I think it's maybe more dissapointing.

"Raxxla is a Myth"

"It's there and we now where it is"

So basically Raxxla is a Myth, and we have a Myth within the game. It's there and it's not. It's true but a lie....
I can’t hear anything about a door.

Right here (1:19:01): https://youtu.be/rtmmmP_waf4?t=4741

Now some might say this is not about Raxxla, but those sorts of non-believers must learn to glean any tidbit and see the deeper truth in any statement, no matter how much of a throwaway comment it may appear on the surface.
Quote: "Oh a door opened", clearly implying (if it was a glitch, bug, or the switch wasn't pulled) the hunt is now on for real!

This is funny now in hindsight!!! :D

But what is even funnier is the hubbub that has been stirred up by a totally empty Codex entry. There was absolutely no information given out on Raxxla, but we now have new believers created from sceptics, and believers who are dreaming up ideas with nothing to go on. “A certain celestial body, the Myth”
Right here (1:19:01): https://youtu.be/rtmmmP_waf4?t=4741

Now some might say this is not about Raxxla, but those sorts of non-believers must learn to glean any tidbit and see the deeper truth in any statement, no matter how much of a throwaway comment it may appear on the surface.
Quote: "Oh a door opened", clearly implying (if it was a glitch, bug, or the switch wasn't pulled) the hunt is now on for real!

well clearly the door in question is located in FD’s broadcast room, so everyone to their ships- Cambridge is the key! :cool:
Tinfoiling time, isnt' it ?


Symbols are...symbolic. They have a meaning. That's why they are called "symbols".

...and/or that "scenarios" new feature.

LoL !! https://youtu.be/rtmmmP_waf4?t=5268

"Get it off ! get it off !" Adam was dying for telling us more but the other two cut him !
I wish I lived in UK to invite him to some pints! He surely knows something ! Raxxla is the FDevs' nightmare !

I think this part has discounted my hypothesis that only DB and MB know where Raxxla is, which in turn possibly changes the emphasis on some of my other hypotheses. ...
Well, not sure what's going on, but am partially convinced - that FD are giving us some kind of clue. I've never seen Raxxla mentioned in a system description before, and if that's not a hint, I don't know what is.

Let the tinfoillery begin!
17 draconis has been like that for quite a while. It's a great spot for bounty hunting. Frontier systems like that are not exactly secrets. Limbo is fascinating name for a planet though. Not really sure what to think about that Dark Wheel emblem.
Well, not sure what's going on, but am partially convinced - that FD are giving us some kind of clue. I've never seen Raxxla mentioned in a system description before, and if that's not a hint, I don't know what is.

Let the tinfoillery begin!

The system description is from the player faction 'The Order'. I would not put to much in to it.
... FD are giving us some kind of clue. I've never seen Raxxla mentioned in a system description before, and if that's not a hint, I don't know what is.
TBH I wouldn't be surprised if the beta/actual release Codex doesn't have the Raxxla and/or the Dark Wheel boxes, and they were only put in to troll us and promote discussion (which i'd be fine with).

I mean no other faction has a codex box: superpowers; other races; corps; "individuals" (presumably notable people like leaders and engineers); and Colonia (and entire mini-bubble of expanse). TDW doesn't seem in the same league as any of those collections. Rax was meant to be "no hints".
So yeah I wouldn't be surprised if it was a wind-up ;)
Or you could say DB just Opened The Door ;)

TDW seems also to be confirmed being that tiny little bit obvious thing. And now it has an official emblem. It is NOT a mere minor faction, in ED !!


Is that the Elite rank symbol ? Seems to confirm the relation: Elite Rank/TDW/Raxxla ?

Looks exactly the same (well when not highlighted, this is obviously inversed colours) as the new right panel -> Ship -> Pilot Preferences tab-option:


So either TDW refers to "your personal journey", linking back to your ship and pilot, or maybe it's just re-used assets ;)
So I agree with Sir Mr. Preem Admiral-whatever Rasalas (jks!) and the Codex was obviously empty, as nothing of Raxxla has been found by anyone yet. Maybe that also finally kills the idea that the Raxxla 'system' has been visited in the past(?), as the codex is going to be retroactive to an extent.

Personally I do think there is some significance to the choice of icon they used for it and that should not be discounted in our tin-foiling.

To the poster's point about it being mythical and not existing, FDev have confirmed that it IS in-game, so there is definitely something there somewhere, we just don't know WHAT 'it' is.

