TL;DR version of prior posting:

Raxxla is found before we ever met Thargoids by numerous centuries. Raxxla predates Faraway by centuries. We are looking for something Guardian. The hyperspace reverse-engineered story is a sham to keep you distracted. You as a CMDR have been given a Codex Map with rumors of locations for each species for each sector of the galaxy with specific system locations. Use that because the search does not have to be blind at all.

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that we hadnt met the thargoids yet is irrelevant 100%.
they could have planted a tech at raxxla they dont use often, and we stumbled upon it. they existed at the time so theres absolutely no reason to exclude that possibility. as a species, they play a LONG game.
yeah it could be something guardian too... no reason to exclude that assumption either.... but lemme ask you this-
if either had the tech that raxxla is rumored to contain, why are they wasting their time squabbling over little chunks of one finite galaxy?
no. you are wrong. we are looking for something that is nothing like anything we have seen so far.
and you are all wasting your time, i will find it.
that we hadnt met the thargoids yet is irrelevant 100%.
they could have planted a tech at raxxla they dont use often, and we stumbled upon it. they existed at the time so theres absolutely no reason to exclude that possibility. as a species, they play a LONG game.
yeah it could be something guardian too... no reason to exclude that assumption either.... but lemme ask you this-
if either had the tech that raxxla is rumored to contain, why are they wasting their time squabbling over little chunks of one finite galaxy?
no. you are wrong. we are looking for something that is nothing like anything we have seen so far.
and you are all wasting your time, i will find it.
I am honestly am more than a bit torn on origins of our hyperspace technology and have a hard time which case has better backing but regardless we found something early. From a strict interpretation the through-space drives of the Guardian codex better matches our tech. Our capital ships, fleet carriers, and ships seem to use wormholes. Then there is this damn thing that looks suspiciously like an active obelisk that appears everywhere on our stations and on various codex discoveries. Admittedly, there is some engineer items that sound like bio-mech hybrids. The attachment is named the way it is because BLIT fractals were very much a part of First Encounters lore. I am growing more accustomed to the ambiguity. Also, the octagonal early Thargoids look like a Thargoid Scout or UFO. I still need to get more logs on the species specific missions from Palin or Ram Tah and see if anything seems to fit better.


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Except that FDev told us the Romero story was fluff when they cut it all out of Galnet.
^ This.

FD embarassed themselves when their 'fluff' story send dozens of people on a wild goose chase looking for content that didn't exist. They communicated their embarassmenet, apologised , and the thread died.
Only consolation here is that they haven't said the same for the hunt for Raxxla.

You need to learn to search the forum before making a fool of yourself.

Was the Gan Romero story reflected in-game?
The Gan Romero storyline was always envisaged as an off-camera narrative. The fact that some people assumed it had an in-game component, and went searching for Romero, was for me further evidence that off-camera GalNet stories could be detrimental to the player experience, and cemented our desire to ensure that all GalNet content related to things that were actually in the game.

Yes people including myself happily went looking for Romero - and never found him but made content out of it. FD embarrassed themselves by listening to a group who cried because they couldnt find something and admitted it was an "off camera storyline" which is exactly what every article in Galnet was and is. - And then FD proceeded to destroy Galnet for about a Year. FD could have written another Galnet article explaining what happened to Gan or even better - put something in game... but No they instead nuked Galnet because of a bunch of entitled crybabies. Probably the same bunch who whined about being attacked when the Gnosis attempted that jump...

Ya i lost alot of respect for both the community and Fdev when this happened. And have less respect for those who claim to play a GAME with a FICTIONAL NARRATIVE but talk about how PARTS of it are UNREAL ... "Fluff"
I think this is partly a problem with claiming that the game is a simulation...a simulation represents reality. True, the game does in a way, but my current hypothesis has me looking for a certain type of system....I keep finding wikipedia and Simbad references to IRL systems but can’t find them in-game. So when FD imported extant star catalogues into Stellar Forge some “mistakes” were made in that import-omitting some important catalogues and not doing quality control checks on the data so there are conflicts, duplicates, systems clearly in the “wrong” position wrt reality... And more visibly the management seems to have had several hiccups over the years with strategic direction and storyline development, Gan Romero is just one example. We have to accept ED is a large complex game and in the nature of these things contains errors. But it’s a game, very loosely based on previous games, a way of spending time pleasurably, so just report errors to FD and get on with things.

