One of my contacts on Tau Ceti found this tidbit. Its the last page of a Field Journal from some idiot Ethnologist studying the religion of one of the fringe cults on the edge of the Frontier.
I, uh..... well I t............. uhm....Yeah?
1. Do I understand correctly that the missions from the stranger are from TDW ?
Probably not but no-one can say for certain. We know that it aint triggered anything yet.

It seems that just about this is written in the Codex about TDW.
Theres a lot of mysteries in ED that could be related to The DW, I think they are deliberately written to let the reader jump to their own conclusions without actually saying anything. Just like from the very beginning theres hints at something without actually linking anything, it keeps the mystery alive in the players head and we can make of it what we want. Very little is actually 'finalised' one way or the might be, it might not and that keeps us guessing and talking and playing and wondering.
Ok, buckle up and get ready for the juice, here comes some more Stella and Astrophel theorizing [in addition to my earlier brief analyses here and here ] I've been doing keyword searches on the text (I won't say I have read it all as early modern poetry bores me to death) looking mostly for eyes, stars, navels, rifts, brows, arrows, constellations, planets, you know, all the usual stuff. I've made my way through a fair chunk of it now and have come up with the notes below for those who are interested. I've excerpted pertinent bits with my observations/ideas in brackets after the line or the paragraph. This is by no means a complete analysis and is just some preliminary thoughts. The original text is not complete below, just the bits I have found interesting so far, but if you want to get stuck into it you can find a transcription of it here and the 1888 edition of the 1591 original here as a PDF.

Para 7
When Nature made her chief work, Stella’s eyes,
In color black why wrapped she beams so bright?
Would she in beamy black, like painter wise,
Frame daintiest lustre, mixed of shades and light?
Or did she else that sober hue devise,
In object best to knit and strength our sight,
Lest if no veil those brave gleams did disguise,
They sun-like should more dazzle than delight?

[Eyes = binary stars, veil = nebula? Or "color black why wrapped her beans so tight" = black hole? Trinary system with a black hole in or near/"behind" a nebula?]

Para 12
Cupid, because thou shin’st in Stella’s eyes, [Pisces> Or Sagitta or Sagittarius?]
That from her locks, thy day-nets, none scapes free,[Black hole obscuring the light from the stars?]

Para 17
His mother dear Cupid offended late,
Because that Mars grown slacker in her love,
With pricking shot he did not throughly more
To keep the pace of their first loving state.
The boy refused for fear of Mars’s hate,
Who threatened stripes, if he his wrath did prove:
But she in chafe him from her lap did shove,
Brake bow, brake shafts, while Cupid weeping sate:
Till that his grandame Nature pityijng it
Of stella’s brows make him two better bows,
And in her eyes of arrows infinite.
[more Cupid again, but Stella's brows is an interesting reference - two brows and two bows? More arrows. Mars could be reference to Mars artefact? Aliens there opposed to whatever aliens are at Raxxla?]

Para 23
But only Stella’s eyes and Stella’s heart.
[Binary system, heart could be the black hole, or Heart Nebula?]

Para 26
Though dusty wits dare scorn astrology,
And fools can think those lamps of purest light
Whose numbers, ways, greatness, eternity,
Promising wonders, wonder do invite,
To have for no cause birthright in the sky,
But for to spangle the black weeds of night:
Or for some brawl, which in that chamber high,
They should still dance to please a gazer’s sight;
For me, I do Nature unidle know,
And know great causes, great effects procure:
And know those bodies high reign on the low.
And if these rules did fail, proof makes me sure,
Who oft fore-judge my after-following race,
By only those two stars in Stella’s face.

[Binary system, holding the "birthright in the sky" and "promising wonders"]

Para 31
Sure, if that long with Love acquainted eyes
[binary system, Heart and Soul nebulae?]

Para 43
Fair eyes, sweet lips, dear heart, that foolish I
[binary system, Heart Nebula, lips the black hole?]

