Actually, check out this post a few replies after the one made by Jorki explaining about Ascorbius and the Q&A:


Thanks @CMDR Davanix

Sadly that blog isn't available, but the wayback machine is... Here's the link.

Here's the quote:
Because of D-d-d-d-david Braben's message overrun and the general enthusiasm in the hall, the Q&A had barely started at 3pm when our second game of Artemis was booked! So the boys and I sneaked out of the hall early. I knew from the past two LaveCon's, no amount of squeezing would get any more info out of Frontier's panel, so I wasn't too worried I'd miss anything. I had this confirmed later by another CMDR.

So this is someone who was so into Elite that their website was literally called and they wrote an extensive blog about Lavecon 2017.

But they never mentioned Brookes at all, and no mention of Raxxla.

For me, this pretty much confirms that Raxxla wasn't mentioned. No-one that's been to three Lavecons, has a blog like this, and is present at a Lavecon where any official staff mentions Raxxla and doesn't say a single word about it.
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Just a thought: while in bubble we can point to sagittarius A* and the landscape signal can be found in audio recordings.
Did anyone tried to do the opposite, i mean going far from bubble and point to specific system in the bubble and look for any audio weirdness?
Just a thought: while in bubble we can point to sagittarius A* and the landscape signal can be found in audio recordings.
Did anyone tried to do the opposite, i mean going far from bubble and point to specific system in the bubble and look for any audio weirdness?
Someone... somewhere.... (I'll try to find the post) said they aimed at Earth while on the opposite side of Sag A* and got some very weird audio.

I'm going to try it when I get there just in case :) I doubt it'll reveal anything. If there's any other systems you want me to do the same for send a list.
As a reminder, this is what Ascorbious said (from this post)
What Ascorbius said to me was:
“It was during a closed Q&A session - I'm trying to recall whether it was Lavecon or the later ECM in Reading. It was the last Q&A Michael Brookes was at.

I'm pretty sure it was Lavecon 2017 in the Q&A. There were a load of things announced there, Crime and Punishment and the early views of AX weapons as well as Search and Rescue.
I've also just checked Michael Brookes announced he was stepping away from Elite at Lavecon 2017 so it's pretty unlikely to be the ECM Reading.

The memory is hazy given that I've been to a few Lavecons and ECMs and recollections after the fact are unreliable but I'm pretty sure it was Lavecon 2017.

But I absolutely was there when he said it, it's sad there's no footage with it being a closed Q&A, but there were a lot of people in the room.

I didn't go to Lavecon 2016 or 2015 so it's definitely not that those.”

More sources (in addition to my previous post) that bring into doubt what Ascorbius says:

From this thread:

Literally not a single post between June 12 and July 11. Lavecon was June 24th. Unless it's all been deleted, you'd expect to find at least a single person posting here "Hey, Brookes at Lavecon said Raxxla had been visited".

This Reddit thread: Source:

Lists all the Folks involved in the Q&A panel and what they showed off. Obviously Brookes is not listed, but comparing that to the blog post in my previous post you can see there's a match here with what was reported there, and what Ascorbius said was discussed at the Q&A. Edit: meant to say, there are plenty of people here on the forums and even on that reddit thread there posting after Lavecon 2017 discussing the Q&A, and not a single one mentions Brookes or Raxxla.

Here's the Lavecon 2017 Thread, suspiciously free of Raxxla and Brookes revelations:


Here's the presentation video from the Q&A Lavecon 2017: No mention of Brookes or Raxxla in the comments. Not a single one.

Nothing about Raxxla or Borookes in any post about Lavecon 2017 that I've found, so Ascorbius very clearly misremembered that entirely.


He does say it might have been ECM in Reading, so I'll have a look for that next I guess! My other next part of this is to try to track the first mention of this "Raxxla was visited" myth.
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Memory is so fallible! I remember that at Wizards of the Coast, the now Head Designer for Magic: the Gathering, Mark Rosewater, once did a demonstration of it by making a Magic: the Gathering blog post talking about a past blog post that he knew he had never made at the time and people responded with things like 'Oh, yeah, I remember that'. He even went into some depth (I forget the details, appropriately!) that meant people who wanted to look up an article of the name he gave would find something, so that he would only be found out by people that remembered he had not actually written said article at the time! (I think some people also did some digging and found a discrepancy in the web page naming that showed an anomalous sequence as the new pages did not overwrite actual articles written around the date). (In his next blog post he explained what he had done.)