To paraphrase a WW2 saying: “Fly your ship and carry on”! 😉

And to anyone who complains about ED unreality and errors....go play Star Citizen 😁
I think this is partly a problem with claiming that the game is a simulation...a simulation represents reality. True, the game does in a way, but my current hypothesis has me looking for a certain type of system....I keep finding wikipedia and Simbad references to IRL systems but can’t find them in-game. So when FD imported extant star catalogues into Stellar Forge some “mistakes” were made in that import-omitting some important catalogues and not doing quality control checks on the data so there are conflicts, duplicates, systems clearly in the “wrong” position wrt reality... And more visibly the management seems to have had several hiccups over the years with strategic direction and storyline development, Gan Romero is just one example. We have to accept ED is a large complex game and in the nature of these things contains errors. But it’s a game, very loosely based on previous games, a way of spending time pleasurably, so just report errors to FD and get on with things.

To paraphrase a WW2 saying: “Fly your ship and carry on”! 😉

And to anyone who complains about ED unreality and errors....go play Star Citizen 😁
To Jorki's point: Yes, we are likely looking for a very specific system layout approximately like a simplified Sol in 2023 but not quite. I would pay attention to FDev cockpit customization planets from Sol which notably has Mars look like the 2023 version not the one in-game but without a ninth planet because Pluto got demoted already when Elite Dangerous was made. Look also at the designation on engine wash barriers as you land. I suspect those are not random but actually a hint. The pit when you lower your ship also has stuff in it if you use camera suite that may indicate details about each body. Wisdom comes from the dark just like stars are born from a collapsing nebula.
my first year in the game showed me that the various 'news' reports were iffy.
that local news was /is often neglected totally - soo often missing info
then my own stats, had to take screenshots to verify the game can't do math.
today the news is zero better
if you play the BGS you get to see NO local news, ever, until it is too late.
I also only knew the lore as it existed when I played the first Elite. and kept it that way till January 2022.
reading it all, changed nothing in my outlook.
I still went looking for snakes and a dark faction. it was no different then any mission my factions send me on, except it was being done by fdev, so even more fun, even if total fail. may have been red herring, may have been I am bad at finding clues.. only fdev knows.
no game in my history has a live caretaker. other than Galactic Empire(Murdoch) and that was only a sysop function.
most games are/were dead upon release, many long before that.

the errors as I saw them, were all good. accurate clues and timed events are often only for those paying close attention and can become a race.
fdev seems to take all player types into consideration and there are usually no losers.
a thing unique to this game as well, there is no I win scenario
no actual END, until fdev decides there is.
this alone makes the game special to every player.

it is up to each cmdr to decide what is and what is not worth chasing.
fdev is really good at making stories and puzzles IMO. that some are or appear broken is fine, not all stories need a reality.

meanwhile, I get to build and engineer and fly many cool ships that react better than any in any game I ever played.
in a space that seems quite authentic.
the physics behind it all is deeper than any in any game I have played.

and as I have said many times, I have had fun going out of my way, many times to prove certain theories dead wrong.
had a 4 year long thread going because of 'reasons' - to resolve an issue that is still an issue....but was it ever, is it still?
there are things 'broken', things that seem 'broken'
reality = maybe they are maybe they are not.
this was in my first year and I went to a lot of trouble to prove to myself why some things appear 'broken'
fdev and its 'news' often omit information or outright lie about some things, I see it as a part they have to play.
if they spoon-feed everything correctly to me, I will quit showing up. They knew this long before I clued in.
Lies are important to stories. ALWAYS. watch TV anyone?
every story consists of people with-holding and telling lies.
The Doctor is filled with lies and mis-direction and years of with-holding. decades.
Oldest running Best sci-fi ever....from the U.K. aka stories r us.

