Soooo... I just re-watched Drew Wagar's Lore Tour Stream From May 16th, on Raxxla and TDW...
There isnt much there not already known to all or most of us here....
But I did come to realize and check somthing out that is kind of a bummer but at the same time, can put to bed, well sort of, an old "quote" that we've all had trouble with at some point in our searches for Raxxla... at least partially?
To my point...
So, the line "someone has visited and honked the system, but left without a full scanning" or somthing to that affect.... well... I know it cant be substantiated, BUT I can say this with absolute certainty....
IF Drew's 2-part beliefs, that I know also alot of other people also believe;
1) that Raxxla is indeed a place within a system, i.e. a planet, station, surface site, ect
2) That its location would be within what was "known/travelled space" in 2296, so roughly from Sol out to Soontil, maybe a bit further, approx., in a bubble of course....
IF those beliefs are in fact the truth, and Raxxla is inside "known space" or "colonized space" or how ever you want to say it, THAN we can ASSUME that the aformentioned quote, that cannot be subsantiated, about the system having been visited but not fully explored, MUST be true, simply based on facts related to it.
Meaning, if you use PC, and you use: and access your GalMap, you can see for yourself, that EVERY SINGLE SYSTEM within that space, atleast between Sol and Soontil, Lave, ect... has been visited, by an ESDM player.
So defeacto - if the system containing Raxxla is indeed inside the bubble or close to it, the statement that it has been visisted but not fully explored, is by default, the truth, regardless of who said it... at this point in the game play, its quite possible to be true.
NOW... if you DONT necessarily believe that Raxxla has to be within that space, or anywhere near Sol, than this whole thing goes back to un substantiated.... But if you believe its near Sol, within like 500Ly, you pretty much have to accept someone else has already discovered the system, but somehow Raxxla has been missed... which could point to it not showing up on Scanners correctly (ie. using a different name, not scannable (can only be found by those who already know where it is, type thing))