We have no capability to confirm or refute anything said off-camera at any social events, so I do not see that it will help to add any more layers to our speculations.

Back to actual searching:
I visited Bohmshohm, where the mountain-themed moon Kaliash has a very unusually-named station orbiting it: Putzi Opk's Haven. The system description says that it is the home of Low Profile Workshops, whose motto is 'Blending in is a statement'. I docked but found nothing otherwise odd about the system to report. It does make me think if these system descriptions, which were in the game at launch (player-made factions seldom, if ever, have mottos iirc and are written differently), are giving hints.
Near Bohmshohm is Zephyrus, so I stopped by at the station Eyo6, which orbits Violet World. Here the system description is simply: Lensher Reclamation are based in this system. 'Finished with it? We're just starting.'
Looking around I visited a few more systems that I had not been to and then noticed Chronos, about 25 LY from Nefertem. Unlike many uninhabited systems with interesting names, this one has something in it: 8 planets and one moon (2a). It occurred to me that Chronos might be a match for the third line of The Dark Wheel toast. The parent's grief, the lover's woe and the yearning of our vagabond hearts might all be referring to time - it causes children to grow up and leave home, or the parents to die and leave children behind, tears lovers apart and yearning, vagabond hearts need time to wander and find what they are looking for. So I flew to Tiamat (possible match for line 1 of the toast), then Siren (line 2) and then Chronos, where I mapped all the bodies, and flew down to the largest crater of the moon 2a but saw nothing there. Planet 3 has bacterium and the landables all have first footfall and multiple Odyssey temporary POI. I checked all the signal sources and they were all Degraded Emission (Threat 0) - I keep an eye out for Threat 2 or 3 as they can have something interesting in (AI Relics are the rarest, though I'm not sure they are found everywhere, only ever got two, and also 'gold traps' where something valuable is amongst other containers and you get jumped by a wing of pirates as you get close).
I may hang out in Chronos a bit longer; I'll see what else occurs to me. I have a race to run starting this weekend! (Obfuscated in the Outer Rim, banner and link in my sig).
My other next part of this is to try to track the first mention of this "Raxxla was visited" myth.
Poking around the forum search, the first mention I can find is in this thread in May 2019 ... which - I had to laugh - mentions it as if it was an old rumour that everyone already knows about, and gives a different convention as an original source.

Going back to actual 2017, nothing I found on various keywords fits, but there are three separate things which could easily have ended up combined in people's memories a couple of years later:
1) Various quotes or paraphrases from DB and/or MB along the lines of "Raxxla is in the game and we know where it is"
2) Lots of player speculation that the system might have been visited but only honked
3) Someone (or possibly two different someones at different times) claiming to have found Raxxla in a system that had already been visited

(Any forum searches for "Raxxla" and another keyword seem to be pretty quiet throughout most of 2017/2018 - the Codex release seems to have been the spark to really get people interested in it again)
With all the theories, research etc. in which region do you think Raxxla is?
With 42 regions its a lot of ground to cover.

My gut tells me it is somewhere in Empyrean Straits... Don't know why and can't back it up but something tells me there is more to discover there.
With all the theories, research etc. in which region do you think Raxxla is?
With 42 regions its a lot of ground to cover.

My gut tells me it is somewhere in Empyrean Straits... Don't know why and can't back it up but something tells me there is more to discover there.
You know, I've been planning to visit around there for some time now, touring Eta Carina, Dryman permit locked bubble, Norma Arm and coreward across the Arcadian Stream. Star density becomes huge in regions adjacent to the core, and there are many rarely visited planetary nebulae hidden beneath the stars. There's nothing quite like the feeling of being thousands of lightyears away from civilization, though I suppose all regions have service fleetcarriers or some such these days.
With all the theories, research etc. in which region do you think Raxxla is?
With 42 regions its a lot of ground to cover.

My gut tells me it is somewhere in Empyrean Straits... Don't know why and can't back it up but something tells me there is more to discover there.
Personally, my latest idea is that there's something significant to find in the Galactic Centre region... so right next door to your idea!... relatively speaking.

