I've been following the Raxxla story (so to speak) since 3301, and finally have something that may help.

1) Technology was older, so we should first think of that. It was theoretically fairly close to Lave - Old FSD didn't have the range we do now, and the bubble was smaller, so I would recommend starting a new search with Lave as the center.

2) Possibility of player(s) having gone through the system that contains Raxxla. My first thought here is from my last exploration trip. I would often skip heading out to explore planets and stars if they were over 50-100,000LS away from entry. And judging from my findings while exploring (where I'd estimate that 80% of systems that I visited with these far flung stars only had the closest ones surveyed.) a TON of other explorers also follow this MO, and often skip heading out that far if the "main bodies" (close to entry) have previously been scanned.

It'll be a bit of a drudge to investigate these far-flung stars and systems, but I would bet that this is where she's hiding.

The Logo as map, might be a thing, especially with the comment by Brooke (Might have the name wrong here) about needing to make a bit obvious. With the new Orrey view of systems, we might be able to "overlay" that on the correct system's Orrey View, to find the path to Raxxla.

Edit: Also, as the lore seems to indicate that there are a group of Elites that actively protect their Golden Goose, I do recommend extreme caution. They apparently have access to technology from other galaxies, so expect to be met with a rebuy screen.

I mention this NOT to dissuade people from searching, but to ensure they are noting their locations external to their Ship computer, so that WHEN we find it, we do not lose the location!
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Since <snip>...

Oh my ...
Coconut !
Still a new account, hope this won't get buried, but thought it might interest you. Equip tinfoil hats :p

Long story short: i found a system that can't be flown to, can't be selected, but is there on the map. It might be a bug, a mistake on my part, or some placeholder, but. <snip>
I like this theory because it ties in well to the idea that Universal Cartographics / Pilots Fed are in on the secret. But I'm reminded of the reddit thread about pulsars, I think. I can't find the thread, but long story short, if you go to the galaxy map and type "PSR" into the search bar and hit enter, you're taken to a point at the bottom of the galactic disk (maybe the origin of the grid system? I don't remember). The difference here is that this is an actual visible system that can't be selected, which I've never seen before.

I'm currently grinding for Guardian technology mats for the enhanced FSD booster; once that's done I'm going to head back out to the Formidine Rift. I'm of the opinion that Raxxla might be in the bubble, but the key/map to it might be hidden somewhere out there.
Also, one of strange things that i stumbled upon, it's most likely not connected to the Raxxla search, but why not:

On the wiki and Cannon website there is listed only one comms beacon for Formidine site Beta in Eafots LZ-H b10-0
However arriving there i found 2 of those.
Quick google didn't get me a definitive answer, so was it already discussed and discovered earlier, or is that one beacon a new thing, as it's not listed in the original Formidine rift project?

Listened for both, message is the same, one is broadcasting every hour at the start of an hour, second is broadcasting at 15 minutes past sart of an hour.
Nothing to see there.
Still a new account, hope this won't get buried, but thought it might interest you. Equip tinfoil hats :p

Long story short: i found a system that can't be flown to, can't be selected, but is there on the map. It might be a bug, a mistake on my part, or some placeholder, but.

As far as I'm aware, all nebulae in game have their own entry that can be searched for. If you check any proc gen nebula, it will have a proc gen style name including a subsector designation (like AA-A H1, or similar). The entry is that for the nebula itself rather than for a star.
Thought I'd bring this back up, after looking at a few things. Wonder if this has more meaning now, especially with the recent re-surface to find Raxxla thanks to the Codex.

Not sure whether it has any real meaning. But after a trip to Tionisla I came across a Tourist Beacon called "Curious Transmission Partially Decoded. It references a Galnet event I remember a year, or so ago with an antique Cobra MK3 around the Tionisla grave yard. Well most of this was just useless lore stuff the message is apparently transmitted after it had been destroyed was : " The Vain Queen rides a Giraffe that remembers her daughter's hero " I may not be up to speed, but it just seems rather curious and wondering does this have any reference to anything? and does anyone here think it might be in anyway related to Raxxla?

https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDange...us_transmission_partially_decoded_galnet_101/ Is what I've found, which makes some uncanny coincidences with what's been found in here recently. Cassiopeia ect.. Andromeda. And again makes reference to the Heart and Soul Nebulae.

For anyone that didn't use the link

"If anyone else has seen this on Galnet, just thought I could help by dropping what I know or think I may know: The vain queen was Cassiopeia (constellation), Her daughter is Andromeda (constellation & galaxy), the giraffe that Cassiopeia rides is Camelopardalis (constellation), the hero is Perseus (constellation). It's Greek mythology, and I couldn't figure out anything after that, but it seemed like they were prodding and feeding us some bait, so that's what I have to offer".

Could this help us in some way?

