Nothing odd at all. this is how 2 bodys with comparable masse (0,9258 vs 1,3359) orbit each other. And because each Body orbits the other the period is exactly the same.
CD-73 253 A is a bit heavier so it is Closer to the Barycenter. Draw a straight line between the Stars it will always go through Barycenter, so the Stars are always 180° off each other.
View attachment 317651
I've seen a lot of planets doing this as well. It's especially interesting when their orbits pass through each other.

I know Canonn was researching some sets to see if they'd eventually collide.

Currently I'm just about to leave a tourest site .... (1.8kly from Sol) don't recall it's name off hand (something gem) where almost all bodies have rings including the two orbiting dwarfs.
Not wanting to rain on peoples chips. But there’s always the possibility that a lot of the ‘oddity’ surrounding various systems could as likely be due to simple slapdashness, oversight or ignorance, the game is impressive but not perfect and some (not all) of the hand crafted areas are a little rough around the edges, or not as the case might be.
I agree. There are many examples of errors in hand authored data entry. For example:

Tarlak which is in CD-73 253 in the book is actually to be found in LTT 2771 which is where smuggler's junction is meant to be, even though the System Description for CD-73 253 says its there instead. Plenty of such mistakes in the game.

Maybe its possible that Smugglers Junction is in CD -73 253, since it only has two stars and an outpost not orbiting a planet.. someone ought to go have a look.. (I would but my PC has been offline for a while)

When he 'yells' SECRET, I think he means there is stuff you should be able to work out, or else the answer is a spoiler for the book.

and another snippet from the author of AHTW here:

where once again he mentions that systems got messed up in the game.
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When he 'yells' SECRET, I think he means there is stuff you should be able to work out, or else the answer is a spoiler for the book....

It’s also possible that those questions relate a little too closely to NDA matters which are part of in-game storylines yet to be disclosed, or things that are supposed to be for us to find?
There was a reference to Dahan/Smithy’s Claim in galnet 5 September 3300, puzzled FSD mechanic said “These cores are normally good for 1000 light years, and yet nearly 1 in 20 of my customers has needed a complete drive overhaul, where have these Commanders been flying?”

Seems like a hint to something, anybody any idea what? I guess something within 500ly of Dahan!
It's a simple fly out for 500ly at a direction. But just that is only the info given to us without a direct area where supposed to aim for.

Most likely a planet, nothing else comes to mind.
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Well, visited both Thor's Helmet Sector FB-X C1-5 and Seagull Sector DL-Y D3 (anarchy). Checked out the belt clusters in the former (nothing) & got some Trinkets in the latter.
@Pyroboros : Seagull Sector DL-Y D3 was interesting- it has one comet but tried several times & couldnt drop into the instance so always a couple of hundred metres away & it kept moving away from me (while being pestered by a pirate). There were also a couple of bodyids which crashed the game, even when bookmarked. And a few which I didnt check out, before Hell’s Port, which I think was bodyid 17. With only 3 stars, one planet and an asteroid station there’s something strange with this system! I’ll paste the spreadsheet in here later, when lunch has digested & I get back briefly to the PC before the afternoon heat arrives. Siesta time!...
had too much coffee to siesta... here's the sheet:
Slegeae RG-J d10-3​
Slegeae RG-J d10-1048579​
Seagull Sector DL-Y d3 A​
Slegeae RG-J d10-2097155​
Slegeae RG-J d10-3145731​
Seagull Sector DL-Y d3 B​
Slegeae RG-J d10-4194307​
Seagull Sector DL-Y d3 C​
Slegeae RG-J d10-5242883​
Seagull Sector DL-Y d3 B 1​
Slegeae RG-J d10-6291459​
Slegeae RG-J d10-7340035​
Slegeae RG-J d10-8388611​
Slegeae RG-J d10-9437187​
Slegeae RG-J d10-10485763​
Slegeae RG-J d10-11534339​
Slegeae RG-J d10-12582915​
Slegeae RG-J d10-13631491​
Slegeae RG-J d10-14680067​
Slegeae RG-J d10-15728643​
Slegeae RG-J d10-16777219​
Hell Port​

