Ok, I’m getting frustrated...again.

I think the target system is Hecate. Ive come to this hypothesis after reading @Rochester’s Underworld theory and seeing how tightly the systems therein are grouped-that can’t be accidental.

If you read

You’ll see:
Hecate was the three-faced goddess of crossroads & boundaries, key holder of gateways, had rulership over earth, sea, and sky, as well as a more universal role as Savior, Mother of Angels and the Cosmic World Soul, she was protector of travel and of the crossroads (“trivia” - "three ways"), realms outside or beyond the world of the living. Chthonic and nocturnal character led to her transformation into a goddess heavily associated with witchcraft, witches, magic, and sorcery(whisperer?). Hecate was the "original" and most predominant ancient Triple Moon Goddess (maiden/mother/crone, crescent moon/full moon/ dark moon, Lucina/Diana/ Hecate, had realms of heavens/earth/underworld, she was the muse of all true poetry). Some say that Lucina is the goddess of birth, Diana of growth, and Hecate of death. In Lucan's work (LUC. B.C. 6:700-01), the witches speak of “Persephone, who is the third and lowest aspect of our goddess Hecate".Graves explained, "As Goddess of the Underworld she was concerned with Birth, Procreation and Death. As Goddess of the Earth she was concerned with the three season of Spring, Summer and Winter: she animated trees and plants and ruled all living creatures. As Goddess of the Sky she was the Moon, in her three phases of New Moon, Full Moon, and Waning Moon...(i.e. Luna- Jewel on brow of Mother (Gaia) of galaxies). As the New Moon or Spring she was a girl; as the Full Moon or Summer she was woman; as the Old Moon or Winter she was hag." Graves said the triad to be Kore, Persephone and Hecate with Demeter the general name of the goddess.

Hecate system is controlled by Simguru Pranav Antal who said “Sol is the birthplace of our race, the shining jewel of our galaxy” in Galnet 14jun3301. I think that was a clue from MB, the first part of the breadcrumb trail. It was pointing at Sol as the Jewel. Now if you consider Sol then the main faction is Mother Gaia. The jewel on the brow (i.e. above) Gaia (the Earth but also the original Mother Goddess, creator of the Universe) is Luna, the Moon. And the Goddess of the moon is Hecate...
So jewel on the brow-Hecate
Whisperer in witch space -Hecate
Siren of the deepest void (she controlled the gates to the Underworld) - Hecate
Parent’s grief and lover’s woe (death of a child/lover) - Hecate
Desire of vagabond hearts - Hecate in the Demeter/Persephone journey.

So IMHO Hecate matches all parts of the Toast.

Han_Zen pointed out a while ago that the Raxxla logo resembles Hecate’s Wheel. The Greek name for that wheel was Strophelos. Now “Astrophel and the Spiralling Stars” sounds like “ A strophel(os) and the Spiralling Stars”. I’ve pointed out before that asteroids are wandering stars. So asteroids orbiting in a planetary disc could be considered to be “Spiralling Stars”; they might also resemble a whirling Strophelos!

There is a strangely-phrased tourist beacon TB0039 “Jewelled Rings” on Hecate 5A which says “Commander Canonn extols the amazing views within the icy rings of this moon”, however 5A hasn’t got any rings!! In fact none of Hecate’s moons have rings! Hecate 4 and 5 are visible from this TB, so it’s possible it’s talking about those. However IIRC MB put the TB into game and he was pretty precise with his phraseology. So is TB0039 just obfuscation? I’ve spent two days looking for navel (“omphalos”, which are often nowadays adorned by jewelled rings)-shaped features on 5A surface and checked out a few craters, but found nothing.

So most of the logo is addressed by Hecate. What about the dotted hexagon...well a hexagon has six sides and Hecate 6 has an icy planetary disc, so I think it’s indicating that Raxxla is hidden among the asteroids of Hecate 6 A Ring. Now that ring has outer and inner radii of 88,579 km & 26,985 km, which I think means a search area of around 22,362 million sq km!!! That’s not interesting gameplay! I’ve flown over it in SC but seen no visual features to suggest possible localised search areas. I have dropped into it a few times but ditto. Planetary rings are much better than asteroid clusters for hiding things! They have also been in-game from the outset and dont need Horizons for surface landing.

