i spent a few hours of my life today grinding 'Defence Party of Nastrond' missions for reputation and finally made it to ALLY status, in order to unlock the PERMIT mission ...but for some reason it's not appearing on any mission-board within any Nastrond-adjacent system.

Anyone can please shed some light? Thanks.
Would have to look on my gaming PC, but this is a good place to start

Bad night so still half asleep, but a quick search suggests Nastrond permit may be obtainable from megaship The People's Vigil in Wonorne Nu. Seem to remember FD inserted some FC to get round permit problems caused by BGS play.

Ah, @Factabulous usually has the answers! See
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but a quick search suggests Nastrond permit may be obtainable from Fleet Carrier The People's Vigil in Wonorne Nu.
i was literally just about to EDIT my above post lol

So i ended up totally stumbling upon 'The Peoples Vigil' megaship cuz of another random mission and then after clicking mission-board a couple times , the Transportation tab finally led me to the PERMIT unlock mission. (which seems to just be a simply in-game MAIL telling me i now have the permit lol )

What i cannot understand though is: How are players supposed to know this stuff IN-GAME ? The GalMap info tab for Nastrond only says "unlocked from Defence Party of Nastrond" . Okay fine np , so i did that as i mentioned earlier. But then, like how the heck would i ever have known to immediately goto People's Vigil megaship in an entirely different system of Wonome?!?! ( sure, i got lucky and stumbled upon it , but nothing in the game itself ever told me to go there . ---Unless i missed something about it in Codex or somethin' ? )
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What i cannot understand though is: How are players supposed to know this stuff IN-GAME ?


This is one of the biggest problems with FD and ED, there’s no real explanation and this goes way back to the launch of the game; namely - inconsistent communication.

Example: FD state in a public event what exploration will do, then omitted that model from game, no real explanation only vague promises, various scraps of information here or there, the (now) CEO giving out statements which inflate the importance of simplistic processes without clear explanation of difference.


In short I think such missions had a bigger part to play in FD early model of the game, which was far more stripped down and as they alluded - was to push players around the map, through missions and small factions.

That’s when they stated they got it wrong…

From that point in time FD began to change the game, making it easier and more about grind, because they were following player behaviour…

Originally this game was built for FD by FD to be their game, it was wonderfully idiosyncratic, but I suspect the need for market stability and catering to the mob, changed that, so such processes got nerfed…

I think such mechanisms are probably archeological…
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i was literally just about to EDIT my above post lol

So i ended up totally stumbling upon 'The Peoples Vigil' megaship cuz of another random mission and then after clicking mission-board a couple times , the Transportation tab finally led me to the PERMIT unlock mission. (which seems to just be a simply in-game MAIL telling me i now have the permit lol )

What i cannot understand though is: How are players supposed to know this stuff IN-GAME ? The GalMap info tab for Nastrond only says "unlocked from Defence Party of Nastrond" . Okay fine np , so i did that as i mentioned earlier. But then, like how the heck would i ever have known to immediately goto People's Vigil megaship in an entirely different system of Wonome?!?! ( sure, i got lucky and stumbled upon it , but nothing in the game itself ever told me to go there . ---Unless i missed something about it in Codex or somethin' ? )
In-game continuity??? I dont think FD give sufficient consideration to that.
But this thread is usually helpful.
The following is the sentiment of FD a long time ago, not a direct quote:

Example: FD we don’t want this game to be about a set of Wikipedias (?)

Example: FD on the design of the galaxy map (prior updates), we could make it easier to navigate but we’ve intentionally made it difficult to make players think, and that is indicative of the whole game…
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yep , i hear ya everyone! o7 , i guess it just is what it is and we make the best of it here as a Community.

btw, i'm just now exploring this Nastrond system ( like probably 1000's of other players already have before ) and tbqh i don't see anything all that "special" about it yet ....well....unless you count 1 of the factions named: DRAGONS of Nastrond :unsure:
yep , i hear ya everyone! o7 , i guess it just is what it is and we make the best of it here as a Community.

btw, i'm just now exploring this Nastrond system ( like probably 1000's of other players already have before ) and tbqh i don't see anything all that "special" about it yet ....well....unless you count 1 of the factions named: DRAGONS of Nastrond :unsure:
There seems to be little rhyme or reason for most of the system permits. We may well be missing something here!!
"Dragons" crops up frequently in anarchy faction names...interesting that MB's novel Elite Legacy has the main character Julia
Who "grew up without toys with a single possession, a book about a young man’s quest to save a princess from an alien dragon”.
I find in my calendar a note that there's an FD livestream today, but dont know the source of that & Ive searched the forum but cant find anything at all; the livestream notification thread seems to have died long ago. Anybody have any info?

