I remember this one. It was when he was a guest on one of the Thursday evening livestreams with Ed Lewis, whom I think was exploring near Sgr A* / the Galactic Core at the time. I think he might also have made the comment about the infinite range of the ADS making things a bit too easy in the same livestream.

Ah that could explain why I couldnt google it, but I tend not to watch livestreams so I suspect he also said it in one of the Canonn/UA threads. Will try another search. Would be interested if you can find the source compadré!
Jaques station is unique in the fact that it is not just a station but a very old highly modified cyborg, jacques is its self an independent entity cable of choosing it's own location, it's not owned by any factions it is self aware.
If we still had the gal net records available you could read its entire history

Almost. Jaques is the bartender who bought the station and has his own faction. He was a Fed specops soldier, injured in battle and captured by the Imps who repaired him by making him cybernetic. He worked a long time to pay off the cost of that and then bought the station and moved it a few times before trying (ostensibly) to reach Beagle Point but misjumped due to a terrorist UA bombing campaign (bad JManis, bad!! 😁)

Heinrich's Galnet archives has a collection of articles about Jaques.
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If you can find the reference I, for one, would be interested. We need to get these utterances properly documented!
Have googled but no sign of it. Maybe it was in a video, though feel like it was a text-based interview on a gaming magazine website. Sorry I can't offer more - I know it's frustrating when somebody says something but can't offer evidence (e.g. the "someone's honked the system" quote which I still instinctively feel dubious about).
Have googled but no sign of it. Maybe it was in a video, though feel like it was a text-based interview on a gaming magazine website. Sorry I can't offer more - I know it's frustrating when somebody says something but can't offer evidence (e.g. the "someone's honked the system" quote which I still instinctively feel dubious about).

Indeed MB declined the other day to comment on being the source of the latter! 😉
Ah that could explain why I couldnt google it, but I tend not to watch livestreams so I suspect he also said it in one of the Canonn/UA threads. Will try another search. Would be interested if you can find the source compadré!
OK, I've been through the FD Youtube and found the reference.
The video is: Join the Elite - Everything You Need to Know About Exploration
There are some comments by Michael Brookes at the following times.
13:45 MB comment about infinite range of ADS making things too easy
29:11 MB mention of extragalactic clusters
40:57 MB mentions highly-inclined 'rare stuff'
This is as far as I've watched through tonight, I have run out of time!
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I'm pretty sure that comes from the Formidine Rift thread, with Drew Wagar saying that a single player could solve it/find the mystery in the Rift.

Good luck searching the Void, simulacrae (and anyone else daring the 55 KLY journey). I went out there about a year ago to survey a sector called Phaa Chrie, as I thought it might have been a reference to 'Far Cry' or perhaps the cry of sirens... . I never found anything relevant but there are certainly some pretty impressive sights to see out on the Rim.

Thanks! Ya not really expecting anything - I figured it was about time i wandered out this way... Was kind of working off of the hunch that as the codex and the galactic regions came about at the same time - the references in the codex might relate to the regions. But so far my personal journey has not included any hot sirens.
Soooo... I just re-watched Drew Wagar's Lore Tour Stream From May 16th, on Raxxla and TDW...

There isnt much there not already known to all or most of us here....
But I did come to realize and check somthing out that is kind of a bummer but at the same time, can put to bed, well sort of, an old "quote" that we've all had trouble with at some point in our searches for Raxxla... at least partially?

To my point...

So, the line "someone has visited and honked the system, but left without a full scanning" or somthing to that affect.... well... I know it cant be substantiated, BUT I can say this with absolute certainty....

IF Drew's 2-part beliefs, that I know also alot of other people also believe;
1) that Raxxla is indeed a place within a system, i.e. a planet, station, surface site, ect
2) That its location would be within what was "known/travelled space" in 2296, so roughly from Sol out to Soontil, maybe a bit further, approx., in a bubble of course....

IF those beliefs are in fact the truth, and Raxxla is inside "known space" or "colonized space" or how ever you want to say it, THAN we can ASSUME that the aformentioned quote, that cannot be subsantiated, about the system having been visited but not fully explored, MUST be true, simply based on facts related to it.

Meaning, if you use PC, and you use: https://www.visitedstarscache.space/ and access your GalMap, you can see for yourself, that EVERY SINGLE SYSTEM within that space, atleast between Sol and Soontil, Lave, ect... has been visited, by an ESDM player.

So defeacto - if the system containing Raxxla is indeed inside the bubble or close to it, the statement that it has been visisted but not fully explored, is by default, the truth, regardless of who said it... at this point in the game play, its quite possible to be true.

