Another Theory on how to find Raxxla and why it may have been lost (If ever found) Perhaps you have to miss jump, I know Fdev haven't added in the missjumps into the game fully however never stated that there wasnt a way to do it, Jaques miss jumped so we know its still possible in a lore sense mixed with Thargoids practically forcing a missjump during Hyperdiction dropping you lys away between systems (however still in the system you jumped from)

Also could the upgrades to FSD's making missjumps impossible/not known be the reason for Raxxla navigation to be apparently lost :unsure:

Maybe there is some very selective circumstances where you can infact missjump, this would mean every single player could find it at some point but also in completely different places :unsure: I remember some people where getting the FSD warning midjump also sometimes (ps iv been travelling all over with a 20% fsd just for this very theory for the past 3 weeks lol)

also during an interview before Gamma we had the below, Has anyone ever found a Dark system that wasn't shown in Galaxy map?

Q by teamkill: Talking of exploration, do you envisage finding a new system and instantly knowing what planets/moons etc are there or will it remain 'dark' until someone finds them. Also will the discoverer be known throughout the universe. (news feed possibly)?

A: Stellar systems that have not been explored will simply show the star or star(s) that can be seen there from a distance, and have a systematic name. Someone will have to explore them AND RETURN for them to become more generally known. They will also be able to stake a claim and name such a system.

Some 'dark' systems will not be shown at all, until someone actively scans that area of space, and makes that information available - and without that information (which will be tradable) it will not be possible to travel through hyperspace to it.
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Well, that is why I want to know origin of this picture. I know it is not Astrophel and Stella. This pic have the clue "eyes to see" and I know what it is. I will be busy for next few days fighting against Sirius invasion of Old Worlds but once I'm done I will find something, I already checked and I definitely have something.

I think i picked up from a lending library on reorte ...
Another Theory on how to find Raxxla and why it may have been lost (If ever found) Perhaps you have to miss jump, I know Fdev haven't added in the missjumps into the game fully however never stated that there wasnt a way to do it, Jaques miss jumped so we know its still possible in a lore sense mixed with Thargoids practically forcing a missjump during Hyperdiction dropping you lys away between systems (however still in the system you jumped from)

Also could the upgrades to FSD's making missjumps impossible/not known be the reason for Raxxla navigation to be apparently lost :unsure:

Maybe there is some very selective circumstances where you can infact missjump, this would mean every single player could find it at some point but also in completely different places :unsure: I remember some people where getting the FSD warning midjump also sometimes (ps iv been travelling all over with a 20% fsd just for this very theory for the past 3 weeks lol)

also during an interview before Gamma we had the below, Has anyone ever found a Dark system that wasn't shown in Galaxy map?

Q by teamkill: Talking of exploration, do you envisage finding a new system and instantly knowing what planets/moons etc are there or will it remain 'dark' until someone finds them. Also will the discoverer be known throughout the universe. (news feed possibly)?

A: Stellar systems that have not been explored will simply show the star or star(s) that can be seen there from a distance, and have a systematic name. Someone will have to explore them AND RETURN for them to become more generally known. They will also be able to stake a claim and name such a system.

Some 'dark' systems will not be shown at all, until someone actively scans that area of space, and makes that information available - and without that information (which will be tradable) it will not be possible to travel through hyperspace to it.
RE Dark Systems & miss-jumps, those link back to an original kickstarter/design discussion where FD proposed the mechanism for a Cmdr to send probes to a sector of space (before travel), this involved some form of heat mapping.

Following the successful deployment of the probe/scanning the hyperspace waypoint was established and you could explore that area.

The more you explored an area the more dark systems became available for exploration, which hypothetically don’t initially appear within the galaxy map.

Post in thread 'Dark Systems'

ED Newsletter #3

Here’s an old 2014 QA by David Braben where it crops up:

Q:“Talking of exploration, do you envisage finding a new system and instantly knowing what planets/moons etc are there or will it remain ‘dark’ until someone finds them. Also will the discoverer be known throughout the universe. (news feed possibly)?”

