You are right to be suspicious of Inara data - Inara has some data that is user editable and I have come across anomolies there before when users have modified the data, but then it hasn't been updated when things change.

EDDB and EDSM do not modify the uploaded data from journals so these can be trusted.

Some system descriptions strings may be out of date on EDSM, thats all I found to not trust, and the bottom right panel descriptions on some places are also player generated. But the map and bodies are as per the journal.

Yes, I rechecked the Inara entry that Davanix had linked & saw the Dark Wheel faction he was talking about is a player squadron set up by ScolioTheMost who’d claimed it was headquartered at HIP 22469(Overlook), so clearly a joke. 😉

I only use Inara for checking engineer blueprints and nearest Interstellar Factors, but regularly use EDSM for system and faction checking.
Rochester raised a bug report on these different spellings & the response indicated that all spellings were correct so there must be a reason.
Can we have the original if possible just to see exactly what they said and how they said it. @Rochester

Im still working on the assumption its for a Find & Replace ability later on when they decided what faction was going to be there. Few exceptions:

The Starter Area - fits in with lore for a new starter that they are in a PF zone
Shin Des - fits in with lore as the HQ of the elite

"Davanix got one after combat in the recent Jupiter Rochester HIP 54530 CG"

Im sure I saw something about this from Frontier that this was erroneously happening....but that when handed in they were corrected so it was just a text issue, like the bounties not showing properly but paying properly

I still don’t understand how anyone has found out that TDW exist in Overlook megaship and that got inserted into Inara
Inara is player submitted and edited. I think it was found by triangulation, or it moved and they used that data somehow.

A lot of this stuff isnt recorded properly at the time, its a lot of opinions after the fact that then confuse everything.
whatever Raxxla is it should not be the “gateway to another galaxy” as mentioned in the old novella!
And as it says in the Codex that theory has been discredited for some time, still popular on here though....just another backstory we never get to see, just the end result. Codex is full of that and its fine if its new lore like Guardians, but for old lore theres no stepping stones from then to now....if you know the old lore. Epic players might have the advantage here :)

Release the Raxxla documents, all the 'early accounts agree however', give us access to those 'early' accounts even if they are 7 completely contradictory fluff opinion pieces by complete dunces who dont have a clue and just heard it from someone in the pub! Even if none of them are true! I still want to read them for myself :) A GalNet special on the history of the mystery of Raxxla. No new clues, no new info, just fill in some gaps in the lore from then to now.
As a post-script to the Sol Asteroid Belt investigations:

I've had a look at other systems that have belts that are not around a star, but after a couple of planets, like in Sol. They do not behave the same as the Sol Belt:

when cruising in Sol with nothing selected, when you are in the right places a hologram of an Asteroid cluster will appear on the left projector. This occurs in a small area of space. Dropping out, so far, has never (to me) revealed any actual rocks.

In other systems, its impossible to get the hologram to appear by itself. Even if you approach a cluster very closely, the hologram will not appear by itself. I've tried this in 2 or 3 systems now, and its consistent.

This means there is definitely something fishy about the Sol asteroid belt - its mechanics are different to other systems.

This leads me to wonder if there are rocks there, but you must be in precisely the right place to find them - this is tough - normal dropout is 1Mm - a real needle in a haystack if you don't know where to drop out.
As a post-script to the Sol Asteroid Belt investigations:

I've had a look at other systems that have belts that are not around a star, but after a couple of planets, like in Sol. They do not behave the same as the Sol Belt:

when cruising in Sol with nothing selected, when you are in the right places a hologram of an Asteroid cluster will appear on the left projector. This occurs in a small area of space. Dropping out, so far, has never (to me) revealed any actual rocks.

In other systems, its impossible to get the hologram to appear by itself. Even if you approach a cluster very closely, the hologram will not appear by itself. I've tried this in 2 or 3 systems now, and its consistent.

This means there is definitely something fishy about the Sol asteroid belt - its mechanics are different to other systems.