EDIT : We know that Raxxla was findable with weaker FSD drives, and often seen he example used of an un-modded / stock Cobra, with this 'Antique Cobra MK3' could represent an older model, which you would assume to have an older drive? Just tin foil but in my eyes it seems to be a reference of hint to Raxxla.
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As far as I'm aware, all nebulae in game have their own entry that can be searched for. If you check any proc gen nebula, it will have a proc gen style name including a subsector designation (like AA-A H1, or similar). The entry is that for the nebula itself rather than for a star.

Ah, that would make sense. Well, never mind my post then. Thanks!
Thought I'd bring this back up, after looking at a few things. Wonder if this has more meaning now, especially with the recent re-surface to find Raxxla thanks to the Codex.

Not sure whether it has any real meaning. But after a trip to Tionisla I came across a Tourist Beacon called "Curious Transmission Partially Decoded. It references a Galnet event I remember a year, or so ago with an antique Cobra MK3 around the Tionisla grave yard. Well most of this was just useless lore stuff the message is apparently transmitted after it had been destroyed was : " The Vain Queen rides a Giraffe that remembers her daughter's hero " I may not be up to speed, but it just seems rather curious and wondering does this have any reference to anything? and does anyone here think it might be in anyway related to Raxxla?

https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDange...us_transmission_partially_decoded_galnet_101/ Is what I've found, which makes some uncanny coincidences with what's been found in here recently. Cassiopeia ect.. Andromeda. And again makes reference to the Heart and Soul Nebulae.

For anyone that didn't use the link

Could this help us in some way?

Yeah, this was related to the Formadine Rift mystery, and pointed us to the abandoned settlements and, eventually, the Zurara.
Ok! A few Things:

1). Whats the deal with Lave 2? Every now and again i see it mentioned along with the Raxxla mystery by some CMDRs. As though its somehow connected. Yet i've never found anything that suggests it has anything to do with it. I know that the author of "Lave Revolution" requested Fdev to permit lock the planet for some reason. I read that whole book and found nothing. I've read somewhere else from one CMDR that Lave 2 ether was, is, or replaced Raxxla, according to them. Was Lave 2 connected to the Raxxla mystery in some book i haven't read?

2). When mentioning Raxxla possibly being close to the bubble, there seem to be something that gets continually forgotten: THE QUIRIUM DRIVES EXISTED! http://elite-dangerous.wikia.com/wiki/Hyperdrive#cite_note-:0-2 & https://community.elitedangerous.com/en/galnet/uid/586f796c9657ba3357039d07 these drive were said, once engineered, "to jump across the galaxy or even to other galaxies"!
Yes i'm aware that the official first mentioning of Raxxla was in 2296, and that its implied that the legend was already in circulation before. BUT! To believe that it is close to the bubble one has to assume that A.) Raxxla is stationary and not mobile. And B.) Nothing from Raxxla made travel to and from it possible BEFORE faster hyperspace travel was even available to the rest of the galaxy. The Quirium Drive fuel secret HAD to come from somewhere as well!
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Ok! A few Things:

1). Whats the deal with Lave 2? Every now and again i see it mentioned along with the Raxxla mystery by some CMDRs. As though its somehow connected. Yet i've never found anything that suggests it has anything to do with it. I know that the author of "Lave Revolution" requested Fdev to permit lock the planet for some reason. I read that whole book and found nothing. I've read somewhere else from one CMDR that Lave 2 ether was, is, or replaced Raxxla, according to them. Was Lave 2 connected to the Raxxla mystery in some book i haven't read?

I'd also like more info on this, if anyone has any links / relevant information?

As to your second point - That's a very good one about the Quirium Drives. I'd personally forgotten about them. I'd still like to form a concerted effort to investigate in the bubble (Specifically systems with stars and planets that are far from the entry point, and often skipped, due to the time it takes to get there.) just to be sure. Considering how many stars there are in the galaxy, it'd be good to at least eliminate the ones we already live around... unless your second point is true, then even if we search everything out, without knowing the movement pattern, it almost doesn't matter where we are looking, if it's the wrong time of day or week or month or year for it to be in the area you are investigating.
I like this theory because it ties in well to the idea that Universal Cartographics / Pilots Fed are in on the secret. But I'm reminded of the reddit thread about pulsars, I think. I can't find the thread, but long story short, if you go to the galaxy map and type "PSR" into the search bar and hit enter, you're taken to a point at the bottom of the galactic disk (maybe the origin of the grid system? I don't remember). The difference here is that this is an actual visible system that can't be selected, which I've never seen before.

I'm currently grinding for Guardian technology mats for the enhanced FSD booster; once that's done I'm going to head back out to the Formidine Rift. I'm of the opinion that Raxxla might be in the bubble, but the key/map to it might be hidden somewhere out there.

