By the way, the S-0x designations appear to be on all orbital stations, outposts, fleet carriers, and surface ports in the lower docking area (written on the walls). Possibly linked via Sagr A Cluster of stars ( see*_cluster ). Noteworthy, in "Alien World: A Complete Illustrated Guide" globular clusters are specifically mentioned in reference to Talmor Lens (but nothing has been established in-game). This may partly be due to a long-time hesitancy to include some of the other books written by Holdstock alluding to the Raxxla myth.

My only contributions on this were linking the S-x designation to something possibly near the core and finding stars with similar designations.


* - Unsure if this hints at an alignment of key structures towards the core of the galaxy.


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Just some winking cat thoughts….

Rackham was pointed out to be Calico Jack a reference to an old pirate. Pirates tend to have eye patches (wink). And Calico is also a type of cat (maybe we've never been shown the winking cat logo for a reason). The tying in with card games also makes me think of One-Eyed Jacks… someone who has two sides to their personality. And lets face it .. for an ex pirate .. turning into an art thief isnt much of a change.
What kind of station (type) is the Dark Wheel? I flew to the Guardians (800 ly) and it turns out there are populated systems with outposts.
In regards to the older games and lore, it’s commonly accepted and at least ascribed to by Allen Stroud who assisted FD to tie it together, that if it is not ‘in game’ currently, eg referenced in game, it’s not canon.

From the DW Codex: ‘The station was toroid, hence 'wheel', and operated with a minimal power output so as to avoid detection, hence 'dark'.

Toroid - a doughnut-shaped object.

There are 3 types or stations which utilises a ring (doughnut) or hab ring, these are:

Orbis: the oldest station design, originating during the early years of the Federation. The Orbis was first introduced in Elite 2.

Ocellus: dated 3260 by Imperial ship manufacturer Gutamaya.

O'Neill Cylinders: unsure if these exist in game (? confirm please ?) no data is available to confirm, other than a YouTube video?

Based upon the temporal reference it’s more likely to be an Orbis. By the impression that said station is ‘dark’ it likely does not appear on scanners so one would likely have to eyeball it, or trip over it, there are plenty of gas giants in game with eight moons, a brown dwarf is also categorised as a gas giant.

Good luck hunting O7.
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Ocellus is fairly new. Ive always thought it must be an orbis, however I dont think there is any lore that says it must have a torus, that comes from the faction name (which is suggestive, but not confirmatory).

I seem to remember some reference to it being smaller and a very early design.
However it might be an asteroid station....which would fit the three arcs of the logo.

Ah ninja Rochester beat me to it! So toroidal is in the codex...must reread that. Cant be an asteroid station then; the arcs.must represent something else...
Never seen any reference to O’Neil cylinders being in-game though!
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I didn't know at the time of novell: Dark Wheel and game: Elite 1 that anything other than Coriolis existed.
In some (most) versions of Elite, there were also a few dodecahedron stations. The original BBC version probably didn't have them, due to memory restrictions.

With regards to the lore we have to remember that the TDW novel and the Elite game are confined to Galcop space. We know very little of the equipment used in the Federation and Empire, at this time.
Those screen savers are still there for everyone, running in the background. I’m now on PS4 Legacy, and time and again I see all 3 versions :)

On your PC account one can find the loading screen vids in the game folders.

The screen savers have been investigated previously, but nothing concrete, it’s subjective but it’s possible these might be relevant, or they are just composited, who knows!
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In some (most) versions of Elite, there were also a few dodecahedron stations. The original BBC version probably didn't have them, due to memory restrictions.

With regards to the lore we have to remember that the TDW novel and the Elite game are confined to Galcop space. We know very little of the equipment used in the Federation and Empire, at this time.
Ah yes! So perhaps we should be looking for TDW/Raxxla only in Galcop space? Centred on Lave?
In regards to the older games and lore, it’s commonly accepted and at least ascribed to by Allen Stroud who assisted FD to tie it together, that if it is not ‘in game’ currently, eg referenced in game, it’s not canon.

From the DW Codex: ‘The station was toroid, hence 'wheel', and operated with a minimal power output so as to avoid detection, hence 'dark'.

Toroid - a doughnut-shaped object.