This leads me to wonder if there are rocks there, but you must be in precisely the right place to find them - this is tough - normal dropout is 1Mm - a real needle in a haystack if you don't know where to drop out.
Or perhaps they are there but not visually implemented? I read somewhere that comets are supposed to be in-game but with a similar bug. Yes, for a hand-crafted system and the home of humanity it does indeed seem strange to get such bugs... which led me to start thinking about why, and whether it could be part of the obfuscation of Raxxla. I still think Raxxla is in Sol and likely a Guardian ark ship, from the date of the rumour and metathinking about the storylines, but suspect it may be out at Neptune‘s or Pluto’s orbits &possibly even off the ecliptic and searching for it out there doesn’t seem to be interesting gameplay to me.
Clearly for some arcane reason FD have set up several factions of PF in-game; Rochester raised a bug report on these different spellings & the response indicated that all spellings were correct so there must be a reason. Clearly this is an obfuscation on the basis that most people would assume this was a single faction and put the differences down to bad spelling on FD’s part (which has always struck me as a bit strange, especially since MB was an author who should have enforced good spellchecking practice). I suspect we do need to ally with all these variants to trigger some event (Raxxla being detectable perhaps? could this be the “obfuscation on the outer rim” from the early SD missions?).

So as an afterthought, factions 1 & 3 should be able to be allied by appropriate in-game actions. Davanix got one after combat in the recent Jupiter Rochester HIP 54530 CG; from the spelling of Galnet 11February ( I suspect this was faction 1 (“The Pilots Federation”) according to my numbering scheme. Clearly we need to be on the lookout for other posts that mention this faction variant.

Searching Galnet for Faction #3 “Pilots’ Federation” I found they were responsible for setting the new pilots’ locked region, and also for granting all our pilot’s Licences. Nothing else came up other than two player-submitted posts which I discount. I can’t believe FD would have set a puzzle in-game then locked existing players out of the new pilot training area after several years without providing an alternate means to get Allied with that PF faction.

Has anyone done any hunting of the larger Thargoids to see if this gets a message with the different spelling ‘you are now an ally of “Pilots’ Federation”’? An alternative thought would be that Davanix got his faction 1 alliance for combat, faction 2 should be able to be allied by trade or exploration since they have several stations, perhaps faction 3 is the third specialism? So I think if anyone is interested a couple of people need to explore faction 2 alliance to see if they have a preference for trade or exploration? Unfortunately Jorki and Tyko are both engaged on testing other hypotheses at the moment, but I’ll get around to this after they’ve finished that endeavour.

Edit2: come to think of it the different spellings occur in the Toursist Beacons in Shin Dez, it was while visiting those that I first noticed the spelling discrepancies. Must revisit those beacon message & see if there is a clue hidden! And perhaps this beacon set of clues with different spellings is really why they are located in Shin Dez which you have to be Elite to enter? (We know from Elite Premonition that TDW in Shin Dez are “at the outer rim”! 😁)

@Davanix: apologies if the above is what you were saying, I was confused by your explanation. I still don’t understand how anyone has found out that TDW exist in Overlook megaship and that got inserted into Inara; EDSM only shows TDW in Shin Dez.
Edit1: ah! I’ve gone back and checked the Inara entry & I see this Dark Wheel is a player faction set up by ScolioTheMost and he claimed it was headquartered in HIP 22460(Overlook); I think he was joking! 😉
Pretty much what I was saying yes, I was half asleep when I tried to explain it so thank you lol

As for the player faction, yeah that was more of a how are the linked to the Pilots fed real ingame name more than about their squadron, they are linked to the Pilot Feds in overlook as their hq minor faction which was odd because there was a time where you would have to have fd set this up for your members before inara would pick it up
Another slightly off topic mention.