Para 48
Soul’s joy, bend not those morning stars from me, [Bend like bending light around a black hole?? Soul Nebula?]
Where Virtue is made strong by Beauty’s might,
Where Love is chasteness, Pain doth learn delight,
And Humbleness grows one with Majesty.
Copartner of the riches of that sight: [Copartner = Binary stars?]
That through my heart their beamy darts be gone, {Sagitta and Cupid's Arrow? Or light from binary system. Heart Nebula?}
Dear killer, spare not thy sweet cruel shot:
A kind of grace it is to kill with speed.
[Black hole?]

Para 62
For late, with heart most high, with eyes most low, [Heart Nebula high in the sky? Binary System below it?]
I craved the thing which ever she denies:
She, lightning Love, displaying Venus’ skies, [Venus' skies - Heart and Soul, or Pisces?]

First Song
Who hath the eyes which marry state with pleasure, [binary, not sure about state with pleasure?]
Who keeps the key of Nature’s chiefest treasure? [Raxxla as important treasure site, Stella or the star system is key to it, black hole gateway could be the treasure?]
Only to you her scepter Venus granteth. [is sceptre in a constellation or asterism somewhere?]

Fourth Song
Twinkling stars love-thoughts provoke: [Heart and Soul Nebulae?]

Fifth song
I said thou wert most sweet, sweet poison to my heart; [Heart Nebula?]
I said my soul was thine (oh that I then had lied!) {Soul Nebula?]
I said thine eyes were stars, thy the milk’n way; [Binary system, in the milky way]
Thy fingers Cupid’s shafts, thy voice the angels’ lay: [Perhaps associated with Sagitta (arrow) or Sagitarrius (the archer)?]
Both rebel to the son, and vagrant from the mother;
For wearing Venus’ badge in every part of thee,
Unto Diana’s train thou runaway didst flee:
[this is an interesting passage, not sure of meaning yet, son and mother, rebel and vagrant, but might be Venus and Cupid tied together to flee Typhon? Diana's train would be the Diana asteroid belt at Sol? There are lots of Sol references scattered through here to, so it is quite possible there is something closer to home, need to look through it again just with a Sol filter on things]

I need to rescour the paras after 65, got tired at this point and stopped.

tl;dr Raxxla may be a trinary system, with two main sequence stars and a black hole, perhaps in or behind the "veil" of one or more nebulae, (as viewed from Earth perhaps?) Those nebulae could be:

Heart and Soul. Perhaps referencing this is a tip of the cap from FD to Drew and the Rifters here as well, which may of course be more obfuscation on the Outer Rim... or just me seeing it jump out everywhere with my skewed bias. Are there other Nebulae that represent Love?

OR... Raxxla might have something to do with Venus and the Diana asteroid and its "train" in Sol.
Interesting analysis. Much deeper than I did, after searching the same key-words. 😁

I want to point out that Diana is the Roman equivalent of Hecate. Hecate is often seen a triple goddess and has the epithet 'Hexacheira' that means ‘Of Six Ways’ or ‘Of Six Hands’ (Sim has mentioned this). She is also known for holding two torches.

Diana's train is a bunch of nymphs. The Pleiades are among them.

Venus’ badge was in Shakespearean time often represented by a strawberry, because it's red and heart shaped. Could be another Heart nebula thing?
Diana's train is a bunch of nymphs. The Pleiades are among them.

Venus’ badge was in Shakespearean time often represented by a strawberry, because it's red and heart shaped. Could be another Heart nebula thing?

Yeah, I thought there was another reference with a Pleiades connection but I was too tired to look for it last night. I also gave up at Para 65 so there could be much more (as well as stuff I missed of course or haven't bothered to look up yet like the mother/son vagabond/runaway stuff among others). Haven't even checked to see if the Diana asteroid is in game yet, I was thinking if it is in a belt the train could be the other asteroids orbitting with it.

It would be hilarious if it was out near Heart and Soul somewhere, after all the time all those people (including me) spent searching out there for something else entirely, and not finding it. I can hear FD now, "Quick, Wagar has hundreds of commanders going to Heart and Soul - shutdown the Raxxla server!"