Anybody got a scanner that can detect Raxxla? 😳
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Ok, I’m getting frustrated...again.

I think the target system is Hecate. Ive come to this hypothesis after reading @Rochester’s Underworld theory and seeing how tightly the systems therein are grouped-that can’t be accidental.

If you read

You’ll see:
Hecate was the three-faced goddess of crossroads & boundaries, key holder of gateways, had rulership over earth, sea, and sky, as well as a more universal role as Savior, Mother of Angels and the Cosmic World Soul, she was protector of travel and of the crossroads (“trivia” - "three ways"), realms outside or beyond the world of the living. Chthonic and nocturnal character led to her transformation into a goddess heavily associated with witchcraft, witches, magic, and sorcery(whisperer?). Hecate was the "original" and most predominant ancient Triple Moon Goddess (maiden/mother/crone, crescent moon/full moon/ dark moon, Lucina/Diana/ Hecate, had realms of heavens/earth/underworld, she was the muse of all true poetry). Some say that Lucina is the goddess of birth, Diana of growth, and Hecate of death. In Lucan's work (LUC. B.C. 6:700-01), the witches speak of “Persephone, who is the third and lowest aspect of our goddess Hecate".Graves explained, "As Goddess of the Underworld she was concerned with Birth, Procreation and Death. As Goddess of the Earth she was concerned with the three season of Spring, Summer and Winter: she animated trees and plants and ruled all living creatures. As Goddess of the Sky she was the Moon, in her three phases of New Moon, Full Moon, and Waning Moon...(i.e. Luna- Jewel on brow of Mother (Gaia) of galaxies). As the New Moon or Spring she was a girl; as the Full Moon or Summer she was woman; as the Old Moon or Winter she was hag." Graves said the triad to be Kore, Persephone and Hecate with Demeter the general name of the goddess.

Hecate system is controlled by Simguru Pranav Antal who said “Sol is the birthplace of our race, the shining jewel of our galaxy” in Galnet 14jun3301. I think that was a clue from MB, the first part of the breadcrumb trail. It was pointing at Sol as the Jewel. Now if you consider Sol then the main faction is Mother Gaia. The jewel on the brow (i.e. above) Gaia (the Earth but also the original Mother Goddess, creator of the Universe) is Luna, the Moon. And the Goddess of the moon is Hecate...
So jewel on the brow-Hecate
Whisperer in witch space -Hecate
Siren of the deepest void (she controlled the gates to the Underworld) - Hecate
Parent’s grief and lover’s woe (death of a child/lover) - Hecate
Desire of vagabond hearts - Hecate in the Demeter/Persephone journey.

So IMHO Hecate matches all parts of the Toast.

Han_Zen pointed out a while ago that the Raxxla logo resembles Hecate’s Wheel. The Greek name for that wheel was Strophelos. Now “Astrophel and the Spiralling Stars” sounds like “ A strophel(os) and the Spiralling Stars”. I’ve pointed out before that asteroids are wandering stars. So asteroids orbiting in a planetary disc could be considered to be “Spiralling Stars”; they might also resemble a whirling Strophelos!

There is a strangely-phrased tourist beacon TB0039 “Jewelled Rings” on Hecate 5A which says “Commander Canonn extols the amazing views within the icy rings of this moon”, however 5A hasn’t got any rings!! In fact none of Hecate’s moons have rings! Hecate 4 and 5 are visible from this TB, so it’s possible it’s talking about those. However IIRC MB put the TB into game and he was pretty precise with his phraseology. So is TB0039 just obfuscation? I’ve spent two days looking for navel (“omphalos”, which are often nowadays adorned by jewelled rings)-shaped features on 5A surface and checked out a few craters, but found nothing.