A: Stellar systems that have not been explored will simply show the star or star(s) that can be seen there from a distance, and have a systematic name. Someone will have to explore them AND RETURN for them to become more generally known. They will also be able to stake a claim and name such a

Some ‘dark’ systems will not be shown at all, until someone actively scans that area of space, and makes that information available – and without that information (which will be tradable) it will not be possible to travel through hyperspace to it. DB June 5 2014.

This early concept compilation may explain it better; whereby dark systems were to be used as navigational aids:

I don’t recall anything more on the subject ever being explained, but it obviously never got beyond that point, with FD obviously opting for the more simplistic method.

It’s obvious some errors were made along the way, with catalogues getting duplicated and certain procedural locations being very ‘blocky’. I would imagine if there were dark systems currently in game since launch they would be widespread, and FD would have acknowledged their existence (it’s been several years).

Then again in @drew Premonition it states: “ER 8 system played host to a dull brown dwarf; they used to call them dark systems”.

So it’s likely to assume FD dropped everything planned around exploration and just opted for a simple version, with brown dwarfs etc (dark systems) being detectable like normal stars.

A real shame as it was imaginative concepts like this that got me to back the game in the first place.
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Anyone able to get the song that plays inside Fleet Carriers its on repeat beside the screen at the docking bay elevators, Heard very same songs in different areas since horizons and just wondering...maybe big thinfoil maybe could be related or hold clues, Its somewhat blues/country and can barely make out words like Dark days etc but not turning my game up to blast my house full of it along with ambient sounds haha

(narrowed the sound to the tablet sitting on the crates, or adleast the closest youl get to it is be crouching and facing the tablet also not on repeat few songs play including one very Thargoidish/techo style with weird trumpets lol)
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I've been thinking about this. And ... I have a theory.

To the jewel that burns on the brow of the mother of galaxies! To the whisperer in witchspace, the siren of the deepest void! The parent's grief, the lover's woe, and the yearning of our vagabond hearts. To Raxxla!
A place that isn't a place, a door that is also the key
Now I was like a lot of other people and started thinking and searching in game for a place, a system or a planet. But then I thought, "What if the Jewel that burns on the brow of the Mother of Galaxies isn't a place, but an actual jewel?" So I went researching on actual gemstones in space and...well I came across a phenomenon known as a stellar diamond. So I came across 3 known stellar diamonds. 55 Cancri e, an actual diamond planet, but... it can't be landed on, and there isn't anything I noticed of interest outside of a station orbiting it. It looks just like any other planet. PSR J2222–0137, the coolest white dwarf ever observed thus far, and is theorized to be about the size of Earth, and is also completely crystalized carbon... a diamond. but... at 850-900 ly from Earth, it is well outside the bubble and as far as I could determine, isn't in the game (but it also is not discounted as a possible candidate of the theory.) The final one that, and one I think is the most probable, is BPM 37093 at 55 ly from Earth.

So what is a galaxy? The short answer, a group of stars. so now the throught is "The jewel that burns on the brow of the mother of a group of stars." So the thing is, it refers to "galaxies" ie. multiple groups of stars. The whisperer in witchspace, the siren of the deepest void; could be a deceased singer. Enter one John Lennon, of both the Beatle fame, and married and done songs with Yoko Ono, a couple of groups of stars, if you will. When Lennon died, there was parent's grief, Yoko Ono was in woe, and was the object of the yearning in the vagabond's heart.

Now being a white dwarf, BPM 37093, also known as v886 Centari, is a door that is also the key, especially to early space travelers (incidently, could also be the door, and key, to other 'galaxies' as the regions in the first Elite was known (later to be learned that they are just different areas within the Milky Way.) v886 also has a nickname, Lucy, from the Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds", co-written by one John Lennon, a place that isn't a place.

This is all just a theory, and I have no way of confirming this without outside acknowledgement, and I am in no way discouraging exploration of the game either.
Speaking of Libraries... I was reading something by Borges about the subject ... and this bit of scrap was in it.

try this Simulation of the Library be aware there are ~10^29 possible exact matches for raxxla in it

But, but, but 10^29 >> than 400 billion star systems in the simulation game!
Does that mean there are actually 10^17 Raxxlas in each system??

