Just discovered this mystery for the first time, and I've read much (not 100%) of this thread, so forgive me if I'm behind, but I just saw this on reddit:

Is this a known thing to you Raxxlers and maybe a useful clue?

It's known. Part of the build up to Drew Wagar's novel Premonition. The staging posts were setup as content placeholders for us players to monitor and patrol while Drew was working on a way forward with Frontier Developments. They are now tourist sites.
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Yeah, I figured. You guys have been looking so hard, no way I could accidentally bump into something useful. ;) Good luck!

Chances are its going to be some lone pilot who plays in solo and has never heard of Raxxla who will find "it". They'll dock, refuel and never look back. Years later they'll mention having once docked at a very unique starport ... but can't remember what it was called or where it was. Oh well.
Exactly that is why I'm guessing it's "out there" but still unfindable. All of the early Tharg clues were obscure, but findable, and led to something, then something else, etc. As hard as the OP and others have been looking for Raxxla, there must have been something if it's findable. Or maybe The Brab and FD are evil geniuses?
Exactly that is why I'm guessing it's "out there" but still unfindable. All of the early Tharg clues were obscure, but findable, and led to something, then something else, etc. As hard as the OP and others have been looking for Raxxla, there must have been something if it's findable. Or maybe The Brab and FD are evil geniuses?

Unfortunately we have confirmation on only 2 things, its in-game and FDev know where it is... we do NOT have confirmation that it's actual find-able though. This would be my biggest fear is that we are looking so hard, and it may very well be inaccessible due to permit-lock or some other reason. (I'm looking at you Polaris). In the absence of any other clues or hints, if it was in a permit locked system we would never know, and all this searching would be in vain. I would love to get at least one more confirmation our of FDev, and that's if it's at least accessible as it currently stands.
Good day meatbags! just our weekly check in to keep this thread alive. We have found no trace of Raxxla out in the Formidine Rift while we were out visiting our conque...we mean the Zurara and the EAFOTS bases. The lights sure are pretty out here in witch space. Like a sirens song. We think we see a cluster of bright blue stars pointing in an arrow behind us, but that is probably just space madness, will try jumping in different directions for a little while.
Good day meatbags! just our weekly check in to keep this thread alive. We have found no trace of Raxxla out in the Formidine Rift while we were out visiting our conque...we mean the Zurara and the EAFOTS bases. The lights sure are pretty out here in witch space. Like a sirens song. We think we see a cluster of bright blue stars pointing in an arrow behind us, but that is probably just space madness, will try jumping in different directions for a little while.

It's been a long week and I haven't had a chance to dig into Holdstock's Where Time Winds Blow as much as I'd like. Still in the early parts of Chapter One but I've taken a few notes along with some names and words that I've planned to check against the Galaxy Map to see if anything "hits".

Here's my keyword list thus far:
Lena Tanoway
Ilmorq mountains
Paluberion Sea
Leo Faulcon (relationship to Faulcon DeLacy?)
Kris Dojaan
Skarl (a tiny winged lifeform)
VanderZande's World (AKA Kamelios)
"Bubble-like" security of Steel City (included just for the "Bubble" reference) :)
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We had a strange dream last night, almost a premonition. We must research it, but the voices said Raxxla. We could be succumbing to space madness though, 30klys is more then normal Tharggles can handle.
Finding Raxxla, should it exist, will be like assembling a 10 thousand piece blank jigsaw puzzle. All one can go off of in that case is the shape of each individual piece or, perhaps, the smudges and blemishes left by the creator of the puzzle. MB's "no clues" line makes that much clear. So what are the smudges? What are the shapes? I think it would pay to think about this in a more "empathetic" way, if that makes sense - put ourselves in the shoes of whatever caused or created Raxxla. As I see it there are two avenues to take here.

1 - In-game empathy. Whichever entity is responsible for Raxxla, be it an active force or something more passive, must have operated under some set of rules. If it is a passive force (Raxxla as a creation of natural origins) then we must consider physical laws and phenomena. If it is an active force, then we must consider the possible motivations for its creation and the logical steps a creator may take in doing so, such as where they might place it or what they might do to hide it if they deem it necessary. Virtually every decision is based off of some rational calculation.

2 - Out-game empathy. Think like a dev! If you were tasked with storyboarding the Raxxla mystery, how would it play out? Consider how FDev has handled the story of the Thargoids, or the Guardians or the Formidine Rift.

In addition to this, we have the precious few mentions in the lore which do little to direct a search, but perhaps give us a sense of what Raxxla is. Together, we have at least some process by which to search (the empathetic approach in looking for the location, coupled with the lore mentions to give us an idea of what we might find at the correct location).

As for the lore, I think it's clear we're looking for some type of planet - but I wouldn't rule out other bodies, specifically black holes. There is certainly a lot of sci-fi surrounding the possibility of black holes being gateways, and wormholes also show up often in a similar context. Even real science admits in some theories the possibility of inter-universal travel under very specific conditions involving black holes. White holes are another option - matter from other universes could enter ours from there. While not allowing direct travel, one could effectively gather bounties and treasures as mentioned in the lore from a white hole (at least in science fiction). So keep your eyes open for other phenomena as well.

