Do you know why I think Raxla and the Guardians are connected? I've played Elite1, Frontier and a little bit of FFE, but nowhere is there any mention of the Guardians !
The closest thing to Guardians is in FFE journals. Enaness in Frontier gazetteer also features ruins of an alien civilization (my personal belief is that Fomalhaut is Enaness - with the Earth-like named Conversion the special planet) Also, we have mention of Oresrians in the The Dark Wheel novella. The lore likes to play games with language. Would not rule out Oresrians are what we call Guardians. It is left an open-ended question as to whether the other species still exists. That said, I think it does and I am pretty sure not all Guardians were entirely wiped from existence.

From the FFE Journals:



It has long been known that language follows culture and that the linguistic development of a race often moves in a step-like mode, following the military or other cultural cataclysms that afflict it. For the first time in human development, we now have the opportunity to inter-act with another species at a conscious level, to examine their world-view and to match its development against our own without the pressures of war and the oppression of the victor over the victim as an incentive.

The cultural opportunities available to us now are enormous and we urge every galactic citizen to make full use of whatever data are forthcoming. Development continues in the putative ‘new trading centres’ in the three political powers, however, as previously stated, we doubt whether there will be sufficient requirement for counter-trade for these to be viable.



Further details of Thargoid cultural history are coming to light as the co-operative team on the trans-species ship currently sitting North of the Edge* are able to communicate in more depth with our newly re-discovered galactic neighbours.

They are, as predicted by Professor Innitu, inherently peaceable although there appears to have been a long history of warfare in the period before the beginning of what it so be renamed the First Trans-Galactic Conflict (previously known as the Thargoid Wars). In an era corresponding to the second millennium and expanding into the early part of the third, the Thargoids were in a constant state of armed conflict.

What is not yet clear from the details made available is whether the war was inter or intra species - that is, whether Tharg was fighting Tharg (Different races? Different Species? Different cultures? Different politics?) for dominance of a small sector of space or whether there was another, unnamed species involved.

IF the latter was the case, then we must ask ourselves the question: do they still exist? If so, how are they? If not, how and why were they destroyed?



Both sentient Galactic species share, it seems, a common history of violence. The difference is that whereas humanity confined itself to wiping out members of its own species in the hundreds of thousands in the name of religion and progress, the Thargoids wiped out an entire sentient species. The full details of the past are not clear yet. In fact, it is not entirely obvious whether the ‘third race’ is genuinely extinct or whether they have merely retreated out of range.

The Thargoid’s suggestion is that the third race is aggressive in intent, that it is being held back by fear of our joint technology and that it is likely to attack once more when it believes that its own technology has progressed to the point where it would win an all-out Galactic conflict. Their fear is that if the human/android race explores far beyond the current confines of inhabited space (as is likely once alien technology becomes widely available) then we may be at risk of attack and may even provoke a ‘third race’ attack on our relatively unprotected sector of the Galaxy.

The alien inter-actors have been at pains to point out that they have no wish whatsoever to enter into any further conflict, with ourselves or any other sentient species and they would almost certainly avoid taking part in any such war unless their own home systems was under direct threat. That leaves us in an almost identical position to the one we were in a short time ago: there are sentients out there, we don’t know where they are and we don’t know what they want, but there’s every chance that they will come and get us - sometime. In view of this, we advise that Federal citizens think carefully before travelling outwith the current safe zone.
* - North of the Edge references the area generally in the direction of the Big Dipper/Littlle Dipper and Ursa Major/Ursa Minor. There are a number of Alliance systems that make up these constellations/asterisms. Phekda (Gamma Ursae Majoris) is also part of this area of sky. This was determined by going through lots of journals and doing comparisons on references.
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New line of investigation - does a Holdstock map exist in game?

Without giving too much away from the book Ragthorn, by Robert Holdstock, he establishes a temple honouring a thorn tree, this is surrounded by 4 alters, birth, maturity, old age and an unknown fourth as well as a succession of clues called the Rune for Thorn.

In regards to these three deities Holdstock used the term in his Lost Realms book as: fecundity, motherhood and the hag of death.

This tri-partite goddess typically is described as being the maiden (youth); the mother and the crone; symbolism for the female life cycle and phases of the moon.

Interestingly in Robert Holdstocks ‘Ragthorn’ he actually flips this description to the masculine!

This deification of thorn trees goes back to Celtic / Saxon / Norse roots where said tree marks the axis mundi and a path to the ‘Otherworld’.