Edit: I would go back and check the other body search criteria for more comets, but with my hand/wrist problems I was having a painful time trying to avoid the pirates who were after my Trinkets, and I want to check out some bubble comets with those!
Has anyone checked for comets in Sirius?
I'm not really pursuing the comet idea anymore. Currently focusing my search more outside of the game, study The Alien World The Complete Illustrated Guide Researching the artists of the Illustrations and stuff. To your post ID 2 most likly Barycenter of ID 3 and 4 the crashes are interesting. I think the only system I had this kind of crash was Jackson's Lighthouse but not sure anymore. I'm lazy atm so unchecked google translate must suffice :)
There was a reference to Dahan/Smithy’s Claim in galnet 5 September 3300, puzzled FSD mechanic said “These cores are normally good for 1000 light years, and yet nearly 1 in 20 of my customers has needed a complete drive overhaul, where have these Commanders been flying?”

Seems like a hint to something, anybody any idea what? I guess something within 500ly of Dahan!
Neutron boosting ?
I'm not really pursuing the comet idea anymore. Currently focusing my search more outside of the game, study The Alien World The Complete Illustrated Guide Researching the artists of the Illustrations and stuff. To your post ID 2 most likly Barycenter of ID 3 and 4 the crashes are interesting. I think the only system I had this kind of crash was Jackson's Lighthouse but not sure anymore. I'm lazy atm so unchecked google translate must suffice :)
I’ll check my logs tomorrow if I get chance. No, fairly sure bodyid 2 was the comet & I did drop out where it should be, only to repeatedly see the uss drift away faster than I could travel.. Guess some of the bodyid 8 to 15 were the barycentres. Lost interest when two consecutively crashed the game, and the persistent pirate attacked... normally they lose interest if interdiction broken but not that guy. But the big bodyid gap up to the asteroid base was puzzling, and then why would 6 & 7 cause a crash-I’m sure I applied the bookmark idea.

edit: @Pyroboros - nope, I was wrong. Checked back in the Journal and bodyid2= Seagull Sector DL-Y d3 BC barycentre, which explains why it kept moving away from me!!

But I really must wander back that aways sometime and check out that gap in bodyids, I'm intrigued!
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I’ll check my logs tomorrow if I get chance. No, fairly sure bodyid 2 was the comet & I did drop out where it should be, only to repeatedly see the uss drift away faster than I could travel.. Guess some of the bodyid 8 to 15 were the barycentres. Lost interest when two consecutively crashed the game, and the persistent pirate attacked... ormally thy lose interest if interdiction broken but not that guy. But the big bodyid gap up to the asteroid base was puzzling, and then why would 6 & 7 cause a crash-I’m sure I applied the bookmark idea.
Faster then a vomit comet? hehe
Didnt know that - I must have started about then.. interesting..
It may have been an FD attempt to encourage exploration...I dont know, it just seems oddly phrased.

The actual text was “Puzzled mechanics working in shipyards across the sector have noticed that some Frameshift drive cores have needed replacing much earlier than expected. One was overheard talking in a bar on Smithy’s Claim: “These cores are normally good for 1000 light years, and yet nearly 1 in 20 of my customers has needed a complete drive overhaul, where have these Commanders been flying?””

So not just Dahan
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Best bet would be to check which systems are in the approximate 250 ly range. If the book refers to another station seeing drive overhaul then just one and it's in a different system verify to see if any systems match the list between the two based on a 250ly range.
Okay Screenshot time I need all of your honest opinion.

Does this look like a Heart to you?
So... what ya all up to?

Any new theories? just given up on one? found a new obscure song with a clue? found an obscure ancient god with a clue?

.... or still just trying to work out what the hell we have to do to get a break?

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