Not everything is as/what it seems. is a common saying in good movies.
this game is full of this.
sadly many whiners have always had fdev's ear, and as such often things get changed, IMO, just to keep the peace.
bad commercials get attention far better than good fun pleasant commercials.
bad press covers more space in minds than no press or good press.
so, there are times when to keep bad press away, capitulation takes place.
the game still attracts me because it is not kept up by children with no skill and/or no imagination.
It is alive with daily addition, change, stories(real or not)
Rod Serling would have been proud to know some of these stories.
and as a guy that was really good at Atari's Star Raiders, and the afore mentioned Galactic Empire, there is no game anywhere that comes close to either of those.
ED has many components from both games and so much more.
lol lore is one of the biggest problems in this game.
there are many sources to draw from, but only one path to inclusion.... and fdev isnt that forward about what will make the cut.
but... if we follow the in game narrative, thargoid tech was reverse engineered and we got our hyperdrives from that...
so, logically speaking... this creates two distinct possibilities.
either sirius (who host the tourist beacons that tell the story) are feeding us incorrect information for some purpose or another to be revealed at a later date...
or fdev has just decided on one story line over another.... and thats fair. not all the lore written about and around the elite world lines up, so it stands to reason that some of it must be trimmed... some of it trims itself by being so outside or contradictory to the lore that there would be no way to include it.
but without a clear list of what is considered cannon and what is not, we cannot know what story lines are worth pursuing and which are not.... and that list can only come from fdev, since they are the only people who can say with certainty what is included and what is not.
so until i see a list, i will ignore all "lore" that was written after game release, and all "lore" that is not proven to be adopted in the game.
raxxla is one such inclusion. its been verified to be there.
aside from that the line "there will be no clues" leads me to believe that picking apart the "lore" is pointless as well. its something that a commander will accidentally stumble upon one day.
The one word I detest being associated with lore in a game is 'fluff'.

Whenever anyone describes writing as 'fluff' it indicates that the writing is non-essential - a veneer, window dressing, etc. I totally get that description. But, as a writer, I never want to write 'fluff'. I want to write content that has meaning.

In Elite Dangerous, I think (I don't know) there have been several content creators and potentially a lack of co-ordination of that writing, which is why you get narratives that don't go anywhere and get discarded.

I think I mentioned in my Ph. D. that macrotexts need curators to stay on top of things. If there isn't someone updating the material whenever anything is put out, or if the hand over between curators is imperfect, you get these kind of problems and things that were originally strong narratives, become wayward and 'fluff'.
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The one word I detest being associated with lore in a game is 'fluff'.

Whenever anyone describes writing as 'fluff' it indicates that the writing is non-essential - a veneer, window dressing, etc. I totally get that description. But, as a writer, I never want to write 'fluff'. I want to write content that has meaning.

In Elite Dangerous, I think (I don't know) there have been several content creators and potentially a lack of co-ordination of that writing, which is why you get narratives that don't go anywhere and get discarded.

