Polaris is the celestial north pole. It relates to earths rotation axis.
The ecliptic north pole is in Draco and is the top of most star maps. It relates to earths orbit around the sun.
Then there is the Galactic north pole in Coma Berenices.
There are of course south poles as well. We usually focus on the north poles, because most of us live on top of the globe. :)

Al the other planets in sol also have their own poles, as well:

In the search for Raxxla, Mars, Saturn or any planet may be as relevant as earth?

All these are 'valid' ophalos points, if we find relevant hints to back them up.
Think you’ve just antagonised a whole continent of Strines, plus a few penguins 😉
Slightly off topic, but I thought people might like to see this:
Afraid I strongly disagree! The simplest interpretation of “Astrophel” is the basic translation from the greek as “Star Lover”!

I’ve never been convinced by this assumed reference to Sidney, it’s a huge leap, & it’s well outside the game so therefore highly unlikely to be canonn for ED, so what is the attraction of this hypothesis? Has MB expressed an admiration for his prose? Was it referenced in any of the novels?
(Though I did subscribe at one point and dived a lot of dual black holes, since
“When nature made her chiefe worke, Stella’s eyes, In collour blacke
onely those two starres in Stella’s face.”)

Whether you want to interpret “Star Lover” as David Braben (oft expressed love of astronomy), or Black Hole (possibly supermassive), or something else is another question....

Edit: sorry, don't mean to sound grumpy. Copawlot had a fit at 06:20 yesterday. Licking his paws a lot during last night, so I woke at 3:30, 4:30 & 5:30. Then another fit at 11:00. 😞😞😞
That’s true, it is the simplest interpretation, eg: ‘aster’ = star ‘Phil’ = lover. Ergo Princess Star Lover, a female star lover.

I was always just going off my schooling, knowing Sidney coined that name first. Just seemed an obvious choice to me. But again thats the problem, which burrow to follow!

Polaris is the celestial north pole. It relates to earths rotation axis.
The ecliptic north pole is in Draco and is the top of most star maps. It relates to earths orbit around the sun.
Then there is the Galactic north pole in Coma Berenices.
There are of course south poles as well. We usually focus on the north poles, because most of us live on top of the globe.

Al the other planets in sol also have their own poles, as well:

In the search for Raxxla, Mars, Saturn or any planet may be as relevant as earth?

All these are 'valid' ophalos points, if we find relevant hints to back them up.

A celestial axis is where I am currently investigating, based upon the same principle that the logo represents Sol.

Remember FD has confirmed Polaris is locked and not accessible for Cmdrs.

Another celestial pole I’m looking into still, could potentially be that drawn from Pandemonium, if you apply the measurements found in Paradise Lost you can build an axis, and determine a distance (to a degree) but it’s not accurate…

I got there the other night in a stock Cobra then answered the door and found my ship destroyed somehow… now have to climb that stair again…that’s if ‘whatever it is’ is accessible in Legacy!
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Polaris is the celestial north pole. It relates to earths rotation axis.
The ecliptic north pole is in Draco and is the top of most star maps. It relates to earths orbit around the sun.
Then there is the Galactic north pole in Coma Berenices.
There are of course south poles as well. We usually focus on the north poles, because most of us live on top of the globe. :)

Al the other planets in sol also have their own poles, as well:

In the search for Raxxla, Mars, Saturn or any planet may be as relevant as earth?

All these are 'valid' ophalos points, if we find relevant hints to back them up.
Reading this, the 'jewel that burns on the brow of the mother of Galaxies' seems to me a reference to the Galactic north pole in Coma Berenices. In game there is a neutron star in R Corona Borealis, which has a small nebula surrounding it and it is marked on the Galaxy Map.
EDIT: R CrA is the nebula I was thinking of but the Circinus Pulsar might also be a match for the description, located in R Coronae Australis

Princess Astrophel and the spiralling stars - neutron stars perhaps?
It would not be the first time neutron stars have been used for navigation - they are on the Voyager golden record.
Perhaps there are six neutron stars that form the six cardinal points around Sol and R Cor Bor is the North one - where would the others be to make a cube?
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is it just me suffering problems with the galmap in Live Horizons 4.0?
When I try to change the map filters I click on the "map mode Pilot's Federation" to pull up current filter and the list of filters, but it either instantly closes again, or closes after a very short time before I can select anything else. It's driving me mad! and making the map pretty well unusable.
I can't see any obvious options in Graphics or game settings....help!! :mad:
Reading this, the 'jewel that burns on the brow of the mother of Galaxies' seems to me a reference to the Galactic north pole in Coma Berenices. In game there is a neutron star in R Corona Borealis, which has a small nebula surrounding it and it is marked on the Galaxy Map.

