Mmm, just gotta find that Pendent World...

Easy, just need to find a moon with four trees!! 😁

Well actually yes, by my calculations O7.

The image by my interpretation holds repeating markers, four trees inside the circle, four bodies within the second.

By my interpretation this garden design is intentional and its telling us where to look (Milton’s universe) and what type of system to look out for within a specific area.

I don’t believe this is a 1:1 scale map, but as I’ve outlined previously there is a zone around Sol denoted by systems named after storm gods. Sol is in the centre of a bubble within this concept.

I don’t believe Sol is the objective, in Paradise Lost the stairway to heaven and the portal to our universe is at the zenith of the pendant globe that held Sol.

Much of the art work promoted by Brookes focused upon the gates of heaven, so I don’t believe Sol is of relevance.

In the image below I’ve mapped all ‘god’ systems, then outlined this zone where the bubble begins, In wondering if this is the pendant globe or where it resides?

Inside this is my projected path of Satan, which initially follows the path of Jacques, out of the Greek underworld identified in game, past the system Pandemonium, then following the path due South through to the system ‘Bridge’ then up to the system ’Erebus’, this as I’ve outlined previously aligns with the Gen ship Artemis and then higher up it aligns perfectly with the Thetis signal; outlined here too as circles of influence. Directly upon this bubble or rim of ‘storm gods’.


This zenith is slap bang within a zone populated by systems denoting the Greek Fates, Fortuna and the Norse Norns among other fortuitous deities linked to the golden chain of heavens and the zenith of the sky. And as I’ve proposed previously all these have common alignments within a North/South arrangement which correlates within an in game compass.


Likewise my ‘Mountain’ theory ends in this area. In Paradise Lost Satan does not arrive initially at Eden, but far off upon this outer rim of Chaos, and must travel to where he first fell.


This map, is telling us there is a system somewhere upon this outer rim, which has four bodies.

I am currently speculating that other aspects of this garden design are intentional markers and may have some correlation in game to help reduce this area of interest.

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So the Dark wheel toast if it is to be interpolated as directions to find the way to Raxxla. As in we start our journey by finding the first line of the toast, the jewel and then onto the siren etc.

perhaps we may have misinterpreted it?

“To the jewel that burns on the brow of the mother of galaxies! To the whisperer in Witchspace, the siren of the deepest void!”

Do these two lines need to be read back to front, meaning we need to go to the siren of the deepest void to see the jewel.

If this madness is anything to go by, then I must say I’m slumped to find the siren, but as for the jewel that burns on the brow of the mother of galaxies. Pilots of Early interstellar travel may have only had the galactic skyline as points of reference, using galaxies, nebula and distant bright stars as navigation references.

I feel a treasure hunter would refer to the mother as a big thing rather than a philosopher who would think of it more deeply. The closest galaxy seen from our milky way is the Andromeda Galaxy, she has a jewel cluster ngc205. Our target point?

But sirens… I’m thinking star signs

I don’t think Orion qualifies as a siren, but Rigal one of its brightest stars sits on the edge of the witch head nebular, and the witch head nebular is located near the Eridanus Super void.

Hey and here is a crazy thing… Rigal - Andromeda -X go through, -X come out of into Lft 509 (went through a doorway that is also a key, unlocked permit. Then the rest of the toast to A- arrival.

Oh the Tin foil

By the way I did a 2ly super cruise from Rigal towards Andromeda and found nothing (maybe should have gone deeper?). However, I’m looking for more R’s. perhaps next Epsilon Eridani, proper name Ran
Actually the two galaxies close to the milkyway are both the large and minor magellic clouds. And if you want to add some odd tinfoil. Have you not noticed they are the only galaxies that move with the camera on the galmap. Think about that for a second. Why add that unless we can go visit them. Seem's to be a wasted effort to change their positions instead of just making them static images like the rest of the galaxies. I have a feeling even back then when Elite D launched we were ment to visit those. But how and what kind of pathway is needed to be found is the riddle.
Well actually yes, by my calculations O7.

The image by my interpretation holds markers, four trees inside the circle, for bodies within the second. It’s telling us where to look (generally it’s telling us to understand Milton’s universe) and what type of system to look out for.

I don’t believe this is a 1:1 scale map, but there is a zone around Sol denoted by systems named after storm gods. Sol is in the centre of a bubble within this concept.

I don’t believe Sol is the objective, in the image below I’ve mapped all ‘god’ systems, then outlined this zone where the bubble begins.