Considering the high likelihood of the existence of the Lost Realms zone, I believe this acts primarily as an Easter Egg dedication to Robert Holdstock, but is also I’m certain a replication of the above cosmology.

The tree in question in game is that established by the Yggdrasil systems, which does sit directly over the system axis Mundi and these Lost Realms. It is abstractly mirroring this Holdstock / Celtic cosmological concept.

If the above assessment is correct it ought only be logical that FD might utilise other Holdstock references; such as a series of triad-deities or a coded metaphor for the Rune of Thorn, to build this construct, so it follows contextualisation.

In many aspects again, I suspect many of the wider pantheon were built earlier on as part of a larger, likely now archived narrative, or as a conglomerate to both obfuscate but also direct ‘those with eyes to see’; however such architectures are obvious - once observed, so it ought to follow logic that, unless the goal is far simpler other elements might’ve been utilised, of course they’ve may not.

Robert Holdstock’s Ragthorn

As you will have observed from my investigations within and around this zone there are a plethora of systems which can be attributable to ‘older gods’ which do follow a clear positioning and grouping, likewise these do have a dense focal point within the centre of the Lost Realms Zone, with applicable relative relationships.

An obvious addition in recent months also are the beacons from the Brookes Galactic Tours which directly reflect on Raxxla and John Milton as well as aspects from Brookes book Legacy. The first leg of this tour passes right through this Lost Realm zone.

Collectively this I believe identifies a hotspot zone of influence.

As Above So Below - The Older Gods

*Image: all lower gods, the Brookes tour in green, and focal point of Lost Realms

My next series of investigations will look towards attempting to re-catalog those various systems in the ‘lower realm’ beneath Sol; into applicable sub-groups so as to assess if there are any attributable common themes. Eg deities linked to water; death, Thorn trees etc, to attempt to assess if there are any patterns, or not, or if they follow the arrangements set out by Holdstock in his various works.

Do these systems mark the alters protecting the sanctity of Raxxla? I’m doubtful but, I have noted a proliferation of female deities, but an odd number of similar male variants…

Likewise there are two systems very close to each other named after the runic alphabets, Futhorc and Futhark situated within the Lost Realms sector?

My hypothesis has been these Lost Realms are as Holdstock ascribed, variants of an ‘Eden/Paradise’, but that they ‘Obfuscate’ the real paradise or doorway to the Otherworld (aka Raxxla).

What if there is a Holdstock map in game that mirrors ‘Ragthorn’, but rather than using a female triad, FD has used a male variant?

Additionally I might presume any deity linked to an Underworld, Water or Storms are actually linked to the wider Lost Reams concept, and possibly represent a boundary area?

*this post is being updated with various findings. The list below is not definitive.

Image: ‘lower older gods’ (below Sol) ascribed to Birth, Paternity and Death

Birth / Youth (green) lower realm

Aine - Celtic goddess of fertility, sister of Boann.
Baal - Canaanite male god of fertility, associated source for Beezlebub.
Epona - Celtic goddess of horses and fertility.
Erlik - Hungarian god of death / Underworld.
Cernunnos - Celtic male fertility god.
Idunn - Norse goddess of the apples of eternal youth!
Qetesh - Canaanite goddess of fertility / Egyptian goddess lady of the stars of heaven!
Mabon - Welsh male god of Light and youth.
Tlaloc - Aztec male god of fertility and of water.
Morana - Slavic goddess of death and rebirth.

Motherhood (blue) lower realm
Aramzahd - Armenian male creator god.
Anu - Celtic Earth mother linked to triad of the Morrigan.
Dana - Celtic Earth mother, mother of all things.
Don - Welsh legend, mother goddess, but equally could be male.
Nana Buluku - Yoruba mother goddess, creator of all things.
Yemaia - Yoruba deity mother goddess.
Mara - Slavic Earth mother.

Death (purple) lower realm
Giltine - Lithuanian Goddess of death, the reaper, sister of Laima.
Donn - Celtic male god of death, the dark one.
Mot - Canaanite male god of death.
Obaluaye - Yoruba male god of disease but also healing.
Soponna - (alt male name Obaluaye, Sakpata, Shakpana) Yoruba deity of disease.
Arawn - Welsh male Lord of the Otherworld / lord of death.
Ankou - Breton male servant of death.
Erio - Basque male god of death.
Czernobog - Slavic male god of death.
Morana - Slavic goddess of death and rebirth.
Nergal - Sumerian male god of death.
Irkalla - Sumerian goddess of death.
Nehebkau - Egyptian god of afterlife.
Imset - Egyptian god of afterlife.
Anubis - Egyptian god of afterlife.
Aker - Egyptian god guardian of underworld.
Mot - Canaanite god of death.