Princess Astrophel and the spiralling stars - neutron stars perhaps?
It would not be the first time neutron stars have been used for navigation - they are on the Voyager golden record.
Perhaps there are six neutron stars that form the six cardinal points around Sol and R Cor Bor is the North one - where would the others be to make a cube?
6 NS acting as a map rings a bell, loudly!
Pretty sure that's what Carl Sagan put on the Voyager golden plaque to show aliens where Sol is....
Mmm, has anyone looked closely at the Voyager plaque? DB wouldn't have put a map to Raxxla there....would he?? :eek:
is it just me suffering problems with the galmap in Live Horizons 4.0?
When I try to change the map filters I click on the "map mode Pilot's Federation" to pull up current filter and the list of filters, but it either instantly closes again, or closes after a very short time before I can select anything else. It's driving me mad! and making the map pretty well unusable.
I can't see any obvious options in Graphics or game settings....help!! :mad:
I'm not experiencing any issues. However, there is an option for galaxy map quality: Options>Quality>Galaxy Map Quality. (between material and terrain quality)

Mine's set on high, but I vaguely recall there being a bug (that I thought was fixed) where medium was using more resource than high.
6 NS acting as a map rings a bell, loudly!
Pretty sure that's what Carl Sagan put on the Voyager golden plaque to show aliens where Sol is....
Mmm, has anyone looked closely at the Voyager plaque? DB wouldn't have put a map to Raxxla there....would he?? :eek:
Many of the community searching for signs of intelligent life (IRL) discuss the option of using Neutron Stars as markers - they're easily observable, relatively stable and if you're trying to make a map to show where your civilisation is, referencing the nearest configurations of Neutron Stars (Pulsar's, specifically) is absolutely a possibility.

Yes it was also on Voyager's record cover, but there were more than six. Link to NASA page here. They're specifically Pulsars, I assume that's the only kind we have in-game?

I went to Voyager a while back while investigating Sol, I didn't think to look at the record cover, but since Fdev added their own audio message to Voyager then maybe they also changed the message on the cover. It's absolutely worth a look :)
Are you giving us a hint we need to read this to find the promised land? 😜

No. Much as Paul's work is definitely worth reading, I think I was mentioning this as some of the conversations around the early development of Elite Dangerous on these forums compared my contribution to Robert Holdstock. That was a humbling experience. I just wanted to share this as part of my recent ambition has been to reunite the critical perception of Holdstock with the work he did on The Dark Wheel and show academics how it is still held in such high esteem by fans.
Polaris is the celestial north pole. It relates to earths rotation axis.
The ecliptic north pole is in Draco and is the top of most star maps. It relates to earths orbit around the sun.
Then there is the Galactic north pole in Coma Berenices.
There are of course south poles as well. We usually focus on the north poles, because most of us live on top of the globe. :)

Al the other planets in sol also have their own poles, as well:

In the search for Raxxla, Mars, Saturn or any planet may be as relevant as earth?

All these are 'valid' ophalos points, if we find relevant hints to back them up.
You make a good point. Have you seen this before?

Raxxla Hexagram.png

It's the below Hexagram overlaid with the Raxxla logo, but... well honestly I didn't really credit it much considering that hexagram is magic not science and well... that tends to be the main thrust of discussion here (supposedly!).

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.jpg

That shape is common in magic, though not all representations show it quite like this. It's the intersection of magic systems and Astrology, there's a common representation of the celestial objects in this form. While I was looking at all aspects of the Sol connection I wondered briefly if there was a way to see if a there could be a conjunction or alignment of the planets in Sol. I was mainly thinking about how Raxxla is called "mystical" in the codex, and I remembered what Rochester said about Michael Brookes' liking Lovecraftian fiction, amongst other supernatural works.

I also recalled the video someone shared (I think it was Jorki) where John Harper mentioned Raxxla:
Source: https://youtu.be/mb8c2wB50QI?t=153

JH: "And of course there's Raxxla itself, the mystery, whose rumours and sightings seem to ebb and flow of a fifty year cycle, and we're approaching that fifty year peak, so we'll be hearing a lot more sightings and a lot more mystery around Raxxla."

Got me thinking about conjunctions and alignments, and of course the fact that the circle-dot representation of Sol comes from Astrology and Alchemy originally. I wondered if the solution was significantly more 'magical' than we were expecting.

I couldn't make it go anywhere, but maybe it's useful to you?
Another obscure hexagram reference.

The Miltonic Hive - Milton's Bee-Simile

Within book 1 of Paradise Lost Milton compares the clustering of the winged angels about Pandemonium with that of the swarming of bees about their hive!

The bee metaphor was utilised widely in 17th century England as a divine symbol of monarchical and ecclesiastical power.
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Raxxla is Guardian and I have proof in form that Soontill is a complete and total fabrication perpetrated by Robert Garry of CIEP/The Dark Wheel. It boils down to there is a metal present that only forms in stars related to the Guardians - Asymptotic Giant Branch stars. The element in question: Technetium. The fact there is no brown dwarf in what Universal Cartographics labels Soontill is just further proof that it is a giant hoax.