Love to hear more about what you think there might be there? I just visited some Guardian sites in the Empyrean Straits :)
Hello, I'm a long time lurker. I just wanted to share a reddit post I saw a few years ago. A CMDR logged back in to his ship inside a star. My point is that the flare effects he saw look identical (in my opinion) to the artifacts that show up at The Star of India and other stars.

In my opinion I think these can be dismissed as only graphical errors, if not a bit creepy to see.
Hello, I'm a long time lurker. I just wanted to share a reddit post I saw a few years ago. A CMDR logged back in to his ship inside a star. My point is that the flare effects he saw look identical (in my opinion) to the artifacts that show up at The Star of India and other stars.

In my opinion I think these can be dismissed as only graphical errors, if not a bit creepy to see.
Excellent find :)
Hello, I'm a long time lurker. I just wanted to share a reddit post I saw a few years ago. A CMDR logged back in to his ship inside a star. My point is that the flare effects he saw look identical (in my opinion) to the artifacts that show up at The Star of India and other stars.

In my opinion I think these can be dismissed as only graphical errors, if not a bit creepy to see.
What you see in pic. 1 and three, is the same you see when you check these phenomenon in VR. The system map is fully 3D even in monitor view. In VR you can move inside the phenomenon and see them close.
Personally, my latest idea is that there's something significant to find in the Galactic Centre region... so right next door to your idea!... relatively speaking.

Love to hear more about what you think there might be there? I just visited some Guardian sites in the Empyrean Straits :)
View attachment 378864
Before we received FSS and had to visit the planet up close for a scan I was exploring Empyrean Straits in a semi-engineered Anaconda.
There were talks about the guardian sites on this forum and there was a saying that brain trees indicate that there is a guardian ruin nearby (within 50ly if memory serves me correct) and I happen to stumble upon on them far away from the current sites in the Empyrean Straits region.

This leads me to believe that there is more to it in this region. After looking at the heat maps at EDAstro it does not look that much explored considering the star density of the region.

Unfortunately I was a noob at that time and crashed on that trip, losing a year of exploration data.
To make matters worse I didn't even use EDMC, EDSM, Inara or any kind of helper tool to track my progress and/or travel path.
In my attempt to recover the systems visited I found out about these tools and started using them ever since.
Unrelated to Raxxla I ragequit the game for some time, on return I did other activities.

The exploration itch kicked in and now I'm heading in this region in an attempt to find something with my carrier, all exploration ships that I have with various modules equipped and some thargoid/guardian items just in case its needed for some experiment.
Unfortunately I was a noob at that time and crashed on that trip, losing a year of exploration data.
Ouch! Sorry to hear that.
The exploration itch kicked in and now I'm heading in this region in an attempt to find something with my carrier, all exploration ships that I have with various modules equipped and some thargoid/guardian items just in case its needed for some experiment.
I hope you find something awesome :)

The Empyrean is interesting, as a word, I often wonder if Fdev was thinking about specific things when they named some places. Some were definitely named by the community, but others weren't.

Philip Coutts

Volunteer Moderator
Soooo, went out to Yoruba scanned al the planets, had a poke about and found exactly nothing! I do think there is a tourist beacon or some clue that we need to find to start a chain of events or unlock some kind of map but where it starts I don't now. I think I might head for the old worlds from the original Elite (lave etc) and have a poke about. o7 Commanders, never give up the hunt!
Slightly off-topic but related:

Are the HIP stars in game, supposed to be at their real location, RA/Declination they are at in the HIP catalog IRL?

Because I only just noticed one that isn't... it was complete chance that I bothered to check, but there is an HIP star IRL that is also in-game, but at a different RA/Declination... just wondering if this is common or strange and figured CMDRs here would know best XD

Edit: or would systems have moved due to the time between now and 3308? By enough to seriously alter the RA/Declination location displayed in-game?
Slightly off-topic but related:

Are the HIP stars in game, supposed to be at their real location, RA/Declination they are at in the HIP catalog IRL?

