yea, i'm being told (with each message) "Please check the mission board at Jameson Memorial" and this chained icon has not been seen there since (or prior to) receiving this message, only been a week so far so will wait... would board flipping up the odds here?
yea, i'm being told (with each message) "Please check the mission board at Jameson Memorial" and this chained icon has not been seen there since (or prior to) receiving this message, only been a week so far so will wait... would board flipping up the odds here?

Are you sure it's the right station? The follow-on missions spawn at the station you took the mission from, not the one to whom you turned it in.
OK, so you may have chosen your name by now...

What about Dark Matters Squadron? Get it? Dark matter? OK, I'll grab my flight suit...

Unlurking, really enjoying the continual thoughts and philosophical ideas that are coming out of this thread. Most of all looking forward to Beta making it into the main game. I am hoping we all start making some progress!
yea, i'm being told (with each message) "Please check the mission board at Jameson Memorial" and this chained icon has not been seen there since (or prior to) receiving this message, only been a week so far so will wait... would board flipping up the odds here?

These secondary missions are always shown at the top of the list of missions offered by the faction and are separated from the normal missions. They should show up immediately you dock there.

If that’s the message you’re getting & when you dock at Jameson Memorial and open up the mission page there’s no follow-on mission offered by the sender of the message (Dark Wheel in this instance) then you need to take screenshots of the message and mission board and raise a support request as you’ve found a bug. You could try swapping between game modes to see if that clears the problem.
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OK, so you may have chosen your name by now...

What about Dark Matters Squadron? Get it? Dark matter? OK, I'll grab my flight suit...

Unlurking, really enjoying the continual thoughts and philosophical ideas that are coming out of this thread. Most of all looking forward to Beta making it into the main game. I am hoping we all start making some progress!

I think with the amount of interest that’s been shown in this topic then “Apathetic Wanderers” is more appropriate; though I do like Dark Matters Squad & on the strength of it would buy you a lavian brandy in the squadron bar, though looks like we’ll never get one. Mainly because I loved Dark Matter the tv series, & am still furious it was cancelled!
I think with the amount of interest that’s been shown in this topic then “Apathetic Wanderers” is more appropriate; though I do like Dark Matters Squad & on the strength of it would buy you a lavian brandy in the squadron bar, though looks like we’ll never get one. Mainly because I loved Dark Matter the tv series, & am still furious it was cancelled!

Or miss that first letter. Pathetic Wanderers sounds good too :D
I think Pathetic Wanderers is better than Shadow Chasers but when I think about it, the problem is that this group does not really fit into something like a name. Its all people with their own agenda which only come together to share some thoughts from time to time. I would like a name that reflects this, something like Independent Explorer Society...
If Rift searchers are Rifters, then surely Raxxla searchers are Rafters... :)

Edit: And people poking at both are riff-raff. :D
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I have to say Jorki, the first time you added Wanderers in, it made me think of football teams, which then made me think of Unseen Academicals.

I do wonder if Raxxla will be octarine...

I also like Unseen Academicals as a squadron name :)
Any tribute to the late great Terry is fine by me!

but I also like Jorki’s Terriers; for cat lovers, or anyone south of Derby, a Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog breed with a Bold, Tenacious, Independent, Intelligent, Confident & Courageous temperament.

Though after more than six weeks of exploring my current hypothesis my Tenacious level is down around D :)D), but not quite ready to share fully...:x

And sorry everyone, I’ve been grumpy this week because seven days ago I had a trapped nerve in my neck (sorted by osteopath) which prevented me sleeping plus shoulder muscle damage, which is ongoing; I’m blaming my enthusiastic labrador who goes nuts when he sees another dog.

not octarine I think, but I hypothesise the basic game start menu screen shows us it is octahedral - Raxxla Gateway orbiting an alien planet (Guardian Ark ship perhaps? given the close orbit its likely to be relatively light but otherwise indistinguishable from a normal planet). This is the only clue we have, it’s been in-game since the beta, & it is “just a little bit obvious”! so I’m thinking it’s Raxxla. It will be stealthed so not easily detectable - like the Dark Wheel station apparently mentioned in the codex (be glad when beta is over & I can get my hands on it!) which I suspect is the one shown in the Horizons start menu screen (neither screen has sufficient skybox detail to allow location by pattern matching).....discuss! :rolleyes:
Complete tinfoil moment - hungover whilst at Bernards - hic- Barnards Loop, the station orbiting the planet on the main menu screen (especially the older Orbis one) - can anyone see a station name on it (4k longshot) - or has anyone thought to try and triangulate those locations?
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I thought that the planet you see on the main menu screen was just Ariel (moon of Uranus, has steep ridges in-game) and that the station (Coriolis in standard, Orbis in Horizons) was just a generic station. It's an inventive idea to think there might be something hidden right under our noses but I'm sceptical that there is any meaning in this particular case.
Complete tinfoil moment - hungover whilst at Bernards - hic- Barnards Loop, the station orbiting the planet on the main menu screen (especially the older Orbis one) - can anyone see a station name on it (4k longshot) - or has anyone thought to try and triangulate those locations?
I looked but couldn’t see anything. They’re videos rather than the game engine so I don’t know whether the High Res screenshot option would work.
I thought that the planet you see on the main menu screen was just Ariel (moon of Uranus, has steep ridges in-game) and that the station (Coriolis in standard, Orbis in Horizons) was just a generic station. It's an inventive idea to think there might be something hidden right under our noses but I'm sceptical that there is any meaning in this particular case.
Yeah, I was dubious about whether they related to anything, but the TDW stuff in the Codex talks about a dark orbis. And I can’t see any real signs of lights on the orbis from the Horizons screen. That could always just be down to contrast due to the lighting, but it’s still a possibility that it’s actually lightless.
Regarding the squad name, what about simply calling it Formidine Squadron?

The FR is where the main focus of the efforts have been over the years, so naming the squad after the region which pulled everyone together could be a nice nod to that. It doesn't mean the squad will only focus on Raxxla searching, and it doesn't even mean the Formidine region will be the only place the members fly in, but the name would at least have some history behind how the squadron came to be together.

Just a thought. :D
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