NOW... if you DONT necessarily believe that Raxxla has to be within that space, or anywhere near Sol, than this whole thing goes back to un substantiated.... But if you believe its near Sol, within like 500Ly, you pretty much have to accept someone else has already discovered the system, but somehow Raxxla has been missed... which could point to it not showing up on Scanners correctly (ie. using a different name, not scannable (can only be found by those who already know where it is, type thing))
Soooo... I just re-watched Drew Wagar's Lore Tour Stream From May 16th, on Raxxla and TDW...

There isnt much there not already known to all or most of us here....
But I did come to realize and check somthing out that is kind of a bummer but at the same time, can put to bed, well sort of, an old "quote" that we've all had trouble with at some point in our searches for Raxxla... at least partially?

To my point...

So, the line "someone has visited and honked the system, but left without a full scanning" or somthing to that affect.... well... I know it cant be substantiated, BUT I can say this with absolute certainty....

IF Drew's 2-part beliefs, that I know also alot of other people also believe;
1) that Raxxla is indeed a place within a system, i.e. a planet, station, surface site, ect
2) That its location would be within what was "known/travelled space" in 2296, so roughly from Sol out to Soontil, maybe a bit further, approx., in a bubble of course....

IF those beliefs are in fact the truth, and Raxxla is inside "known space" or "colonized space" or how ever you want to say it, THAN we can ASSUME that the aformentioned quote, that cannot be subsantiated, about the system having been visited but not fully explored, MUST be true, simply based on facts related to it.

Meaning, if you use PC, and you use: https://www.visitedstarscache.space/ and access your GalMap, you can see for yourself, that EVERY SINGLE SYSTEM within that space, atleast between Sol and Soontil, Lave, ect... has been visited, by an ESDM player.

So defeacto - if the system containing Raxxla is indeed inside the bubble or close to it, the statement that it has been visisted but not fully explored, is by default, the truth, regardless of who said it... at this point in the game play, its quite possible to be true.

NOW... if you DONT necessarily believe that Raxxla has to be within that space, or anywhere near Sol, than this whole thing goes back to un substantiated.... But if you believe its near Sol, within like 500Ly, you pretty much have to accept someone else has already discovered the system, but somehow Raxxla has been missed... which could point to it not showing up on Scanners correctly (ie. using a different name, not scannable (can only be found by those who already know where it is, type thing))
Actually right now Great Raxxla Potato Hunt doing just that. They already scanned 16,220 / 67,941 systems in 200ly range around Sol. Why 200ly? - Answer
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@simulacrae: you want HOT Sirens???
In Space all Sirens are absolutely cold! 🥶

With the recent announcement of Elite Odyssey I’ve been mildly toying with trying to match Homer’s Odyssey to the DW Toast (I imagine FD hints everywhere!) -Odysseus wandered around on his Odyssey journey trying to return home after the Trojan War. He encountered sirens!
Jewel-? Helen??
Parent’s grief-Anticlea
Lover’s woe-Penelope
Yearning of vagabond hearts-Ithaca/Home

Not checked for in-game references. Busy Questing!
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In Space all Sirens are absolutely cold! 🥶

I’ve been mildly toying with trying to match Homer’s Odyssey to the DW Toast-Odysseus wandered around on his Odyssey journey trying to return home after the Trojan War. He encountered sirens!
Jewel-? Helen??
Parent’s grief-Anticlea
Lover’s woe-Penelope
Yearning of vagabond hearts-Ithaca/Home

Not checked for in-game references. Busy Questing!
3/5 hited on galmap. 2/3 is system names.
Circe - inside bubble.
Anticlea - galmap refers to system Prism and it inside the bubble.
Ithaca - located in bubble too.
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I wonder if that was in relation to high grade emissions - people did used to think going straight up/down was a good way of finding them.
This video was made prior to 2.1 coming out, so there were no High Grade signal sources back then (no manufactured materials, you could only get raw materials and use them in synthesis - 2.1 was when Engineering was introduced).

I think he was referring to worlds in highly inclined orbits, which can sometimes be 'captured' worlds not a part of the original system and which might be a different type of world than those created in the system. (e.g. You do see occasionally a HMC world as the most distant planet after a string of icy worlds and find that its orbit is highly inclined - it was probably captured).
This video was made prior to 2.1 coming out, so there were no High Grade signal sources back then (no manufactured materials, you could only get raw materials and use them in synthesis - 2.1 was when Engineering was introduced).