Inside this is my projected path of Satan from the system ‘Bridge’ to the system ’Erebus’, this as I’ve outlined previously aligns with the Gen ship Artemis and then higher up it aligns perfectly with the Thetis signal; outlined here too as circles of influence. Directly upon this bubble or rim of ‘storm gods’.

View attachment 416089

This zenith is slap bang within a zone populated by systems denoting the Greek Fates, Fortuna and the Norse Norns among other fortuitous deities linked to the golden chain of heavens and the zenith of the sky.

View attachment 416090

Likewise my ‘Mountain’ theory ends in this area. In Paradise Lost Satan does not arrive initially at Eden, but far off upon this outer rim of Chaos, and must travel to where he first fell.

View attachment 416091

This map, is telling us there is a system somewhere upon this outer rim, which has four bodies.

I am currently speculating that other aspects of this garden design are intentional markers and may have some correlation in game to help reduce this area of interest.

View attachment 416085
I think you got that spot on.
Actually the two galaxies close to the milkyway are both the large and minor magellic clouds. And if you want to add some odd tinfoil. Have you not noticed they are the only galaxies that move with the camera on the galmap. Think about that for a second. Why add that unless we can go visit them. Seem's to be a wasted effort to change their positions instead of just making them static images like the rest of the galaxies. I have a feeling even back then when Elite D launched we were ment to visit those. But how and what kind of pathway is needed to be found is the riddle.
I excluded The Magellanic Clouds as they are members of the Local milky way Group (not as in a pop band). But thanks for that very interesting
I believe Raxxla is within the bubble.

The new CG is evidently a narrative warm up and contextual back story for the new update, but there’s really no need to actually engage with it because the update will occur irrespectively.

It’s plausible it’s pointless but it’s more probably it’s intended to prod us into action and focus attention in this area.

It’s possible some noob will just fall over it. Yes the potato hunt was extensive, but it wasn’t robust and thorough, and so it could have fallen shy of the target…

Know where I’d look.

View attachment 416081
It kinda reminds me of the way you can align the star and planets in Arcturus.
It’s possible some noob will just fall over it. Yes the potato hunt was extensive, but it wasn’t robust and thorough, and so it could have fallen shy of the target…

Just like the Quest for the Holy Grail, Galahad a complete noob of a knight found it (along with Percival, another noob 😊).

I think that the Raaxla Potato hunt missed it. It's very improbable that they've searched over 90% of the systems within 200ly of Sol and haven't found it.
Apologies for not seeing this sooner I came down with a real nasty flu like thing and have been out of it.

We were not expecting Drakk's second post on Thursday, but IMO it essentially gives you what we uncovered on the call. I am waiting to hear back from my Squadron Leader but I feel we should at this stage hand over our list, since we're about a third through it. (We've full mapped and scanned around 400 out of 1600 systems we identified)

I get there are people in here who are salty we didn't spend that time from our lives and just give it away to everyone else but tough. That's what we decided to do. English is not Drakks first language, this is why we have been guarded about what we discussed, we went through it all for hours and hours on discord calls.

There is stuff lost in translation that we have a firmer grasp on. But I feel with the signs (CG etc) being that FDev are pushing for this mystery to enter the light, we should do the same. I will see what the boss man says haha!!
Just like the Quest for the Holy Grail, Galahad a complete noob of a knight found it (along with Percival, another noob 😊).

I think that the Raaxla Potato hunt missed it. It's very improbable that they've searched over 90% of the systems within 200ly of Sol and haven't found it.
We believe it is most probable the potato hunt is too near, unfortunately.
By my mind we could smash through the remaining systems this afternoon and know categorically if this first phase, searching through systems that have previously been visited and uploaded to an independent database, is worthwhile.

This is the crux of the challenge. The EDDN/Spansh/whatever system you're pulling data from, is not a source of truth of the galaxy. It is only what has been manually uploaded by some tool a player was choosing to run. Drakks absolutely did not use any of these tools back on Mac, so we know that his particular jump into the system did not add it to the third party databases.

We have a massive list of systems from an area specified by Drakks. We have visited many systems in this list that are only first discovered, so it is plausible that there are things in this list which meet the criteria. We have also had many systems that had us tingling with excitement due to all the signs being in alignment with Drakks story! But so far nothing.

I'm keen to hear from my SL and get our list open sourced so I'll keep in touch on here.
Well actually yes, by my calculations O7.

