Like I already said, I can't understand why FD needs so many reserved sectors to proceed with their development...
Who believes they actually are going to put content in that many millions of systems?


They should of added dates to these sectors on how long they have been locked. If it been locked since release were coming up to almost 5 yrs for them being locked. Considering the development of the game and these large chunks of space locked most likely looking at a good huge portion of over 200,000 systems locked depending on the density of each sector they got a long way to go.

They would need a larger team just to cover the ground of this stuff if they are aiming to add content to these sectors. With the final portion of Beyond coming close and waiting on the next info of the next Chapter of Elite Dangerous content. If the next content doesn't do anything with at least one of these locked systems geez they have really reach for too much just to establish any sort content driven narrative.
Ah, ok I see. Drew said about systems out in the black so it was only the ones out in the black that I was talking about. Those two from your post are right in the bubble. I’d be utterly startled if they hadn’t just been found completely naturally! 😀
They should of added dates to these sectors on how long they have been locked. If it been locked since release were coming up to almost 5 yrs for them being locked. Considering the development of the game and these large chunks of space locked most likely looking at a good huge portion of over 200,000 systems locked depending on the density of each sector they got a long way to go.

They would need a larger team just to cover the ground of this stuff if they are aiming to add content to these sectors. With the final portion of Beyond coming close and waiting on the next info of the next Chapter of Elite Dangerous content. If the next content doesn't do anything with at least one of these locked systems geez they have really reach for too much just to establish any sort content driven narrative.
Plenty of stuff that they could be potentially locked for isn’t going to really deliver until we’ve got full atmos landings and spacelegs.

Personally I’d suggest not expecting too much in the way of region unlocks until both are in place.
Plenty of stuff that they could be potentially locked for isn’t going to really deliver until we’ve got full atmos landings and spacelegs.

Personally I’d suggest not expecting too much in the way of region unlocks until both are in place.

Which can potentially increase the wait of getting anything done with these locked systems. 5 to 10 yrs of waiting if they wanna establish these functions before unlocking these systems.


That Dead End's Expedition mean gang didn't find any ? Tourists ! :p
EDIT: oh sorry, Boss ! Right, you found that Smurf's Galaxy !! :p:p
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Hm...another idea ....toast must point to permanent locked systems, for example "vagabound hearts" could be star of travellers - Polaris.

And then something surrounded by it ...dunno, some brown dwarf which were mentioned in books?
Which can potentially increase the wait of getting anything done with these locked systems. 5 to 10 yrs of waiting if they wanna establish these functions before unlocking these systems.
Well quite. All part of the Pros and Cons of buying a game that takes a 'release in stages, and play while being developed' approach.
There are, but we don’t speak of them as they were found using nefarious means.

(Well, when I say ‘we’... they were kind of ok’d to be talked about, so it’s more a matter of personal principle really. Cheating’s cheating, so they remain firmly on my personal ignore/disregard list.)

Well, there’s Witches Reach which I found enroute, and another locked system I found via Galmap while looking for a tourist mission destination, very close to Shin Dez though can’t remember its name, no population so no way to get the permit unless its in FD’s gift or perhaps TDW. My current hypotthesis is that first you find TDW station, then become allied, then you get the permit opportunity for RAXXLA’s parent system. All mechanisms in-game from the outset. I am beginning to suspect TDW station may itself only be found once one has passed a test, until then it may not be visible, but I think finding the test is going to be tricky.

But I agree, there’s a special place in hell reserved for code dippers!
Well, there’s Witches Reach which I found enroute, and another locked system I found via Galmap while looking for a tourist mission destination, very close to Shin Dez though can’t remember its name, no population so no way to get the permit unless its in FD’s gift or perhaps TDW. My current hypotthesis is that first you find TDW station, then become allied, then you get the permit opportunity for RAXXLA’s parent system. All mechanisms in-game from the outset. I am beginning to suspect TDW station may itself only be found once one has passed a test, until then it may not be visible, but I think finding the test is going to be tricky.

But I agree, there’s a special place in hell reserved for code dippers!
Yeah, I was only talking about systems out in the black with that particular post! :D
Yeah, I was only talking about systems out in the black with that particular post! :D

Ah sorry, perusing thread whilst eating pizza, drinking whisky and watching True Grit (recorded).
But I’m working on the hypothesis that TDW station leads to Raxxla, and both are in the bubble. Visited Aulin today. Aulin Enterprise is an orbis that looks just like TDW codex station pic, and Abraham Lincoln station in Sol is also the same type!
I don't think it's locked. I wouldn't rule it out completely though.

I think Raxxla is invisible to system scan and could be in any system we have visited, without us noticing. It is after all, a ghost world. This is just a guess.
Based on the much repeated but never confirmed with an official source claim that the Raxxla system has been entered by at least one CMDR, honked and then immediately left I'd have to disagree with this.

We don't have official word either way but I don't think FDev would take that risk.
There’s a whole load of stuff floating round that could potentially come into the game at a future date.

What’s the alternative to region locks? There’s only so much ‘oh yeah, many of you passed through an area but never spotted/encountered anything for... reasons’ that can be credible.
I'm inclined to agree with this observation. It's one thing for a system to have been semi / fully explored (but not mapped) and present in eddb / inara and all the other external databases since prior to the Horizons release and then have an INRA base retroactively dropped on an airless moon much later with a handwavium "Well, you couldn't land on moons to find it the last time" from FDev.

In theory now they added the FSS / mapping, nothing can hide on any planet, even if we can't land on it.

[Edit: Gets up to make coffee and stumbles head first through a logical perception error and sees an obvious flaw in that argument: If / when the Atmos / Gas Giant patches are added there could be a further locking mechanism that's removed only for those who purchase the upgrade, revealing untold millions of occupied, living and breathing settlements that may not even exist prior to FDev retrofitting that content.]
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What’s the alternative to region locks? There’s only so much ‘oh yeah, many of you passed through an area but never spotted/encountered anything for... reasons’ that can be credible.

That's partly why region/system locks are central to my Raxxla and TDW theories. Raxxla being randomly stumbled across by someone who wasn't even looking for it would be hugely disappointing.

Also, from a technical perspective, region/system locks are a long-standing mechanism (present in the game since Raxxla was added) that can be easily tested by FDev without anyone needing to know where Raxxla is. Coding something specifically to obscure Raxxla or the TDW station is an unnecessary extra effort, and runs a risk of breaking whenever new features (eg the FSS) are added. Unlocking permits is the same - there's an existing, easily tested method for doing it.
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