Ah, thanks Macros! I wonder why that thread didnt come up on my "livestream" forum-wide search...weird!

last wednesday of the month at 18:00 UTC

So it is today!
i was literally just about to EDIT my above post lol

So i ended up totally stumbling upon 'The Peoples Vigil' megaship cuz of another random mission and then after clicking mission-board a couple times , the Transportation tab finally led me to the PERMIT unlock mission. (which seems to just be a simply in-game MAIL telling me i now have the permit lol )

What i cannot understand though is: How are players supposed to know this stuff IN-GAME ? The GalMap info tab for Nastrond only says "unlocked from Defence Party of Nastrond" . Okay fine np , so i did that as i mentioned earlier. But then, like how the heck would i ever have known to immediately goto People's Vigil megaship in an entirely different system of Wonome?!?! ( sure, i got lucky and stumbled upon it , but nothing in the game itself ever told me to go there . ---Unless i missed something about it in Codex or somethin' ? )

It was mentioned in game...but obviously bit hard to know years later...

You look for megaship in a neighbouring system...
Someone mentioned that it would be a cool thing to have any kind of app to help the search.

What I remember from way back when in a Frontier live stream is a dev lamented that someone visited the system, honked and left. This prompted for the creation of the new system scanning mechanism, which came out year or couple of years later. It was mentioned in the same livestream that they've hidden all kinds of little things all over the galaxy but nobody finds them, because the chances of a CMDR accidentally coming across the system AND deep scanning it AND travelling to the location are almost non-existent.

So, to have an app for the search, it should have a database of all visited systems so far and whenever a CMDR, with the app activated, enters one of those systems and has scanned all the objects in it, the system would be removed from the database. The database could also house all the lore and rumours that exist so far. In my opinion, this should be in the game - a kind of an obtainable database you could get from one of the lore factions, for example.
Someone mentioned that it would be a cool thing to have any kind of app to help the search.

What I remember from way back when in a Frontier live stream is a dev lamented that someone visited the system, honked and left. This prompted for the creation of the new system scanning mechanism, which came out year or couple of years later. It was mentioned in the same livestream that they've hidden all kinds of little things all over the galaxy but nobody finds them, because the chances of a CMDR accidentally coming across the system AND deep scanning it AND travelling to the location are almost non-existent.

So, to have an app for the search, it should have a database of all visited systems so far and whenever a CMDR, with the app activated, enters one of those systems and has scanned all the objects in it, the system would be removed from the database. The database could also house all the lore and rumours that exist so far. In my opinion, this should be in the game - a kind of an obtainable database you could get from one of the lore factions, for example.
It's a good idea, but I can't imagine it'll happen. This forum basically is what you're describing, albeit in a mess of over 1700 pages of text...
The closest thing that already exists (that I can think of) would be the various wikis, discord servers and communities like Cannon.
And dont forget EDSM (though IIRCthat now removes systems if not revisited in 2 years, so IMO much reduced value ), however Spansh (I believe) uses the full database of visited/discovered/explored systems.

And I can't see how any such app could help since we don't know what we're looking for, we don't know what it's detection range is for ship's scanners, we don't even know if it will show on ship's scanners at all. We have seen instances of ships hidden in asteroid fields that were not detected until someone dropped out of SC there.....

The report of MB saying the system that contains Raxxla had been visited and honked but Raxxla was not discovered is flawed:
1) it is uncorroborated, he may have said it or he may not (I personally tend to believe it likely he did, but...)
2) every time this rumour is repeated there is a lack of critical thinking, assuming Raxxla will be easily detected. It may not! MB said it is very difficult to find, hence it is very likely hidden.

It may be hidden in a planetary asteroid belt, or as a camouflaged ship or other object that is undetectable by scanners; it might have to be detected by Mk1 eyeball, within a kilometre or so, or by some other means (anybody ever investigated gravitational wells?). We know that comets are implemented in-game but do not have visible representations-why? We have seen over the years possible hints to various things in Galnet posts and one has always stuck in my mind, the Antares memorial sculpture
If meta materials can bend light to highlight the sculpture then they could be used to bend it around an object to make it essentially invisible. So FD have told us invisibility cloak technology exists in-game.