The image by my interpretation holds repeating markers, four trees inside the circle, four bodies within the second.

By my interpretation this garden design is intentional and its telling us where to look (Milton’s universe) and what type of system to look out for within a specific area.

I don’t believe this is a 1:1 scale map, but as I’ve outlined previously there is a zone around Sol denoted by systems named after storm gods. Sol is in the centre of a bubble within this concept.

I don’t believe Sol is the objective, in Paradise Lost the stairway to heaven and the portal to our universe is at the zenith of the pendant globe that held Sol.

Much of the art work promoted by Brookes focused upon the gates of heaven, so I don’t believe Sol is of relevance.

In the image below I’ve mapped all ‘god’ systems, then outlined this zone where the bubble begins, In wondering if this is the pendant globe or where it resides?

Inside this is my projected path of Satan from the system ‘Bridge’ to the system ’Erebus’, this as I’ve outlined previously aligns with the Gen ship Artemis and then higher up it aligns perfectly with the Thetis signal; outlined here too as circles of influence. Directly upon this bubble or rim of ‘storm gods’.

View attachment 416089

This zenith is slap bang within a zone populated by systems denoting the Greek Fates, Fortuna and the Norse Norns among other fortuitous deities linked to the golden chain of heavens and the zenith of the sky. And as I’ve proposed previously all these have common alignments within a North/South arrangement which correlates within an in game compass.

View attachment 416090

Likewise my ‘Mountain’ theory ends in this area. In Paradise Lost Satan does not arrive initially at Eden, but far off upon this outer rim of Chaos, and must travel to where he first fell.

View attachment 416091

This map, is telling us there is a system somewhere upon this outer rim, which has four bodies.

I am currently speculating that other aspects of this garden design are intentional markers and may have some correlation in game to help reduce this area of interest.

View attachment 416085
So basically what I mean by the Arcturus system is if you catch it at the right time sitting behind Planet Arcas facing the star. All 4 of the first planets sit infront of it. My timing has been off but I always catch it just as they un allign . So I wonder if the park layout is asking to do the same in a system that matches up everything perfectly.
So basically what I mean by the Arcturus system is if you catch it at the right time sitting behind Planet Arcas facing the star. All 4 of the first planets sit infront of it. My timing has been off but I always catch it just as they un allign . So I wonder if the park layout is asking to do the same in a system that matches up everything perfectly.
I don’t believe this is anything to do with specific planetary alignments, as this introduces time into the equation and then you have a very complex problem. No I believe it’s a very ‘basic locational map’.

Look for a system with four bodies, one of which is larger than all the others, very likely with a ring and maybe also a moon?

I honestly dont care about being the first to find it - Just an ease at mind we aren't all insane following a nothingburger. * the mystery is exciting * I've always had a weird hunch something might be hiding around jackson's lighthouse or within it. Or now that pilots federation system I came across yesterday. So those are going to be my focus points for a few days. o7 cmdr. "Maybe one day we will meet at a cg that takes us to a new galaxy server. (since the game's launch there's always been a rumor they have a spare server just sitting there doing nothing with a hand crafted galaxy waiting to be discovered and connected to the milkyway galaxy) - but rumors are rumors and until someone finds something its best to be cozy at home and enjoy space as it is with my animal co pilots by my side. * I havn't given up on that comms array. Going back to that sunday.
I've suspected the Jackson's Lighthouse as well but never pursued it, on account that I had figured it to be well covered territory.

I missed my comms array window for checking Sagittarius to rise in the opposite side of the planet. That would have happened around late Wednesday or early Thursday but will keep an eye on it as well. I know, so far that Sag doesn't quite come into alignment in the direction of the closer mountain range. So, my money was on the distant mountains on the opposite side, if any side. The fact that the moon is in different places from week to week is interesting enough. So maybe it is that aspect after all. Maybe a signal can arc off of it?

I might check one other curiosity, in the search for Raxxla, before heading to bug zap but I really wish I knew the significance of Fomalhaut and Arietis, as I don't see it anywhere in the EDTools link. At least taking not when taking into consideration LHS 3447, unless Drakks was now saying he started in Fomalhaut, in which case? We'd need to change our starting point, obviously.

Since you can't get to Arietis, or Capricorni (they're nearly in the opposite direction) within 8-10 jumps (they're about 135-175ly respective from Fomalhaut), while eco jumping at such small ranges? Perhaps it's in Piscium, or Tascheter? You might be able to make it to one of those in that many jumps. Otherwise? You're not getting much further than the Core Systems.
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I don’t believe this is anything to do with specific planetary alignments, as this introduces time into the equation and then you have a very complex problem. No I believe it’s a very ‘basic locational map’.