I think I mentioned in my Ph. D. that macrotexts need curators to stay on top of things. If there isn't someone updating the material whenever anything is put out, or if the hand over between curators is imperfect, you get these kind of problems and things that were originally strong narratives, become wayward and 'fluff'.
yeah welcome to gaming 101... only a handful of people follow the narrative, as demonstrated by this forum in general.
there are plenty of posts on here about ways to make the game easier to play... and only a handful about the lore.
to them, the story is fluff and will always be, no matter how well written. its not a critique on the writing, its a critique on people in general.
if you wanna see it demonstrated yourself, join any mmo and ask for some help as a noob. nobody wants to stand around and wait for you to read the narrative, they want you to run from waypoint 1 to waypoint 2, do the thing, then move on... and for most, thats exactly how they want to experience the game....
and the few that do follow the story do so for different reasons as well. some relish nothing more than picking apart a good story to find the holes. some just want to be carried away to a different narrative. some just do it out of habit. some believe tips may be buried there. there are a host of different reasons, and all are exercised daily.
as for elite dangerous, you must understand that some of the "lore" is not lore. it is exactly fluff written by people who just wanted to expand the narrative in their minds while they played... and much does not follow cannon. there are many people writing "lore" that are not part of the team and they never really where... but they expect their words to dictate the actions of the team. there have been arguments with fdev and its writers over this stuff.
as a writer yourself, you should know this going in... not everyone (read:most people) can be arsed to read the stuff on screen. this is the age of stupid, where cruel and stupid people are made celebrities and most people try to follow suit.
yeah welcome to gaming 101... only a handful of people follow the narrative, as demonstrated by this forum in general.
there are plenty of posts on here about ways to make the game easier to play... and only a handful about the lore.
to them, the story is fluff and will always be, no matter how well written. its not a critique on the writing, its a critique on people in general.
if you wanna see it demonstrated yourself, join any mmo and ask for some help as a noob. nobody wants to stand around and wait for you to read the narrative, they want you to run from waypoint 1 to waypoint 2, do the thing, then move on... and for most, thats exactly how they want to experience the game....
and the few that do follow the story do so for different reasons as well. some relish nothing more than picking apart a good story to find the holes. some just want to be carried away to a different narrative. some just do it out of habit. some believe tips may be buried there. there are a host of different reasons, and all are exercised daily.
as for elite dangerous, you must understand that some of the "lore" is not lore. it is exactly fluff written by people who just wanted to expand the narrative in their minds while they played... and much does not follow cannon. there are many people writing "lore" that are not part of the team and they never really where... but they expect their words to dictate the actions of the team. there have been arguments with fdev and its writers over this stuff.
as a writer yourself, you should know this going in... not everyone (read:most people) can be arsed to read the stuff on screen. this is the age of stupid, where cruel and stupid people are made celebrities and most people try to follow suit.
Personally, my desire was never to pick it apart. We actually were supposed to do that. The problem: most people dare not look in a mirror and analyze themselves much less a story. Also, most people are terrified at going against the crowd. My goal was to honor the old stories and show people how damn lucky we are to have a game like Elite Dangerous (and the rest of the series). This is one of those game series that deserves to be remembered forever for it's impact. You have no idea what it is like be like when you are one of the lone voices speaking out for how important small details were in the larger story. It was a very lonely journey, but I couldn't be happier for having gone on it (even if it was at times exceedingly lonely). I am very much looking towards the future but will continue digging into the past of humans and our fellow intelligent alien species in the game.
The one word I detest being associated with lore in a game is 'fluff'.

Whenever anyone describes writing as 'fluff' it indicates that the writing is non-essential - a veneer, window dressing, etc. I totally get that description. But, as a writer, I never want to write 'fluff'. I want to write content that has meaning.

In Elite Dangerous, I think (I don't know) there have been several content creators and potentially a lack of co-ordination of that writing, which is why you get narratives that don't go anywhere and get discarded.

I think I mentioned in my Ph. D. that macrotexts need curators to stay on top of things. If there isn't someone updating the material whenever anything is put out, or if the hand over between curators is imperfect, you get these kind of problems and things that were originally strong narratives, become wayward and 'fluff'.
As a backer I found the Galnet elements initially wonderful, because many pointed towards points of interest, as was the initial design, but ultimately the boundaries between what was real news and what wasn’t, got too difficult to distinguish, so I stopped reading.

Curators switching chairs and Cmdrs submitting content didn’t help matters, it needed consistency as @Allen Stroud points out. That’s were the fluff comes from, fluff can be comforting, it can fill a nice pillow, but that type of comfort is only temporary, you need a cohesive material to tell a story, like maybe a nice warm towel.

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As a backer I found the Galnet elements initially wonderful, because many pointed towards points of interest, as was the initial design, but ultimately the boundaries between what was real news and what wasn’t, got too difficult to distinguish, so I stopped reading.

Curators switching chairs and Cmdrs submitting content didn’t help matters, it needed consistency as @Allen Stroud points out. That’s were the fluff comes from, fluff can be comforting, it can fill a nice pillow, but that type of comfort is only temporary, you need a cohesive narrative to tell a story.

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The player lore is part of the story and a massive part of it. It was honestly a mistake on the part of the community to treat it as seperate and uninteresting "fluff" or easter eggs. The player lore was precisely what unified everything. If FDev included it into the game it was part of the larger story. The first interactions with Thargoids is told via a bit of player lore that became the system description for LHS 6309 on the system map. It may or may not be on the Galaxy Map, too. This is why we have all those beacons in Teorge which are connected to tons of Salomé storyline. Additionally, Canonn Science had a large part in establishing the early lore when the Unknown Alien Artifacts (UAAs) were first discovered. These were later renamed as Thargoid Sensors.