There are 3 types or stations which utilises a ring (doughnut) or hab ring, these are:

Orbis: the oldest station design, originating during the early years of the Federation. The Orbis was first introduced in Elite 2.

Ocellus: dated 3260 by Imperial ship manufacturer Gutamaya.

O'Neill Cylinders: unsure if these exist in game (? confirm please ?) no data is available to confirm, other than a YouTube video?

Based upon the temporal reference it’s more likely to be an Orbis. By the impression that said station is ‘dark’ it likely does not appear on scanners so one would likely have to eyeball it, or trip over it, there are plenty of gas giants in game with eight moons, a brown dwarf is also categorised as a gas giant.

Good luck hunting O7.
This video
from 2014 says O'Neill cylinder, says Orbis:

Cool system name of the day:
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"Rafe chuckled and shook his head. 'You see, that's the big question. Your father was chasing the mythical plant Raxxla. Does it exist, or does it not? If it does, then on Raxxla there's an alien construct that's a gateway to other Universes, and all that's in those Universes in the way of bounty, and treasures, and aliens, and life . . ."

Now we know what were looking for.... LOL
"Rafe chuckled and shook his head. 'You see, that's the big question. Your father was chasing the mythical plant Raxxla. Does it exist, or does it not? If it does, then on Raxxla there's an alien construct that's a gateway to other Universes, and all that's in those Universes in the way of bounty, and treasures, and aliens, and life . . ."

Now we know what were looking for.... LOL
My translation of that piece of text from the novel is somewhat different.
Did you miss anything?
Sorry, my translator malfunctioned. But it clearly says that there is a gate at Raxxla.
I think there's just a typo in the text:
Plant ... Planet
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I didn't know at the time of novell: Dark Wheel and game: Elite 1 that anything other than Coriolis existed.
I think that may be the case. Which makes this little naming quirk all the maddening - the term " Ring" is used with Coriolis. Outposts may have existed as I believe even in-game Coriolis had been converted to outposts.

ANY orbital stations type containing " Ring":

1,468 results with all types represented INCLUDING outposts and Coriolis.


Why the hell would you do that? Fortunately, adding in asteroid bases does not increase results.

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The mythical lost realms upon the outer rim


*this post is under development as new data becomes available

Following on from my analysis of the potential journey to the underworld, I collated an additional number systems which all fall relatively neatly together that may have relevance within the Codex.

First off let’s recap and extend upon my previous post Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven were I looked at spacial relationships in context to those systems discovered up-to 2296; and then the reference of Lovers Grief and Parents Woe, as a potential reference to the John Milton personification of Sin and Death, the gatekeepers of Milton’s Hells Gate.

Likewise we looked at the text ‘Cora comes home’ drunk and talking of pirates; as potentially being reference to the journey of Persephone to the Underworld.

Said path of Demeter/Persephone in game does line up along the path of discovered systems up to 2296.



Demeter might also be the Vagabond, another description for a wanderer; as she did dress in disguise as an old women, wandering the earth for her heart’s desire, and talked of pirates, this may also fit the ‘grief /woe’ segments, however equally that could be a reference to Paradise Lost’s Sin and Death who guarded Hells-gate.

After wandering around the area close Persephone, we begin to see a number of systems, not only attributed to an underworld, but also of lost kingdoms, rivers and sunken lands. It is my assumption then, that due to a potential alignment identified above, the Codex reference concerning ‘Atlantis, El Dorado and the kingdom of Prester John’, is an allegory identifying this area.

These oddities have been touched upon previously by other Cmdrs, but I feel no clear correlation has been identified. I do feel however these do have a spacial relationship.

Sunken lands, are also a common recurring theme within the writing of H P Lovecraft, a favourite of Brookes.

*not definitive - under construction.