So most of the logo is addressed by Hecate. What about the dotted hexagon...well a hexagon has six sides and Hecate 6 has an icy planetary disc, so I think it’s indicating that Raxxla is hidden among the asteroids of Hecate 6 A Ring. Now that ring has outer and inner radii of 88,579 km & 26,985 km, which I think means a search area of around 22,362 million sq km!!! That’s not interesting gameplay! I’ve flown over it in SC but seen no visual features to suggest possible localised search areas. I have dropped into it a few times but ditto. Planetary rings are much better than asteroid clusters for hiding things! They have also been in-game from the outset and dont need Horizons for surface landing.

Anybody got a scanner that can detect Raxxla? 😳
Haha and just to chuck a spanner in the works for many pagans (myself included) there is another 'Tripple goddess' - The Morrigan, she's also in game. 😜

Haha and just to chuck a spanner in the works for many pagans (myself included) there is another 'Tripple goddess' - The Morrigan, she's also in game. 😜

‘The Morrígan is often considered a triple goddess, but this triple nature is ambiguous and inconsistent. These triple appearances are partially due to the Celtic significance of threeness. Sometimes she appears as one of three sisters, the daughters of Ernmas: Morrígan, Badb and Macha.’

Morrígan and Badb are in game but not Macha.

Location wise these are not closely associated with the Greek underworld nor any of Norse named systems whereas the Hecate triplicate is however, and that’s where our assessment is established.

Generally the Morrígan systems are not linked to the goddes Hecate, so likely not related to this wider theory linked to Yggdrasil and the Greek underworld represented in game.

*edited: I now feel these to be: Badb; Danu and Morrigan.


These triple goddess are actually relatively close to the Norse Norns and the Greek Fates… is that a coincidence or just pattern bias?

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Yep. I’ve read more mythology in the last couple of weeks than in all my previous 70 years!
We live in amazing times, 50 years ago when i first joined a Grove everything was passed by word of mouth, those before us never wrote things down.
It wasn't until the likes of Myers and Ellis that ancient traditions started to be put into print (with its own issues), now you can click a mouse and everything (well most 😉 ) things are laid before you.
Except of course the location of Raxxla!

The logo, three semicircular arcs around the omphalos, with six arms emanating?
You mean this. My forum logo is just a colorized variant. Those twisty sections, are notably I believe, supposed to be a serpent 🐍 making up the portions along the edges - fitting I suppose given the serpent connection to the myth. I also love that the center looks Thargoid.


Unless everybody else is also flummoxed by a 22 billion sq km search area!
  • DSS scan the rings
  • Navigation beacon for persistent POIs
  • Check any megaships in the system
  • Hecate may be a pointer to Terra Mater as Daunting Hammer is the Brotherhood of Terra Mater's megaship and the Hecate system is the gateway to access that permit lock. Terra Mater also has a station named Gr8Minds (Coriolis).
According to EDSM Hecate has the following with rings (been there myself so can confirm):
  • Hecate 4 (gas giant with ammonia-life)
  • Hecate 5 (ammonia world)
  • Hecate 6 (Icy body)
“Jewelled Rings” on Hecate 5A which says “Commander Canonn extols the amazing views within the icy rings of this moon”, however 5A hasn’t got any rings!! In fact none of Hecate’s moons have rings! Hecate 4 and 5 are visible from this TB, so it’s possible it’s talking about those. However IIRC MB put the TB into game and he was pretty precise with his phraseology. So is TB0039 just obfuscation? I’ve spent two days looking for navel (“omphalos”, which are often nowadays adorned by jewelled rings)-shaped features on 5A surface and checked out a few craters, but found nothing.

Is the tourist beacon edge-on for Hecate 5 ring system? Edge-on rings beacome practically invisible.
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A place which is not a place - crossroads
Witchspace entry portal when jumping? Raxxla was supposed to be something that connected galaxies (potentially). There are a number of installations with "galactic" in the name. Also, hear me out, what if you need the rare good "Galactic Travel Guide" from Bluford Orbital in LHS 3447 to activate Raxxla? In theory, the Sidewinder you start out in has the "galactic hyperdrive" pre-equiped (though obviously upgradable). This system is notable for the NPC faction "LHS 3447 Academy for Novitiate Pilots".

Good lord. I really need to prioritize getting back there.