I knew it!!
We’ve actually been looking for grains of space dust!
There Raxxla was all along...streaking past in SC, and sticking to the canopy! 🥽😕

there are ~10^29 possible exact matches for raxxla in it
But, but, but 10^29 >> than 400 billion star systems in the simulation game!
Does that mean there are actually 10^17 Raxxlas in each system??

I knew it!!
We’ve actually been looking for grains of space dust!
There Raxxla was all along...streaking past in SC, and sticking to the canopy! 🥽😕

there is more Raxxla in this Library than Particles in the Universe (each Particle can have a Universe worth of Raxxla to it and it would still not be enough not even close)
~29^3214 possible matches with random characters
~97.328.052 possible matches with random words
29^5 = 20.511.149 possible title matches

Page 75 of the book Volume 15 on Shelf 4 of Wall 3 of Hexagon:
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Mmm, or we’re looking for fundamental particles!
Just run a quick check with an anagram solver on Higgs Boson.
We are looking for an NPC ship named Gibsons Hog, or Bisson Hog...
But Gnosis Hob also came up...
are Canonn involved in the obfuscation of Raxxla? 😁😁😁
Did a few Distress Call (threat 0) refuel/repairs over the last few days, accepted the mission via the local comms panel & completed the refuel/repair and they then hyperspaced away upon which I got a success notification in the top right panel, but the Codex/Commander stats/SAR counter isn’t incrementing. Is this a bug?

My SAR count is stuck at 35, which I guess is the number of “passenger rescue from burning stations” missions I did.
More source... inside what?
Unfortunately could not get an original copy of the book. In The Library of Babel from Jorge Luis Borges. the author describes a library, each room is a hexagon with two walls as a passageway. The other 4 walls each have five bookshelves with 32 books each. Each book has 410 pages each Page 3200 Symbols.

The posted Image does Not fit this description. The raxxla Logo room has 3 Walls as Passage.
The Text seens also Not from the original book.
I think this is fanart.
But i Love it.
I think I owe y'all an update. Besides, which it would be just plain cruel to do it on the actual anniversary (April Fool's Day) of when I started this crazy adventure in earnest. What has been learned?

For one, literally nothing of the history especially regards interstellar travel is the way it seems. Quirium exists to this day and has been with us since the very first game as have the fuel scoops to get it in the naturally occurring form: Hydrogen. This is covered extensively in the game manuals of all the prior games and "The Dark Wheel" novella, and GalNet reports on the Antares and Starship One incidents. Additionally, though-space and wormholes are used in the prior manuals and GalNet even describes Witchspace as a tunnel. So, whatever however humans came upon in order to get hyperspace, I am fairly certain we somehow got Guardian tech from crash or something in Sol itself. This may ultimately mean that Faraway was based on whatever we found when Raxxla was located.

Next up stations, we have Coriolis, Orbis, Ocellus, and outposts. Take a guess which was the first design used by humans? That would be Coriolis (go read the Brewer Corporation Codex) followed by Orbis during the GalCop era. Guess what that means? TDW's long rumored toroidal station that has yet to be found probably isn't of human construction. The rumor for Raxxla is mentioned alongside map to a pirate cache is solidly known to exist by 2296 (this however doesn't mean it wasn't found before that point). One other thing, the giant damn antenna in the rear of stations and raising above everything on outposts is a key part of Faraway. It is what allowed ships to previously warp directly to stations. This was switched to largest mass body in a system with the advent of supercruise to allow access to uninhabited sytems (this is covered on page 59 of the Elite Encounters RPG):

"From Elite Encounters RPG: Hyperspace travel involves using the galactic map to identify a system within range of the drive and select it as a destination. Once the hyperspace jump has been completed, the navigation computer performs a basic scan of the system to locate stellar bodies and display them to the pilot. Older systems simply located the nearest world and searched for the emissions from a space station, but from around the 3170s more advanced scanners can show all stellar bodies. In the 3300s, with the introduction of discovery scanners, detailed information about each body in a system can be displayed after a ten second scan. If a system contains a nav beacon, this can be scanned to reveal even more information about that system.