The Greek Underworld
Achenar - end of the river Eridanus
Asphodel - a region of Hell, carpeted by flowers
Elysia - she from the blessed isles of Elysium
Nysa - home of Hyades Nymphs / where Persephone was abducted.
Pandemonium - John Miltons capitol of Hell
Tartarus - a region of Hell, the deepest void

Sunken Lands (eg Atlantis)
Atlantis - lost sunken continent
Gwaelod - the Welsh Atlantis
Lyonesse - the British Atlantis
Ys - sunken land destroyed by the devil

Cities of Gold (eg El Dorado)
Cibola - the legend of the ‘Seven Cities of Cibola’ aka cities of gold
Paititi - one of the seven cities of gold
Quivira - one of the seven cities of gold

Mythic Kingdoms (eg Prestor John)
Agartha - kingdom of the Hollow Earth
Avalon - Arthurian kingdom
Hyperborea - theocratic land beyond the north, home of the founders of shrines of Apollo at Delos and at Delphi
Lyonesse - Arthurian kingdom
Themiscrya - nation of the Amazons
Thule - kingdom beyond the map
Tir na nog - kingdom isle of eternal youth

Mythic Figures
Ahti - figure or realm of the Finnish water god, where the Sampo device was lost
El Tio - lord of underworld
Erlik - deity of death
Fintan - Irish survivor of biblical flood (?)
Giltane - deity of death
Nu - deity of destruction / water

Mythic Lands
Annwn - Welsh land of eternal youth
Axis Mundi - the centre
Cockaigne - fools' paradise
Mag mell - Irish plain of honey (underwater?) that leads to Tir na nog!
Summerland - Wican afterlife

The image below shows that these systems are tightly placed, not dispersed throughout the bubble, and that a clear line of sight exists from Demeter to Persephone in relation to this Underworld area.

Red denotes hell relations; Yellow lost lands; blue Axis Mundi, green is Persephone.


The image below is a close-up showing that certain systems named after lost kingdoms are very close to Persephone (green).


The updated image below shows the boundaries of the Classical Greek Underworld (Red); The Cities of Gold (gold); Sunken Lands (Blue) and Lost Kingdoms (yellow).


The image below shows the path of Jacues which begins within the underworld and which intersects two systems linked to a bridge and death upon the outer rim!


The image below shows the location of LTT606 in relation to the Sampo (trinket of fortune) in Ahti but also that of the Michael Brookes system Artemis (sister of Persephone).


Lost Realms of Holdstock

After reading Holdstocks ‘Lost Realms’ it’s evident a great deal of the systems named above all feature in this text.

Post in thread 'The Quest To Find Raxxla'


It is probable that systems named after regions of classical Greek Underworld, do depict a specific area in game which has a correlation with the seven cities of gold, a series of mythical sunken lands and mythic kingdoms.

Given the path of Persephone / Demeter intersects this area, which also sits neatly upon the outer rim of the hypothetical Milton Sphere of Influence set by 2296, it is probable the Codex is a map pointing us towards this area in game.

It’s is almost certain that these lost realms are based upon the book by the same name of Robert Holdstock as an intentional Easter egg.

Assumptions / Intelligence gaps:

What it wants us to do there is still an unknown, is Raxxla hidden here?

Is there a particular faction/s we need to align with to ‘unlock something’ is there a narrative situated here which could point elsewhere?

The presence of the systems Axis Mundi an anarchy system but with no bodies or population may have some significance with Hyperborea and potentially the system Delphi, as it falls within the same relative alignment as this underworld, being along the same X and Z coordinates, however it is separated by some significant distance and has no direct relationship other than in Greek mythological naming?

Hyperborea in mythology was the mythic theocratic land beyond the far north, home of the founders of shrines of Apollo at Delos and at Delphi. It was also the home of Artemis. She has a close relationship with Demeter and Hecate and the story of Persephone.

Artemis is also the setting for an Brookes - ‘Elite Legscy’. I’m

Boreas is the only named body in that system, in Greek mythology Boreas was the personification of the north wind; this I feel is intentional and identifies this system as being hand placed.

Hyperborea 5 is a gas giant with 8 moons (been there in Legacy, nothing found).

The start of Jaques journey also begins in this vicinity, his home system body is named after a jewel and hosts a gas giant with 8 moons; and a few of the neighbouring systems have had prominence in Galnet?

Likewise the path of Jaques intersects a system called Bridge and the Gen ship Achlys (death mist/woe/grief) is this a metaphor for Paradise Lost and Hells Gate?

This area also hosts the system Ahti - either named after a water god or a region linked to the resting place of the mythical ‘Sampo’ device (Finnish axis mundi) which is suspiciously very close to LTT 606 (Marianne's Journey to Arcadia), is this a potential reference to Mary Sidney?

Close by to LTT606 is Artemis the location of the M Brookes story Elite Legacy, which just so happens to contain a reference to a ‘children’s story’, Artemis is also the companion of Persephone!

