Very interesting. Especially the comet!

I also wonder if anybody has searched for this in-game.... With Astrophel and Aster being synonymous. I keep meaning too, but I keep suffering from Fernweh!
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Here is an high-res image of the anomaly in Star of India:

I noticed that you have to move the marker up, to avoid the star covering it. This image can be some quite a bit for details.

Notice that the dot does not look like this all the time. It changes shape and brightness and will vanish from time to time.

It's probably NGC 7822 ;)

I vaguely recall reading somewhere that the background of the System Map is related to the skybox. I'll try a bit of Googling...
I came across a game-mechanic I was not aware of in the Colonia region the other day. I was cruising around a system, looking for signal sources, when I had a mission objective detected. Given that I had no active missions, I found this a bit strange. When I got there, there was a Type-9 Heavy sat in real space, offering me a large payout, if I went and sourced some Animal Meat. In the message, the identity of the ship was "Hidden". I did the mission and nothing came of it, but I wonder if TDW could use the same mechanic to initiate contact? Have many of you come across this mechanism?


Smal survey : what's your guess about the "yearning of our vagabond hearts" ? Mine is: 1) Sgr A*, 2) Sirius, 3) Pleiades.
Please ?
Face value maybe, or it could be a clue (I like clues) :D

"To the jewel that burns on the brow of the mother of galaxies! To the whisperer in witchspace, the siren of the deepest void! The parent's grief, the lover's woe, and the yearning of our vagabond hearts."

Among other, borderline psychotic theories that I have come up with, lets try breaking this down...

Sentence 1 has 1 clue - To the jewel that burns on the brow of the mother of galaxies!
Sentence 2 has 2 clues - To the whisperer in witchspace, the siren of the deepest void!
Sentence 3 has 3 clues - The parent's grief, the lover's woe, and the yearning of our vagabond hearts

Could be the beginning of a Fibonacci Sequence.....

1 - My best guess is Sag A - Sag A is sometimes referred to as the "Mother of the Galaxy"
2 - My current thinking is somewhere in the Formidine Rift - Not meaning to mix my mysteries, but the comms at one of the club sites talks about this exact phrase.
3 - My best guess is Aganippe - This is based on Greek mythology, specifically Thebes. New Thebes is in Aganippe

Next in the sequence would be 5, which I have so far been unable to hazard a guess at, based on 1,2 & 3
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Mmmhh.. yeah.. well. Explorers may have vagabond hearts but many fly a top-engineered Conda worth hundreds of millions Cr...
(Mine even has a very rare and expansive Hugh Hefner Pool module installed..)
Hundreds of millions? Speak for yourself, I'm a billionaire! :p Mind you, the wealth hasn't gone to my head. I still fly an ASPX most of the time! :)
AspX is my favourite "regular" exploration ship too. But for hardcore Explo you definitely need a Conda. Imho.
Sucks in air through teeth.....I know I'm in the minority, but I'm the other way around. Conda a nice general purpose ship, but for serious exploration, I like my ASP. My Conda flies like a brick and is almost impossible to park near anything interesting. Only thing lacking with ASP is jump range, and I have mine up to almost 70ly now
Sucks in air through teeth.....I know I'm in the minority, but I'm the other way around. Conda a nice general purpose ship, but for serious exploration, I like my ASP. My Conda flies like a brick and is almost impossible to park near anything interesting. Only thing lacking with ASP is jump range, and I have mine up to almost 70ly now
Having said that, when I find Raxxla and need to kill some evil men, my 2E Lightweight Beam Laser is unlikely to be terribly helpful! 🤔 I would probably fare better finishing them off with the dual repeater on my SRV! :)
Alternatively, if you go down the road of the greek myths, The Odyssey fits with this sentence quite well:
  • Parents Grief: Odysseus' mother, Anticlea, dies of grief
  • Lovers Woe: Penelope and the suitors
  • Yearning of our vagabond hearts: Odysseus disguised as a beggar on his return to Ithaca
In additin the odyssey also fits:
  • Whisperer in witch-space: The witch Circe?
  • Sirens of the deepest void: Sirens, and trip to hades.
No fit for the 'mother of galaxies' sentence..
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