Initial conclusions

This hypothesis seems to have legs but is nevertheless missing feet.

This analysis is still under compilation but evidently there is a concentration of ‘death/underworld’ deities directly within the ‘Lost Realms’ zone. It currently also look apparent that other deities linked to fertility extend below this zone but likewise are localised and maternal deities are focused higher up.

This might identify an intelligence gap; namely that this list could be inconclusive and there could be additional systems not yet discovered in these general areas.

Again I suspect the hypothesis of a triad is too wide and such systems have another unknown purpose, but they likely are linked to a Celtic tradition of a separation boundary and denote an area where the ‘Otherworld’ exists, again this could be nothing more than obfuscation, or it could be evidence of a focal point.

By attempting to re-catalog all these systems into sub-groups it is becoming apparent there exists some correlation.

Data collection continues…

Potential list of deities for cross reference and in game systems, and future addition to this investigation.
Gods of fertility
Gods of death

*additional point: the following list of lower Older gods have been sorted, but yet not re-mapped and for now omitted. Considering the above hypothesis this search will now include the ‘upper realm’ too, this list is inconclusive at present and is being updated.

An early assumption is these are more likely an extension of the Lost Realms, as Holdstock talked of the Underworld, and of water separating the realm of the Otherworld (those attributed to storm may also be linked to water), if this hypothesis is correct the we ought to see visually all or a large preparation of these types of god named systems within the ‘lower’ realm.

When I have the time I will plot these and over lay with maps of the Lost Realm (TBC).

Apsu - Babylonian origin god, underground fresh waters (lower).
Long - Chinese water dragon (lower).
Tiamat - Mesopotamian primordial god of the sea (lower).
Tlaloc - Aztec male god of fertility and of water

Teshub - Hurrians storm god.
Lei Gong - Chinese thunder god (lower).
Oya Latin American goddess of storms, but also children (lower).
Shango - Yoruba god of thunder and lighting (lower).

El Tio - Bolivian male lord of underworld (linked to St. Michael) (lower).
Erlik - Turkic male Lord of underwold, resides in the 9th level of underworld (lower).
Yawa - Filipino slang for demon (lower).
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Ragthorn is going on my Christmas list (if I can find a copy).

I am wondering if there are a few other hints that we might be missing.
For example, I have often wondered if the 'Braben Woollens' mentioned in the Agartha system description were a hint that we are 'getting warm' and yesterday I was looking around and found that the Thule system has a station called Short Hop - so is that a hint that it is only a short hop away from something interesting? (Granted it orbits the planet Frogspawn but that could easily have been an excuse to call the station that. Also, the Thule system is the home of Achilles Corporation. They are certainly powerful enough to maintain control of secret locations...).
Another clue might be in the naming of concourse NPCs. I mentioned a Persephone Key a couple of pages back and on Persephone (the station, in Avalon), there is an Abriana Turner looking after Pioneer Supplies. Of course, that might be a coincidence but a Turner on a station with such an important name? I'm not convinced - and I'll be looking around more closely in case there are more hints (both in and out of the Lost Realms, to help determine if relevant names are confined to the region).
Ragthorn is going on my Christmas list (if I can find a copy).

I am wondering if there are a few other hints that we might be missing.
For example, I have often wondered if the 'Braben Woollens' mentioned in the Agartha system description were a hint that we are 'getting warm' and yesterday I was looking around and found that the Thule system has a station called Short Hop - so is that a hint that it is only a short hop away from something interesting? (Granted it orbits the planet Frogspawn but that could easily have been an excuse to call the station that. Also, the Thule system is the home of Achilles Corporation. They are certainly powerful enough to maintain control of secret locations...).
Another clue might be in the naming of concourse NPCs. I mentioned a Persephone Key a couple of pages back and on Persephone (the station, in Avalon), there is an Abriana Turner looking after Pioneer Supplies. Of course, that might be a coincidence but a Turner on a station with such an important name? I'm not convinced - and I'll be looking around more closely in case there are more hints (both in and out of the Lost Realms, to help determine if relevant names are confined to the region).
It's one of the few books of Robert Holdstock that is available as ebooks (Ragthorn, Mythago series, and Merlin codex series). Should be on Kindle, Google Books, and Apple Books.
Ragthorn is going on my Christmas list (if I can find a copy).