Maybe a check on Saturn's belts, i remember briefly a thing Braben said that he beleives in the theory of a very large ice moon smashing into saturn created the belt..... Now in that stream/dev log i noticed he has that vague smirk on his face when he said it, that same vague smirk he gave about Raxxla, when probes where appearing, and when we first found the guardian surface sight. Wierd is saturn ingame only has the D ring... The other 3 are missing

May be going out on a whim here however worth checking, that dev log was about 8 years ago when the game was but a mere infant but still viewable
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Pretty much what I was saying yes, I was half asleep when I tried to explain it so thank you lol

As for the player faction, yeah that was more of a how are the linked to the Pilots fed real ingame name more than about their squadron, they are linked to the Pilot Feds in overlook as their hq minor faction which was odd because there was a time where you would have to have fd set this up for your members before inara would pick it up
No problem!
I was half asleep when I read your post, so between us we had 25% of brain cells working! 😁
Edit: on second thoughts, with all the brandy I’ve been drinking during lockdown I probably had less than 50% brain cells working! 🥃🥃🥃
But at my age it’s difficult to tell. 👴🏻
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Anybody read Michael Brookes’ The Tau Ceti Mission? I remember him mentioning it in the old Canon threads somewhere & thought I’d treat myself to some Sci-fi light reading but can’t find a copy for sale anywhere.

I think it was a bit of a followup to the Sun Dragon book - he had a website for it but looks like its been taken over by . The wayback machine is your friend
Seems like it was the start up thoughts for a second book but never completed? Or maybe just completing - filling out the Sun Dragon book.
So I have really put some thought into all this and done my research and spent hours reading and validating things and saying whether this or that is b.s. or not. My conclusion to everything is princess “astrophel and spiraling stars”... this is where the words-“you have to make it a bit obvious” come into play. But that was hard to figure out because there are so many things that could have been the obvious thing. So I went into detective mode with the astrophel and spiraling stars. What’s up with the name astrophel?! Well Astro obviously means Star and phel means Fail in English from a few other languages. So we have Star-Fail and spiraling stars. When you do a search on spiraling stars and really dig into it, you always come up with something about a WR star or Wolf Rayet. So In my theory we have converted astrophel and spiraling stars into Star-Fail and Spiraling Stars. But there’s one more step what’s a Star-Fail? Well a failed Star is a brown dwarf.. so I’m willing to bet that Raxxla is in a system with a brown dwarf and either one or multiple wolf rayets. I mean really!! Why even put something like that in the game if there’s no context to it. There is no book with that name anywhere in elite or in the real world. There’s one that’s similar but not enough to tie it into this game.
I hate you all :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
You have been giving clues all the time and I didn't notice it!

This very thread is the "mad tea party" and I guess participation in this thread is a requirement to solve the Raxxla-puzzle. This would basically mean, I was Alice the whole time without knowing it.

The Elite Dangerous-galaxy is basically the mind of Lewis Carroll.

The smoking gun for me was the number of letters which is 98721. That was that weird permit for HIP 87621 which requires the HIP 48762 permit.

Barnard's Loop is the (inverse) grin of the Cheshire-cat; in the Sifi-system Barnard's loop disappears when I fly away from the star.

The naming of the Isis-planets is probably based on the "The Wonderland Postage-Stamp Case":

This was a cloth-backed folder with twelve slots, two marked for inserting the most commonly used penny stamp, and one each for the other current denominations up to one shilling.

I guess the missing/extra letters (for Ma'a, Herme, Odins) are something similar to the "doublet" as in the Wikipedia-article. I was puzzled why you guys started talking about the different spellings of the Pilots Federation, but now it makes sense.

I'm currently tired, so I will not figure the Sifi-system out today, I hope the system won't be reset tomorrow and I need to find the Raxxla-system again.

So my (probably final) theory is, that Raxxla is a portmentau from Ra and Axle, meaning Ra's Axle. Since Ra = the Sun, it means Sun's Axle.
Simulacrae have been mentioning trees, so I assume Raxxla is an axletree based on the star, and I need to find the levers.
The levers are probably the pattern breaking planets with the moons, meaning Sifi 14, and the third gas giant with the 6th moon.

What I need to find is "the mirror" from the Looking Glass. I think the mirror will enable the following process:

"I see the stars moving. I move the stars I see."

