Also found some fun supporting theory last night. "
for those with eyes to see" has been nagging me the entire time. I finally persisted in my search last night, and it seems it may have paid off. That line is in literature written by Paolo Coelho, who wrote "The Alchemist." The Alchemist is a story about someone who goes on a journey for a great treasure, and on the road to find it he discovers many wonderful things, and ultimately that
the treasure was actually buried at the place he left from.
Here is a link to a quick
youtube reading of the story with some lovely pictures, about 7 minutes.
So the connections I immediately make are:
Paolo Coelho : Coelho station in the starter area : beginning of a journey
The Alchemist : the story of a journey : A journey everyone must make for themselves
Treasure is back at the start : We headed out far and wide looking for treasure but it's really at the starting line: Raxxla is in Sol
Completely unnecessary backup, flogging a dead horse as far as I'm concerned, but a fun little theory nonetheless
Alternatively.... Raxxla is in the starter area.... lol!
Which, of course, I need to look into for fun (I don't believe at all it's there, but...).... So I started up my Xbox last night since it's free on GamePass now.... found nothing, but did notice one more thing that made me go "hmmmm"... an empty system, named Lia Fail. "Stone of Destiny" in Irish. Ugh. I hate you right now, Fdev. I searched the system with only 2 stars for a bit, nothing (of course). So I put it to you guys, I feel like there is no way they would put it in the starter area, right?