Because I only just noticed one that isn't... it was complete chance that I bothered to check, but there is an HIP star IRL that is also in-game, but at a different RA/Declination... just wondering if this is common or strange and figured CMDRs here would know best XD

Edit: or would systems have moved due to the time between now and 3308? By enough to seriously alter the RA/Declination location displayed in-game?
Almost all of them are hand picked in RA/DEC coordinates. But the thing is, some star names are different in catalouges, and in game some of their names are not false, but incomplete. Check or for alternative names, maybe something is wrong, or misnamed.
Almost all of them are hand picked in RA/DEC coordinates. But the thing is, some star names are different in catalouges, and in game some of their names are not false, but incomplete. Check or for alternative names, maybe something is wrong, or misnamed.
Yea, confirmed its got the same HIP name and RA/DEC in both of those catalogs as well now,
So literally everywhere except in-game I can find, it's got the same Name, and same coordinates.
It's just in-games that's got a different coordinate/ RA/DEC

I thought the base of the game was the HIP and HID catalogs ect, using their IRL info, and then the galaxy propagated out with ProcGen based on NASA/ESA star density calculations/estimates ?

Does anyone know of a website that can change time? LOL
As in, enter a star coordinate now, and see where it will have moved in relation to Earth over 1300 years?
Hi Commanders.

Long time lurker again here.
I have been thinking for a while whether to post this but I think the time has come where I feel it's in everyone's best interest if it was out there as I do need help proving/justifying my theories.

I believe that Raxxla is a conduit. A conduit to a network of wormholes spread throughout the Milky Way. The reason none of these wormholes have been discovered is because they are hidden behind the mysterious permit locked systems spread throughout. Imagine being able to traverse from one end of the Galaxy to the other within minutes? From the Bubble to Colonia within an instance?

I also believe to find this conduit, you must assist a minor faction that knows about it. This faction has remained unnoticed throughout the whole ordeal. The Dark Wheel is just a distraction. The real faction we should focus on is The Link

Why do I think this?
Going back to the interview with Brookes about Raxxla, when he mentioned about "no clues" and said something along the lines of "You have to make some things a little obvious so that people will know what they are doing".

We have the codex which is the main source of clues but I believe there are other sources in game. One of which being the in game system descriptions. I would have scattered the clues in various ways if I were a dev, including these.
Most of these are written in a descriptive tone with a third-person perspective, providing some information. However, this one is different.....

Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2023.12.20 -

The home of The Link. The Link is All; no above, no bellow, we are One. From the Gate, the Conduit leads One to All. They are Many, but there is One Link. Those who are Not, will Never Be. Down below, the followers of the Link care not of politics, or puny power struggle. The One explores the All from the Conduit. They will open their eyes to Others to trade. But close their fists to Who is Not

This description is unusual for several reasons. It does not explain anything clearly, but rather hints at some secrets that other system descriptions do not have. It uses a first-person point of view, as if the faction itself wrote it. Moreover, it mentions a 'Gate' and a 'Conduit' that could be related to Raxxla. It also has a spelling mistake (bellow) and is wrong grammatically with it's use of capitalisation, suggesting it only been seen by a small number of people and not proof checked perhaps.

Another mysterious clue I discovered is the tourist beacon.

Tourist Spot 0442 This hot world has long lost its atmosphere from the constant battering of the stellar wind.

This to me suggests this world was once thriving with life or a civilisation but now is desolate. Could there be something hidden here?

Where is this?

NLTT 46621 Only 48 light years away from Sol which may appease some of the conspiracies that Raxxla is within the bubble and being known about pre FSD era.

Why am I asking for help?

As per the mysterious message on page 28 in the Elite Dangerous Manual

"All you need to know is that my organisation has a very specific remit: to seek out those who have the potential to become real movers and shakers, those precious few with the talent to mould and shape the galaxy around them, to create change on a grand scale"

I believe that there are certain elements to this game that have never been discovered because certain factions need to be either in control of their home system or expanding to other systems.

The Link, for example, has never controlled NLTT 46621. When I found them, they had only about 4% influence. I have raised this to match the current dominant faction, 'The Leaders of Eros', but I face the challenge of the BGS. This system has a population of over 4 billion and it would probably take 10-20 commanders to sway the war in their favour. Each time I try, I lose 4-0.

That's where you come in commander. I want to put the Link in charge of NLTT 46621 and help them expand. I hope they will reveal their secrets to us then.
I can't do this alone.

Are you with me?
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