Part of the problem, is that CMDRs forgot we were tasked with shaping the galaxy. Part of that was merely by telling our stories of our actions to understand what was happening.


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The one word I detest being associated with lore in a game is 'fluff'.

Whenever anyone describes writing as 'fluff' it indicates that the writing is non-essential - a veneer, window dressing, etc. I totally get that description. But, as a writer, I never want to write 'fluff'. I want to write content that has meaning.

In Elite Dangerous, I think (I don't know) there have been several content creators and potentially a lack of co-ordination of that writing, which is why you get narratives that don't go anywhere and get discarded.

I think I mentioned in my Ph. D. that macrotexts need curators to stay on top of things. If there isn't someone updating the material whenever anything is put out, or if the hand over between curators is imperfect, you get these kind of problems and things that were originally strong narratives, become wayward and 'fluff'.
Personally I think the problem in this particular instance is slightly different. It’s one of loose terminology.

Some are using ‘fluff’ to mean something which is not directly interactable and influenceable. Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think that’s how you’re interpreting the word.

IMHO, with regard to the storyline in question it was obvious that it wasn’t supposed to be directly interactable and influenceable. I don’t think it was fluff though.

This Galnet article links it to the wider lore/storyline:

There is a bit of an open question around that article however, given that what it says is essentially what some of us had been discussing.

Was it already written and were we simply joining the dots? Or had we joined a bunch of dots into an image that was never supposed to be there, and the Galnet article was simply reporting it?

Everyone’s going to have to take their own guess at that, but still I don’t think it was fluff myself, at least not in the sense I think you were meaning the word.
The one word I detest being associated with lore in a game is 'fluff'.
Forgive me if you felt attacked by my comment. What I meant was that all of the "off camera" stories in Galnet were mixed into the ones with which we, as players, could interact. It became very disheartening to find out that those of us who were interacting with the "off camera" narratives found out that there was nothing with which to interact, despite those stories being interspersed with stories with which there was content with which we could interact. It felt like a betrayal of some sort and as such, I guess I used a pejorative word to describe them. For whatever it's worth, I've very much enjoyed your posts in this thread. Thank you for your time. (y)
yeah welcome to gaming 101... only a handful of people follow the narrative, as demonstrated by this forum in general.
Apologies, you might be mistaking my comment for a lack of awareness? I know the audience and sometimes the gig requires 'fluff', doesn't stop me wanting things to be different. My experience of working on games and discussing them has long since made the matter clear.

That said, when I worked on Phoenix Point, the regular 'dissections' of the lore released on Youtube by Retcon Raider were excellent and attracted a good audience. Do look them up if that interests you.
Forgive me if you felt attacked by my comment. What I meant was that all of the "off camera" stories in Galnet were mixed into the ones with which we, as players, could interact. It became very disheartening to find out that those of us who were interacting with the "off camera" narratives found out that there was nothing with which to interact, despite those stories being interspersed with stories with which there was content with which we could interact. It felt like a betrayal of some sort and as such, I guess I used a pejorative word to describe them. For whatever it's worth, I've very much enjoyed your posts in this thread. Thank you for your time. (y)
Oh no! I totally didn't feel attacked and I totally get your point, and the point Thatchinho made really well. Mine was more about narrative purpose. Much as players and audiences can choose to ignore that part of the work, I don't really enjoy working on anything where the writing and story isn't important.
I think the "problem" is that Elite Dangerous actually does a very good job of simulating reality, now or in 3300.

I really like it being messy and sort of a bit confusing and having stuff that encourages discussion and debate precisely because it's a bit weird and maybe sort of not-quite making sense. I like that there's this mish-mash of old lore from previous games that keeps getting wheeled out and examined. I like that people can't agree on basically any aspect of it. Feels very realistic to me - only I also get to fly a space-ship and walk on alien planets too.

The fact that we're able to follow threads of stories in ED for years and investigate them ourselves is, frankly, pretty unrealistic :) (and awesome).