Disclaimer: Any reference to the word "belt" is by no means meant to refer to "The Belt"(TM). Please don't sue us.
It would be hilarious if it was out near Heart and Soul somewhere, after all the time all those people (including me) spent searching out there for something else entirely,

I only recently went to H&S, a few weeks behind the Lore Tour @drew did, and even following hundreds of Cmdrs on the exact same route there I still found undiscovered systems all over...on the way back I came fairly straight across the 'void' and same, even found an undiscovered system with Crystal site in the 'void' (which may have been impassable before engineering though so less traffic).

So even well explored areas have lots and lots of undiscovered systems and 'secrets'. Never give up, never surrender to the 'everybody knows' argument.
And as the poem is about the "star lover's" Astrophel love for Stella ("star"), that would seem to me to rule out the Venus/Diana possibility in Sol. Unless of course that is where you go to view Raxxla first, or get another hint or something...

Also, the Venus' sceptre reference - not sure about this one, but I think it is related to biblical scholarly and not-so-scholarly interpretations (historical and contemporary) around the alignment of Mercury, Mars and Jupiter (which in some of those interpretations includes Venus, even though it is low in the sky and not aligned at all) and the appearance of a sceptre as part of the biblical imagery around the Star of the Magi being formed by that alignment.
Has anyone really read this stuff and understood it?

I tried, failing hard.
I mean yes sirens could be nymphs, but there are about 6 passages with nymphs in this sonnets, lovers mentioned 1000 times, parents none. Dunno.
This is the stuff that drives you crazy.

And the thing with the spiralling stars. I counted stella in this sonnets and made a fibonaccs sequence.
You have no idea when to stop. Damn iterations.
Has anyone really read this stuff and understood it?

I tried, failing hard.
I mean yes sirens could be nymphs, but there are about 6 passages with nymphs in this sonnets, lovers mentioned 1000 times, parents none. Dunno.
This is the stuff that drives you crazy.

And the thing with the spiralling stars. I counted stella in this sonnets and made a fibonaccs sequence.
You have no idea when to stop. Damn iterations.
Well, it wouldn't be a puzzle (or obfuscation - remember it is quite possible it has nothing to do with Raxxla) if we figured it out right away.

I just assumed spiralling stars was another reference to a Black Hole (or binary system). I don't do math. ;-)
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I have some important break throughs. And I am at the point of needing community help. Is the IRH hunters discord. Join my angels-and-demons channel.

I have explained what the Dark Wheel is - and who at least two of the members are. I have also revealed their possible locations in the galaxy, and why they have ORBIS stations.

In the channel a lot of symbolism in the game is explained as well as why it is there guiding us.

You will find the location of a Guardian Exile in every large Orbis dock. They are watching us. They were always watching us.

And you will learn about the Orbis station connection to Raxxla. I need help researching the points listed for the other Orbis stations, and understanding the clock during your CMDRs death sequence in a unique location.

Send me a message on discord if any of this makes sense to you and after you have read the channel, watched the videos, and looked at the imagery.

Image that's been recolored to reveal the Guardian Exile in every Large ORBIS station. Watching over humanity. Guardian siting image below- recolored to bring out the eyes - guardian site image below as well courtesy of Falconscreech, showing the bar between the eyes, and the eyes.


  • brane.JPG
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  • penus.JPG
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In Elite important systems tend to be the brightest stars in their respective constellations as viewed from earth. (Polaris, Achenar, Alioth, Sirius, Beta Hydri etc) Almost as if the people in charge like astronomy. There are only 88 major constellations, and not all are reachable. (Polaris and one over by the Regor sector are examples.) They are all relatively close to the bubble (~2K LY from sol max by the looks of it. Most are much closer.), and doing a robust search of these systems may be worth while. I do not expect Raxxla to be in these systems, but rather breadcrumbs/clues.