I think he was referring to worlds in highly inclined orbits, which can sometimes be 'captured' worlds not a part of the original system and which might be a different type of world than those created in the system. (e.g. You do see occasionally a HMC world as the most distant planet after a string of icy worlds and find that its orbit is highly inclined - it was probably captured).

Such as one of the planets in Merope, where all the Thargoid business kicked off with Barnacles, UA pointing to Merope5c........always thought we’d missed something in that system!!
There are three kinds of "rogue planets" in the game.

The first are the invisible stars on the galaxy map. THey were originally intended to be navigational hazards: if you made a jump from system A to system B, but there was a rogue planet system C somewhere on the line between them, then your FSD had a mis-jump and dumped you down at the rogue planet system C, instead of your intended destination B. The idea of such mis-jumps was dumped way back in pre-Alpha testing, but assuming the galaxy was designed with them present, then they're still there, and it is these objects that the "Rogue_Planet" object class is presumably attached to.

Second, we have the entirely virtual "rogue planet encounters" that the Stellar Forge might throw at a procedurally-generated sytem some time in its synthetic history. You never see these planets, they're just probability-clouds that come in and disrupt the planets in a star system as the Stellar Forge runs quickly through it's history to generate the star system's stable orbits once the algorithms are complete. You never see them, but you see the results of their passing, in planets with highly inclined and/or eccentric orbits. "Rogue planets" are down toward the lower end of the possible mass-range of interstellar intruders.

Third, we have, sometimes, the Stellar Forge calculating that one of the second type of Rogue Planet actually gets captured by the star, and ends up being generated as an actual planet, in a stable (though highly inclined and/or eccentric) orbit. You can often tell the difference between a "captured rogue planet" and a "native planet that's had it's orbit knocked about" by comparing its composition to the other nearby planets. If you find a string of iceballs, then a large Heavy Metal or Gas Giant planet in the outermost planet position, then that's a captured rogue.

Only the third type of rogue planet is actually visitable in-game right now.
From this thread. So I wonder maybe Raxxla is first type rogue planet from post? It explains the low possibility of encountering and toast describes the 3 points that points the location of rogue planet system, only accessible by FSD misjump.
From this thread. So I wonder maybe Raxxla is first type rogue planet from post? It explains the low possibility of encountering and toast describes the 3 points that points the location of rogue planet system, only accessible by FSD misjump.

Ive had that theory since the first time I heard about mis-jumps....

But if we take Fdev at face value, (if), than we have to assume that, since mis-jumps were dropped before the original release, in pre-alpha, and never made it into game play, that Raxxla is not a rouge planet accessible by mis-jump, and would be discoverable in another way. Simply becuase it was AFTER the Alpha when Fdev began mentioning Raxxla in game, and WAY AFTER when it was added to the Codex.

If anything, I would go with Raxxla being either a captured rouge, only on the outter edge of a single system, or my personal theory, that it may be a rouge-on-the-move kind of thing, almost the second type of rouge, but one that is visible and approachable, like a regular captured rouge, but a rouge that travels between a handful of systems in an orbit that does not orbit a specfic star, but pulls R towards different stars, so that R would only be in each system for a certain amount of time, days most likely, effecting the orbit of other planets in that system, before leaving the system and entering the outter edge of the next system.... (this would also keep the planet for showing in the system map or Orrery mode in my theory, since it would have no direct orbit around a specific systems star)

In that theory, we need to looks for systems with outter planets that have eccentric orbits, native planets knocked off their orbit, and then check all the neighbouring systems for additional eccentric orbits, and if there is a group of systems close to each other, it may indicate a rouge travelling between those systems, and then we need to really explore each system out too a max distance, like the distance of the Voyager Probes in Sol from their star, and see if anyone spots anything visually or in their contacts tab
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@simulacrae: you want HOT Sirens???
In Space all Sirens are absolutely cold! 🥶

With the recent announcement of Elite Odyssey I’ve been mildly toying with trying to match Homer’s Odyssey to the DW Toast (I imagine FD hints everywhere!) -Odysseus wandered around on his Odyssey journey trying to return home after the Trojan War. He encountered sirens!
Jewel-? Helen??
Parent’s grief-Anticlea
Lover’s woe-Penelope
Yearning of vagabond hearts-Ithaca/Home

Not checked for in-game references. Busy Questing!

It should be also noted that odysseus dresses as a beggar/vagabond before re-rentering his own palace to slay the suitors. The jewel never fitted for me.. otherwise there is a reasonable fit (it was one of my oldest theories..) and if it was a fit, what then?
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