I am wondering if there are a few other hints that we might be missing.
For example, I have often wondered if the 'Braben Woollens' mentioned in the Agartha system description were a hint that we are 'getting warm' and yesterday I was looking around and found that the Thule system has a station called Short Hop - so is that a hint that it is only a short hop away from something interesting? (Granted it orbits the planet Frogspawn but that could easily have been an excuse to call the station that. Also, the Thule system is the home of Achilles Corporation. They are certainly powerful enough to maintain control of secret locations...).
Another clue might be in the naming of concourse NPCs. I mentioned a Persephone Key a couple of pages back and on Persephone (the station, in Avalon), there is an Abriana Turner looking after Pioneer Supplies. Of course, that might be a coincidence but a Turner on a station with such an important name? I'm not convinced - and I'll be looking around more closely in case there are more hints (both in and out of the Lost Realms, to help determine if relevant names are confined to the region).
Got my copy off Amazon, still in publication.
"Mysterious Strange Tip Off" mission question.

Recently I went to Maia and did some missions for the Ryder Revolutionary Party, I think I did about 4-5 before getting a "Tip Off" mission. I've seen and done these before a few times and used to ignore them, but I went and did it anyway for fun. However... the payment for the mission (scanning a wreck) was only payable by the PF, couldn't redeem the bond anywhere but a IF in the end, bit odd.

And the last couple of weeks I've been running Imperial missions from Cemiess to grind out Imp ranks (at long last) and did at least a few hundred across the various types (mostly kill or transport) - and not got a single Tip Off mission at all.

I had previously believed that they were something that just happened randomly for a bit of added flavour, but... is that the case?

I've done a bunch of googling but most people seem intent on discussing whether the mission is worth doing rather than any particular pattern behind when and why you get them. Is there anyone that's compiled any info on these? frequency, list of the mission text? that sort of thing? I'm sure there must be, anyone here know?

Just wondering if these are related to the "test administered in secret"?
Ya the Pleiades are one possibility. Also Alnilam – Orions belt... the string of pearls… Then there is that whole Pearl Cluster....

My favorite idea is it possibly referring to Indras Pearls / Indras Net which is tied to the Axis Mundi
Indra hung over his palace on Mount Meru a net of silk threads like a spider web… which extends to infinity… at each knot a precious gem …..

Ever wondered why when you look at depictions of the Omphalos you see a net covering it?


An interconnected web of lenses that focus and twist the flow of spacetime..... Sound Familiar ?

References in history and culture​

Richard Hinckley Allen lists many folk names for the Belt of Orion. English ones include: Jacob's Rod or Jacob's Staff; Peter's Staff; the Golden Yard-arm; The L, or Ell; The Ell and Yard; the Yard-stick, and the Yard-wand; the Ellwand; Our Lady's Wand; the Magi / the Three Kings; the Three Marys; or simply the Three Stars.[7]

The passage "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?" is found in the Bible's Book of Job[8] and Book of Amos.[9] Tennyson's poem The Princess describes Orion's belt as:

...those three stars of the airy Giant's zone,
That glitter burnished by the frosty dark.

When you read about a Princess, what's the first thing that springs to mind.... well this forum for me....

Anyway just a thought.... ;-)
"Mysterious Strange Tip Off" mission question.

Recently I went to Maia and did some missions for the Ryder Revolutionary Party, I think I did about 4-5 before getting a "Tip Off" mission. I've seen and done these before a few times and used to ignore them, but I went and did it anyway for fun. However... the payment for the mission (scanning a wreck) was only payable by the PF, couldn't redeem the bond anywhere but a IF in the end, bit odd.

And the last couple of weeks I've been running Imperial missions from Cemiess to grind out Imp ranks (at long last) and did at least a few hundred across the various types (mostly kill or transport) - and not got a single Tip Off mission at all.

I had previously believed that they were something that just happened randomly for a bit of added flavour, but... is that the case?

I've done a bunch of googling but most people seem intent on discussing whether the mission is worth doing rather than any particular pattern behind when and why you get them. Is there anyone that's compiled any info on these? frequency, list of the mission text? that sort of thing? I'm sure there must be, anyone here know?

Just wondering if these are related to the "test administered in secret"?
I've only ever got these missions whilst on another mission, in the past I've taken a few of them just to see where they led, often they are just an ambush related to the current task.
Others just turned out to be a data collection or fetch/source and deliver missions, have to be honest i gave up on them and just ignore them now.
Been back in the bubble for a few months now and even though I'm doing data, deliver missions in-between Thargs and mining i haven't had any lately.