LTT606 is relatively close to the path of Persephone and Demeter in game, it has the faction ‘Confederation of Muriges’ and a persistent NPC contact named ‘Persephone’ (at least last time I checked)!

Is the system Artemis a metaphor for the ‘children’s story’ because it’s the setting for Brookes book ‘Elite Legacy’ which does reference a child’s story?

Is LTT606 a metaphor for Princesses Astrophel, so because Marianne's Journey to Arcadia might be ‘Lady Mary Sidney’ the same of Lady Pembrokeshire Arcadia? Ergo a royal female Astrophel?

A recent assessment of the locations of Thargoid Maelstroms (as spiralling stars), might indicate LTT606 has some prominence?

Princess Astrophil surrounded by the Spiralling Stars'

The book the Lost Realms of Robert Holdstock is I believe a temple for Raxxla and this area holds additional secrets to identify Raxxla’s location or true nature as another ‘lost realm’ of Holdstock.


Become allied with factions of the prime candidate localities such as Persephone and or Hyperborea etc (been there in Legacy, nothing found!).

Scan every system in depth (!); look for additional historical references in neighbouring systems regarding naming and those systems with a gas giant with 8 moons.

Look for additional references within the Codex which might identify additional links, and look beyond the line of sight and what may reside beneath!

Keep digging!


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The mythical lands held within the Underworld

Following on from my analysis of the potential journey to the underworld, I collated an additional number systems which all fall relatively neatly together that may have relevance within the Codex.

First off let’s recap my previous post Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven we I looked at the reference of Lovers Grief and Parents Woe, as a reference to the John Milton personification of Sin and Death, the gatekeepers of Milton’s Hells Gate.

Likewise we looked at the text ‘Cora comes home’ drunk and talking of pirates; as potentially being reference to the journey of Persephone to the Underworld.

After wandering around this underworld, potentially identified as starting at the system Axis Mundi or Persephone, we begin to see a number of systems linked to various interpretations of this underworld, but what is equally interesting, is that interspersed within these are references to various ‘mythical’ or sunken lands.

It is my assumption, that the reference within the Codex concerning the ancient myths of Atlantis, El Dorado and the kingdom of Prester John, is like the others outlined above a reference to these systems within this underworld.

The Underworld
not definitive - under construction.
El Tío - lord of underworld
Giltine - death
Erlik - death
Giltine - death
Summerland - land of the afterlife
Quivira - one of the seven cities of god such as El Dorado
Annwn - land of afterlife
Avalon - land of apples and resting place of King Arthur.
Lyonesse - the British Atlantis
Tír na nÓg - land of eternal youth
Ys - sunken land destroyed by the devil
Mag Mell - paradise
Fintan - grave of Fintan mac Bóchra linked to Noah and the great flood
Gwaelod - the Welsh Atlantis.
Atlantis - lost sunken continent
Thule - most distant, beyond the unknown
Hyperborea - land of the north divinely blessed by Apollo, founders of the shrine of Delphi
Nysa - home of the Hyades Nymphs
Themiscrya - capital of the Amazons.
Achernar - the end of the Eridanus river of Hades
Tartarus - the name for Hell
Asphodel - a flowering plant that carpeted Hades

The image below shows that these systems are tightly placed, and not dispersed throughout the bubble (yellow denotes ‘mythical lands’ whilst red denote underworld related names (not definitive - under construction).

View attachment 348827

The image below shows the journey of Persephone and or Demeter (green) into this Underworld. Note how certain systems are relatively very close to her path!

View attachment 348828

The image below is a close-up showing that certain systems are very close to the path of Persephone (green), and some of these I interpreted as being ‘very similar’ in myth description as to that of either Atlantis and El Dorado.

View attachment 348829

Assumption: the codex is indeed a map, but to the Underworld, we either are looking for Milton’s Hells Gate, which actually is the beginning of a journey to Heaven’s Gate in Paradise Lost, or a system which can be triangulated via a number of certain system’s identified, which bare an uncanny resemblance to the ancient myths of Atlantis, El Dorado and the kingdom of Prester John…
There was a typo here, so I reread the place in the novel again. It clearly refers to a planet with a gateway to other universes.
The gate can be understood as a rift in the underworld.
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