Robert Garry at the end of "..And Here the Wheel" is revealed to be grandson of Oberon Ryder. Who sells the Soontill Relics? Garry's Reclamations (as in the Robert Garry). We found The Dark Wheel/The Circle of Independent Elite Pilots. They are pushing a fraudulent story because they already possess Raxxla. This means Liz Ryder and all the Engineers are part of the cabal, too. The Dark Wheel is The Club itself. Soontill Relics have pictographs which are a characteristic of Guardian civilization. Further, the secret base is supposedly on the closest planet to the star labeled as Soontill which is far too hot for Thargoids and has atmospheric pressures no lifeform could possibly survive. By the way, The Dark Wheel stations is all the palm tree stations like Black Mausoleum (Beta Hydri), Wicca Town (Gateway), Irkutsk (Alioth), Galileo (Sol), Brooks Estate (Pi-Fang), Ortiz Moreno City (Tau Ceti), Hunziker Orbital (Aymifa), and many others. You received your invite with your ship and the second part was the permit for the Founder's World.

Information on S-process of nucleosynthesis:


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We found The Dark Wheel/The Circle of Independent Elite Pilots. They are pushing a fraudulent story because they already possess Raxxla. This means Liz Ryder and all the Engineers are part of the cabal, too. The Dark Wheel is The Club itself.
Going to have a good read of this all later when I get back, it looks really interesting! This quoted section really might actually tie into something I've been looking into too. I'm really interested to read this properly later :)

Is this any use to you for this idea? It's the Galnet article on Soontil Relics:
Soontill Relics Test Results Queried
18 MAY 3301

As further alien artefacts claiming to be from Soontill are being sold on the open market, the results of the initial scientific tests have been revealed.

“We were looking for key markers,” explains Chief Xeno-Chemist Lyran Betar. “Elemental make up, crystalline structure, anything that indicates it could have originated from human hand.”

And the results? Inconclusive. The research team’s results clearly state that no known human technology could have created the relics, yet they do not quite align with known Thargoid materials. Whatever they are, they are indeed very old, with isotopic dating indicating that they could well be tens of thousands of years old.

Jean Molyneaux, a historian from France, Earth, suggests we look back at our own past to determine the home of these relics. “Imagine an alien travelling back two thousand years into mankind’s past. The varied culture, arts and building materials of the Aztecs, Greeks, the Shang dynasty, what have you, the alien could think they were all different species, if that was his way of thinking…”

The community seems wary of awarding these artefacts any title yet, given the fifty years of false hopes since Soontill was first mentioned by the Thargoids. However, reports indicate that these relics have now arrived at labs on both Mars and Capitol for further testing, and with any luck, we may soon finally agree on what these relics are, or are not.
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I'm not experiencing any issues. However, there is an option for galaxy map quality: Options>Quality>Galaxy Map Quality. (between material and terrain quality)

Mine's set on high, but I vaguely recall there being a bug (that I thought was fixed) where medium was using more resource than high.
Ok, I’ll try messing around with that setting next time I fly, thanks!!
Going to have a good read of this all later when I get back, it looks really interesting! This quoted section really might actually tie into something I've been looking into too. I'm really interested to read this properly later :)

Is this any use to you for this idea? It's the Galnet article on Soontil Relics:
Yes, that is the part that suggested the relics are either from ancient Earth or another civilization. The pictographs mean either is possible. However, you do not fabricate a whole myth unless you are hiding something immensely powerful. There is another Galnet called "Soontill Relics to be auctioned at Ngurii" that links it to prior fraudulent alien relic auction/sales from First Encounters. Many of these auctions had Jjagged Bbanner playing at the events. This also may link to a certain cyborg with an affinity for Jjagged Bbanner, Jaques.
Maybe, but I don't think anyone's actually tried it, have they? If so what 6 systems did they use as points (will save me time if someone else has done the work!).

Which systems?
Why, I would use brute force and check all known stars in a certain range around Sol if they form a certain geometric shape - usually within some tolerance, to get any results at all.
Didn't do that search for 7-systems-forming-a-3D-cross-shape, though.
Which systems?
Why, I would use brute force and check all known stars in a certain range around Sol if they form a certain geometric shape - usually within some tolerance, to get any results at all.
Didn't do that search for 7-systems-forming-a-3D-cross-shape, though.
There's tens of thousands of stars within only 200ly of Sol, if you're trying to brute force 3 pairs of 6 looking for a match... that's a lot of possible combinations. I think maybe that's why it's actually a good and hard puzzle, even if you know exactly how it works.
Which systems?
Why, I would use brute force and check all known stars in a certain range around Sol if they form a certain geometric shape - usually within some tolerance, to get any results at all.
Didn't do that search for 7-systems-forming-a-3D-cross-shape, though.
That is a insanely long computation we talking here.
lets say 100 Systems.
For the first line (ignoring the order/direction) you have (100 * 99)/2 = 4950 Lines
2. Line still has (98 * 97)/2 = 4753 different Lines.
3. Line has (96 * 96) / 2 = 4560 Lines
that makes (4950 * 4753 * 4560)/6 = 17 880 786 000 tests
that will take a couple minutes.
go for 1000 Systems and we talking heat dead of the universe long^^

I can have missed some symmetries that do not need to be checked twice, still the number of tests explode for every system that gets in the pool.

Hope is that since the probability for 6 random point having a 7th point in common goes to 0. So if there are such systems it's a nice we -should take a closer lock-
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