In the late 3290s hyperspace technology was revolutionised with a much more efficient and advanced hyperdrive system, finally perfected by the Sirius Corporation. This improved on the original drives, reducing transit times and increasing the safety of travel as well as being small enough to allow them to be fitted to the smallest of multirole craft such as the Sidewinder. It also introduced a new “supercruise” mode that allowed much faster in-system travel than had been possible before. In addition to making transit times measurable in minutes rather than days or weeks, the new drives made easy interstellar exploration a realistic career for enterprising ship owners."

So have some leads on whereabouts we find whatever Raxxla is and it is deep in the heart of Guardian territory in the Inner Orion Spur (this would be the Megellan Gate from "Tour of the Universe") which is discovered in the 3280s and activated by 3293. There is planet known originally as VandeZande's World or Kamelios. Well guess what, we have a pair of megaships that will take you straight to that region run by Zende Partners (see "Zende Partners Transport Service Operational" from 09 May 3305 run from a system named Zende - ). Oh and the "Early Colonies" beacon in Delta Pavonis has some pretty direct refences back to "Tour of the Universe" especially the dinosaur-like creature bit. Additionally, GalNet is literally littered with references to Andromeda and reptile species from that galaxy. I think I have a lead based on another minor faction on the location of Tombworld and thus the Cirax Gate which is one hop away: Tombstone Mining Company in Han Nu. The Trax Gate is probably much further removed from the Bubble but still half-way to Colonia (but I still have to confirm details on that one).

One last thing: Peter Jameson didn't die in Riedquat.. there is no crash there but there is a historically important one in Orrere (just 7 LY away) that was uncovered via a herald article with a message to Ben (presumably Ben Ryder) - see .


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I think I owe y'all an update. Besides, which it would be just plain cruel to do it on the actual anniversary (April Fool's Day) of when I started this crazy adventure in earnest. What has been learned?

For one, literally nothing of the history especially regards interstellar travel is the way it seems. Quirium exists to this day and has been with us since the very first game as have the fuel scoops to get it in the naturally occurring form: Hydrogen. This is covered extensively in the game manuals of all the prior games and "The Dark Wheel" novella, and GalNet reports on the Antares and Starship One incidents. Additionally, though-space and wormholes are used in the prior manuals and GalNet even describes Witchspace as a tunnel. So, whatever however humans came upon in order to get hyperspace, I am fairly certain we somehow got Guardian tech from crash or something in Sol itself. This may ultimately mean that Faraway was based on whatever we found when Raxxla was located.

The first alien artifact, discovered on mars, was discovered over a hundred years after hyperspace travel was invented. I would chalk this up to human ingenuity and not ancient aliens.

Next up stations, we have Coriolis, Orbis, Ocellus, and outposts. Take a guess which was the first design used by humans? That would be Coriolis (go read the Brewer Corporation Codex) followed by Orbis during the GalCop era. Guess what that means? TDW's long rumored toroidal station that has yet to be found probably isn't of human construction. The rumor for Raxxla is mentioned alongside map to a pirate cache is solidly known to exist by 2296 (this however doesn't mean it wasn't found before that point). One other thing, the giant damn antenna in the rear of stations and raising above everything on outposts is a key part of Faraway. It is what allowed ships to previously warp directly to stations. This was switched to largest mass body in a system with the advent of supercruise to allow access to uninhabited sytems (this is covered on page 59 of the Elite Encounters RPG):

"From Elite Encounters RPG: Hyperspace travel involves using the galactic map to identify a system within range of the drive and select it as a destination. Once the hyperspace jump has been completed, the navigation computer performs a basic scan of the system to locate stellar bodies and display them to the pilot. Older systems simply located the nearest world and searched for the emissions from a space station, but from around the 3170s more advanced scanners can show all stellar bodies. In the 3300s, with the introduction of discovery scanners, detailed information about each body in a system can be displayed after a ten second scan. If a system contains a nav beacon, this can be scanned to reveal even more information about that system.


In the late 3290s hyperspace technology was revolutionised with a much more efficient and advanced hyperdrive system, finally perfected by the Sirius Corporation. This improved on the original drives, reducing transit times and increasing the safety of travel as well as being small enough to allow them to be fitted to the smallest of multirole craft such as the Sidewinder. It also introduced a new “supercruise” mode that allowed much faster in-system travel than had been possible before. In addition to making transit times measurable in minutes rather than days or weeks, the new drives made easy interstellar exploration a realistic career for enterprising ship owners."
Is this not in the process of getting retconned as reverse engineered thargoid jump tech in the game? I'm pretty sure it is. That's the main disconnect between older jump tech and the new ED jump drives. We're using thargoid-ish tech reverse engineered from the 1st encounter by Alliance military tech, stolen by the club and given to Sirius. I thought that was the new canon now or has that been changed again?