"Mysterious Strange Tip Off" mission question.

Recently I went to Maia and did some missions for the Ryder Revolutionary Party, I think I did about 4-5 before getting a "Tip Off" mission. I've seen and done these before a few times and used to ignore them, but I went and did it anyway for fun. However... the payment for the mission (scanning a wreck) was only payable by the PF, couldn't redeem the bond anywhere but a IF in the end, bit odd.

And the last couple of weeks I've been running Imperial missions from Cemiess to grind out Imp ranks (at long last) and did at least a few hundred across the various types (mostly kill or transport) - and not got a single Tip Off mission at all.

I had previously believed that they were something that just happened randomly for a bit of added flavour, but... is that the case?

I've done a bunch of googling but most people seem intent on discussing whether the mission is worth doing rather than any particular pattern behind when and why you get them. Is there anyone that's compiled any info on these? frequency, list of the mission text? that sort of thing? I'm sure there must be, anyone here know?

Just wondering if these are related to the "test administered in secret"?
I can’t recall exactly; it was many moons ago but, I do recall I had a support ticket answered on this very subject.

The answer I do recall from FD was that these appear everywhere, and they essentially are just an extra thank you to a Cmdr via any faction for their contributions. They are not linked to any test. I posted about this in this thread. I really think this one needs to go on page 1 with all the other ‘resolved’.
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I can’t recall exactly; it was many moons ago but, I do recall I had a support ticket answered on this very subject.

The answer I do recall from FD was that these appear everywhere, and they essentially are just an extra thank you to a Cmdr via any faction for their contributions. They are not linked to any test. I posted about this in this thread. I really think this one needs to go on page 1 with all the other ‘resolved’.
Thanks for that, good to know :)
New line of investigation - The Ragthorn Temple

Without giving too much away from the book Ragthorn, by Robert Holdstock, he establishes a temple honouring a thorn tree, this is surrounded by 4 alters, birth, maturity, old age and an unknown fourth.

Holdstock used the term in his Lost Realms book as: fecundity, motherhood and the hag of death.

The tri-partite goddess typically is described as being the maiden (youth); the mother and the crone; symbolism for the female life cycle and phases of the moon.

Interestingly in Robert Holdstocks ‘Ragthorn’ he actually flips this description to the masculine!

This deification of thorn trees goes back to Celtic / Saxxon / Norse roots where said tree marks the axis mundi and a path to the ‘Otherworld’.

Considering the existence of the Lost Realms zone I believe this acts as not only an Easter Egg dedication to Robert Holdstock, but is a replication of the above cosmology. The tree in question in game being that that established by the Yggdrasil systems, which does sit directly over the system axis Mundi and these Lost Realms.

As you will have observed from my investigations within and around this zone are a plethora of systems which can be attributable to ‘older gods’, some may have a dense focal point at the centre of the zone.

Post in thread 'The Quest To Find Raxxla'
View attachment 373157

My next series of investigations will look towards attempting to re-catalog those various systems into applicable sub-groups to assess if there are any attributable common themes. Eg deities linked to water; death etc, to attempt to assess if there are any patterns, or not, or if they follow the same arrangement set out in Holdstocks ‘Ragthorn’!

Youth, fertility or death!

Do these systems mark the alters protecting the sanctity of Raxxla? I’m doubtful but, I have noted a proliferation of female deities, but an odd number of similar male variants…

My hypothesis has been these Lost Realms are as Holdstock ascribed, variants of an ‘Eden/Paradise’, but that they ‘Obfuscate’ the real paradise or doorway to Raxxla.

What if there is a Holdstock map in game that mirrors ‘Ragthorn’, but rather than using a female triad, FD has used a male variant? Additionally I might presume any deity linked to an Underworld, Water or Storms are actually linked to the Lost Reams concept.

*this post may be updated with various findings. The list below is not definitive.

List of ‘lower older gods’ those below Sol.

Birth / Youth (green)

Aine - Celtic goddess of fertility, sister of Boann.
Baal - Canaanite male god of fertility, associated source for Beezlebub.
Epona - Celtic goddess of horses and fertility.
Idunn - Norse goddess of the apples of eternal youth!
Qetesh - Canaanite goddess of fertility / Egyptian goddess lady of the stars of heaven!
Mabon - Welsh male god of Light and youth.

Motherhood (blue)
Anu - Celtic Earth mother linked to triad of the Morrigan.
Dana - Celtic Earth mother, mother of all things.
Don - Welsh legend, mother goddess, but equally could be male.
Nana Buluku - Yoruba mother goddess, creator of all things.