The journey is far from over Cmdrs... :) o7
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So you think it's just an ordinary planet, that FDev decided "Okay, Col Sector 18456 A7 is Raxxla. Done!"? Again, it's one of the more depressing and realistic theories I've seen. I sincerely hope it's wrong, but I can't shake the feeling that it could be right.
The obvious candidate for "it's just an ordinary planet" is Ra 10a

10 in roman numerals is X
Ra 10 is the largest Gas Giant in the system - 'extra large', or XL. Coincidence?

So Ra X(XL) a ... or more conventionally Ra 10a ... is Raxxla.
So you think it's just an ordinary planet, that FDev decided "Okay, Col Sector 18456 A7 is Raxxla. Done!"? Again, it's one of the more depressing and realistic theories I've seen. I sincerely hope it's wrong, but I can't shake the feeling that it could be right.

I think it's maybe more dissapointing.

"Raxxla is a Myth"

"It's there and we now where it is"

So basically Raxxla is a Myth, and we have a Myth within the game. It's there and it's not. It's true but a lie....

I still wonder if Founder's World is Raxxla, personally. Though I'll be somewhat disappointed if it is.

It's more about scince than some sort of a magic or myth. Here is a thing. It's the first oficial in game mention of Raxxla in Elite history in last 35 years. And since we are talking about game where we have lot's of "shady" organizations in Elite Dangerous world, where we have thargoids that are not even interested in genocide of our species, where we have Guardians that were destroyed by their own sentient AI so this AI could survive and create their own civilization.. When you put this all together in this world.. You realise that not one of them would be interested in Raxxla if it would be just some good planet, or some magic place. So what is it then?

In fact everytime we keep mentioning Raxxla, we only focus on Raxxla related situations, but never focus on the world where Raxxla supposedly exist. So.. what exactly that mean?

Elite Dangerous is a game that is trying really hard to make you believe into galaxy and it's science. It's playing with us by standart things and science that we already know and aware in our world. That what makes it so believable.

Now let's think about it.

We have Guardians in our world - species that long dead.

We have Guardian AI Constructs - a sentient AI that destroyed guardians to survive incoming war and to create their own cociety and civilization and continue this to our days.

We have Soontil civization - no information on this one.

We have Thargoids - oldest species in this galaxy, that are interested only in ammonia worlds which are being so rare, that they marked our Bubble as their territory by barnacles few thousands years ago.

We have Dark Wheel organization that is trying to find something they called Raxxla. They have no information what it is. Only myth.

We have The Club organization that is interested in this and probably know what it is, just have no idea how to get it. And that's why Dark Wheel organization most likely was created by them.

So why would anyone be so interested in Raxxla if it is just a planet? Even if it is like very good planet, why would you even bother with it? There is a tons of really good planets and their resources. So why exactly Raxxla is so important to them? What could you wish more if you would be a Club or any other "Shady" organization in Elite Dangerous world? All this mess just for a planet? You really think it would make any sense in such world?

Well.. Imagine an unlimited enormous power source of a star core and it's radiation, a place that is not a place.


being used by Dyson sphere like gigantic construction fully covering the young star by protective shields of unknown origin, that is impossible to recreate this day or any other day in next few thousands years to come. Now that's worth of all of their attention. But, who would be in need to create such a structure in the past? Who would need that much power anyway? There is only one civilization in Elite Dangerous world that is still exist and was always in need of such power source to push their civilization forward. And only this civilization can survive without having normal star in a system. And it's not thargoids and guardians. You would be never able to jump to such system cause it have no stars in it. And you will never be able to find out where this system is, cause the radiation of a star is fully covered and used as a power source. It's quite literally invisible, and that's exactly why it is a myth, that is impossible to find in old classic exploration activity. It's a very long main plot story yet to come..



That's from where our story will start in this new itteration of Raxxla myth in Elite Dangerous world. Forget about everything you know about Raxxla before. Drew Wagar is not here, nor as MB anymore. It's a new itteration of Raxxla story now. Always keep that in mind. And we have to consider the whole Elite Dangerous world now and not elite series. It's all about science now.

Well, technically this part of story is already going on in some way.. Guardian beacons was the first "trigger" to say so.

So the basic idea of Raxxla in Elite Dangerous world is



That's why everyone is so interested in Raxxla. Imagine what humanity would have achieved with such technology in hands..
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