I assume that the position of the planets is the lock and arranging them correctly opens the door.
So I have really put some thought into all this and done my research and spent hours reading and validating things and saying whether this or that is b.s. or not. My conclusion to everything is princess “astrophel and spiraling stars”... this is where the words-“you have to make it a bit obvious” come into play. But that was hard to figure out because there are so many things that could have been the obvious thing. So I went into detective mode with the astrophel and spiraling stars. What’s up with the name astrophel?! Well Astro obviously means Star and phel means Fail in English from a few other languages. So we have Star-Fail and spiraling stars. When you do a search on spiraling stars and really dig into it, you always come up with something about a WR star or Wolf Rayet. So In my theory we have converted astrophel and spiraling stars into Star-Fail and Spiraling Stars. But there’s one more step what’s a Star-Fail? Well a failed Star is a brown dwarf.. so I’m willing to bet that Raxxla is in a system with a brown dwarf and either one or multiple wolf rayets. I mean really!! Why even put something like that in the game if there’s no context to it. There is no book with that name anywhere in elite or in the real world. There’s one that’s similar but not enough to tie it into this game.
Astrophel is 'star lover' with greek roots.

The name Astrophel is a boy's name meaning "star lover". Invented by 16th-century English poet Sir Philip Sidney for the hero of his sonnet sequence Astrophel and Stella, this name is derived from the Greek elements aster “star” and philos “lover”.

Many have taken the line that Astophel and Stella by Sir Philip Sydney is the story (poem) in the Codex, but there is no princess and the link to spiralling stars is not really very direct. Nothing much seems to have come from that line of enquiry that I'm aware of.

The Qixi festival and the tale of the weaver girl and the cow herd is another 'star lover' interpretation, but likewise hasn't gone anywhere to date.
What if, another thought, right so we know how we cannot currently land on planets? However they have shown planet tech to us 8 years and more ago, weather/cloud effects, storms etc before we could even land on non atmospherics...Im just thinking this may not help in finding Raxxla or it might as it may have never been checked..

What if the tech they showed us is in game currently, they have datamined storms, weather etc way back before which led to speculation on at the time of the dlc we are now getting, what if Raxxla is the one and only current planet that doesnt give the inclusion zone and actually lets you land on it, think about it, it would be very well hidden within the bubble even as most atmospherics would even have been attempted to land on while also their test bed since beta that they have shown us these pretty skys etc before while also explaining the datamines from eons ago as those people may very well have been local to the systems containing it....What if Raxxla is a planet we all scanned, but never tried to land on as the image in our head tells us "We cant do this right now"

Long shot I know but possible as the inclusion zone is just that a zone the game locks you from going further, this doesnt mean there is nothing there as many planets have textures that are real and not just image mappings like Earth, Achenar, Alioth and a few more I have personally flown into and looked at.

Further to this think of Jurassic world evolution, If any of you have it notice the ranger cars when you drive them, they handle like the srv on a 1g planet to a T, they use the same engine for this game, so they have the tech for these planets already developed for years just the pushing it out galaxy scale is the hold back, however One planet may hold the test work, one planet most likely does as they use ingame environments, what if Raxxla was one of these planets not with Dinosaurs (That would be cool however) but something else they have designed there.
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There’s too much thought put into a lot of theories. It has to be something we can use to gather info that they have already given us. Astrophel in real life is a name that in Greek means Star lover. But we’re I’m the here and now. Why wouldn’t FD just put the actual name of the book in there. Why would they change it to spiraling stars. It even says that clues were thought to be given within the book but nothing ever was found. It’s the name that has to mean something or they could have just said astrophel and Stella was the name of it were meant to give no hints or they could have just said nothing at all. Has to be a reason they mentioned it and a reason they changed the name.
There’s too much thought put into a lot of theories. It has to be something we can use to gather info that they have already given us. Astrophel in real life is a name that in Greek means Star lover. But we’re I’m the here and now. Why wouldn’t FD just put the actual name of the book in there. Why would they change it to spiraling stars. It even says that clues were thought to be given within the book but nothing ever was found. It’s the name that has to mean something or they could have just said astrophel and Stella was the name of it were meant to give no hints or they could have just said nothing at all. Has to be a reason they mentioned it and a reason they changed the name.
I’ve put a lot of thought into this and searched into every other aspect that could be took as a clue in the codex
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