Look for a system with four bodies, one of which is larger than all the others, very likely with a ring and maybe also a moon?

View attachment 416106
There's got to be some kind of logic to it.
If I understand you correctly, who made the drawings of the station specifically put in them a map of the location of ...
I think that's a little over the top.
There's got to be some kind of logic to it.
If I understand you correctly, who made the drawings of the station specifically put in them a map of the location of ...
I think that's a little over the top.

Oh I do too… it’s absurd.

But… not so more absurd than hiding mysterious stuff in audio and morse code!

I’m reminded of how Drew Wagar once said that Michael Brookes originally wanted to insert a clue regarding Drew’s rift story, as a series of textual initials hidden at the end of specific faction missions… but FD wouldn’t allow it as it was just too silly…
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I don’t believe this is anything to do with specific planetary alignments, as this introduces time into the equation and then you have a very complex problem. No I believe it’s a very ‘basic locational map’.

Look for a system with four bodies, one of which is larger than all the others, very likely with a ring and maybe also a moon?

View attachment 416106
Is this feature identical in all the stations it appears or is there variance to them
Oh I do too… it’s absurd.

But… not so more absurd than hiding mysterious stuff in audio and Norse code!

I’m reminded of how Drew Wagar once said that Michael Brookes originally wanted to insert clue regarding Drew’s story, as a series of textual initials hidden at the end of specific faction missions… but FD wouldn’t allow it as it was just too silly…
I am happy drew is on good terms with fdev again so maybe he can finally conclude his farout there questline story arch. Hopefully.
Is this feature identical in all the stations it appears or is there variance to them
All the garden designs occur in every tourist station, but the arrangement is random.

The concept we’re proposing is hypothetical, it’s all possibly imagined, or a coincidence… but…
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So the Dark wheel toast if it is to be interpolated as directions to find the way to Raxxla. As in we start our journey by finding the first line of the toast, the jewel and then onto the siren etc.

perhaps we may have misinterpreted it?

“To the jewel that burns on the brow of the mother of galaxies! To the whisperer in Witchspace, the siren of the deepest void!”

Do these two lines need to be read back to front, meaning we need to go to the siren of the deepest void to see the jewel.

If this madness is anything to go by, then I must say I’m slumped to find the siren, but as for the jewel that burns on the brow of the mother of galaxies. Pilots of Early interstellar travel may have only had the galactic skyline as points of reference, using galaxies, nebula and distant bright stars as navigation references.

I feel a treasure hunter would refer to the mother as a big thing rather than a philosopher who would think of it more deeply. The closest galaxy seen from our milky way is the Andromeda Galaxy, she has a jewel cluster ngc205. Our target point?

But sirens… I’m thinking star signs

I don’t think Orion qualifies as a siren, but Rigal one of its brightest stars sits on the edge of the witch head nebular, and the witch head nebular is located near the Eridanus Super void.

Hey and here is a crazy thing… Rigal - Andromeda -X go through, -X come out of into Lft 509 (went through a doorway that is also a key, unlocked permit. Then the rest of the toast to A- arrival.

Oh the Tin foil

By the way I did a 2ly super cruise from Rigal towards Andromeda and found nothing (maybe should have gone deeper?). However, I’m looking for more R’s. perhaps next Epsilon Eridani, proper name Ran
For me siren in the deep void says Sag A and its radio signal. It can also be the mother of galaxies, although on that aspect I tend to agree with you about the Andromeda galaxy, as the literal biggest galaxy we can see on the night sky.

For me the hardest part is to find suitable candidates for the whisperer in witch space. Can only think of the inventor of the first hyperdrive system, which has a station in Sol named after him.
Oh I do too… it’s absurd.

But… not so more absurd than hiding mysterious stuff in audio and morse code!

I’m reminded of how Drew Wagar once said that Michael Brookes originally wanted to insert a clue regarding Drew’s rift story, as a series of textual initials hidden at the end of specific faction missions… but FD wouldn’t allow it as it was just too silly…
I suspect MB was too clever for our own good!

Another possible reason for the disappearance of the old E/F missions is that they were just a part of an overcomplicated Raxxla storyline & FD decided to simplify it... it's (possibly) not their fault we haven't found it yet! 😉
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