Azeban City gets used as the backdrop for most of Elite's Trailers that feature stations. There are so many better options at first glance. Any station is Sol, Lave Station, Jacques or even Jameson Memorial would have seemed much better options. So why continue to use Azeban City long after the beta ended? Azeban may be a reference to a system near Sirius called Procyon (also the brightest star in Canis Minoris). Sirius is one of only a few corps old enough to have existed just after the supposed myth of Raxxla was first known. Perhaps Sirius corp was founded to find Raxxla, or in response to finding it. Sirius has the largest private navy, and that fits with the ability to defend raxxla from all comers. They also have a history of using mercenaries to take what they want and eliminated anything in their path. Sirius doesn't invent anything. They 'acquire' the work of others. The club even handed Sirius the stolen Alliance FSD designs.

The locations Sirius factions holds may be relevant. Attacking Sirius affiliated factions (via bgs) may force them to use their advantage/capabilities w.r.t controlling Raxxla more openly.

Why was it so important for Premonition to highlight the MIC as the big bad that it was apparently a directive right from the top if it has no wider significance? The Dark Wheel faction in Founder's World is a front to distract from the real thing. Sirius Corp is not a front, but the principle source of the club's power apart from potentially Raxxla it self.

The Club does not readily tolerate those who do not see things their way. The Dark Wheel must stay in the shadows so long as the Club/Sirius are at the height of their power and a direct threat to the existence of the Dark Wheel itself. It is a numbers game. The Dark wheel consist of the best of the best elite pilots, but the Club/Sirius have access to more advanced tech, limitless mercenaries, and the largest private navy in existence. (Remember the Avalonis and Ryder?) At some point skill does not win the day. The Club/Sirius has the endless fodder easily at hand to exterminate by brute force those that openly oppose them. Sirius/Club needs to be defanged for the Dark Wheel to come into the light of day.

The Large Scale faction manipulation via bgs utilized in the Turning the Wheel Initiative may very well be the right tool to make progress on this quest (thus the pseudo encouragement from fdev) but I suspect the correct application is to attack Sirius. (What I suspect Fdev wand in the solution to Raxxla: Collective Action by many players of a non-trivial period of time, All game Roles can contribute, Definite well defined non-arbitrary goals, Multi-stage gating to prevent casual/accidental discovery, Permanently change the landscape of the elite galaxy in a non-trivial manner (clear delineation) , and a story that can live on/ get good press for Fdev/The Players) Expanding TDW to 1000 semi-arbitrary systems to 'unlock" raxxla or the real dark wheel is not a great story. The Turning the Wheel initiative has not Goliath to slay, no days of glory on the field of battle, but rather would reduce the greatest mystery in all of gaming to solving an overly complex, subjective, and cryptic bgs combination lock. The independent pilots taking down the goliath that is the Club/Sirius, and reclaiming Raxxla from this evil cabal makes for much better newspaper articles.

The Wheel may Turn, but Sirius must Burn.
(thus the pseudo encouragement from fdev)

What? Where? And why is it different to the encouragement given to Distant Worlds 1 & 2, the Fuel Rats, Hutton Truckers and a lot of other player initiatives?

I have some important break throughs. And I am at the point of needing community help

Any chance you could share them here? Under a Spoiler if a wall of text, I promise you some people here will read it all regardless of how long it is. Discord is the bane of my laptop.
In Elite important systems tend to be the brightest stars in their respective constellations as viewed from earth. (Polaris, Achenar, Alioth, Sirius, Beta Hydri etc) Almost as if the people in charge like astronomy. There are only 88 major constellations, and not all are reachable. (Polaris and one over by the Regor sector are examples.) They are all relatively close to the bubble (~2K LY from sol max by the looks of it. Most are much closer.), and doing a robust search of these systems may be worth while. I do not expect Raxxla to be in these systems, but rather breadcrumbs/clues.

