Regarding the idea that finding Raxxla might require a literary approach through the reading of Robert Holdstock's novels and other works of fiction:

I've just ordered a copy of Holdstock's Where Time Winds Blow. The book was published in 1981 so its older then The Dark Wheel by a few years but is fairly contemporaneous with Alien World which contains references to both Raxxla and The Dark Wheel (though in apparently different contexts from their usage in Elite canon).

Where Time Winds Blow
was published about half a year earlier then Alien World so it will be interesting to see if there are any crossovers between the two works.

Here's the dust jacket synopsis for Time Winds:

The Time Phantom was an ancient, shriveled figure; it was difficult to make out detail in the fading light, but he seemed to be staring straight at Faulcon as the viewscope peered down upon him, staring from shrunken eyes hidden in massive wrinkles of flesh and twisted facial muscle. Kris Dojaan is sure that the Time Phantom is Mark, his brother, lost on Kamelios a year before, though stolen is a better word to describe the disappearance of the rifters, those workers who comb the valleys for artifacts of past and future civilizations.
Regarding the idea that finding Raxxla might require a literary approach through the reading of Robert Holdstock's novels and other works of fiction:

I've just ordered a copy of Holdstock's Where Time Winds Blow. The book was published in 1981 so its older then The Dark Wheel by a few years but is fairly contemporaneous with Alien World which contains references to both Raxxla and The Dark Wheel (though in apparently different contexts from their usage in Elite canon).

Where Time Winds Blow
was published about half a year earlier then Alien World so it will be interesting to see if there are any crossovers between the two works.

Here's the dust jacket synopsis for Time Winds:

The Time Phantom was an ancient, shriveled figure; it was difficult to make out detail in the fading light, but he seemed to be staring straight at Faulcon as the viewscope peered down upon him, staring from shrunken eyes hidden in massive wrinkles of flesh and twisted facial muscle. Kris Dojaan is sure that the Time Phantom is Mark, his brother, lost on Kamelios a year before, though stolen is a better word to describe the disappearance of the rifters, those workers who comb the valleys for artifacts of past and future civilizations.

Out of rep for you I'm afraid, so have some virtual +rep.
Agreed, and same here, I can't rep him either...

Seriously Jaiotu, this is getting out of hand and needs to stop... stop being awesome with your posts and let the rest of us plebs catch up ;)

I guess I'll have to slow down :)

Don't worry ... I've got to wait for the book to be delivered and then I've actually got to take the time to read it. I used to devour books but in recent years I seem to have a hard time finding the time to read ... probably because I'm busy playing Elite ;)
Any new developments over the weekend meatbags?

Well ... my copy of Holdstock's Where Time Winds Blow arrived. My alt account reached Elite in exploration this morning and arrived at Shinrarta Dhezrha... in the original starter Sidewinder. That account was in 100% Open Play and never earned a single credit from anything but exploration and never flew in anything but the orgjnal Sidewinder that it started with.

Think I'm going to start tracking the destinations of DW ships leaving the system like MacrosTheBlack is doing ... though I might try chasing them down to see where they are ultimately destined.
We will most likely be going to Zurara this weekend, will keep our eyes out for Raxxla, if we find it we will tell you...promise on our thargy mom
Well ... my copy of Holdstock's Where Time Winds Blow arrived. My alt account reached Elite in exploration this morning and arrived at Shinrarta Dhezrha... in the original starter Sidewinder. That account was in 100% Open Play and never earned a single credit from anything but exploration and never flew in anything but the orgjnal Sidewinder that it started with.

Think I'm going to start tracking the destinations of DW ships leaving the system like MacrosTheBlack is doing ... though I might try chasing them down to see where they are ultimately destined.

STILL can't rep you (this is becoming a theme) but well done! That's quite the commitment!
Well ... my copy of Holdstock's Where Time Winds Blow arrived. My alt account reached Elite in exploration this morning and arrived at Shinrarta Dhezrha... in the original starter Sidewinder. That account was in 100% Open Play and never earned a single credit from anything but exploration and never flew in anything but the orgjnal Sidewinder that it started with.

Think I'm going to start tracking the destinations of DW ships leaving the system like MacrosTheBlack is doing ... though I might try chasing them down to see where they are ultimately destined.

Just goes to prove- you do have to be mad to be a Rifter! ;)
(or, for that matter, a RaXXler! :rolleyes:)
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The easiest way to hide Raxxla in plain sight would be to remove the system from the map.

It would still be visible in the skybox but then if it's not in the map, how would you jump to it even if you could take a full skybox survey image and properly identify and label every visible star to rule them out.
maybe you don't jump there, you SC there, and instead of nothing like you normally find, you get a single planet hovering in the darkness.
Stalked a Type-9 Heavy to LHS 2435 6, back to Shinrarta Dezhra, dropped very close to the star, high wake to Nuenets, and then I jumped to dinner. Ah, well, rl [smile]
maybe you don't jump there, you SC there, and instead of nothing like you normally find, you get a single planet hovering in the darkness.

The game-engine uses the jump to load the next system in question. Been tried with many other systems, you can SC to them because the load sequence of system-entities is never triggered.
Arguably if you can SC there, then it's part of the last system you jumped to.
I think the idea of having to supercruise to a rogue planet to find Raxxla may have merit, seeing as that's how FDev have hidden other things in game already (Thargoid attack sites, generation ships, mega-ships, etc).

The only thing we need is a system/body as a start point, and a direction. If anyone has any idea's based on clues from the lore, it's at least a testable theory in-game. Worth a try!
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I think the idea of having to supercruise to a rogue planet to find Raxxla may have merit, seeing as that's how FDev have hidden other things in game already (Thargoid attack sites, generation ships, mega-ships, etc).

The only thing we need is a system/body as a start point, and a direction. If anyone has any idea's based on clues from the lore, it's at least a testable theory in-game. Worth a try!

I've given thought to starting at Sol (maybe Mars? where they found the Alien Relic?) and flying toward Lave.
I've given thought to starting at Sol (maybe Mars? where they found the Alien Relic?) and flying toward Lave.

And of course there's Ciraq. Ciraq isn't Raxxla but it wasn't listed on the galaxy map according to The Dark Wheel novella. Is Ciraq in-game under another name?
Tionisla? Orbital Graveyard? Perhaps it is a hidden PoI like the voyagers, need to cruide 2Mls into the black then search like a madman to find it, and your window is tiny, like 1000ls
Just discovered this mystery for the first time, and I've read much (not 100%) of this thread, so forgive me if I'm behind, but I just saw this on reddit:

My dad got allied with the children of raxxla and they gave him a passenger mission to a system just between the heart and soul in eafots. The passenger said it was the raxxla staging point he was taking him too.

Is this a known thing to you Raxxlers and maybe a useful clue?
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