceres which should be in the game, they said is in the game along time ago but not targetable however but months of supercruise around the sol belt dropping over and over again between me and many other CMDR's led to space madness lol
Checked 3 belts. Nope nothing
I really should get my fsd drive engineered. My krait only jumps 50Ly
Im in my multipurpose conda...only just under 40ly, has everything needed for everything and fully grade 5 everything and is a heavy hitter with bi weave and 60% resists on all damage types to sheilds, I used to love the high jump range however you also miss systems not scanned with it, 30+ is golden either way
Im in my multipurpose conda...only just under 40ly, has everything needed for everything and fully grade 5 everything and is a heavy hitter with bi weave and 60% resists on all damage types to sheilds, I used to love the high jump range however you also miss systems not scanned with it, 30+ is golden either way
Agree. But i just started and low on materials.

Only 120 hours
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