Personally I'd love it if Galnet was more like the kickstarter concept where it was a little more like the FFE journals with different takes on events and all sorts of cool Elite stories, I really liked the era of having player submitted stories and all sorts of flavours. That's the stuff I enjoyed injecting into Sagittarius Eye tbh. I don't personally rate "exact relevance to only in-game events" as being particularly high on the want list for Galnet, but then I also don't think that our (modern day) news contains objective truth, so maybe that's the issue :)

I get that there's a time-money issue for Fdev though, writers and game devs cost money (rightly so) so the cost for creating content that appeals to a minority basically gets selected out in favour of content that the majority engages with. It makes sense, I mean damn we spent collectively hundreds of hours to put out each issue of SAG-I for fun and a relatively tiny readership. I can't imagine how much work goes into months worth of Galnet stories and the cost of that if they're only intended to appeal to a relatively small subset of the playerbase... Sad that it's about money but people need to eat.

Anyway, for this reason I actually kinda enjoy the ideas people have about Raxxla or whatever much more than I think I will enjoy the actual thing when it's found. Does that make sense? I like talking about it and I like that there's this teeny tiny chance that it might actually be solvable and that someone that's really been working on it for ages will actually crack it. That... hope... is really cool! and very hard to find in modern games. Virtually impossible actually. The lore and 'theory' discussions are kinda like the 'fluff' (I too hate that term) articles for Galnet, maybe they're not really related to the game much, but damn are they interesting!

Apologies for rambling.
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Personally, my desire was never to pick it apart. We actually were supposed to do that. The problem: most people dare not look in a mirror and analyze themselves much less a story. Also, most people are terrified at going against the crowd. My goal was to honor the old stories and show people how damn lucky we are to have a game like Elite Dangerous (and the rest of the series). This is one of those game series that deserves to be remembered forever for it's impact. You have no idea what it is like be like when you are one of the lone voices speaking out for how important small details were in the larger story. It was a very lonely journey, but I couldn't be happier for having gone on it (even if it was at times exceedingly lonely). I am very much looking towards the future but will continue digging into the past of humans and our fellow intelligent alien species in the game.
you have no idea the things i have ideas about.
I love the so called fluff stories and think there should be more of them. I see absolutely no reason to not publish stories that are unconnected to gameplay or in game assets.
This type of stories can be used to make the galaxy feel alive or as pure entertainment. They can also be used to hint towards future development or to mysteries in the galaxy.

We just have to remember that most hints in this game, aren't about Raxxla. :)
I don’t mind a bit of fluff, but (correct me if I’m wrong because I honestly don’t read Galnet anymore), but initially FD had in place a very simple mechanism to identify fluff; if it had a Cmdr name attributed to it, it was fluff, we knew that and could do what we pleased, everything else was written by FD.

Logically I’d promote FD continue that method of identification, but expand it to include FD fluff where they use a Cmd name or a consistent NPC news reporter. Anything else is legitimate narrative driven stories / news?

I don’t mind fluff, but if FD are utilising Galnet to point us to places in game they need a method to distinguish between in game content and fictional events which add flavour.

If FD aren’t going to utilise Galnet for direct content / POI then stipulate this and move on.
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I don’t mind a bit of fluff, but (correct me if I’m wrong because I honestly don’t read Galnet anymore), but initially FD had in place a very simple mechanism to identify fluff; if it had a Cmdr name attributed to it, it was fluff, we knew that and could do what we pleased, everything else was written by FD.

Logically I’d promote FD continue that method of identification, but expand it to include FD fluff where they use a Cmd name or a consistent NPC news reporter. Anything else is legitimate narrative driven stories / news?

I don’t mind fluff, but if FD are utilising Galnet to point us to places in game they need a method to distinguish between in game content and fictional events which add flavour.

If FD aren’t going to utilise Galnet for direct content / POI then stipulate this and move on.
Kindly look up TrA X-1 on GalMap (this is but one single example and there are multiple of these). Filter however you please. There is a glow. Coincidence especially given what is (not) in that system - likely not.

From the recovered logs of Gan Romero..

From the Gan Romero logs that were recovered:
“Our analysts have recovered a few fragments of these recordings, which appear to have been part of a dream journal. In them, Romero makes repeated mention of seeing ‘an area of space, not black but radiant…glowing like heaven,’ and being called by ‘voices that didn’t come from anything with a body’.”

There is no such thing as "fluff". There is only lore officially accepted enough to be included in the game either by Frontier Developments themselves or others.
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