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We live in amazing times, 50 years ago when i first joined a Grove everything was passed by word of mouth, those before us never wrote things down.
It wasn't until the likes of Myers and Ellis that ancient traditions started to be put into print (with its own issues), now you can click a mouse and everything (well most 😉 ) things are laid before you.
Except of course the location of Raxxla!

This is why I was wondering about a Guardian Ancient Key the other day. Do we need to take something to the location to activate the “omphalos rift”...

Seeing the three lobes of the Strophalos and remembering FD’s fondness for timed puzzles I raced between the three mining hotspots of Hecate 5 (or was it 4?), dropping out of SC and flying through each marker, nothing. Then remembering a Stropholos was whirled around like a bullroarer so I raced around the same belt in SC. Even sat in my ship end-on above the poles and rolled that around...all to no avail!

Running out of ideas...🥺

Oh, just remembered one more, which I’ll try out later after copawlot walk

Just find it amusing that people say the Raxxla narrative was deleted, but what are we following? It’s a narrative of a different kind! And seeing the twists and turns that he put in I’m struck by MB’s genius!

and also forgot to say that I've been doing the investigation over the last week or so in second account (Master/Elite/Elite) on Horizons Legacy as that was convenient to get an Asp Explorer for good visibility when searching the ground/belts.
Shouldnt make a difference....!!!
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View attachment 362159
could there be something we dont see throwing the tomie planet out of the plane?
An out of ecliptic orbit could mean a captured Rogue (not rouge, it may not be red! 😁) planet. Alternatively might mean interacting GG orbits in ancient times. But may be worth exploring...I mapped the planet but didn't find anything of note, but with the amount of obfuscation in this puzzle it is worth checking out. I also want to know why it was named “Tomie”, and did it happen when Arthur joined FD? 🧐

the last thing was to check current view against a pic I took of Hecate 6 Belt yesterday afternoon. Difficult doing blink comparison by eye, but can't see any movement! :confused:
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Hecate was the goddess of crossroads, particularly three-way Y junctions (“Trivia”).
According to Wiktionary TII means “way, road, path · trip, journey ...” in Võro (a descendant of the old Finnic/South Estonian regional language)

So Triviatii means three-way path/journey...Triviatii is 137 ly from Hecate and Triviatii B is a class T brown dwarf, so some people might call it a gas giant...it has 8 planets (“moons”?)
Spent the morning looking around the surface of the largest crater on B7, nothing to report apart from some metallic meteorites with Ruthenium.

Desperation showing, PC switched off in disgust, gonna read a book (not science fiction!!!)
Hecate was the goddess of crossroads, particularly three-way Y junctions (“Trivia”).
According to Wiktionary TII means “way, road, path · trip, journey ...” in Võro (a descendant of the old Finnic/South Estonian regional language)

So Triviatii means three-way path/journey...Triviatii is 137 ly from Hecate and Triviatii B is a class T brown dwarf, so some people might call it a gas giant...it has 8 planets (“moons”?)
Spent the morning looking around the surface of the largest crater on B7, nothing to report apart from some metallic meteorites with Ruthenium.

Desperation showing, PC switched off in disgust, gonna read a book (not science fiction!!!)
As you know, I have a soft spot for Hecate. In particular, the crossroads thing.

Perhaps we need to put the 120 degree Y-cross in a fixed plane.
One leg points to Regor, one points to COL 70 Sector FY-N C21-3 and the last leg points to Sol.
Raxxla is in the crossing point?

Sorry, no drawing. I’m on the phone.🤷‍♂️
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Hecate was the goddess of crossroads, particularly three-way Y junctions (“Trivia”).
According to Wiktionary TII means “way, road, path · trip, journey ...” in Võro (a descendant of the old Finnic/South Estonian regional language)

So Triviatii means three-way path/journey...Triviatii is 137 ly from Hecate and Triviatii B is a class T brown dwarf, so some people might call it a gas giant...it has 8 planets (“moons”?)
Spent the morning looking around the surface of the largest crater on B7, nothing to report apart from some metallic meteorites with Ruthenium.

Desperation showing, PC switched off in disgust, gonna read a book (not science fiction!!!)
Good catch with the triviatii system! Interesting….. Ya always a sucker for Hekate hunting.
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