Death (purple)
Giltine - Lithuanian Goddess of death, the reaper, sister of Laima.
Donn - Celtic god of death, the dark one.
Mot - Canaanite god of death.
Obaluaye - Yoruba male god of disease but also healing.

View attachment 373254

Initial conclusions
This hypothesis seems to have legs but is nevertheless missing feet, it seems various deities are placed at first glance rather arbitrarily; however two of the ‘male’ associated systems (the majority are female) are relatively close together, and in relation to a known focal point in the lost Realms zone. This might identify an intelligence gap; namely that this list could be inconclusive and there could be additional systems not yet discovered in this general area with a male prefix. Or this theory is just total twaddle…

*additional point not re-mapped but omitted

Apsu - Babylonian origin god, underground fresh waters.
Long - Chinese water dragon.
Tiamat - Mesopotamian primordial god of the sea.

Lei Gong - Chinese thunder god.
Oya Latin American goddess of storms, but also children.
Shango - Yoruba god of thunder and lighting.

El Tio - Bolivian male lord of underworld (linked to St. Michael).
Erlik - Turkic male Lord of underwold, resides in the 9th level of underworld.
Yawa - Filipino slang for demon.
Some notes in the Yoruba front:

Alternate names for Obaluayé also present as systems are Shakpana, Sakpata and Soponna. I suspect each spelling was added from a different diasporic faith.
Also Yemaia is the Orisha of motherhood - this spelling in particular being more closely associated with Santería.
Some notes in the Yoruba front:

Alternate names for Obaluayé also present as systems are Shakpana, Sakpata and Soponna. I suspect each spelling was added from a different diasporic faith.
Also Yemaia is the Orisha of motherhood - this spelling in particular being more closely associated with Santería.
Brilliant, have added these too and updated, like the other deities, they too fall within a banding.

I suspect the ‘Ragthorn’ ‘male’ triad hypothesis is a bust, although all it highlighted is it’s an unknown. There may be an obscure references out there. Again, a trawl through keyword searches on net might find matches.
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I can’t recall exactly; it was many moons ago but, I do recall I had a support ticket answered on this very subject.

The answer I do recall from FD was that these appear everywhere, and they essentially are just an extra thank you to a Cmdr via any faction for their contributions. They are not linked to any test. I posted about this in this thread. I really think this one needs to go on page 1 with all the other ‘resolved’.
Post in thread 'The Quest To Find Raxxla'

And Jorki's post just before points to research another commander did on the subject
Wow that "tip off" resource collected by @djadjok is awesome.

Now, granted the reply @Rochester got from support was very useful - but - it only said that the messages aren't from the same person(s) as the mysterious person in the manual cover letter. Support confirmed they're from someone(s) else hiding their identity.

Does that mean the same as "these missions have no relevance to the hunt for Raxxla" though?

Just scanning some of the messages recorded in djadjok's spreadsheets, a few things jump out at me right away:
This is an emergency distress call! My systems are failing and I've been caught in the gravitational pull of... Where the hell am I?
This one made me think of the recent discussion of the mysterious "thing" that appeared near the settlement and had a gravitation pull. Probaboly just referring to being lost, but interesting.

Oh my gods....It can't be....These things are a myth...........That noise.........

Commanders Log:
The hunger is starting to get to me, I've started seeing things. I know the deep space explorers like to tell stories, but these light shows are something else.
They almost seem alive.
This one mentions the light shows. We have mentions of the lights in the Formidine Rift logs, and also there's at least one log from an abandoned settlement where the residents saw a 'light show' and I believe went mad.

...We've got to report this... they ripped us out of...nothing works....what do they want from us...That us...
Thargoid hyperdiction

Transport 15 to Command. We've encountered an anomaly out here. It's fried our systems and we're going down. All cargo and data is secure and transponder is in place for the search-and-rescue team. Crew escape pods launched.

Commanders Log:
I think I'm finally losing it or maybe its just all the explosions and laser fire from the crash burnt into my eyes. But could swear those lights were real.
I don't think they're hostile, but there does seem to be some kind of intelligence to their movements.
Mysterious lights? Thargoids? the same lights as others? Something else?

Commanders Log:

I don't know how I got away. Once minute I'm scanning the planet and the next, this thing comes out of nowhere.
I barely managed to jump before it had time to get a bead on me. But I'm safe now.

\Wait... What? That can't can it be infront of me in a frame shift jump?
Oh Gods, No!