I suspect there are Raxxla-related clues hidden in Galnet posts that we have not understood. It might be worth setting up a Galnet analysis scheme to reassess all historic posts? Especially from 2014-2018 (I think that's when MB left ED).

On this basis Raxxla could be anywhere in the galaxy, including anywhere within the human bubble, and could even be in a heavily populated and visited system such as Sol, Lave etc etc etc. OR it could be hidden far away e.g. in Lyra's Song region. We have discussed this many times before. We have to hope that amid all the obfuscation, lore, myth and codex clues we have something that will truly point towards it, and some day we will crack it.

It may seem off-topic, though if @Rochester 's hypothesis about Titans and Raxxla has any merit (Ive always thought Raxxla would be a Guardian relic/survivior/AI/ship/station, the name sounds alien, however it could also be Thargoid by the same
argument)... watched the livestream last night (at least the ED part which started about 75minutes in). Twas interesting, but it ended with a very broad hint that Thargoid-related news would be released today, and from the tone of Arthur's voice I suspect it won't be good for humanity.
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So the news is that titan Cocijo is taking a stroll over to Sol... I only got the Sol permit this week, and was exploring it for the first time yesterday. I was interested in the tourist beacon about Jamina Halsey having a vision, and thought it could perhaps be related to Raxxla (how many times have we heard those words).
Since leaving the Clearwater psychiatric centre in July, former Federal president Jasmina Halsey has maintained a relatively low profile. But now the former leader has broken her silence to share news of "a compelling vision" with the galactic community.

In a public address at Gotham Park in the Alioth system, Halsey described the nature of her vision:

"I saw a place of extraordinary beauty. A paradise. It was truly wonderful."

"This was no dream – it was a glimpse of something very real."

"We must find this place. It could be our future."

Halsey's peculiar statement will no doubt disappoint those who believed she had made a full psychological recovery.

My plan was to visit Alioth, but as of reading that text my Alliance rep was 3%... I might leave it for a bit to play with the goids in Sol.
the titan is currently in qinganu. i am 615ly out and i can still detect the titan using fss mode. are you cmdrs that are in deep space able to detect the titan? we should do science on this, as the same mechanic may be used on raxxla, the dark wheel, the rift or rogue planets. although i suspect they are colder...

how far out does the titan signal go? do black holes amplify the signal? do different scanners amplify the signal?
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So the news is that titan Cocijo is taking a stroll over to Sol... I only got the Sol permit this week, and was exploring it for the first time yesterday. I was interested in the tourist beacon about Jamina Halsey having a vision, and thought it could perhaps be related to Raxxla (how many times have we heard those words).
Since leaving the Clearwater psychiatric centre in July, former Federal president Jasmina Halsey has maintained a relatively low profile. But now the former leader has broken her silence to share news of "a compelling vision" with the galactic community.

In a public address at Gotham Park in the Alioth system, Halsey described the nature of her vision:

"I saw a place of extraordinary beauty. A paradise. It was truly wonderful."

"This was no dream – it was a glimpse of something very real."

"We must find this place. It could be our future."

Halsey's peculiar statement will no doubt disappoint those who believed she had made a full psychological recovery.

My plan was to visit Alioth, but as of reading that text my Alliance rep was 3%... I might leave it for a bit to play with the goids in Sol.

I think that indirectly, as @Jorki Rasalas has speculated, as have I, there likely are numerous hints vaguely throughout Galnet, but they are environmental.

The Starship one crash I believe is a locational clue aimed to highlight an environmental concept, with the purpose of wider orientation.

Namely to establish that area is part of this cosmological model and denotes the zone of the Empyrean, particularly its Western wall.

My hypothesis is based upon the stories underlying theme of an Otherworld and that incident occurred within a triangle of systems synonymous with a mythology linked to an Otherworld, namely the Morrigan's.

This is not enough on its own however there is a clear axis in existence in game advocating there’s arrangements are not random; likewise Ive mapped numerous other systems inside that structure which are named after other mysterious paradises or entry points to heavens!

I suspect thats no coincidence, the Star ship One story yes, is potentially on a surface level, primarily about the Guardians, in so much that it was I presume priming us for the new content; but I propose that it like other stories in Galnet, had a deeper albeit environmental relevance towards providing us awareness of the architecture of this cosmology.

Understanding that provides an awareness and an ability to orientate ourselves and potentially find our way towards Raxxla…


Fast by hanging in a golden chain / This pendent world!
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