Azeban City gets used as the backdrop for most of Elite's Trailers that feature stations. There are so many better options at first glance. Any station is Sol, Lave Station, Jacques or even Jameson Memorial would have seemed much better options. So why continue to use Azeban City long after the beta ended? Azeban may be a reference to a system near Sirius called Procyon (also the brightest star in Canis Minoris). Sirius is one of only a few corps old enough to have existed just after the supposed myth of Raxxla was first known. Perhaps Sirius corp was founded to find Raxxla, or in response to finding it. Sirius has the largest private navy, and that fits with the ability to defend raxxla from all comers. They also have a history of using mercenaries to take what they want and eliminated anything in their path. Sirius doesn't invent anything. They 'acquire' the work of others. The club even handed Sirius the stolen Alliance FSD designs.

The locations Sirius factions holds may be relevant. Attacking Sirius affiliated factions (via bgs) may force them to use their advantage/capabilities w.r.t controlling Raxxla more openly.

Why was it so important for Premonition to highlight the MIC as the big bad that it was apparently a directive right from the top if it has no wider significance? The Dark Wheel faction in Founder's World is a front to distract from the real thing. Sirius Corp is not a front, but the principle source of the club's power apart from potentially Raxxla it self.

The Club does not readily tolerate those who do not see things their way. The Dark Wheel must stay in the shadows so long as the Club/Sirius are at the height of their power and a direct threat to the existence of the Dark Wheel itself. It is a numbers game. The Dark wheel consist of the best of the best elite pilots, but the Club/Sirius have access to more advanced tech, limitless mercenaries, and the largest private navy in existence. (Remember the Avalonis and Ryder?) At some point skill does not win the day. The Club/Sirius has the endless fodder easily at hand to exterminate by brute force those that openly oppose them. Sirius/Club needs to be defanged for the Dark Wheel to come into the light of day.

The Large Scale faction manipulation via bgs utilized in the Turning the Wheel Initiative may very well be the right tool to make progress on this quest (thus the pseudo encouragement from fdev) but I suspect the correct application is to attack Sirius. (What I suspect Fdev wand in the solution to Raxxla: Collective Action by many players of a non-trivial period of time, All game Roles can contribute, Definite well defined non-arbitrary goals, Multi-stage gating to prevent casual/accidental discovery, Permanently change the landscape of the elite galaxy in a non-trivial manner (clear delineation) , and a story that can live on/ get good press for Fdev/The Players) Expanding TDW to 1000 semi-arbitrary systems to 'unlock" raxxla or the real dark wheel is not a great story. The Turning the Wheel initiative has not Goliath to slay, no days of glory on the field of battle, but rather would reduce the greatest mystery in all of gaming to solving an overly complex, subjective, and cryptic bgs combination lock. The independent pilots taking down the goliath that is the Club/Sirius, and reclaiming Raxxla from this evil cabal makes for much better newspaper articles.

The Wheel may Turn, but Sirius must Burn.
If I understood what you wrote correctly, then TDW is advocating peace with the Targoids ....
The locations Sirius factions holds may be relevant. Attacking Sirius affiliated factions (via bgs) may force them to use their advantage/capabilities w.r.t controlling Raxxla more openly.
Interesting (and quite possibly valid) theory from a lore perspective. That said I am not sure what role, if any, the BGS would have to play in unlocking Raxxla. According to an early statement (by Braben or Brookes IIRC, can't remember which now) finding Raxxla was going to be a "personal journey" or the like for each commander. Not sure how mass player BGS (or Powerplay) activity would fit that definition myself. That said, I am biased against both of those, so am quite possibly very wrong.
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finding Raxxla was going to be a "personal journey" or the like for each commander

'Its a journey everyone must make for themselves' - Michael Brookes (before FCs but after MC iirc....and he must have known FCs were coming so not sure how literally to take that) Plus Trade & Combat ranks can be earned in MC....not sure how Explo MC works.

One reading of it is that you have to go somewhere and receive some info or invite or the 'key', which you dont get in MC eg you dont see the LP text or similar in MC. Especially if its a sound / note / tone that is in the key of G for example and only stored on your ship to be used honking the UAs to get a response.

Or it may be more imaginative thinking than practically thinking and applying it to gameplay, time will tell....if we ever find the darn thing that is :)
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