So have some leads on whereabouts we find whatever Raxxla is and it is deep in the heart of Guardian territory in the Inner Orion Spur (this would be the Megellan Gate from "Tour of the Universe") which is discovered in the 3280s and activated by 3293. There is planet known originally as VandeZande's World or Kamelios. Well guess what, we have a pair of megaships that will take you straight to that region run by Zende Partners (see "Zende Partners Transport Service Operational" from 09 May 3305 run from a system named Zende - ). Oh and the "Early Colonies" beacon in Delta Pavonis has some pretty direct refences back to "Tour of the Universe" especially the dinosaur-like creature bit. Additionally, GalNet is literally littered with reference to Andromeda and reptile species from that galaxy. I think I have a lead based on another minor faction on the location of Tombworld and thus the Cirax Gate which is one hop away: Tombstone Mining Company in Han Nu. The Trax Gate is probably much further removed from the Bubble but still half-way to Colonia (but I still have to confirm details on that one).

One last thing: Peter Jameson didn't die in Riedquat.. there is no crash there but there is a historically important one in Orrere (just 7 LY away) that was uncovered via a herald article with a message to Ben (presumably Ben Ryder) - see .
The first alien artifact, discovered on mars, was discovered over a hundred years after hyperspace travel was invented. I would chalk this up to human ingenuity and not ancient aliens.

Is this not in the process of getting retconned as reverse engineered thargoid jump tech in the game? I'm pretty sure it is. That's the main disconnect between older jump tech and the new ED jump drives. We're using thargoid-ish tech reverse engineered from the 1st encounter by Alliance military tech, stolen by the club and given to Sirius. I thought that was the new canon now or has that been changed again?
I'll be honest. I still haven figured out exactly how we get wormhole/through-space technology so early but I still lean towards Li Qin Jao and their team reverse engineered alien technology. It appears most of the INRA research (that happens much later) re: Thargoids is how supercruise came about. I will say that "Alien Worlds: A Complete Illustrated Guide and "Tour of the Universe" strongly support ancient aliens being in Sol. Pluto and several other icy moons of gas giants were apparently treasure troves for humans of alien artifacts. In addition, there are illustrations of what we call Thargoids in the books. They were the Chikstha. So it is still possible the initial tech came from Thargoids (they had a major presence on Pluto especially) as both Thargoids and Guardians use wormholes. Both species in the books were in Sol very early (as were the Raxxlans). These are the books Holdstock did either by himself under the pen name Steven Eisler or with Malcolm Edwards.

P.S.: I really wish we could get access to Neptune's Triton and The Moon in Sol which are both locked via local permits. I am going to try and see if I can break the Lave 2 and Diso 5c local permits (Diso 5c is where a lot of research happened with Thargoids) per the the older lore. Yes, there were other sites and I have been to them but we really, really need access to those to clarify matters. The best I can say is I went with Guardians because the Codex uses the phrasing "through-space" to describe their interstellar transit technology. This isn't perfect, but it at least gets us to a point where we can largely explain the old lore vs lore in Elite Dangerous. Also, given how little we know of Faraway it would make sense that Raxxla is possibly connected to Faraway jump system. Remember, we had the era of rapid expansion happen between 2230 - 2300ish. This handily explain how Raxxla could have been found in the inky black void outside the Bubble. Also, Drew Wager's Hyperspace lore video is where I got a lot of the information but it also was in Elite Encounters RPG, Galnet, and bits and pieces in the gazettes from the prior games. Drew's hyperspace lore video is here:

Note: Even Drew's hyperspace lore doesn't properly explain Li Qin Jao discovery of hyperspace in Sol. So, there is that point, too. What I am shooting for is something that can reasonably explain the past and act as predictor of the the future. It doesn't have to be perfect: just good enough that ideas can be reformulated as I piece together more of the complex lore.


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