Right. I think it's in the bubble as well. I mean, it was in the past, so why not? At least the gateway to it was. Lave system...if I remember correctly. It's location is probably pretty obvious, too. Maybe the key is figuring out the Polaris permit ordeal, or maybe it's even simpler. The Sol system, Shinrarta, maybe even Sirius... but like the Lave system maybe it involves flying around the system a certain amount of times, in a certain direction and jumping to a specific destination within specific amount of jumps to unlock the gateway to Raxxla. But what if someone finds it? That would mean another alien race contact. Other than Thargoids. Raxxlans are a warrior race. If you find Raxxla, you have to prove yourself in combat. That's how Raxxlans are. So there's finding the gateway to it...and then surviving. Assuming something didn't already happen to the Raxxlans. Remember, Raxxla is likely anywhere... It could still even be in another galaxy. It's the gateway we need. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a whole other game to this game. Another completely procedural generated galaxy.
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Noob here! I've just started playing elite and have been lurking in this and the alien threads for a bit. After watching some of the videos describing how alien bases were found, what jumped out to me was the statement that "it should be obvious" where Raxxla is. When looking at the galaxy map today I notice a galactic region called Izanami and thought "lovers woe". Could the initial paragraph be pointing us towards Raxxla? After discussing with some squad mates we found an area that might be worth checking out. "The parent's grief" could refer to Achillies Altar and the story of Achillies killing hector and the grief it brought to King Param. "The lovers woe" could refer to Lyra's song. Lyra is derived from lyre. If you read about Orpheus, he was taught to play the lyre by Apollo and, when his wife Eurydice died, he played a song so sad the nymphs and gods wept. Hades even allowed him the chance to take his wife back from the underworld. Orpheus also traveled with the Argonauts on a quest, this just after Eurydice has died which captures the line "the yearning of our vagabond hearts". And in referring to the underworld and the "darkest void" Xibalba sits just below these two galactic regions. The underworld ruled by Mayan death gods. There is also a line "the siren of the deepest void" which would place more meaning on the story of the lyre and Orpheus being right next to the underworld. If you look where these three sections merge there is a lot of empty space but we were able to find a system PLAE EUR UE-R D4-0. Maybe something? If not, the names of the galactic regions tie in quite a bit to the text in the toast of Raxxla so there maybe a way to triangulate the location.
Noob here! I've just started playing elite and have been lurking in this and the alien threads for a bit. After watching some of the videos describing how alien bases were found, what jumped out to me was the statement that "it should be obvious" where Raxxla is. When looking at the galaxy map today I notice a galactic region called Izanami and thought "lovers woe". Could the initial paragraph be pointing us towards Raxxla? After discussing with some squad mates we found an area that might be worth checking out. "The parent's grief" could refer to Achillies Altar and the story of Achillies killing hector and the grief it brought to King Param. "The lovers woe" could refer to Lyra's song. Lyra is derived from lyre. If you read about Orpheus, he was taught to play the lyre by Apollo and, when his wife Eurydice died, he played a song so sad the nymphs and gods wept. Hades even allowed him the chance to take his wife back from the underworld. Orpheus also traveled with the Argonauts on a quest, this just after Eurydice has died which captures the line "the yearning of our vagabond hearts". And in referring to the underworld and the "darkest void" Xibalba sits just below these two galactic regions. The underworld ruled by Mayan death gods. There is also a line "the siren of the deepest void" which would place more meaning on the story of the lyre and Orpheus being right next to the underworld. If you look where these three sections merge there is a lot of empty space but we were able to find a system PLAE EUR UE-R D4-0. Maybe something? If not, the names of the galactic regions tie in quite a bit to the text in the toast of Raxxla so there maybe a way to triangulate the location.

Bravo - this what I've been investigating too.

Good thinking outside the box.


Sorry again, guys, but again can't help throwing some tin-foil roll in here... (just to keep us entertained ;) )
So, again, let's not forget the MB's Prison Break-like map of...
The Road to The Myth


Any thoughts about 5,6,7,12,17,18,19,20 ?
The rest is pretty... obvious.
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Right. I think it's in the bubble as well. I mean, it was in the past, so why not? At least the gateway to it was. Lave system...if I remember correctly. It's location is probably pretty obvious, too. Maybe the key is figuring out the Polaris permit ordeal, or maybe it's even simpler. The Sol system, Shinrarta, maybe even Sirius... but like the Lave system maybe it involves flying around the system a certain amount of times, in a certain direction and jumping to a specific destination within specific amount of jumps to unlock the gateway to Raxxla. But what if someone finds it? That would mean another alien race contact. Other than Thargoids. Raxxlans are a warrior race. If you find Raxxla, you have to prove yourself in combat. That's how Raxxlans are. So there's finding the gateway to it...and then surviving. Assuming something didn't already happen to the Raxxlans. Remember, Raxxla is likely anywhere... It could still even be in another galaxy. It's the gateway we need. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a whole other game to this game. Another completely procedural generated galaxy.

No point in generating another galaxy when this one have 0,1% visited star systems (or had a year ago). Too bad there's no online ticker somewhere, would be cool.
IMO, it should be a series of gateways throughout our Galaxy which allow you to travel faster. Like, a way to supercharge your FSD, only not 4 times, but 100 times, for example.
Having such network of gateways would indeed mean something for developing humanity out of the bubble.
With one of those gateways being somewhere inside the bubble.
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