Crew Log:
I don’t know what happened, I must have blacked out. The last thing I remember was jumping out of… what was the name of the system? I remember a calm voice. Or maybe it was a song. Maybe I’m just going crazy.
The rescue beacon is up, so hopefully a ship will pick me up in a few days.
A song? A siren?

Mayday! This is exploration vessel JPR-II. We have hit an anomaly which has caused our FSD to overload. All instrumentation failed. We have no idea where we are. Mayday, I repeat. Mayday.
Could be a neutron cone, but... 'space anomaly'.

Corporate Data Log:
I've got the evidence and yes, there was a massive cover-up. Those miners didn't die due to an equipment malfunction. They were searching for Tantalum but got a lot more than they bargained for - some kind of ancient tech with built-in auto-defences. The corporation has since circumvented the defences and moved the tech to another location. I'm sending details now. Do what you can...and stay safe.
Ancient tech??? This is similar to that abandoned settlement where the miners find something underground and what seems like Thargoids attack.
Corporate Data Log:
It's true - all of it was true. They haven't been manufacturing agricultural parts at all. They're making people! Clones! And then selling them to the military. I'm sending you all the details on an encrypted channel but be careful with this, it goes all the way to the top. Once you've gone down the rabbit hole, there's no coming back.
WOW! That's just cool lore.
Corporate Data Log:
I know I shouldn't have looked but I did. Argent Incorporated were paying me a lot of money for my discretion but I just couldn't stop myself opening up that crate. Anyway, it wasn't high-end art I was transporting - unless high-end art is made by aliens nowadays! Whatever it is, it's not human and it sure don't look legal. Not sure what I'm gonna do with it yet, but I'm definitely not delivering it for the measly pittance they were originally paying me...
Reference to the Duval artefact? Tharg tech?
Corporate Data Log:
It's all the evidence we need that we're not alone in the galaxy. The corporation has been hiding it all this time. For years their deep-space exploration vessels have been picking up anomalous comms and heat signatures that definitely aren't human. I'm going to blow the lid off this whole thing. If my Mk II can make it to the next station, the whole galaxy will know the truth. Just a second...what's that in the distance? Looks like a ship. But I've never seen anything like it bef...
It seems clear to me that Fdev used these to tell some of the more 'narrative' stories, not unlike the older style mission text and those that started this very thread.

It seems like references to "lights" and "anomalies" in space are present in these, like they are in some of the other 'abandoned settlement' logs. Even though these might not be related to Raxxla, I do love that they're showing the galaxy is a bit mysterious and spooky. Very grateful to djadjok and all those that worked on this compilation.

*Edit: Reading through again. Thargoids (here and in the other logs, and in the Formidine Rift expedition logs) are often mentioned in relation to sounds. Can't help but think about Sirens.
In relation to some of the "Tip Off" Mission text (as per my post here). I went through the Canonn site records of the surface sites and pulled all the ones that mostly resembled the Tip Off ones I noted earlier as being interesting.

In relation to the Raxxla Codex: "To the whisperer in witch-space, the siren of the deepest void!" Thargoids are the only thing in all these Lore references that seem to interact in Witchspace, the Formidine Rift logs literally mention "The lights in witch-space are coming for me, the lights… always the lights… they’re calling to me… a siren song" which is pretty similar, there's also another of the Exodus logs that talk about voices in witchspace. That general idea seems to come up below in many of the abandoned sites, and also as in my previous post for some of the Tip Off missions.

Expedition Log: 07/10/3270

“I’m scared… help me someone… I can’t bear another jump. The lights in witch-space are coming for me, the lights… always the lights… they’re calling to me… a siren song… I must join them…”
Expedition Log: 01/10/3270

“We picked up some kind of bizarre signal yesterday. Whatever it was it wasn’t human. At least, that’s the scuttlebutt going around the decks. Everyone is looking out of the canopies now. We’re seeing some strange lights during hyperspace transits. Terror? Yeah, we got some of that…”

Expedition Log: 11/11/3270
“More strange lights. We’ve got equipment malfunctions, scanners dropping in and out, systems resetting. Ship is limping on. Everyone wants to turn about, but if we don’t complete the mission we don’t get paid. No one wants to give up those credits either. You expect to turn around and see…”

Expedition Log: 29/11/3270
“We’re done and we’re heading home. We picked up some heat signatures in the last system. Definitely something there and it wasn’t any profile I had seen before. Something was watching us. There’s something evil out here, and it doesn’t like company!”
Expedition Log: 18/09/3270

“Witch-space is different out here, there’s something odd, those lights we were seeing are less frequent now, but they seem to be hanging around, almost as if they’re following us. Maybe I’m going nuts.”
"Gregorys Rest" on Koli Discii C 6 1
Survey Team 43, Commander’s Log.