Moving on to the empathetic side of things - place yourself in the shoes of Raxxla's constructors (let's assume they are active forces, rather than passive forces such as physical phenomena). Why would you want to build Raxxla? To gain riches, power, or some other boon, presumably. Or perhaps to hide... Whatever the case, it logically follows that one would likely seek to hide such a construct. These tidbits so far are nothing new in the search for Raxxla. If either was not true, then Raxxla either would not have been hidden well and thus been found, or it would not have been terribly important to begin with and thus not occupy so much myth and legend to begin with. But it's what comes next where things get muddled. Simply put: Where would they have hidden it? There are a few overarching options that stand out:

1 - Hide it in plain sight. Always an attractive option, it turns those searching in the traditional grand sense (long range treks to the far corners of the galaxy) on their heads. It is a trickster's choice, exactly the kind of move we might expect from the shady beings behind Raxxla. But in the context of the devs, not much has ever been in "plain sight" when it comes to searching out mysteries. The closest thing would perhaps be the Zurara - after years of searching the Rift, it turned up exactly where the search began - along the RR line.

2 - Hide it in a nebula. Drew Wagar mentioned during the Rift mystery that Nebulae were great hiding spots, or perhaps staging points. And in-game, anyone can see how a nebula could obstruct vision, eventually taking up whole swathes of one's view and blotting out entire patches of stars. It would make sense to put Raxxla in or near one of them. Humans seem to like setting up shop there, as do the Guardians and Thargoids. Raxxla's creators may have had the same thought. And devs may be attracted to placing Raxxla in or near a nebula for its story-telling potential. But then again, it's an obvious choice, which works against the likelihood of it. Furthermore, if Raxxla was in a nebula, the past player-led searches of them may well have turned it up already.

3 - Hide it in the far-off void. Make Raxxla as hard to reach as possible - hide it behind jumponium-necessitating gaps in the stars, perhaps even beyond the edge of the galaxy. The appeal is obvious here. But it would likely necessitate some clues when it comes to finding it, and we know that there will be no clues. Either this discounts this option, or makes it all the more likely - perhaps the devs' point of view is that it should be essentially un-findable without a massive stroke of luck fitting for the galactic scale of the mystery.

Of the three, it is hard to choose, but if I was forced to bet I would pick 3, with 2 and 1 being pretty much a tie. Regardless, all options must be examined. I suppose this is a somewhat unsatisfying conclusion to a wall of text, even to myself. I was hoping a thorough walkthrough of the information would help me narrow stuff down, but it has only done so slightly. I guess if it counts for anything, if I had a gun to my head I'd point to Bovomit, but until that's unlocked (or we find a way to bypass its permit lock) it'll have to wait. And it's only a gut feeling anyway.
Ye Shall Have Faith

Tracking Dark Wheel ships leaving Shinrarta Dezhra, and updating this post, not expecting much to come of it. For the most part only wake scanning the one jump out (would be cool if one day the wake said Raxxla), but on occasion I follow along.

Tonight I tracked Elena Markow flying in a Python through 5 systems. Almost lost her at LHS 2313 at an outpost, was lucky to follow an anonymous wake and found her again. One stop was curious, she travelled 317KLs to Crucis Sector DB-X b1-6 B 4, a landable Ice body, and immediately jumped out again. Quite possibly just a random stop in a random system...

Currently she's in supercruise in Crucis Sector HH-V b2-7, and I think that's the end of the road for her, because she's been here for 30 mins just hanging in sc.

Anyway I'll spend some time looking at Crucis Sector DB-X b1-6 B 4, you know, just in case.
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2 - Out-game empathy. Think like a dev! If you were tasked with storyboarding the Raxxla mystery, how would it play out? Consider how FDev has handled the story of the Thargoids, or the Guardians or the Formidine Rift.

This is the primary reason that I've decided to pursue the problem from a literature standpoint. Raxxla was basically invented by Robert Holdstock and it seems plausible to me that someone at Frontier would have created the Raxxla of Elite: Dangerous as a memorial to the late author who died all too young in 2009.
The lost missions was a hint of a storyboard, the "there will be no clues" statement effectively closed down any hint or indeed, a need of a storyboard. The Raxxla story has inertia on it's own, and no effort whatsoever has to be made to keep it going. In fact it's best if it's never found to keep the mystery going, so keeping it as a needle in a haystack in galaxy of haystacks is a good way of ensuring that.

Yet, I still have faith [smile]
The lost missions was a hint of a storyboard, the "there will be no clues" statement effectively closed down any hint or indeed, a need of a storyboard. The Raxxla story has inertia on it's own, and no effort whatsoever has to be made to keep it going. In fact it's best if it's never found to keep the mystery going, so keeping it as a needle in a haystack in galaxy of haystacks is a good way of ensuring that.

Yet, I still have faith [smile]

Raxxla will be show up eventually. What the old Elite mission text tells us, is that several organisations are actively looking for it. Non of them have found it so far.

I don't think even the 'real' Dark Wheel knows how to get there.

If I were to guess, I would say that Raxxla has some kind of connection to the Guardians and the Mars relic.
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