Ever since we saw that light show in Sector 12, Hopkins has been acting oddly. He’s become reclusive and aggressive, and to be honest I’m starting to worry about him.
"Communication Array Delta 69" is an abandoned settlement on Col 285 Sector BG-O d6-93 AB 1 d
We’ve found a body, and before you ask, it’s not one of us. All personnel are present and accounted for.
You’re going to think I’m crazy. There’s no way this guy should be out here... just appeared out of nowhere.
... We’ve looked up this ship and it’s disappearance. Some kind of anomaly causing the ship to just vanish without a trace. These things are just stories that the deep space explorers tell to make their job seem more interesting than just scanning stars and planets. Nothing like that actually exists or we would know about it.
... It started this morning, everything seemed normal but there was an uneasiness among the team. No one could put a finger on it, just a general feeling that something was wrong. And then the signal started.
It was about 10km from the station and appeared to be some kind of radio transmission, with a digital data packet encoded into it. We spent hours trying to figure out how to decipher it but I have to say at the moment we don’t have a clue what we’re dealing with here.
Along with the signal, something has appeared on the planet’s surface that according to our surveys simply can’t be there. There is a gravitational pull of some massive object but there’s nothing we can detect physically there. The gravitational field measured approximately 0.1 Gs, but we can’t see what’s creating it. Whatever it is, it’s the source of the signal.

Emergency Broadcast:

Do not come here… I repeat… do not come here.
He opened his eyes… There was something there… the signal starting… coming from him, like it was inside…
I’ve ordered everyone out, locked off the infirmary until I can figure out what is going on. Signal is building stronger… people started feeling it… like it was in our heads.
This anomaly… closer now… can’t explain… seems to be… think it’s going to…
"Rawat Depot" on Coni A 2
Corporate Data Log: It’s proof; all the evidence we need that we’re not alone in the galaxy. The corporation has been hiding it all this time. For years their deep-space exploration vessels have been picking up anomalous comms and heat signatures that definitely aren’t human. Hours of recordings, enough to fill an entire library, and it’s been hidden all this time. But I’ve got it now. It’s in my possession as we speak and I’m going to blow the lid off this whole thing. if my Mkll can make it to the next station the whole galaxy will know the truth. Just a second… what’s that in the distance? Looks like a… ship. But I’ve never seen anything like it bef…
(Note: this is extremely similar to the "Corporate Data Log" Tip Off entry, that seems like an edited-down version of this entry.)

Crashed ship on Leucos A 5 a
My systems are failing and I’ve been caught in the gravitational pull of… oh god where am I?
(Note: This contains some of the same text as one of the Tip Off missions)
In relation to some of the "Tip Off" Mission text (as per my post here). I went through the Canonn site records of the surface sites and pulled all the ones that mostly resembled the Tip Off ones I noted earlier as being interesting.

In relation to the Raxxla Codex: "To the whisperer in witch-space, the siren of the deepest void!" Thargoids are the only thing in all these Lore references that seem to interact in Witchspace, the Formidine Rift logs literally mention "The lights in witch-space are coming for me, the lights… always the lights… they’re calling to me… a siren song" which is pretty similar, there's also another of the Exodus logs that talk about voices in witchspace. That general idea seems to come up below in many of the abandoned sites, and also as in my previous post for some of the Tip Off missions.

"Gregorys Rest" on Koli Discii C 6 1

"Communication Array Delta 69" is an abandoned settlement on Col 285 Sector BG-O d6-93 AB 1 d

"Rawat Depot" on Coni A 2

(Note: this is extremely similar to the "Corporate Data Log" Tip Off entry, that seems like an edited-down version of this entry.)

Crashed ship on Leucos A 5 a

(Note: This contains some of the same text as one of the Tip Off missions)
I think I do remember at least two cases when some tip off end messages are literally copy-paste version of one of the logs from known sites... or vice versa

However don't count the one on Coni A 2 - that was me who accidently stumbled on a tip off base-connected site without the mission being assigned (these mechanic was quite new at that time), and that's why it ended on the cannon site.... Also, some text versions of tip off messages have evolved in time - that's a proven fact (besides only "original" English versions have evolved=)))), not the other language localizations )
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